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Showing 35 results for Age

Mh Mehrolhassani, Aa Haghdoost, M Emami,
Volume 12, Issue 0 (3-2017)

Good governance promotion in the health sector needs effective policies and evidence-based decision making. Using efficient and effective information is an important issue so that planners will not be confused amid many figures and numbers and also the main problem will not be marginalized. Hence, having a common language and consensus between policy makers and decision makers about the cycle (collecting and processing information, analysis, and judgment) and decision-making tools (criterion, indicator, index, and variable) is an initial and crucial step in evidence-based decision making. The main challenge for creating such an information system is the lack of a common language among scientific and executive experts; so the aim of this study was to provide a perspective of the concept of decision-making and the main components of its cycle and tools and to review these concepts in health care financing system.

A Ahmadi, H Soori, Y Mehrabi, K Etemad,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Objectives: Determining and monitoring the age at myocardial infarction (MI) and its comparison in various regions is one of the vital and basic principles for the management of MI.This study was conducted to determine the age at the first MI in Iran.

Methods: In this cross-sectional, analytical study at a national level, the data of 20750 new MI patients registered in 2012 in 31 provinces of Iran according to the cardiologist’s diagnosis, World Health Organization criteria, and the codes ICD10: I21-I22 were used. The calculations were done using the Stata 12 software.

Results: The mean±SD of age at the first MI was 61.2±13.4 years in all patients in Iran. Moreover, 15033 (72.4%) patients were male with a mean age of 59.6±13.3 years. The mean age at MI in men was lower than women (65.4±12.6 years), showing a statistical significance (P<0.001).The mean age at MI was different among Iran provinces, with a statistical significance (P<0.001). The lowest mean age at the first MI was seen in the patients living in Semnan (59.1±12.9 years), followed by Tehran (60.4±13.5 years), Sistan va Balouchestan (60.3±13.9 years), and Lorestan (60.1±14.5 years), with a significant difference from the mean age of the patients in Ardabil (63.2±15.1 years) and Zanjan (64.4±112.8 years) (P<0.019).

Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that the age at MI was approximately five years younger in men than women. This studyprovided the ground for monitoring the age at MI, and more effective management of cardiovascular diseases in Iran.

Mr Aflatoonian, I Sharifi, Mr Shirzadi, B Aflatoonian,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Objectives: Anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is restricted to humans; thus, prompt diagnosis and early treatment are significant measures to control the disease. This study was conducted to determine the effect of direct active case- detection and early treatment on the control of ACL in Bam District.

Methods: This retrospective cohort study was performed based on intervention and nonintervention. After the 2003 earthquake, an equipped treatment center was established to actively detect CL cases following the CL epidemic. This intervention was carried out in 2007 and the suspected cases were referred to the center for diagnosis and treatment Another comparable CL treatment center was selected as the control in Kerman. The recorded data of the patients were analyzed with statistical tests at p<0.05.

Results: The incidence rate steadily increased to 30% from 2003 to 2007 whereas the incidence gradually decreased to 1% after the intervention. However, by contrast, the incidence rate increased significantly in the control area. The treatment failure and relapse rate of ACL showed no significant difference with the control group before and after the intervention. The effectiveness of the intervention was calculated to be 85%.

Conclusion: Active case-detection and early treatment of ACL could be an effective measure in controlling ACL, particularly during epidemics. Lessons learned from the 2003 Bam earthquake could be used as a suitable model for ACL endemic areas, nationally and globally.

R Dehnavieh, S Noorihekmat, A Masoud, Ma Moghbeli, H Rahimi, A Poursheikhali , M Hoseinpour, S Salari,
Volume 13, Issue 0 (3-2018)

