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Showing 21 results for Khosravi

A Khosravi, H Ebrahimi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (20 2008)

Background & Objectives: Trauma database in the form of a registry can provide necessary information for monitoring and modifying trauma care. These databases can be collected based on trauma and injury severity score (TRISS) method. The injury severity score (ISS) is based on an anatomic severity classification of injury called abbreviated injury scale (AIS). TRISS determines the probability of survival of patient from the ISS and revised trauma score (RTS). RTS is a physiological scoring system that consists of GCS, systolic blood pressure and respiratory rate. Our aim was to report trauma outcome based on TRISS method and compare the outcome with the registry data from major trauma outcome study (MTOS).
 Methods: All trauma patients admitted between 1 April 2004 to 30 September 2005 with ISS> 10 were evaluated by TRISS method according to medical records, CT scan, sonography and surgical records. We used W and Z statistic to evaluate match of injury severity between our patients and MTOS database.
 Results: From the 220 patients studied, there were 174 (79.1%) males and 46 (20.9%) females and their mean age was 30.2 and 40.2, respectively. Blunt injury accounted for 9.1% patients, and 66.4% were admitted in ICU. Traffic accidents were the main cause of trauma (80%). There were 47 deaths, but the expected and predicted number of deaths should have been 35 and 38 according to MTOS norms. The average probability of survival (Ps) was 82.7%. W statistic was calculated as -4 with a Z score of 0.11.
Conclusion: In our hospital, 4 deaths more than the MTOS database per 100 injured patients had occurred, and there was no other significant difference between our findings with the MTOS. In addition, the use of this model would be suitable for patient care in of pre-hospital, in-hospital and between hospital settings.
R Nosratabadi , E Saneimoghadam , M Arababadi, S Khosravi , Gh Hassanshahi , R Vazirinegad ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (22 2009)

Background and Objectives: Anaphylactic reaction is one of the most important transfusion anaphylactic reactions in medicine. During transfusion if Individuals with IgA deficiency take blood which containing IgA, they would suffer from severe allergic reaction. Since there is a little known about this in different ethnic groups in Iran we have decided to evaluate this issue in Sistan & Baluchestan province in Iran. Methods: During one year, blood samples were collected from 3837 volunteer blood donors. Then the serum samples were tested for IgA titer by nephlometry and SRID techniques.
Results: According to our results only, one donor (0.026%) was found to have IgA less than 5mg/dl and 34(0.9%) cases had IgA: 5-30 mg/dl while 3798(99%) had IgA more than 30mg/dl.
Conclusions: With regards to very low prevalence of IgA deficiency in blood donors in Southeast part of Iran, it seems that anaphylactic reactions most likely be due to other factors in the individuals that receive blood products.
S Akbarpour, N Jafari, A Khosravi, H Soori,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (19 2011)

Background & Objectives: Drowning is a major and serious public health problem in the northern provinces of Iran. It has significant opportunities for prevention. The aim of this study was to review the epidemiological pattern and burden of drowning in northern area f Iran.
Methods: To examine the incidence and characteristics of drowning in recreational water settings, we analyzed all available data from death registry in 2008 year in Mazandaran and Gilan provinces, located in north of Iran, through a retrospective study. Collective form was based on standard World Health Organization and then the burden of drowning was calculated.
Results: During 2008, 158 indigenous (88.6% male and 11.4% female) people from these provinces died due to drowning. The mean age of the drowned was 26.4 (SD=16.2) years. The drowning death rate was 2.9 per 100,000 population in two provinces. Most of cases (85.4%) of drowning occurred in sea and majority of death was in August (29.7 percent). Number of years lost was 4110 equivalent of 76.1 per 100,000 respectively. Most DALYs was seen to age group 10-19 years.
Conclusion: It is highly recommended the findings of this project should be considered for any future preventive plan by health authorizes in those provinces.
N Mahdavi, M Movahedi, A Khosravi, Y Mehrabi, M Karami, ,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (17 2012)

