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Showing 12 results for Soltani

Ar Soltanian, S Faghihzadeh, A Gerami, D Mehdibarzi, J Jing Cheng,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (20 2010)

Background & Objectives: In clinical trials some of participants do not take assignment treatment. Intention-to-treat (ITT) is one of the strategies to analyze of clinical trials with control. ITT estimation will be invalid and incorrect to show of treatment effects in case of existing non-compliance in participants. In this study we adjusted noncompliance effect to compare of active treatment and placebo.
Methods: To demonstrate efficiency of proposed model, a dataset of crossover clinical trial with 42 patients with knee osteoarthritis was used. To estimate the non-compliance’s effect adjusting at comparison of treatment effects, we use mean of compliance proportion at periods in sequences. The parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood method. ( could you ask authors to have a look at what they wrote and compare with Farsi version)
Results: The results show that baseline variables distributions like duration of disease, severity of disease, age and sex, were not significant (p>0.05). The standard error estimation of treatment effects ( ) based on adjusted model were less than standard model (0.09 and 0.12, respectively). In addition, likelihood ratio statistics based on adjusted model were less than standard model (1177.7 versus 1205.1).
Conclusion: Based on estimation of standard errors and likelihood ratio statistics at adjusted and standard models, we observe that adjusted model is more efficient than standard model.
S Bokaie, M Soltani, A Rahimi Forushani, A Bahonar, M Afshar Nasab, S Rohani Zadeh, A Ghajari, D Saadati,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (20 2012)

Background & Objectives: White spot, as one of the infectious viral diseases, has made severe losses in shrimp ponds all over the world. Despite extensive efforts made to deal with and control the disease, white spot continues to be a major health problem in shrimp farms across Iran. In this work, the significance of the risk factors of white spot disease epidemic occurred in shrimp ponds of Choubdeh farming site in Khuzestan province of Iran is determined.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from June 1, 2010, to September 22, 2010 in 223 shrimp ponds of the site. Data was collected on 17 variables, thought to be associated with the occurrence and epidemic of white spot, with the aid of the shrimp ponds owners and fisheries and veterinary organizations. The occurrence of white spot disease in the farming site was determined by clinical symptoms and the results of conventional PCR tests. the effectiveness of the risk factors was established by odds ratio (OR).
Results: It is found that poor management of birds fighting (OR=3.72), less educated farm foreman
(OR= 3.29) and poor filtration of the intake water (OR= 3.43) are significantly affected the occurrence of the disease while little changes in the salinity of shrimp ponds (OR= 0.16) decreases the odds of the disease.
Conclusion: These findings help better develop shrimp farming across Iran, especially in Khuzestan province. 


Z Moazzami, T Dehdari, Taghdisi, Ar Soltanian,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background & Objectives: Back pain represents one of the most common occupational problems in nursing. Since the correct posture has a key role in prevention of back pain, this study was performed to determine of operating- room nurses' readiness to adopt correct posture based on Transtheoretical Model (TTM) .
 Methods: This descriptive-analytical study included a convenience sample of 110 operating- room nurses employed at four hospitals in city of Hamadan. Participations completed a designed questionnaire to assess the readiness of change based on TTM.
 Results: The results of present study revealed that by increasing the stage of change (from precontemplation to maintenance), adopting correct posture in the nurses, increased as well (P=.01). Also, by increasing the stage of change, self-efficacy for adopting correct posture increased (P=.03) and perceived cons decreased (P=.02). Stage of change constructs could predict 68% variance of adopting correct posture in the nurses.
 Conclusion: The results of present study indicated that the majority of operating-room nurses are in pre-operational levels (precontemplation, contemplation and preparation) for adopting correct posture. Considering stages of change as an intervening variable may contribute in any future intervention for this group.
M Soltani, A Pirali Kheirabadi, E Taherimirkahead, Sh Shafie, S Mohamadian, Sh Roholahi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Vol 9, No 2, Summer 2013 2013)

