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Hr Koohestani, N Baghcheghi, K Rezaei, A Abedi, A Seraji, S Zand,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (19 2011)

مقدمه و اهداف: در اغلب موارد دانشجویان پرستاری در بالین مورد خشونت فیزیکی و کلامی قرار می‌گیرند. اگر چه در مطالعات قبلی خشونت علیه پرستاران مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است ولی با این حال توجه بسیار کمی به بررسی خشونت نسبت به دانشجویان پرستاری شده است. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین شیوع و ابعاد خشونت محل کار نسبت به دانشجویان پرستاری در محیط بالینی است.
روش کار: در این مطالعه توصیفی، 271 دانشجوی پرستاری با روش سرشماری شرکت کردند. اطلاعات با استفاده از پرسشنامه‌ای که با روش اعتبار محتوا و آزمون و آزمون مجدد مورد پایایی و روایی قرار گرفت، جمع‌آوری گردید.
نتایج: به طور کلی به ترتیب 9/74 % و 38/7% از دانشجویان سابقه خشونت کلامی، فیزیکی را در طی سال گذشته داشتند. اکثر خشونت‌های فیزیکی توسط بیماران صورت گرفته بود در حالی که بیشتر خشونت کلامی توسط همراهان بیمار صورت گرفته بود. به ترتیب بیشترین پاسخ به خشونت کلامی و فیزیکی این واکنش بود که "متقابلاً داد و بیداد کردم" و "به مربی یا مافوق خود گزارش دادم". از دیدگاه دانشجویان پرستاری شایع‌ترین عامل مساعدکننده خشونت محل کار، کمبود آگاهی مردم در خصوص وظایف دانشجو در بیمارستان‌ها بود. بین جنس و ترم تحصیلی دانشجویان با خشونت رابطه معنی داری یافت نشد.
دانشجویان پرستاری اغلب در محیط کارآموزی مورد خشونت قرار می‌گیرند. باید راه‌های پیشگیری از خشونت و همچنین نحوه واکنش به خشونت به دانشجویان پرستاری آموزش داده شود و این مباحث در سرفصل درسی دانشجویان پرستاران گنجانده شود.
A Khorrami Rad, M Karami, Z Abedini,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (16 2012)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Background & Objectives: Epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases through the mandatory-reporting system is crucial for disease prevention program and success in it related to physician, partnership. The aim of this study was to identify statues of notification system among general practitioners (physicians) in Qom.
Methods: In this analytical cross section study a self-administered questionnaire was used to assess knowledge and attitude of notifiable diseases, self-reported practices, reasons for noncompliance with reporting requirements, and suggestions to improve compliance. A total 140 general physicians completed the questionnaire. Appropriate statistical analyses were performed.
Results: 14/3% and 13/6% had a good knowledge and attitude about notification and only 47% had good performance. There was significant association between the participants' self-reported practices and knowledge total scores and participating in continuing medical education. The major barrier of reporting notifiable diseases was poor knowledge of the list of reportable diseases and reporting requirements. The most frequent suggestions for improving physicians' compliance with disease reporting were to simplify the reporting process and giving awareness about list of notifiable diseases.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest inappropriate knowledge, attitude and practices about disease notification requirements among GPs. Modifying physisicans' knowledge and motivation, eliminating barriers to disease reporting, and promoting some facilitating factors could help reduce the underreporting of notifiable diseases.

J Bolhari, F Ramezanzadeh, N Abedinia, Mm Naghizadeh, H Pahlavani, Sm Saberi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (20 2012)

Background & Objectives: The aim of this explorative study was to identify influencing factors as main causes of divorce among couples in Tehran
Methods: Three hundred persons from family court of Justice participated from March 2006 to March 2007 in this study. Structured interviews in addition a standard questionnaire were employed.
Results: The results indicated that the most causes were psychological factors (96.3%), socio-cultural factors (87.3%), sex problems (88%), economic factors (80.3%) and violence (84.3%) in participatnts.
Conclusion: Premarital counseling suggested for couples to prevent divorce in Iranian community.

Normal 0

B Behrouz, K Amini, F Shakhniya, A Abedi , N Ghasemi ,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background & Objectives: Peavalu on sage sümptom, mis võib olla tõsine problem iga inimese igas vanuserühmas. Several studies have shown that the prevalence of migraine and tension-type headache (TTH) varied between different geographical regions. Since there is little known about this in the country the current research has been conducted with the aim of estimating the prevalence of these types of migraines, reporting and comparing their clinical characteristics in this region of Iran.
Methods: This study conducted on 1150 admitted patients by first diagnosis of headache in Farabi hospital in Kermanshah during a period of one year from 2010 till 2011. Case definition was based on International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) criteria. Among these, 350 patients were diagnosedd as headache patients and completed the International Headache Schedule form. Data were analyzed by the use of descriptive frequency and percentage SPSS 16 software.
 Results: The results indicate that women were stricken more than men by headache (P<0.0001). Migraine was more prevalent in the age groups of 30-41 that included 54 individual (15.4%). the tension headache was more common among the age group of 42-53 that constitute 58 people (%23.3) of the participants. A significant correlation was also reported between the position and type of the headache (P<0.0001). Findings of this research showed that 20.4% of people with migraine and nearly 9 percent (9%) of persons with tension headaches have lost their job because of their headaches. There is meaningful relation between tension headaches and experience into their second job struggling (P<0.026).
Conclusion: It is concluded that migraine and tension headaches seem two separate diseases and none of them has any effect on the other. Headache requires more attention and it should be, diagnosed and managed appropriately.
Mh Fallah Mehrabadi , Ar Bahonar, F Zaynolabedini Tehrani , M Vasfi Marandi , A Sadrzadeh, Sa Ghafouri, M Meshkat, F Masror,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Vol 10, No 4 2015)

  Background and Objectives : Influenza is an acute, contagious, and zoonotic viral disease. It is caused by a virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. This very infectious is caused by different subtypes of type A influenza virus in the poultry, turkey, and many other birds. In this study, the serum status of rural domestic poultry was investigated for influenza subtype H9N2.

 Methods: This cross sectional study was done from August to October in 2013 in Iranian villages through sampling domestic poultry. The sampling was accidental and was done based on the GIS 11-digit code. In each village, blood samples were taken from at least 28 birds from different species. Then, ELISA was used for screening followed by the HI test. A total of 397 villages and 11546 birds (10145 chickens, 1413 ducks, 397 turkeys, 10 pigeons, and 175 other species) were sampled.

  Results : Three hindered and forty nine (88%) out of 397 villages were positive on ELISA. In addition, 341 villages (86%) were positive and 56 (14%) were negative on the HI test for antibody titers. Also, among the considered variables, weather was a risk factor and the prevalence was significantly lower in villages near the rivers, lagoons and lakes (up to a radius of 3 Km).

  Conclusion: The high seroprevalence of influenza H9N2 in rural domestic poultry indicates that the disease is becoming endemic. As there is no eradication policy for influenza H9N2 in Iran, using effective vaccines can reduce the infection with influenza virus in domestic and rural poultry.

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