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Showing 3 results for Holakouie Naeini

K Holakouie Naeini, A Moradi, F Pourmalek, S.r Majdzadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3 2005)

Background and Objectives: The campaign to eliminate measles and rubella (MR) is one of the most important current health projects in Iran. One of the basic requirements of this program is the creation of an efficient system for collecting data on MR morbidity and mortality, people's knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding MR prevention, and people's participation in the eradication drive. The present study was done to assess people's knowledge, attitude and practice in relation to the current anti-MR campaign.
Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional study was carried out fur months after the mass (anti-MR campaign (performed in May 2004). The target population included at the people aged 20-25y who lived in areas covered by Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. The calculated sample size was 384, using a 2-stage sampling procedure. We used X2 tests, odds ratios and confidence intervals to detect relationships between various categorical variables. We also performed Cronbach's alpha test to assess questionnaire reliability, and principal component analysis to ensure construct validity.
Results: Data were collected on 390 individuals. The percentages of people with an acceptable level of knowledge, attitude and practice were 63.3%, 53.6% and 93.1% respectively. After controlling for confounders in a logistic regression model, it became apparent that knowledge concerning the mass immunization campaign was related to the individual's own education and that of his/her mother. Attitude was found to be affected by factors such as education, marital status and the family's main income level. The practice component, on the other hand, was not significantly related to any of the variables included in this study.
Conclusion: The positive achievements of this program should be used in planning any future immunization campaigns. Particular attention should be paid to factors that affect overall coverage. These include human resources, equipment, vaccines and other materials, service uality, the cold chain, information provided to the public, and people's as well as providers' knowledge of the immunization program, the target diseases (s) and the vaccines.

A.a Keshtkar, Mj Kabir, S Asghari, S Nedjat, A Etemadi, R Heshmat, Y Kanani, K Holakouie Naeini,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3 2005)

Background and Objectives: Noise-induced hearing loss is a prevalent work-related morbidity in the country. We determined the strength of association between hearing loss and occupational noise exposure as the first step in prevention programs.
Material and Methods: A historical cohort study involving 100 exposed and 31 non-exposed subjects was conducted. Noise exposure was estimated using sound level meter BSEN 60651, Type 2. Past noise exposure was estimated using the existing data on the place and type of work. Audiometry was used to assess hearing loss in each subject in 3- year intervals on an occupational cohort from 1993-2004.

Results: Noise-induced hearing loss was found in 49% (49 subjects) of the exposed group and 9.7 %( 3 subjects) of non-exposed group (p<.0001). Nobody used any form of hearing protection routinely in either group. Relative risk for noise-induced hearing loss was 5.1(CI95%: 1.7- 15.1).Time at risk was estimated 24.9 years (22.7-27.1) in exposed and 22.2 years (20.7-23.7) in unexposed group by survival analysis.
Conclusion: More legislation, hearing conservation programs, and surveillance and biological monitoring of work sites and workers are required to prevent occupational hearing loss. Planning strategies for noise assessment and control can help improve the work environment. Gross occupational exposure to noise has been demonstrated to cause hearing loss and the authors believe that occupational hearing loss in the country is a widespread problem.

S Zaeri, S Asgharzadeh, M Zaeri, K Holakouie Naeini , A Rahimi Foroushani ,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background & Objectives: The world population is growing old. The rising proportion of the elderly is creating new health care challenges in the current century. This study aimed to determine the quality of life and the associated factors in the elderly population of Azerbaijan district in the city of Tehran, Iran.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 287 elderly persons aged 60 and older. Participants were selected through systemic random sampling. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire, the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) questionnaire, and a questionnaire for demographic characteristics were used for data collection. Each domain was given a score between 0 to100 based on the WHO manual. The final variables were determined in a multivariate linear regression model using SPSS16.

Results: The mean score of the 4 domains of quality of life (physical, psychological, environmental, and social health) of the elderly population living in Azerbaijan district was 58.41, 53.13, 59.53, and 42.82, respectively.

Conclusion: A variety of correlates affect the quality of life of the elderly. Recognizing and considering these factors are important for planning more effective programs for the elderly and empowering them.

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