Background & Objectives: Sterpococcosis/lactococcosis is an economically important zoonotic disease in aquaculture industry particularly in farmed rainbow trout. The annual loss due to the disease is tens millions US dollars. This descriptive study was aimed to identify the regional distribution of these economically important bacterial diseases in 50 farmed trout in Charmahal-va-Bakhteyari (25 fish farms) and Kohgiloyeh-va-Boyerahmad (25 fish farms) provinces plus detection of the relative prevalence of the presence of 20 risk factors.
Methods: Each trout farm was clinically inspected to identify the risk factors, followed by sampling of the clinically affected fish for bacteriological and molecular studies.
 Results: The results showed that form 25 fish farms examined in Charmah-va-Bakhteyari, 56.% (13 fish farms) were affected with Lactococcus garvieae and 20%(5 fish farms) were affected with Streptococcus iniae, while these were 64% (16 fish farms) and 12% (3fish farms) in Kohgiloyeh-va-Boyerahmad, respectively. The relative prevalences of the presence of 10 and 16 risk factors were above 80% and 50% in the trout farms of both provinces.
Conclusion: These results clearly demonstrated that occurrence of streptococcosis and lactococcosis in farmed trout has a wide regional distribution in trout farms of these provinces and the presence of risk factors are remarkable in the examined fish farms.
Ar Soltanian, M Mirfakhraei , H Mahjub, A Moghimbeigi, Sh Akhondzadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Vol 10, No 2 2014)

Background & Objectives: The standard methods for the comparison of two drugs in a randomized controlled clinical trial in the presence of non-compliance are intention-to-treat or per-protocol approaches. Both approaches have problems with estimation of drug effects, and researchers are not still certain to adopt which one. In this study, the bias of intention-to-treat and per-protocol approaches was calculated using Monte-Carlo simulation. We tried to choose the best approach (based on the AIC index) for comparing Risperidone plus Celecoxib and Risperidone plus Placebo.

Methods: This secondary study was conducted to compare the effect of Risperidone plus Celecoxib and Risperidone plus Placebo among 60 schizophrenic patients. To choose between the intention-to-treat and per-protocol approaches, Monte-Carlo simulation with Ackaike (AIC) and Baysian (BIC) indices was used.

Results: The results of Monte-Carlo simulation showed that when the sample size was small (n=30 or n=60) under fixed conditions of non-compliance equal to 5% and 10%, intention-to-treat had a better goodness of fit than per-protocol based on AIC and BIC. However, increasing the sample size in active and placebo groups (e.g., n=100) showed that per-protocol had a better goodness of fit than intention-to-treat.

Conclusion: When the sample size is large, the per-protocol approach may have a better goodness of fit than intention-to-treat to address the effects of non-compliance in randomized clinical trials.

B Lotfi, M Karami, A Soltanian, J Poorolajal, M Mirzaee,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Vol 11, No 2 2015)

Background & Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the completeness and geographical representativeness of the hepatitis B surveillance system between 2007 and 2013 in Hamadan Province.

Methods: In this descriptive study, all reported cases in Hamadan Province were extracted. The analytical literature review method was used to examine completeness. We used studies on the prevalence and incidence of hepatitis in Iran published between 2007 and 2013. Sensitivity analysis of the results was performed by simulation program using the R software. Geographical representativeness was assessed and plotted by the ArcGIS software, as well.

Results: Totally, 1378 cases were reported to the hepatitis B surveillance system in Hamadan Province. Most cases were from urban areas and were men, married, and housewives mostly in the age group 20 to 29 and 30 to 39 years. Completeness of the hepatitis B surveillance system was 77%. The hepatitis B surveillance system was not representative in terms of occupation but was representative in terms of age, sex, marital status, and place of living.

Conclusion: We concluded that the hepatitis B surveillance system had a relatively good performance. Moreover, findings of the analytical literature review method are affected by the included studies and interpretation of the results should be performed with caution.

