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Showing 13 results for Zayeri

S Athari Nik Azm, Mr Vafa, I Nourmohammadi, A Bidari, A Hoshyarrad, Sh Jazayeri, F Hoseini, M Fasihi Radmandi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (20 2009)

Background & Objectives: oxygen free radicals have been implicated as mediators of tissue damage in RA patients. This study was aimed to find the effects of vitamin A, C and zinc supplementations on oxidant–antioxidant, inflammatory and clinical indices in inactive RA patients.
Methods: We designed a randomized controlled trial. Forty nine (49) patients were randomly allocated in two groups group I received their conventional treatment plus 300 mg vitamin C, 5 mg Zinc daily and 25000 IU vitamin A every other day for 12 weeks, group II received their conventional treatment only for the same duration. Disease activity (using the rheumatoid arthritis disease activity index (RADAI) score), biochemical indices [malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (TAC)] and inflammatory markers [erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), c-reactive protein (CRP)] was evaluated before and after 12 weeks.
Results: Serum concentration of MDA and RADAI score (P<0.0001) and ESR (P=0.033) were significantly decreased and TAC levels (P<0.0001) were significantly increased in the first group in comparison to second group after 12 weeks. However, there were no statistically significant differences in serum CRP concentration of two groups (P>0.05).
Conclusions: This study indicates that adding antioxidants as supplementations with conventional medications in inactive RA patients plays an important role in improving oxidative stress and decreasing disease activity and inflammatory status.
M Bakhtiyari, M Salehi, F Zayeri, F Mobasheri, P Yavari, A Delpishe, M Karimlou,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (20 2012)

Background & Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the quality of life (QOL) measures commonly used to assess disabled people compared to healthy individuals.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1000 disabled and healthy individuals aged between 15 to 75 years old during 2009 year. These groups were selected by random sampling method multistage cluster sampling from Crescent Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center located in Tehran. WHO's Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100) questionnaire was used to measure quality of life.
Results: The Mean age were 35.9±12.9 and 35.1±12.7 years amongst disabled and non disabled groups, respectively. There was a significant difference between two groups in terms of somatic health and independence of quality of life (P<0.001), in which the mean score in both domains were high in healthy individuals. No significant difference was observed between two groups in other scopes.
Conclusion: Findings of this study highlighted the lower quality of life in disabled people in Tehran, Therefore this group should be targeted for any relevant intervention in order to improve their care.

M Gholami Fesharaki , A Kazemnejad, F Zayeri, J Sanati, H Akbari,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (9 2013)

Background and Objectives: Since there is inconsistency reports in relationship between shift work (SW) and blood pressure (BP), therefore we aimed to show any association between SW and BP by using of Bayesian Multilevel Modeling, which is a reliable method for this type of analysis.
 Methods: The profiles of 4145 workers in Polydactyl Iran Corporation were examined in historical cohort between 1996 until 2008. All relevant analysis was performed by Win Bugs software.
Results: Approximately 98 percent of study population was male. Of total 1886 (45.5%), 307(7.4%), 1952 (47.1%) of participation were day worker, two rotation shift worker and three rotation shift worker respectively. After controlling confounding factors, there was no significant relationship with Systolic BP (P=0.911) and Diastolic BP (P=0.278).
Conclusion: In general, the results of our historical cohort study do not support a relationship between SW and BP. We suggest multi center and prospective cohort studies with controlling more confounding factors in this area.
F Khosravi Shadmani , H Soori, M Karmi, F Zayeri, Mr Mehmandar,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (9 2013)