Background and Objectives: Due to the importance of mortality statistics for planning, setting priorities and equal allocation of health services in population it is essential to assess quality of reporting mortality data in health systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the completeness and accuracy of the Iranian Vital Horoscope reports for maternal and the under-five mortality (U5M) in rural areas through its comparison with other data sources in Iran.
Methods: The mortality data of Vital Horoscope reported from 30 selected cities over country was compared with the related data obtained from other data sources including Vital Horoscope's Fieldwork reports, Death Registration System and Maternal Mortality Surveillance System of Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Results: Overall completeness of Vital Horoscope's Fieldwork reports for U5M in rural areas was about % 62.1. In terms of cause of death in children under-five,estimated sensitivity values were % 47.2 (95% CI: 22.9-72.2), % 66.6(95% CI: 22.7-95.7),  %78.2 (95% CI: 64.3-89.3)for respiratory infections, diarrhea and vomiting, and injuries-burning and poisoning respectively. The vital horoscope reports had 12.5% misclassification in determining the cause of maternal death.
Conclusion: Our findings indicate the Vital Horoscope's data might need some corrections because of underestimating of the mortality indicators. The comparison of this source with Death Registration System report for causes of death in children under-five (reported by Vital Horoscope) suggests that the vital horoscope might have suboptimal quality.

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N Mahdavi, M Movahedi, A Khosravi, Y Mehrabi, M Karami,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (17 2012)

Background and Objectives: Due to the importance of mortality statistics for planning, setting priorities and equal allocation of health services in population it is essential to assess quality of reporting mortality data in health systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the completeness and accuracy of the Iranian Vital Horoscope reports for maternal and the under-five mortality (U5M) in rural areas through its comparison with other data sources in Iran.

 Methods: The mortality data of Vital Horoscope reported from 30 selected cities over country was compared with the related data obtained from other data sources including Vital Horoscope's Fieldwork reports, Death Registration System and Maternal Mortality Surveillance System of Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

 Results: Overall completeness of Vital Horoscope's Fieldwork reports for U5M in rural areas was about % 62.1. In terms of cause of death in children under-five,estimated sensitivity values were % 47.2 (95% CI: 22.9-72.2), % 66.6(95% CI: 22.7-95.7), %78.2 (95% CI: 64.3-89.3)for respiratory infections, diarrhea and vomiting, and injuries-burning and poisoning respectively. The vital horoscope reports had 12.5% misclassification in determining the cause of maternal death.

 Conclusion: Our findings indicate the Vital Horoscope's data might need some corrections because of underestimating of the mortality indicators. The comparison of this source with Death Registration System report for causes of death in children under-five (reported by Vital Horoscope) suggests that the vital horoscope might have suboptimal quality.

M Karami, F Khosravi Shadmani , F Najafi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (17 2012)

Background & Objectives: Knowledge of the magnitude of attributable burden of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) due to diabetes is necessary for health policy, priority setting and preventing CVD deaths. Our study aimed at estimating the attribute of proportion of diabetes to the burden of cardiovascular diseases in Kermanshah, West of Iran.

Methods: World Health Organization Comparative Risk Assessment methodology was used to calculating Potential Impact Fraction (PIF). Data on the Prevalence of newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus (People who have fasting plasma glucose (FPG) equal or greater than 126 mg/dl) were obtained from 3rd Iranian surveillance of risk factors of non- communicable diseases and data on corresponding measures of effect were derived from a national- specific study with age and multivariate adjusted hazard ratios.

Results: Based on multivariate- adjusted hazard ratios, by reducing the percent of women with diabetes from 8.1 percent to the zero level and the feasible minimum risk level i.e. 4 percent, 11.2% and 5.7% of attributable Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) to CVD are avoidable, respectively. The corresponding value for men at the theoretical (zero level) and feasible minimum risk level (3 percent) were 5.6% and 2.9%, respectively.

Conclusion: To better planning, decision making and priority setting, PIF should be applied to updated and revised burden of CVDs in Iranian Health system.

F Khosravi Shadmani , H Soori, M Karmi, F Zayeri, Mr Mehmandar,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (9 2013)