K Jafari, M Karami, A Soltanian, N Esmailnasab,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Vol 12, No 2 2016)

Background and Objectives: Syndromic surveillance systems are used to early detection of outbreaks. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of clinical and non-clinical data sources used in influenza syndromic surveillance in Zanjan.

Methods: In this time series study, clinical and non-clinical data related to influenza like illness (ILI) as a potential data source of syndromic surveillance systems, including the number of missed school days collected from 12 schools and the data of over the counter (OTC) drug sale obtained from 15 pharmacies selected randomly in Zanjan during 2014 were used. We used the line plot and moving average chart to explore trends and detect potential explainable patterns of data sources. The autocorrelation function and cross correlation function besides corresponding graphs were used to assess the feasibility of school absenteeism and OTC sale in timely detection of influenza outbreaks. 

Results: Line plots indicated the presence of explainable patterns and the effect of the day of the week. The cross correlation value was 0.5 and cross correlogram revealed the similarity of both data sources in this study.

Conclusion: Our findings indicated the feasibility of influenza data sources, including school absenteeism and OTC, as potential data sources of syndromic surveillance systems.

S Hamzeh, Ar Soltanian, J Faradmal,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Vol.12, No.4 2017)

Background and Objectives: When computing a confidence interval for a binomial proportion p, one must choose an exact interval that has a coverage probability of at least 1-α for all values of p. In this study, we compared the confidence intervals of Clopper-Pearson, Wald, Wilson, and double ArcSin transformation in terms of maintaining a constant nominal type I error.

Methods: Simulations were used to compare four methods of estimating a confidence interval, including the Clopper-Pearson, Wald, Wilson, and double ArcSic. The data were generated from the binomial and Poison distribution with parameters p, n and µ=np, 1000 were produced . Type I error of each method was calculated per simulation. The above methods were used to estimate confidence intervals in a meta-analysis study.

Results: The results of the simulation study showed that double ArcSin keep confidence interval at [0,1], but for some proportion has high type I error or low coverage probability. The Clopper–Pearson interval guarantees that the coverage probability is always equal to or above the nominal confidence level for any fixed p.

Conclusion: This study showed that confidence interval estimations the Clopper-Pearson than other methods of calculating the type I error fixed and smaller.

M Soltanian, P Mohajeri, F Najafi, S Kazami, F Asadi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (VOl 13, No.4, Winter 2018)

Background and Objectives: The presence of biological aerosols in the air of medical centers is more than other enclosed spaces. Determining the role and importance of such factors has always attracted the attention of health and medical researchers. This study aimed to evaluate the bacterial density of surgical and infectious wards in two important hospitals of Kermanshah and environmental factors affecting them.
Methods: In this study, a total of 160 samples were selected. One hundred and twenty eight samples were related to the air of surgical and infectious wards in two stages before and after disinfection of wards and 32 samples were related to the hospital outdoor air as the control sample. MCS Flite (SKC) air sampling pump was equipped with a Biostage 225 (SKC) microbial sampling cassette made in the USA. Data were analyzed with SPSS 19.
Results: The highest bacterial density in the air was measured in Imam Khomeini Hospital (402.7± 200.3 CFU/m3) and the lowest was in Imam Reza Hospital (258.6 ± 90.5 CFU/m3). There was a significant inverse relationship between air temperature and total bacterial density and a significant direct relationship between the whole population and bacterial density.
Conclusion: It seems that reduced bacterial density in wards’ air with increased temperature occurs due to increasing the air volume and replacing air in wards. The presence of people in the ward plays an important role in increased bacterial density.
J Ahmadpour, Sz Asghari, Ar Soltanian, Y Mohammadi, J Poorolajal,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Vol 14, No 1, 2018)

