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Showing 10 results for Beigi

A Choobineh, E Solaymani, A Mohammad Beigi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (20 2009)

Background & Objectives: Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) seen more in workers of manufacturing industry than others. This study was, therefore, conducted to determine prevalence rate of WMSDs symptoms among workers of a metal manufacturing industry in Shiraz.
Methods: In this study, nearly 50% of workers of the production units were randomly selected from corresponding list of each unit. Totally, 156 workers participated in this study. A self-administrated questionnaire was used to collect required data. T-test and Chi-square tests were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that WMSDs occurred in considerable rate among the workers such that 76.9% of the workers studied suffered from some kind of symptoms during the last 12 months. The highest prevalence was reported in the lower back (54.5%) and knees (42.9%). Machine operators and welders reported the highest rate of symptoms. Statistical analyses revealed significant association between age, height, work tenure, weekly work hours, smoking, shift work and the symptoms (P<0.05).
Conclusions: WMSDs symptoms occurrence was prevalent among workers of this industry. To prevent WMSDs symptoms, more attention should be paid to working conditions of the machine operators and the welders, and risk factors for back and knee regions should be reduced.
A Mohammadbeigi, J Hassanzadeh, B Eshrati, N Mohammadsalehi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Vol 9, No 2, Summer 2013 2013)

Background and Objectives: Inequity in health is a universal term which used for showing current differences, variations and inequalities of people in access to health. But inequality in health refers to some inequities which seems are unfair or caused by some errors and biases. The current study aimed to describe some of the common health related inequity measures to be useful for the inequity researchers and other interested health coworkers.
Methods: The calculation, advantage and disadvantage of most common health-inequity indexes including slope index of inequity, relative index of inequality, Theil’s Index, mean log deviation, index of disparity, Gini coefficient, weighted utilization social welfare function, absolute and relative concentration index were assessed. Inequity size of these measures was calculated by using the health care utilization survey data.
Results: Average of health care utilization in in-need subjects was 66.4%. This indicator was in the first to fifth quintiles equal to 57.6%, 63.4%, 71.6%, 69.5% and 75.3%, respectively. Relative concentration index and Gini coefficient was calculated as 0.053 and 0.0062, respectively.
Conclusion: Inequity in health care utilization in Markazi province differs based on the types of inequity measures. Selection of the inequity indexes dependent to the objective and the scale of under study variable. Among discussed indexes, concentration index determine the more accurate and also show the gradient of inequity. Therefore it can be used as the best index.
Ar Soltanian, M Mirfakhraei , H Mahjub, A Moghimbeigi, Sh Akhondzadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol 10, No 2 2014)

Background & Objectives: The standard methods for the comparison of two drugs in a randomized controlled clinical trial in the presence of non-compliance are intention-to-treat or per-protocol approaches. Both approaches have problems with estimation of drug effects, and researchers are not still certain to adopt which one. In this study, the bias of intention-to-treat and per-protocol approaches was calculated using Monte-Carlo simulation. We tried to choose the best approach (based on the AIC index) for comparing Risperidone plus Celecoxib and Risperidone plus Placebo.

Methods: This secondary study was conducted to compare the effect of Risperidone plus Celecoxib and Risperidone plus Placebo among 60 schizophrenic patients. To choose between the intention-to-treat and per-protocol approaches, Monte-Carlo simulation with Ackaike (AIC) and Baysian (BIC) indices was used.

Results: The results of Monte-Carlo simulation showed that when the sample size was small (n=30 or n=60) under fixed conditions of non-compliance equal to 5% and 10%, intention-to-treat had a better goodness of fit than per-protocol based on AIC and BIC. However, increasing the sample size in active and placebo groups (e.g., n=100) showed that per-protocol had a better goodness of fit than intention-to-treat.

Conclusion: When the sample size is large, the per-protocol approach may have a better goodness of fit than intention-to-treat to address the effects of non-compliance in randomized clinical trials.

Sh Rimaz, M Dastoorpoor, S Vesali Azar Shorbeyani, N Saiepour, Z Beigi, S Nedjat,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol 10, No 2 2014)

  Background & Objectives: Households governed by women have become an important phenomenon worldwide in the second half of the twentieth century. The study of female-headed households shows that this vulnerable social group faces many financial, physical, mental, and emotional problems and experiences stress and anxiety more than men-headed households. This study aimed to determine the quality of life in these households supported by District 9 of Tehran Municipality.

  Methods: This cross- sectional study was performed on female-headed households supported by District 9 of Tehran municipality during 14 months. Data collection tools included a demographic questionnaire, the Iranian version of World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF-BREF). The data was analyzed using SPSS software version 16 and descriptive- analytic tests such as mean, standard deviation, and a multiple regression analysis. The significance level in this study was considered α < 5% .