Background & Objectives: In the chain of vehicles, human and environment, the human factors are the most complex element in the causes of road traffic injuries (RTIs). Unauthorized speeding and overtaking are considered as the main human factors resulting RTIs. This study estimated the population attributablefraction of two human factors, the most common risk factors of rural roads, of RTIs.
 Methods: To calculate the population attributable risk, the prevalence of unauthorized speeding and overtaking registered in Police data was employed. Effect size related to odds ratio was employed using Logistic regression. Joint effect of related risk factors also calculated and reported. Dasta were taken from national traffic police using the KAM 114 froms.
Results: The percentage of population attributable risk of unauthorized speeding for deaths at crash scene was 20.9 and for injured cases was 16.6. These values were 13.5 and 13.4 for unauthorized overtaking respectively. Corresponding for joint effects the population attributable risk was 31.6 for deaths and 27.8 for injuries.
 Conclusion: The results illustrate the importance of speed control and unauthorized overtaking as a priority of RTIs in Iran. It is recommended that related laws and legislations should be pursued more seriously, and followed by more effectively.
M Koosheshi, A Khosravi, M Sasani Pour , S Asadi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background & Objectives: The recent researches on mortality in Iran in the past 3 decades have obviously emphasized cardiovascular diseases, unintentional injuries, and neoplasms as the most important causes of shortening Iranian’s lives. We investigated the role of these major causes on the mortality patterns in Fars in 2006.
 Methods: The number of registered deaths by age and sex and the distribution of death by cause in Fars in 2006 were derived from the Death Register System of Ministry of Health (MoH). We used the 2006 census to obtain the information on the population exposed to death. The mortality of the people over 5 years of age was estimated and corrected using the Brass Growth Balance method. The mortality rate of the children under the age of 5 was estimated by indirect methods and the data were analyzed using the multi-decrement life table.
 Results: Life expectancy was 70.3 years in Fars, about 69 years in males and 72 years in females, in 2006. The results showed that 3 main causes of death were responsible for reducing life expectancy of about 11 years in men and women in Fars. Detailed results revealed that cardiovascular diseases and unintentional injuries played more important roles in the decrease. Unintentional injuries plays more major role in decreasing life expectancy in males than females.
Conclusion: Special attention should be paid to the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in both genders and unintentional injuries in males in Fars to reduce the mortality level and increase the life expectancy.
A Mahmoudlou, P Yavari, F Abolhasani, A Khosravi, R Ramazani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer, as the third common cancer, is one of the main health problems in Iran. We assessed the burden of colorectal cancer, as one of the high-priority indices, in this cross-sectional study in Iran in 2008.

Methods: CANMOD software was used for calculation. The input data included the population of Iran, all-cause and colorectal cancer mortality rates, and incidence rate of colorectal cancer, which were all obtained from the Iran Statistic Center, Mortality Registry System, and Cancer Registry System.

 Results: The total burden of colorectal cancer according to DALY in Iran in 2008 was 52534 years in the total population. Years of lost life (YLL) amongst males and females were 26455 and 19887 years, respectively. Years lived with disability (YLD) were 3473 and 2719 years for males and females, respectively. The burden of colorectal cancer per 1000 population was 75.4 years for males and 65.7 years for females. The peak age of colorectal cancer burden rate was in the age group 45-79 years.

 Conclusion: The burden of the colorectal cancer in Iran has increased compared to the last study (2003) which is due to the increase in its incidence and the related mortality during this period. Due to the possibility of prevention and effective intervention, this cancer should be a priority in the health care system. However, the final judgment should be made after calculation of the burden of other cancers, diseases, and damages at the country level and their respective rankings.

F Khosravi Shadmani , H Soori, M Karami, F Zayeri,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Vol 10, No 1 2014)

  Background & Objectives : World Health Organization has recommended the main strategies for the prevention of road traffic injuries on some of the risk factors. This study aimed to prioritize the preventive interventions according to risk factors of road traffic injuries in Iran.

  Methods: The potential impact fraction (PIF) of the main strategies for prevention was analyzed from national traffic police data registry in 2011 in urban and rural roads. PIF was calculated for risk factors of road traffic injuries and joint effect at three counterfactual distributions: theoretical minimum risk level, plausible minimum risk level, and feasible minimum risk level. The priority setting of preventive intervention was performed based on contribution of each risk factor.

  Results : Based on the potential impact fraction of death (PIF calculated using odds ratio of death) the priorities were as follows in order: wearing a helmet by the motorcycle passenger, wearing a helmet by motorcycle rider, and lack of speed management. Risk factors in this study were more important in urban roads and joint effects of risk factors were close to 100 percent

  Conclusion: It is strongly recommended that future interventions focus on the use of the helmet by motorcycle passengers and riders, the use of the seat belt by the passengers, and speed management. Our findings indicated that laws and legislations should be pursued more seriously. Calculation of the potential impact fraction is better than the population attributable fraction and allows for more accurate prediction of the future.