Background & Objectives: In the chain of vehicles, human and environment, the human factors are the most complex element in the causes of road traffic injuries (RTIs). Unauthorized speeding and overtaking are considered as the main human factors resulting RTIs. This study estimated the population attributablefraction of two human factors, the most common risk factors of rural roads, of RTIs.
 Methods: To calculate the population attributable risk, the prevalence of unauthorized speeding and overtaking registered in Police data was employed. Effect size related to odds ratio was employed using Logistic regression. Joint effect of related risk factors also calculated and reported. Dasta were taken from national traffic police using the KAM 114 froms.
Results: The percentage of population attributable risk of unauthorized speeding for deaths at crash scene was 20.9 and for injured cases was 16.6. These values were 13.5 and 13.4 for unauthorized overtaking respectively. Corresponding for joint effects the population attributable risk was 31.6 for deaths and 27.8 for injuries.
 Conclusion: The results illustrate the importance of speed control and unauthorized overtaking as a priority of RTIs in Iran. It is recommended that related laws and legislations should be pursued more seriously, and followed by more effectively.
Z Nourafkan, P Yavari, Gh Roshandel, D Khalili, N Behnam Pour , F Zayeri,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background & Objectives: Golestan province in Iran has been known as a high risk area for esophageal cancer (EC). This study was conducted to assess the population-based survival rate in EC patients in Golestan province of Iran.
Methods: In a longitudinal study, 223 EC patients registered in Golestan population-based cancer registry in 2007 and 2008 were recruited. Kaplan-Meier method was performed to calculate median survival and log rank test was also used to compare survival rates between subgroups of variables. Multivariate Cox regression model was employed to determine adjusted hazard ratios (AHR) for different variables.
Results: From 223 patient, 129 (57/8%) were male. The mean age of participants was 64/3 years. The median survival in our study was 11/08 months. Survival rates for 6, 12 and 36 months were 69%, 47% and 14%, respectively. The results of Cox regression analysis showed that the AHR for patients with metastasis stage (compared to those with localized stage) was 13.89 (95% CI: 7/93-24/32) and the AHR for workers (compared to clerks) was 2.4 (95% CI: 3/8-1/47).
Conclusion: Our results showed that survival rate of EC patients were higher than the rate reported in a previous study from this region. However the survival rate from this region seems still lower than those reported from developed countries. Implementation of appropriate screening programs in this region will result in early diagnosis of EC and consequently will increase survival rate in EC patients.
F Khosravi Shadmani , H Soori, M Karami, F Zayeri,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Vol 10, No 1 2014)

  Background & Objectives : World Health Organization has recommended the main strategies for the prevention of road traffic injuries on some of the risk factors. This study aimed to prioritize the preventive interventions according to risk factors of road traffic injuries in Iran.

  Methods: The potential impact fraction (PIF) of the main strategies for prevention was analyzed from national traffic police data registry in 2011 in urban and rural roads. PIF was calculated for risk factors of road traffic injuries and joint effect at three counterfactual distributions: theoretical minimum risk level, plausible minimum risk level, and feasible minimum risk level. The priority setting of preventive intervention was performed based on contribution of each risk factor.

  Results : Based on the potential impact fraction of death (PIF calculated using odds ratio of death) the priorities were as follows in order: wearing a helmet by the motorcycle passenger, wearing a helmet by motorcycle rider, and lack of speed management. Risk factors in this study were more important in urban roads and joint effects of risk factors were close to 100 percent

  Conclusion: It is strongly recommended that future interventions focus on the use of the helmet by motorcycle passengers and riders, the use of the seat belt by the passengers, and speed management. Our findings indicated that laws and legislations should be pursued more seriously. Calculation of the potential impact fraction is better than the population attributable fraction and allows for more accurate prediction of the future.

Mr Gohari, F Zayeri, Z Moghadami Fard, N Kholdi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Vol 10, No 4 2015)

  Background and Objectives : Failure to gain weight (FTG) is one of the predominant health issues in children. The aim of this study is application of longitudinal transition model in determining the prognostic factors for failure to gain weight in children under two years.

  Methods: In this study, 363 children under 2 years that were visited at the health centers in the east of Tehran were studied. Samples were selected using the two stage clustering method. The study variables were measured repeatedly in 18 consecutive times. Since the data was longitudinal and are dependent, first order transition model was used to determine the risk factors of failure to gain weight. All analyses conducted in R.