  Results : The mean age of the participants was 50.8 ± 13.8 years, and the majority of the female-headed households were unemployed (71.1 %). The findings in the four domains of quality of life showed that the domains of environment health and social relation received the lowest (9.87) and the highest (12.61) score, respectively. Using multiple regression models, it was shown that the only variables that affected the overall quality of life were age (P< 0.013) and current disease (P< 0.001).

  Conclusion : Findings demonstrated that the authorities should consider planning for effective interventions to improve the quality of life in this vulnerable group of society.

N Mohammadsalehi, K Holakouie Naieni , B Eshrati, A Mohammadbeigi, E Ahmadnezhad, Sh Arsangjang,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Vol 14, No 1, 2018)

Background and Objectives: Cholera is one of the public health ththat has received attention due to climate change and weather variables. In the current study, the trend of cholera and its epidemics was assessed in the last 50 years in Iran based on climatic variables.
Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, all cholera cases and epidemics of the disease in the country (Iran) were assessed using the registry system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control in the Ministry of Health and Medical education (MOH&ME) from 1964 to 2014. Furthermore, the incidence of cholera was evaluated in 2005-2014 by province. The temperature and rainfall data were obtained from the provincial Meteorological Organization. The correlation coefficient test and mixed-effects binomial regression model were used for data analysis.
Results: A significant positive correlation was found between cholera and rainfall (r = 0.168, P = 0.008). A one-millimeter increase in rainfall increased the incidence of cholera by 10.9% but temperature changes had no effect on cholera outbreaks. The incidence of cholera declined significantly by 14.7% each year from 2005 to 2014. The highest incidence of cholera was reported in Sistan-Baluchestan, Qom, Tehran, Kerman and Hormozgan provinces in a descending order.
Conclusion: In recent years, the the overall incidence of cholera has decreased. The occurrence of cholera is an outcome of rainfall in the previous year. Therefore, increased rainfall increases the number of cholera cases in the next year. However, temperature changes are not related to cholera outbreaks.
Am Mosadeghrad, A Pour Reza , N Abolhasan Beigi Galezan , Sh Shahebrahimi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (Vol.14, No.4, 2019)

Background and Objectives: Human Development Index (HDI) is an important indicator of a country’s development. On the other hand, mortality indicators are the most important indicators of the health of a society. This study aimed to examine the association between HDI and maternal, neonatal, infant, and under-five mortality rates in Iran between 2005 and 2016.
Methods: This longitudinal study was conducted using data collected from Iran Statistics Center, World Health Organization, and United Nations Development Program. SPSS software version 22 was used for data analysis. Pearson correlation test was applied to examine the correlation between HDI and mortality rates. Regression analysis was used to measure the effect of HDI on mortality rates.
Results: HDI increased from 0.690 in 2005 to 0.774 in 2016 (12% rise). Maternal, neonatal, infant, and under-five mortality rates decreased by 26, 41, 52, and 42% in 2016 compared to 2005, respectively. HDI had a significant indirect association with maternal (-0.973), neonatal (-0.983), infant (-0.739), and under-five mortality (-0.987). An increase of 0.01 in HDI reduced 1 maternal death per 100,000 births. An increase of 0.014, 0.009, and 0.008 in HDI decreased one neonatal, infant, and under-five death per 1000 births.
Conclusion: The results showed that increased HDI correlated with decreased mortality rates. Therefore, policy-makers should pay more attention to socio
L Khazaei, S Khodakarim, A Mohammadbeigi , A Alipour,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Vol.15, No.2 2019)

Background and Objectives: an important problem challenging cesarean section is its extensive use as a common method of delivery. Due to the growing trend of cesarean section in Iran in recent years, the natural delivery promotion program was implemented as one the programs incorporated in the Health System Reform Plan in 2014. In this study, the trend of changes in the percentage of CS delivery in Qom Province following the implementation of this program was evaluated.
Methods: This trend analysis that was performed in all cesarean deliveries in Qom Province from 2005 to 2018 using a joinpoint regression method.
Results: These results showed an annual increase of0.4% in the CS percentage 95% CI: -0.5 to  1.2), which was not statistically significant. A significant decrease was observed in the rate of CS in governmental hospitals. Conversely, in non-governmental hospitals, the percentage of CS increased significantly.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, after more than 3 years of implementation of health sector evolution plan, overall implementation of this plan failed to significantly reduce the overall process of cesarean delivery during this period in Qom province and achieve the predetermined goals.
Mohsen Mahdinia, Seyyed Hassan Adeli, Hamidreza Heidari, Abolfazl Mohammadbeigi, Mohammadreza Khaksar, Ahmad Soltanzadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (Vol 17,No.2, Summer 2021 2021)