Background and Objectives: One of the decentralized models that has been formed based on universal health coverage is the model of health complexes in Tabriz. This study was conducted to evaluate the model.
Methods: This case study was conducted in 2017. Beside observation, 28 individuals, including informed experts in the field of establishment of health complexes in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, were purposefully selected and semi-structured interviews were also conducted. To analyze the interviews and the results of observations, the framework analysis was used based on the components of the Primary Care Evaluation Tool (PCET) model.
Results: The strengths of the health complex model are decentralized planning, strengthening the private sector participation, have more appropriate methods for assessing the performance of the health team, creating a sense of delivering effective services in providers, using electronic information registration system, using the prospective payment method, strengthening the referral system, enhancing service continuity, and facilitating financial and geographical access, especially in marginalized areas. However, there are some problems such as lack of some facilities and equipment, lack of some workforces and high workload, financial instability, and lack of insurance organizations cooperation with the plan.
Conclusion: The health complex model has improved organizational, financial, and geographic access to health services. It seems that if the resources are more stable and by cooperation of basic insurances, the results of this project will be better.
A Maher, Aa Haghdoost, S Noori Hekmat , M Haji Aghajani , Gh Janbabaee, H Vaezi, Gh Khademi, S Emadi, R Rahimisadegh, H Haghighi, R Dehnavieh, Mr Rajabalipour,
Volume 13, Issue 0 (3-2018)

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to provide a clear description of the pre-hospital emergency setting and risk management in accidents and disasters in accordance with current Iran’s standards in different regions of the country. This study was part of the national project "Iran Roadmap (Neda 2026)".
Methods: The data of the major medical equipment was gathered from 48 medical universities covering all of the country's 32 provinces. Goal standards were obtained from the “Ministry of Health” and the “Department of Statistics for Medical Accident and Emergency Management Centers” in all universities. Coefficient of dispersion was calculated to evaluate any dispersion in major medical equipment.
Results: The results of this study showed that in 2017, the highest and lowest coefficient in “pre-hospital facilities” was related to the ambulance engine (301%) and the operational base personnel (93%), respectively. Nio national standards were implemented in “Risk Management in accidents and disasters needs” in most provinces of Iran. In 2026 estimates, all of the factors improved and dispersion decreased.
Conclusion: Despite the poor distribution of prehospital indicators in 2017, forecasting showed desirable conditions in distribution of facilities in the pre-hospital emergency and risk management of accidents and disasters.
R Dehnavieh, Aa Haghdoost, Sr Majdzadeh, S Noorihekmat, H Ravaghi, Mh Mehrolhasani, O Barati, H Salari, A Masoud, A Poursheikhali, N Mirshekari , S Ghasemi, A Esfandiary,
Volume 13, Issue 0 (3-2018)

Background and Objectives: Universal health coverage will have a problem in achieving it’s goals if it doesn’t consider the quality. This study aimed to Background and Objectives: Universal health coverage cannot achieve it’s goals if it doesn’t consider the quality. This study wants to assess the quality of health services in Iran, identify existing challenges and provide solutions.
Methods: This study was a mixed qualitative and review study. In the first stage, the national main indicators of the quality of services were reviewed. Then, the orientation of the available upstream documents on the quality of services was explained. The most important challenges, trends, and recommendations of health quality improvement were extracted via interviews.
Results: Proper observation of the Iran health care quality requires appropriate framework and indicators. Upstream documents strongly emphasized on the government's responsibility to play a key role as stewardship and that the health system should provide the necessary structural, procedural, and consequential requirements besides determining appropriate model. Quality management programs had obstacles in some aspects like the performance of managers and human resources, structural/communicational requirements, education, payment system, culture, use of quality management indicators and models, financial, information, and equipment resources, laws and regulations, and supervision.
Conclusion: Improving the quality of health services in Iran requires strategies in organizing, resource generation, payment, laws and regulations, and behavior of policy makers and planners. Quality tools should be used without haste and should pay attention changes in the nature of diseases, expectations of stakeholders, and increased global attention to this issue in designing related plans.
R Sahebi, Sa Motevalian, L Sahebi, H Sharifi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the intrinsic estimator method and the age, period and cohort accounting model used for identifying age, period, and cohort trends in incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates.
Methods: The data of 2 studies " Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Alcohol and Drug use Among Students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 2006 to 2009" and "The Role of Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Smoking among the Students of Tehran University of Medical Science "were used. First the age, period and cohort accounting model and then The IE method are explained, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed, and their results are compared.
Results: Both methods showed an increasing, decreasing, and increasing trend for age, cohort, and cohort effect for the prevalence of smoking. IE could predict a preventing effect for an early age factor for smoking. In the descriptive model, a decreasing trend was seen from old cohorts to younger cohorts in nearly all age groups. However, the IE method did not show any cohort effects for alcohol consumption in female studnets.
Conclusion: Currently, the IE method is the best method for solving linear dependence between three variables of age, birth cohort, and period in this type of studies. However, researchers should use it with caution because it has many pitfalls.
A Bagheri, Hb Razeghi Nasrabad , M Saadati,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Objectives: Changes in ideals and aspirations of childbearing are important factors in fertility behavior. Nowadays, fertility rate reduction below the replacement level and decreased childbearing ideals are the most common fertility challenges in Iran. So, with the decrease in the fertility rate, it is necessary to be aware of the ideal number of children and its determinants in order to adopt suitable population policies contexts. The main objective of this study was to investigate factors affecting the ideal number of children using Poisson regression model.
Methods: In 2012, 389 ever married women aged 15-49 in Semnan Province were selected using two-phase stratified random sampling method and studied through applying a structured questionnaire. To model the ideal number of children by Poisson regression model, marriage duration has taken as offset and the number of children, job status, education level, marriage type, and resident place were considered as predictors. The model was fitted with SPSS software version 22.
Results: All predictors in this study had significant effects on ideal number of children in Semnan (p-value <0.05). Women’s ideal number of children who had 2 or fewer children, were employed, and had university education with consanguineous and rural  marriage was higher than those who had 3 and more children, were unemployed, and had elementary and secondary education with inter-family and urban marriage.
Conclusion: To model the ideal number of children, since it is discrete and count, a Poisson regression model is more efficient as compared to linear regression model.
E Ehsani Chimeh , A Ghadakchi, V Yazdi Feyzabadi, S Sadrossadat , A Mahi, Mh Mehrolhassani, M Iranmanesh,
Volume 14, Issue 0 (1-2019)