  Results : The mean (±sd) birth weight was 3057gr(± 838) and 6.9% of the children weighed less than 2500gr at birth. Moreover, 231 children (63.6 %) had no FTW until 2 years of age while 23 ( 6.3 %) had three or more episodes of FTW. Diarrhea (P<0.001), weaning (P<0.001), catching cold (<0.001), and teething (P<.001) were significant risk factors of failure to gain weight. To measure the association between weight loss and the weight in the previous visit, the logarithm of odds ratios was used that was significant (P=0.039).

  Conclusion: The association between two consecutive measurements showed that any failure in weight would affect weight gain in the next period of time and the effect of weight deficiency remains for at least one month.

M Gholami Fesharaki , A Kazemnejad , F Zayeri , M Rowzati, H Akbari,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Vol 10, No 4 2015)

  Background and Objectives : Previous studies have reported contradictory results regarding the association of Shift Work (SW) and Blood Cholesterol (BC). In this paper, we studied the relationship between SW and BC.

  Methods: The data of this historical cohort study was extracted from annual observations of the workers of Esfahan’s Mobarakeh Steel Company selected through cluster random sampling between 1996 and 2011. In this research, we assessed the effect of SW on BC with controlling BMI, age, work experience, marital status, smoking, and educational status.

  Results : Five hundered and seventy four male workers participated in this study with a mean (SD) age of 41.89 (7.51) and mean (SD) work experience of 16.75 (7.16) years. In this study, after controlling confounding factors, we found no significant relationship between SW and BC.

  Conclusion: Because our study showed no relationship between SW and BC, we can state that this relationship does not exist with more certainty.

N Vahabi, F Zayeri, E Fazeli Moghadam , M Safari, F Ebrahimzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Vol 11, No 3 2015)

Background and Objectives: Disorders of height and weight growth are the most important health disorders affecting children younger than two in developing societies. Failure to treat these disorders can lead to the increased mortality and mental, emotional or physical disability. The objective of this study was to investigate the growth trends of children and the factors affecting it.

Methods: This retrospective cohort study was conducted on 2030 children younger than two in Khorramabad, Iran who were selected using stratified and cluster sampling. Based on household records, the weight growth trend was recorded as a four-level variable (decline, stagnation, slowness and desirable) and the the height growth trend was recorded as a three-level variable (stagnation, slowness and desirable); finally, the data were modeled using a longitudinal marginal model and the SAS software version 9.2.

Results: The incidence of at least one decline in the weight growth curve and one stagnation in the height growth curve was 14.2% and 10.4%, respectively. The child’s age and the maternal educational level had a significant effect on the growth trends. However, the sex, parity and the exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months had no significant relationship with the growth trends.

Conclusion: Given the results and the relatively high prevalence of growth disorders among children, it seems that increasing the awareness of low literate women about feeding of the children is the most important approach to manage growth disorders. Additionally, health-care professionals should mostly focus on monitoring the growth of children older than 12 months.

F Zayeri, Sh Seyedagha, H Aghamolaie, F Boroumand, P Yavari,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Vol 12, No 2 2016)

Background and Objectives: Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women which accounts for the highest number of deaths after lung cancer. The aim of the current study was to compare the logistic regression and classification tree models in determining the risk factors and prediction of breast cancer.

Methods: We used from the data of a case-control study conducted on 303 patients with breast cancer and 303 controls. In the first step, we included 16 potential risk factors of breast cancer in both the logistic regression and classification tree models. Then, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity indexes were used for comparing these models.

Results: From 16 variables included in the models, 5 variables were statistically significant in both models. Sensitivity, specificity, and AUC was 71%, 69%, and 74.7% for the logistic regression and 63.3%, 68.8%, and 71.1% for the classification tree, respectively.

