Background and Objectives: Although everyone needs to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it is absolutely important for people living with chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS to lead a positive lifestyle because these people are more vulnerable than others. Considering this fact, the present study was conducted to investigates the lifestyle of women living with HIV/AIDS in Kerman.
Methods:The Health-promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) was used in this survey, which includes six aspects as follows: responsibility, moral development, workout, nutrition, individual relations and stress management. Statistical population included 35 women living with HIV/AIDS in Kerman in 2019.
Results: According to the findings of this study, 34.14% of people who participated in this study had a positive lifestyle and the remaining 62.86% had a negative lifestyle. Based on the findings related to the women’s lifestyle, there was a significant difference in family income and job status. No significant difference was found in other variables such as marital status, age group, education and years living with HIV.
Conclusion: As economic variables (family income and job status) play an important role in adopting a positive lifestyle for people living with HIV/AIDS, it is necessary to help them become self-employed or support them financially so that they can lead a healthy lifestyle.