Background and Objectives: Quantitative and qualitative improvement of human resources inequality have a significant effect on achievement to health system goals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the trend of geographic, supply, and gender distribution inequality of human resources of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) in Iran.
Methods: In this descriptive study, the trend of human resources of the Ministry of Health during the years 2009-2015 was investigated based on gender, level of education, and type of employment. In order to study the inequality, Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient index were used. Data were collected from the Human Resources Office of the Deputy of Management Development and Resources of the MOHME and analyzed by Excel 2013 and Stata-14 software.
Results: In the present study, women had the highest portion with a growth rate of 6.66% in 2015 and a Gini coefficient of 0.29 except in 2011. The highest and lowest growth rate compared to the base year in 2010 was related to specialist doctors (83.12) and general practitioners (-19.61), respectively. The lowest and highest Gini coefficient was related to the associate degree (0.26) and subspecialty (0.45), respectively.
Conclusion: The present study was the first study to investigate the trend of changes in the human resources characteristics of the MOHME at a national level. Since this study only considered the quantity of the trend of human resources changes, it is recommended that the quality of human resources be investigated in the future studies.              
S Ebrahimi Kebria , Ss Hashemi Nazari, Y Mdehrabi, B Nazparvar , A Shojaei, Sd Mirtorabi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Objectives: Suicide is one of the psychosocial problems in Lorestan Province due to its socio-cultural and economic structure. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of age group, time period, and birth cohort on the suicide incidence in Lorestan Province during the 2006-2015.
Methods: In this study, to overcome the identifiability problem, the Carstensen approach and natural cubic smoothing character were used in age-period-cohort models (APC). Cohort effect was calculated as the relative rate from the 1984 reference cohort for men and 1987 cohort for women. The period effect in both sexes constrained to be relative to 1390 and to be 0 on average with 0 slope. The best APC model for both sexes was the models with "AC-P" parameter, 7 knots, and natural splines for men and B splines for women. All analyses were performed using the R software with Epi package.
Results: The age effect showed that the highest suicide incidence rate was seen in the elderly. Two strong birth cohort effects were observed, one increasing one in the 1980 cohort and one decreasing one in 1991 cohort. The most significant period effect was seen in men in 2011.
Conclusion: The effects of 1991 and 1980 birth cohorts could be due to the consequences of imposed war in Iran. The three economic phenomena, oil price change, increased divorce rate, and increased unemployment rate can be effective in the emergence of the period effect in year 2011.
E Abdalmaleki, Zh Abdi, M Goharimehr, R Alvandi, S Riazi Esfahani , E Ahmadnezhad,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran has carried out a series of surveys based on the Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) referred to as the CASPIAN. The aim of this paper was to compare the methodology and tools of CASPIAN surveys and to propose recommendations and suggestions for future implementations.
Methods: The data of this systematic review study were gathered from the World Health Organization (WHO) documentations, international databases including Pubmed, EMBASE, Scopus, GoogleScholar, and ScienceDirect, and national databases including Magiran, SID, and Irandoc. The search was conducted in both English and Persian (for the time period from 2003 to 2018). The time and place of the study, target population, questionnaire(s), sample size, and sampling method were compared between the surveys.
Results: Five rounds of CASPIAN survey were conducted in Iran from 2003 to 2015. The surveys had two sets of questionnaires for students and parents. In all five rounds, sampling methods and questionnaires were similar in the core and differed in some details that were added selectively in each round. The questionnaires were designed based on the GSHS and the WHO stepwise approach to non-communicable disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) programs.
Conclusion: Considering the small variation in each series and compliance with the global model, it is suggested that the next CASPIAN survey be conducted according to the previous series in accordance with the standards presented in the global model in recent years in a reasonable interval from the 2015 survey.
E Abdalmaleki, Zh Abdi, M Gohrimehr, R Alvandi, S Riazi Isfahani , E Ahmadnezhad ,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Background and Objectives: One of the data sources for monitoring the progress towards Sustainable Development Goals and Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is household surveys such as Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) and Demographic and health Survey (DHS).  This study was conducted to assess the implementation of these surveys in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) to evaluate the experience of Iran in conducting these surveys and to propose one of them as the best option for implementation in Iran.
Methods: In this review article, by reviewing the databases of the relevant organizations, the implementation history, instructions, protocols, and the generated indicators of these two surveys were assessed.
Results: So far, 26 standard DHS and 56 standard MICS have been implemented in the EMR. Iraq implemented the highest number of MICS and Egypt carried out the highest number of DHS. In the global reports, no DHS/MICS surveys were conducted in Iran after 2000 However, according to the official reports, Iran conducted two rounds of a survey called MIDHS (a combination of DHS and MICS) in 2010 and 2015.
Conclusion: The EMR has performed well in implementing these surveys. According to the findings, DHS is more suitable for Iran. However, right now, what is important is not to decide which survey to be conducted. Considering the international commitments for monitoring the progress towards UHC, it is important to conduct either one in 2020 in Iran.
F Najafi, Gh Moradi, M Mohamadi Bolbanabad , S Rezaei, R Safari Faramani , B Karami Matin , B Piroozi, S Darvishi, T Mohamadi, Sh Amiri Hoseini, B Zarei, A Azadnia,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2020)