Conclusion: The obtained results suggest that the classification tree has more power for separating patients from healthy people. Menopausal status, number of breast cancer cases in the family, and maternal age at the first live birth were significant indicators in both models.

F Zayeri, M Amini, H Hasanzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (VOl 13, No.4, Winter 2018)

Background and Objectives: Shift work as a pervasive phenomenon in various industrial sectors is one of the most stressful factors in the workplace. Considering the contradictory reports on the relationship of shift work and hypertension, the main objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between these two variables among petrochemical industry staff of Mahshahr, Iran.
Methods: In this longitudinal study, 3254 petrochemical staff were investigated during 2008-2011. According to work schedule, shift workers were divided into two groups of shift work and day work (1872 day workers and 1382 shift workers). The aim of this research was to assess the effect of shift work on hypertension by adjusting confounding variables such as gender, age, body mass index, and smoking. The data were analyzed using a random-effects logistic regression model.
Results: Of 3254 (3142 males and 112 females) subjects, 37.85% (860 subject) were hypertensive. The random effects model, with controlling covariates, showed no significant relationship between shift work and hypertension (OR=1.04, 95% CI= (0.98, 1.10). Moreover, the variance of the random effects was significant. 
Conclusion: Generally, according to the results of this study, shift work is not a significant risk factor for hypertension.
M Amini, A Kazemnejad, F Zayeri , M Gholami Fesharaki,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (VOl 13, No.4, Winter 2018)

Background and Objectives: Shift work could threaten health in the long term. The present research aimed to assess the association between shift work and body mass index (BMI) using the multilevel (hierarchical) model during a particular period of time.
Methods: The data of this longitudinal study were collected from a sample of Esfahan’s Mobarakeh steel and Polyacryl companies personnel during 2008 to 2011. Shift work schedule included day work and rotational shift work. The multilevel regression model was utilized for analysing the data and assessing the effect of shift work on BMI by controlling confounding variables including marital status, work expectation, age, company, and educational level.
Results: In this study, of 1368 workers, 42.3% (n=578) and 57.7% (n=790) were day workers and rotating shift workers, respectively. The mean (±SD) age of the day workers and rotating shift workers was 33.07 (±8.66) years and 33.31 (±8.70) years, respectively. After adjusting for confounding variables in a two-level hierarchical model, the association between shift work and BMI was not statistically significant (P=0.837). About 90% of total variation was related to personnel.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, no statistically significant relationship was found between shift work schedule and BMI. Thus, other similar studies with a longer follow up period (more than four years) and controlling more confounder factors are necessary to evaluate the relationship between shift work and BMI more accurately.
M Amini, A Kazemnejad, F Zayeri, A Amirian, N Kariman,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Vol.16, No.1 2020)

Background and Objectives: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a medical problem in pregnancy, and its late diagnosis can cause adverse effects in the mother and fetus. The purpose of this research was to estimate the accuracy parameters of a biomarker for early prediction of gestational diabetes in the absence of a perfect reference standard test.
Methods: This study was conducted in 523 pregnant women who presented to Mahdieh Hospital and Taleghani Hospital affiliated with Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2017-2018. As a predictor for detecting GDM, beta- human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) measurements were recorded during 14-17th weeks’ gestation in a checklist. The Bayesian latent variable model was used to estimate the sensitivity, specificity, and area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Bayesian parameter estimation was calculated using the R2OpenBUGS package in R version 3.5.3.
Results: The median gestational age was 33 years. In the absence of a perfect reference test, the applied model had a sensitivity, specificity, and AUC of 78% (95% credible interval (CrI): 0.66-0.83), 83% (95% CrI: 0.74-0.89), and 0.72 (95% CrI: 0.64-0.88) for β-hCG, respectively. 
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, β-hCG may be an acceptable biomarker for early diagnosis of diabetes in pregnant women in the absence of a perfect reference test.

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