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T Kazemi, Gh Sharifzadeh, F Hosseinaii,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (20 2009)

Background & Objectives: Recognition of epidemiology of acute myocardial infraction (AMI) in every region could be a need for design the programs for prevention of AMI. In this study we assessed the epidemiology of changes in AMI from 2002-2006 in Birjand(east of Iran).
Methods: All of the patients which hospitalized by AMI diagnosis from 2002-2006 years, included in this study. We compared mean of age, gender, location of living, medications used, condition at discharge and cardiac risk factors in this period.
Results: From 1233 patients, 880 were male (71.4%). Overall, mean age of patients was 62/2±12/8 years and in five years was increased (from 61.7±13/2 in 2002 to 63.5±12/4 in 2006 & p=0.37). The most risk factors in patients were: Hypertension (HTN) (34/8%) ,cigarette smoking (32/1%) & dyslipidemia (24%). These risk factors did not show any significantly changes during 5 years. But the the prevalence of HTN (30/9% in 2002 to 38% in 2006, p=0/62) and DM (15/5% in 2002 to 21% in 2006, p=0/23) raised. Cardiac drugs use tended to increase during 5 years, however only this increase about STK & Statin was statistically significant. The hospital mortality rate was decreased in 5 years (11.3%) but it was not statistically significant (p= 0.48).
Conclusions: Regarding the accelerating the rate of AMI, designing an appropriate prograrme for prevention and modifying cardiac risk factors is recommended.

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