Background and Objectives: On 12 November 2017, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale occurred in Kermanshah Province. Explaining the challenges and needs of the victims in such circumstances can be an important source of information for future planning and better management of such conditions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explain the challenges and needs of the earthquake victims.
Methods: This study was a qualitative study. Twenty-nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers, policymakers, and health and emergency relief providers in earthquake areas, and 10 focused group discussions were held with earthquake victims from December to February 2016. The data were analyzed using conventional content analysis.
Results: The needs and challenges in Kermanshah earthquake were classified into three periods after the earthquake: 1. Challenges and needs in the first few days with three sub-categories including management, rescue services, and urgent care, 2- Challenges and needs in the first few weeks  after the earthquake with three sub-categories including housing and emergency assistance, public health services, and access to health care; and 3. Needs and challenges in several months after the earthquake with four sub-categories including economic, social, infrastructural and health service needs.
Conclusion: Lack of unity of command was the main challenge in this earthquake. Another point was the health needs of victim earthquakes over time. Therefore, dispatching of aid forces to the affected areas during natural disasters should be based on planning and needs.
Mohammad Zare, Zahra Tagharrobi, Khadijeh Sharifi, Zahra Sooki, Javad Abolhasani,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Objectives: Valid, reliable, short, sensitive and accurate tool is needed to diagnose pain in dementia patients. This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy of short-form Persian version of Doloplus-2 (P-Doloshort) in pain assessment in elderly with dementia.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 100 elderly were selected using convenient sampling from private clinics and nursing homes in Kashan in 2018-19. Construct validity was determined by exploratory factor analysis, known-groups approach and convergent validity. Also, reliability was evaluated by internal consistency, equivalence, and stability. P-Doloplus-2 and P-Doloshort were used as the reference standard and the index test, respectively. Data were analyzed by SPSS-v16 using independent T-Test, linear regression, Pearson and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC), Cronbach's alpha, ROC curve, and diagnostic test parameters.
Results: Factor analysis identified the tool as a single-factor; it was able to explain 65.851% of total variance. P-Doloshort was able to differentiate between two groups with and without painful underlying diseases (P<0.0001). There was a positive and significant correlation between P-Doloshort score with P-Doloplus-2 score (r=0.975, P<0.0001) and PACSLAC-II-IR score (r=0.0001, P<0.0001). Cronbach's alpha, ICC and standard error of measurement were 0.898, 0.891 and ±1.183, respectively. The relative frequency of minimum and maximum possible score was less than 15%. At the cut-off point of 2.5, area under ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, and overall diagnostic accuracy were estimated 0.985, 0.956, 1.000 and 0.970, respectively.
Conclusion: P-Doloshort can be used as a valid, reliable, sensitive and accurate tool for pain assessment in elderly with dementia.
Hamid Choobineh, Zeinab Parisay, Fatemeh Shahbazi, Gazaleh Danesh, Mahdi Nasri, Sayed-Saeed Hashemi-Nazari,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Background and Objectives: Human resources are the center of sustainable development in advanced management. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is a system that consistently and by means of human resources, facilities and equipment and tries to create a healthy, pleasant, fresh environment away from accident, damage and waste. This study was conducted to assess the health performance, Safety and Environmental Indicators (HSE) in the field of human resources development of Tehran Municipality.
Methods: This study was conducted as a descriptive cross-sectional and, the study base was all 22 districts of Tehran municipality. After designing and validating of HSE performance evaluation protocol, HSE status was evaluated in 22 districts of Tehran. The aforementioned protocol contained seven sections: leadership and commitment, policy and strategic goals, organization and documentation, risk management, planning, implementation and monitoring, audit and review). Its validity and reliability were determined by obtaining corrective opinions from specialists and experts inside and outside the municipal organization.
Results: In most areas of Tehran municipality, the inter-organizational communication index was the highest score. The highest score (68%) is related to this index. The mean overall score for performance evaluation was 46.6.
Conclusion: The HSE situation was undesirable (less than 70%) in more than half of Tehran's municipalities. Regions 4 and 7 were in desirable status (above 70%). Thus, for current situation improvement, we should use long-term strategy planning in the field of HSE.