T Rezagholi, P Yavari, F Abolhasani, K Etemad, A Khosravi, Ss Hashemi Nazari , A Mahmoudlou,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Vol 10, No 4 2015)

  Background and Objectives : Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among Iranian women. The peak age of breast cancer in Iran is one decade lower than the global estimates. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to estimate the burden of breast cancer in Iranian women in the country level.

 Methods: In this study, the CANMOD software was used for the calculation of DALYs as the sum of YLL and YLD. The required data was the population of the Iranian women, mortality due to breast cancer, incidence cases of breast cancer, and mean time of the stages of breast cancer that was obtained from the Mortality Registry System, Cancer Registry System, and expert panel views .

  Results : In this study, the total burden of breast cancer in Iranian women was 75811 years in 2009. Moreover, the years of life lost (YLL) was 54938 years while years lived with disability (YLD) was estimated 20873 years. The rate of DALYs per 100000 female population was 220.9 years. The peak age of breast cancer burden was in the age group 45-59 years. The incidence to mortality ratio was 3/2.

  Conclusion: The incidence rate, mortality rate, and the burden of breast cancer in Iranian women increased in 2009 when compared to a previous study in 2003. The findings of this study may provide Iranian health managers with some information on the determinants of the burden of breast cancer in order to design preventive measures as well as screening programs for early detection of breast cancer.

R Ghahremani, P Yavari, S Khodakarim, K Etemad, A Khosravi, R Ramezani Daryasari, Ma Pour Hossein Gholi ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (Vol 11, No.4, Winter 2016 2016)

Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death worldwide.  Annually 1430000 cases would be diagnosed and half of these people would die of the disease. In Iran, colorectal cancer is the fifth common cancer among men and is the thirdamong women. This study was designed to estimate survival rates for patients with colorectal cancer and related factors.  

Methods: During the 1384 to 1388 years 24,807 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer were recorded in the Cancer Registry of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, place of residence, tumor diagnosis, the clinical and demographic factors in colorectal cancer as effective on survival entered in Aalen’s additive hazard model and diagram Aalen's was used to study the effects of these factors over time. R 3.2.0 software was used for data analysis.

Results: Stage of tumor had a significant association with survival rates. In this study 1 to 5 year survival rate for patients with stage II tumors, was 100%, 98%, 96%, 93% and 93% respectively and for patients with stage III tumors 99%, 97%, 94%, 90% and 84%, respectively.

Conclusion: In spite of using Cox model in survival analysis by many researchers, Aalen’s model may yield new insights in prognostic studies of survival time of patients with colorectal cancer over time. Our results suggest that early detection of patients in primary stage is important to increase survival.

S Aghamohammadi , E Kazemi, A Khosravi, H Kazemeini ,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Vol.12, No.4 2017)

Background and Objectives: By identifying the causes of death, interventions can be designed and implemented to reduce the risk factors of different diseases. The aim of this study is to determine the trend of ten leading causes of death in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2011.

Methods: The study population comprised all deaths recorded in the death registration system of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) from 2006 to 2011. The data related to causes of death reviewed and modified in terms of quality, underreporting of deaths, and garbage codes using the Global Burden of Disease study methods. Finally, the data were analyzed by sex and age groups.

Results: The leading causes of death were cardiovascular diseases (46.12%), cancers and tumors (13.63%) and unintentional injuries (11.55%) in 2011. The 10 leading causes of death in the general population were myocardial infarction, stroke, transportation-related accidents; blood pressure induced heart disease, other cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic pulmonary and bronchial diseases, gastric cancer, other heart diseases and renal failure.

Conclusion: Deaths from non-communicable diseases still account for a large proportion of total deaths. According to the Heath System Reform Plan in Iran and the need for new interventions, it is very important to register the exact causes of death to design service packages and also evaluate the success rate of ongoing interventions.