Background and Objectives: This study assessed the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the standard "Problematic Internet Use" questionnaire to be used in epidemiological studies.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in 2016. This questionnaire comprises five domains, including preference for online social interaction, mood regulation, cognitive preoccupation, compulsive Internet use, and negative outcomes. The questionnaire has 15 questions with a total score ranges from 15 to 105. A score of 15-45 indicates a normal state, a score of 46-65 shows a mild disorder, a score of 66-85 suggests a moderate disorder, and a score of 86-105 reveals a severe disorder.
Results: Three hundred and seven students (31.1%) had a normal score, 445 (45.1%) had a mild disorder, 191 (19.4%) had a moderate disorder, and 43 (4.4%) had a severe disorder. Based on CVR, 10 questions had a validity of 100%, 3 questions had a validity of 80%, 1 question had a validity of 40%, and 1 question had a validity of zero. The overall validity of the questionnaire was 85.3%. Based on alpha coefficient, the reliability of the domain of preference for online social interaction, mood regulation, cognitive preoccupation, compulsive Internet use, and negative outcomes was 87.6%, 91.1%, 89.8%, 90.8%, and 86.2%, respectively. The overall reliability of the questionnaire was 92.5%.
Conclusion: The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were high; thus, it can be used as a standard tool in epidemiological studies to explore the pathology of injuries related to the Internet and social networks.
Gh Moradi, Kh Rahmani, P Hemati, H Akbari, F Rezaei, M Dadras, B Amiri, H Erfani, M Soroush, S Darvishi, J Soltani, T Mokhtari Azad , Mm Gouya,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Vol.15, No.2 2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran, like most other countries in the world, is always threatened with global epidemics and pandemics of influenza. The purpose of this study was to review the influenza surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: Data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control, the review of records, documents, books and published articles and also interviews with process owners and experts of influenza surveillance in 2017-2019.
Results: Influenza surveillance in Iran Currently, a combination of surveillance methods, including caring for patients, laboratory care, hospital care and surveillance of respiratory disease epidemics and also border surveillance. Reporting of human influenza outbreaks, as well as suspected avian flu as main notifiable diseases carried out through telephone. For each suspect case, in addition to taking and sending a sample to diagnose and also detect subtypes of the virus, medical treatment is immediately initiated and tracking of possible contacts is also done.
Conclusion: Although there is currently good coherence in the surveillance of influenza in Iran, but based on concerns about the emergence of influenza pandemics in the future, and considering the possible genetic variation of the flu viruses, the tracking of the flu virus circulation along with updating surveillance system especially emphasizing methods and formulas for rapid identification of disease outbreaks, as well as providing better health care and treatment is essential.
A Naghi Pour, A Moghimbeigi, N Shirmohamadi, A Soltanian, S Khazaei, Sh Nick Ceiar,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Vol.17, No.4, Winter 2022 2022)

Background and Objectives: Breast cancer has the highest incidence in the Iranian women.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. All female with breast cancer during 2008-2015 were enrolled. Breast cancer registration is based on the pathology method in Iran. The information about female with breast cancer was collected from their files in the cancer registry department of Hamadan Health Center. The samples were divided into four groups according to age (<50 and> 50) and location (city, village). GeoBUGS was used to generate a map of high-risk areas in Hamedan Province based on the adjusted relative risk estimate (RR*) in OpenBUGS v 3.2.3 software.

Results: This study included 1316 females with breast cancer. The mean age of the patients was 50.38±12.98 years. The results of the study showed that high-risk areas of breast cancer for were Assadabad urban females aged over 50 years (RR*(i)=1.32, CI= 0.99,1.79) and Tuyserkan (RR*(i)=1.09, CI= 1.08,1.38) and Razan (RR*(i)=1.09, CI= 0.85,1.40) for females below 50 years. In addition, Razan for rural females over 50 years old (RR*(i)=1.18, CI=0.82,1.73) and Malayer for females below 50 years old (RR*(i)=1.08, CI= 0.81,1.45) were high risk areas for breast cancer in Hamadan Province.

Conclusion: The distribution of breast cancer is different at different ages and in the cities of Hamadan Province. Asadabad, Tuyserkan, Razan and Malayer were high risk areas for breast cancer in Hamadan Province.

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