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Showing 5 results for Bakhshi

P Yavari, Ma Mosavizadeh, I B Sadrolhefaz, R Khodabakhshi, H Madani, Y Mehrabi,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (25 2006)

Background & Objectives: Breast cancer is a common malignancy in women in many parts of the world. The incidence of breast cancer in Iranian women is growing. Iranian patients are relatively younger than their western counterparts. We conducted a case-control study to determine roles of reproductive factors for breast cancer among women in Iran.
Methods: A hospital based case-control study was conducted in 2004 at a teaching hospital in Tehran, Iran. A total of 303 cases of breast cancer and 303 healthy controls were interviewed. Cases were identified through the oncology department of a university hospital and controls were recruited from other wards or out-patients clinics at the same hospital. Controls were matched to cases on age. Demographic and reproductive data were ascertained by personal interview using a structured questionnaire. Informed consent was obtained from cases and controls. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for breast cancer were derived using logistic regression analysis.
Results: Mean ±SD age of cases and controls was 48.8 ±9.8 and 50.2 ± 11.1 years, respectively (range 24-84). The final model constructed after multivariate analysis indicated that factors such as never being married, menopause, older age at first live birth, parity, use of oral contraceptives, and history of chest X-ray between adolescence and the age of 30 yrs were significantly associated with breast cancer. Variables such as higher education, early age at menarche, abortion, breast feeding and its duration did not constitute significant risk factors.
Conclusions: Marital status, history of chest X-ray between adolescence and the age of 30, number of live births, and age at first live birth, menopause, and oral contraceptive use seem to increase the risk of developing breast cancer among women in Iran.

Ab Mohammadian Hafshejani, H Baradaran, N Sarrafzadegan, M Asadi Lari, A Ramezani, Sh Hosseini, F Allahbakhshi Hafshejani,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (20 2012)

Background & Objectives: Despite decreasing the trend of coronary artery diseases in developed countries and outstanding improvements in clinical management of these patients, case fatality rate after an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remains high in both genders. Identifying predicting factors of short-term survival in patients with AMI may play an important role in reducing mortality in these patients.
Methods: In this cohort study, all patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) admitted to all hospitals in Isfahan, Iran, during 2000-2008 which registered in Isfahan cardiovascular research Institute were analyzed. We used Cox regression models, uni- and multi-variable analysis. 
Results: Within the study period, 8800 AMI patients (73.6% male) were admitted with mean age of 61.85±12.5, and overall 28-day survival of 90.5%. Relative risk (RR) of death for 50-70 years old patients was 2.5 (CI:2-3.1), for over 70 years old RR=5 (CI:4-6.3), for women RR=1.7 (CI:1.5-1.9), for patients who had not received streptokinase RR=0.9 (CI:0.8-1.1), for inferior MI RR=4.2 (CI:2.2-7.8) and for anterior MI, RR was equal to 7.2 (CI:4-13.3).
Conclusion: Recognizing the predicting factors of short-term survival of AMI patients may help health professionals to provide better healthcare services for more at risk patients, i.e. elderly, women and patients with an anterior MI.

S Zare Delavar , E Bakhshi, F Soleimani, A Biglarian,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol 10, No 2 2014)

  Background & Objectives : The identification of risk factors and their interactions is important in medical studies. The aim of this study was to identify the interaction of risk factors of cerebral palsy in 1-6 years-old children with classification regression methods.

  Methods : The data of this cross-sectional study which was conducted on 225 children aged 1-6 years was collected during 2008- 2009. Classification regression methods (classification and regression tree (CART), adapting boosting (AdaBoost), bagging, and C4.5 algorithm) were used to identify interactions between risk factors. Data analysis was carried out with R3.0.1 software.

  Results : The identified interactions of the factors by a) the AdaBoost method were (consanguinity: sex, previous pregnancies: vaginal delivery, consanguinity: sex: preterm, history of the disease: preterm: asphyxia, consanguinity: sex: asphyxia, history of the disease: sex: small size relative to gestational age, neonatal infection: asphyxia: small size relative to gestational age, history of the disease: sex: asphyxia, preterm: asphyxia: vaginal delivery) by b) the bagging method were (consanguinity: asphyxia, consanguinity: preterm: asphyxia), by c) the C4.5 algorithm were (asphyxia: preterm, asphyxia: consanguinity: history of the disease: preterm), and by d) the CART method were (asphyxia: consanguinity). The sensitivity and specificity of the AdaBoost method was better than other methods (0.941±0.029 and 0.951±0.030, respectively).

  Conclusion : The AdaBoost method could better recognize and model potential interactions between risk factors of cerebral palsy.

R Ali Akbari Khoei, E Bakhshi, A Azarkeivan, A Biglarian,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Vol 12, No 3 2016)

Background and Objectives: A small sample size can influence the results of statistical analysis. A reduction in the sample size may happen due to different reasons, such as loss of information, i.e. existing missing value in some variables. This study aimed to apply bootstrap and jackknife resampling methods in survival analysis of thalassemia major patients.

Methods: In this historical cohort study, the data of 296 patients with thalassemia major who were visited at Zafar Clinic, Tehran, from 1994 to 2013 were used. Parametric survival models were used to analyze the data. The log – normal survival model was selected as the best model and then the bootstrap and jackknife resampling algorithms were used for this model. Data analysis was carried out with the STATA 12.0 software.

Results: The results of the resampling methods showed that standard errors decreased and confidence intervals were shortened. In addition, the result of the bootstrap and jackknife resampling methods showed that age group and the relationship of the parents (P<0.001) were significant compared with the log-normal model (P>0.900).

Conclusion: Comparison of the confidence intervals suggests that the jackknife resampling method can be used when the sample size is small.

M Karami, A Doosty Irani, Sj Battaei, L Rafati, M Javaheri, M Kheir Andish , M Farhadi, M Hashemi, K Mozafari, A Akhlagh, M Shojaeian, Ar Maleki, R Rostam Abadi , Sh Torkshavand, M Khodabakhshi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (Vol.16, No.3 2020)

Background and Objectives: Water and foodborne diseases are major causes of mortality worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting an gastroenteritis outbreak in Hamadan county in summer of 2019.
Methods: This study was performed based on the outbreak investigation process. After producing hypotheses based on preliminary field studies, a case-control study was conducted on 45 cases and 45 controls to investigate the factors associated with the outbreak. New cases of the disease were included according to the case definition. A logistic regression model was used to investigate potential risk factors.
Results: A total of 171 people were affected in this outbreak from 25 June 2019 to 01 July 2019. The at-risk population in this outbreak was 3410 individuals. The attack rate was 5.1%. Abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea were the most common symptoms with a prevalence of 77.8%, 73.3% and 68.9%, respectively. The results of the case-control study showed that the consumption of tap and spring/well water increased the odds of disease by 4.63 and 4.13 times compared to boiled water, although these relationships were not statistically significant. The odds of diseases were significantly lower in people aged 30-45 years and 46-85 years compared people aged 15 years old and younger.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the outbreak was related to contaminated water consumption. Therefore, regular monitoring of drinking water status is very important for the local health system.

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