V Yazdi Feyzabadi , Mh Mehrolhassani, S Khosravi,
Volume 13, Issue 0 (Vol.13, (Special Issue) 2018)

Background and Objectives: One of the issues affecting the health sector is the presence of regional inequalities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the trend of inequality in the distribution of human resources and health facilities in the health sector of Iran.
Methods: In this study, inequality in the distribution of human resources and health facilities in the health sector was assessed using the Gini coefficient in 2006, 2011, and 2015. The variables included human resources (6 indicators) and health facilities (10 indicators). Data were collected from the Statistical Center of Iran and the Statistics and Information Technology office of the Ministry of Health. For a Gini coefficient less than 0.35, 0.35-0.5, 0.5-0.6, more than 0.6 indicated relatively balanced inequality, relatively unequal inequality, high inequality, and very high inequality, respectively.
Results: The maximum Gini coefficient belonged to radiographic centers (0.61) and the minimum was Behvarz (0.23). In human resources indicators, inequality decreased over the study years from 0.57 to 0.27. However, inequality showed a slight increase in Behvarzes from 0.24 to 0.26. Among the facilities indicators, the Gini coefficient of urban health centers, health care facilities, beds, and radiology centers decreased from 0.45 to 0.31, whereas other indicators had an increasing trend from 0.24 to 0.59. In the private sector, there was a high inequality (0.5 to 0.61).
Conclusion: Eliminating inequalities in the distribution of health sector resources can help to improve justice in health outcomes. Therefore, policymakers should be pay more attention to eliminating inequalities.
V Yazdi Feyzabadi , Mh Mehrolhassani, M Emami, S Khosravi,
Volume 13, Issue 0 (Vol.13, (Special Issue) 2018)

The human approach to health and identification of the factors affecting it over time has changed. Understanding these approaches is helpful in promoting policymaking and good governance can be helpful in the health sector. Biomedical, psychological, health promotion, health determinants, health in all policies and one health are the most important health approaches that have emerged in different years in order. Each of these approaches has many challenges and strengths. Documents and studies show that although these health approaches have been inconsistently addressed in Iran, no specific doctrine has been define to guide the health policies. Therefore, in practice, what seems to be that a biomedical approach to health is the dominant approach in Iran's health system.
E Goodarzi, Gh Moradi, A Khosravi, N Esmailnasab, B Nouri, A Delpisheh, E Ghaderi, D Roshani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (Vol.14, No.2, 2018)

Background and Objectives: Life satisfaction is one of the important dimensions of health, which is influenced by health determinants. The aim of this study was to investigate the status of socioeconomic inequalities in satisfaction with life in women aged 15-54 in Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, randomized multistage cluster sampling with equal clusters was done to select the participants. A total of 35,305 women aged 15-55 were enrolled in the study. Data analysis was done in two stages. In the first stage, social and economic inequalities were investigated using the concentration index and concentration curve method. In the second stage, a multilevel method was used to identify the determinants.
Results: The mean life satisfaction was 12.81±4.23. The concentration index for dissatisfaction with life was -0.06 [95% CI: -0.1, -0.02], indicating dissatisfaction with life in low socioeconomic groups. The results of multilevel analysis showed that age, marital status, occupation, place of living, education, and the economic class correlated with dissatisfaction with life in women (P<0.05).
Conclusion: There is inequality in dissatisfaction with life. Dissatisfaction is concentrated in the poorer groups of the society and varies in different provinces. Socioeconomic variables affect inequality in satisfaction with life in women, which need to be addressed to reduce inequalities.
S Aghamohamadi, A Khosravi, E Kazemi, A Atefi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Vol.16, No.1 2020)

Background and Objectives: A large proportion of the data of cause of death is registered in hospitals in Iran. Assessment of the death data can help to identify the problems of cause of death registration system and improve it. Therefore, this study was conducted to review the quality of cause of death registration in Iranian hospitals in 2016.
Methods: All hospital deaths in 2016 were reviewed and classified by age group and sex using the Ministry of Health’s death registration system. Analysis of Causes of National Deaths for Action (ANACONDA) was used to evaluate the quality of the data of cause of death.
Results: About 24% of the recorded hospital deaths were assigned to garbage code categories. The highest percentage of this group was seen in the age group over 70 years old and the highest percentage of well-defined causes of death was seen in the age group below one year. Moreover, among the five groups of garbage code causes of death, the group with insufficient details of the cause of death based on ICD classification had the highest percentage in all age groups.
Conclusion: Since a substantial proportion of the causes of deaths registered in the Iranian hospitals are categorized in the garbage code categories and cannot be used for planning and health policy making, it is necessary to design a comprehensive plan to implement interventions such as implementation of process evaluation programs and training programs for physicians and coders.
M Sasanipour, A Khosravi, M Moheby Meymandi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Vol.17, No.4, Winter 2022 2022)

Background and objectives: Considering the high contribution of unintentional accidents to mortality, particularly in males in Iran, and their changes over the last decade, a study was conducted to review the share of deaths due to unintentional accidents in sex difference in life expectancy at birth in the country over the last decades.

