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Showing 3 results for Ramazani

Aa Ramazani, Ss Raghebi, F Amirkhizi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (11 2010)

Background & Objective: High prevalence of malnutrition and its relation with mental and physical health of children is one of the important health problems in developing countries. The aim of this survey was to assess the nutritional status and related factors in 0-24 month-old children in South Khorasan province in Iran 2006.
Methods: Seven hundred children of 0-24 month-old in South Khorasan province were included in this survey. A designed questionnaires and face-to-face interview with the mothers were used in order to obtain the required information . In addition, weight (Wt) and height (Ht) of the children were measured and compared with standard charts issued by the American National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The nutritional status was determined based on weight for age (Wt/A), height for age (Ht/A), and weight for height (Wt/Ht) indices.
Results: Mean of children's age was 11.1 ± 7.8 month. Based on the Z-score, cut-off point under -2SD from median of the reference population (NCHS), 10.6% of the children were underweight (Wt/A), 5.3% stunted (Ht/A) and 11.6% wasted (Wt/Ht). A statistically significant relationship was found between indices of malnutrition and age and breastfeeding status of children. There was no association between gender and residence of children with their nutritional status.
Conclusion: With regard to prevalence of malnutrition in children, breastfeeding is highly recommended.
Mr Miri, Aa Ramazani, Gh Sharifzadeh, M Bahlgerdi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background & Objectives: Smoking is a global problem and is the most important cause of death due to non- communicable diseases. This study was conducted to evaluate smoking and its correlates in male students in South Khorasan.

Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was undertaken in South Khorasan on high school male students. A sample of 2371 cases was selected through cluster multi stage sampling. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software using chi-square and logistic regression tests.

Results: The prevalence of smoking was 12.3 per cent (285 cases).The most important motivating factors for smoking for the first time were curiosity, joy. The most important predictors of smoking were hookah consumption, the presence of a smoker in or outside the living place, and a negative attitude to smoking. Working father and education regarding smoking risks were preventive factors.

Conclusion: Special education and public awareness about the risks of smoking and establishment of consultation centers for adolescents can be major steps toward the prevention and control of smoking among students.

A Mahmoudlou, P Yavari, F Abolhasani, A Khosravi, R Ramazani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer, as the third common cancer, is one of the main health problems in Iran. We assessed the burden of colorectal cancer, as one of the high-priority indices, in this cross-sectional study in Iran in 2008.

Methods: CANMOD software was used for calculation. The input data included the population of Iran, all-cause and colorectal cancer mortality rates, and incidence rate of colorectal cancer, which were all obtained from the Iran Statistic Center, Mortality Registry System, and Cancer Registry System.

 Results: The total burden of colorectal cancer according to DALY in Iran in 2008 was 52534 years in the total population. Years of lost life (YLL) amongst males and females were 26455 and 19887 years, respectively. Years lived with disability (YLD) were 3473 and 2719 years for males and females, respectively. The burden of colorectal cancer per 1000 population was 75.4 years for males and 65.7 years for females. The peak age of colorectal cancer burden rate was in the age group 45-79 years.

 Conclusion: The burden of the colorectal cancer in Iran has increased compared to the last study (2003) which is due to the increase in its incidence and the related mortality during this period. Due to the possibility of prevention and effective intervention, this cancer should be a priority in the health care system. However, the final judgment should be made after calculation of the burden of other cancers, diseases, and damages at the country level and their respective rankings.

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