Background and Objectives: Pulmonary consequences of exposure to low concentrations of ammonia have been less studied. The purpose of this study was to model the pulmonary consequences of exposure to low concentrations of ammonia.
Methods: This historical cohort study was conducted in the fertilizer industries in 2019. The participants were divided into two groups of exposed (n=98) and non-exposed (n=105). The exposure level, pulmonary symptoms, and pulmonary function parameters were assessed using the NMAM 6016 and American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory society (ATS&ERS) protocols. Data analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS v. 22.0, and multivariate linear and logistic regression models.
Results: The ammonia exposure level was 4.80±1.54 ppm in the exposed group. There was no significant difference in most of the individual variables between the two groups (P>0.05). The frequency of all pulmonary symptoms was significantly higher in the exposed group compared to the non-exposed group (P<0.05). The highest prevalence of pulmonary symptoms in the exposed group was for cough (25.51%), wheezing (19.39%) and shortness of breath (18.37%). All lung function parameters were significantly lower in the exposed group versus the non-exposed group (P<0.05). The values of lung function parameters in the exposed group including FVC, FEV1 and FEV1 / FVC were 86.0%, 82.47% and 81.97%, respectively. Regression modeling results showed that ammonia exposure had a significant relationship with all pulmonary symptoms and lung function parameters (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The findings indicated that exposure to low concentrations of ammonia should be considered as a major risk factor in the prevalence of pulmonary symptoms and reduced lung function parameters.
Sa Hashemi, K Holakoui-Naeini, Ma Mansournia, R Akrami, M Nomali, T Valadbeigi, V Mennati, Ha Adineh, Mr Taghavi, M Ghafouri, S Poorbarat, A Hoseinzadeh, M Farahdel, Mr Armat, M Haresabadi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (Vol 17,No.3, Atumn 2021 2021)

Background and Objectives: COVID-19 is a new disease and little information is available on its risk factors. The aim of this study was to determine the mortality risk factors in patients with COVID-19 in the northeast of Iran.  
Materials and Methods: A case-control study was conducted. Patients of both sexes with a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19 infection who died during the study were studied as the case group and patients who were in good general health and ready for discharge were studied as the control group. Data analysis was performed with the STATA software version 14 using descriptive statistics and univariate and multiple logistic regression tests.
Results: Six hundred and eleven patients were studied (27% cases and 73% controls). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the odds of death were 2.8 times higher in patients over 80 years compared to patients aged 50-60 years. In addition, age under 40 years reduced the odds of mortality by 85% and living in rural areas increased odds of death by 2.2 times. Cough, general fatigue, pain, nausea and vomiting increased the odds of COVID19 survival.
Conclusion: The odds of mortality were higher in elder patients with COVID-19. In addition, living in rural areas increased the odds of mortality in patients. Cough and fatigue reduced mortality; however, it is needed to address other hidden factors for sound judgment.
A Naghi Pour, A Moghimbeigi, N Shirmohamadi, A Soltanian, S Khazaei, Sh Nick Ceiar,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Vol.17, No.4, Winter 2022 2022)

Background and Objectives: Breast cancer has the highest incidence in the Iranian women.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. All female with breast cancer during 2008-2015 were enrolled. Breast cancer registration is based on the pathology method in Iran. The information about female with breast cancer was collected from their files in the cancer registry department of Hamadan Health Center. The samples were divided into four groups according to age (<50 and> 50) and location (city, village). GeoBUGS was used to generate a map of high-risk areas in Hamedan Province based on the adjusted relative risk estimate (RR*) in OpenBUGS v 3.2.3 software.

Results: This study included 1316 females with breast cancer. The mean age of the patients was 50.38±12.98 years. The results of the study showed that high-risk areas of breast cancer for were Assadabad urban females aged over 50 years (RR*(i)=1.32, CI= 0.99,1.79) and Tuyserkan (RR*(i)=1.09, CI= 1.08,1.38) and Razan (RR*(i)=1.09, CI= 0.85,1.40) for females below 50 years. In addition, Razan for rural females over 50 years old (RR*(i)=1.18, CI=0.82,1.73) and Malayer for females below 50 years old (RR*(i)=1.08, CI= 0.81,1.45) were high risk areas for breast cancer in Hamadan Province.

Conclusion: The distribution of breast cancer is different at different ages and in the cities of Hamadan Province. Asadabad, Tuyserkan, Razan and Malayer were high risk areas for breast cancer in Hamadan Province.

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