Methods: The mortality data for the years 2006 to 2015 were obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Then, the child mortality was corrected using the intercensal generational method and adult mortality was corrected for underreporting based on the Bennett-Horiuchi method. The contribution of mortality changes due to unintentional accidents to increase in females’ life expectancy was calculated using the ARIAGA decomposition method.

Results: The sex differential in life expectancy was about 3.5 years in 2006 in Iran, which decreased to 2.9 years in 2011 and increased to 3 years in in 2015. The unintentional accidents in all three periods played a dominant role in sex differential mortality, but its contribution over time was significantly reduced, with a contribution of 60% to around 42% between 2006 and 2015.

Conclusion: Due to the slowdown in the increase in life expectancy at birth in Iran in recent decades, attention to differential mortality, including sex difference in mortality and identification of potentials to increase life expectancy according to different groups, can increase life expectancy.
Maryam Aghajarinezhad, Yahya Salimi, Shahab Rezaeian, Ghobad Moradi, Fatemeh Khosravi Shadmani, Roya Safari Faramani, Ebrahim Shakiba, Yahya Pasdar, Behrooz Hamzeh, Nayebali Rezvani, Mitra Darbandi, Farid Najafi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (Vol.18, No.2, Summer 2022 2022)

Background and Objectives: Serological studies are based on the detection of antibodies. However, the produced antibodies decrease over time; therefore, such methods cannot provide a valid estimate of prevalence and incidence. The present study aimed to determine the serum prevalence and cumulative incidence in the Ravansar cohort population (Youth and RaNCD Cohort) in October 2020.
Methods: A random sample of 716 people aged > 18 years old were selected from the participants in the Ravansar cohort study in October 2020. Euroimmun anti-SARS COV-2 IgG ELISA kits (Lübeck, Germany) were used to measure antibody levels. Seroprevalence was estimated with considering of cut-off = 1, and cumulative incidence (modified and modified based on test specificity) was determined using modeling.
Results: In the present study, the serum prevalence of COVID-19 viral infection in the Ravansar cohort population from 22 October 2020 to 18 November 2020 was estimated to be %35.16 (95%CI: %31.64, %38.79). Modified Cumulative incidence and modified based on test characteristics from 20 February to 18 November 2020 were estimated to be %68.85 and %67.71, respectively. 
Conclusion: Although very high cumulative incidence may be a sign of approaching herd immunity, adherence to health protocols is still recommended due to the potential role of asymptomatic cases in transmitting the disease to other members of the community; and the presence of new variants of the virus and reduced antibody levels should be considered.

Batoul Rabbani, Ardeshir Khosravi, Mahinsadat Azimi, Jafar Sadegh Tabrizi, Azizallh Atefi, Amin Ataey, Hossien Kazemeini, Elham Rashidin,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (Vol.18, No.4, Winter 2023)

Background and Objectives: Overall, the four categories of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Cancer, Diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases) contribute to over 80% of annual premature deaths, with more than 85% of these occurrences transpiring in low- and middle-income countries. This study seeks to assess the likelihood of premature mortality attributable to these diseases across the provinces of Iran.
Methods: Data on causes of death from 2016 to 2019 was extracted from the death registration system of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. To assess the completeness of the death registration system on a provincial level, we employed a novel method introduced by Adair and Lopez.
Results: From 2016 to 2019, non-communicable diseases, specifically the four primary diseases, constituted 68.98%, 69.44%, 69.17%, and 67.94% of all causes of death in Iran, respectively. During the same period, the probabilities of premature mortality attributed to major non-communicable diseases were 14.95%, 15.15%, 15.25%, and 16.63%, respectively. Notably, Golestan province exhibited the highest probability of premature death.
Conclusion: The percentage of probability of death resulting from non-communicable diseases is a crucial indicator for the prevention and control of NCDs at both the international and national levels. This indicator requires ongoing monitoring to effectively address the issue. Given the diverse socioeconomic and epidemiological circumstances across the provinces of Iran, acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the current situation regarding these diseases becomes imperative. Such knowledge facilitates the development of well-informed planning and policy-making strategies aimed at managing the increasing burden of NCDs and ensuring equitable healthcare provision.

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