Farnoosh Zarabadi Poor, Fatemeh Mohammai, Zahra Hosseinkhani, Seyedeh Ameneh Motalebi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Background and Objectives: Fear of COVID-19 is common among older adults and negatively impacts on their physical and mental health. Self-regulation is an essential factor for controlling or managing excitement and anxiety. So, this study aimed to determine the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and death anxiety with the moderator role of self-regulation among the elderly residing in Qazvin.
Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed on 430 elderly aged 60 and over living in Qazvin in 2021. Samples were selected by cluster sampling method. The demographic checklist, Templer death anxiety scale, fear of COVID-19 questionnaire, and Self-Regulation Inventory were used for collecting the data. The data were analyzed using the Path Analyze test.
Results: The mean age of the elder participants in the study was 66.88 ± 6.40 years old. The results showed a significant and positive relationship between fear of COVID-19 and death anxiety (β=0.60, P<0.001) and an inverse association between fear of COVID-19 (β=-0.24, P=0.021) and death anxiety (β=-0.10, P=0.021) with self-regulation. Furthermore, the results of the Path analysis confirmed the moderator role of self-regulation in the association between fear of Covid-19 and death anxiety among the elderly residing in Qazvin, Iran.
Conclusion: Given the mediator role of self-regulation in the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and death anxiety, it is suggested to use teaching strategies to the older adults to improve self-regulation to control and mitigate the negative impacts of the fear of COVID-19 in this vulnerable population.

Zahra Aliakbarzadeh Arani, Tahereh Ramezani, Azam Hosseinpour,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Objectives: Considering the documented impact of attitudes towards aging on quality of life, this study aimed to explore hope in life and its association with attitudes towards aging across various age groups in Qom, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study, conducted in 2021-2022, included 83 children (8-15 years old) and 340 adults (16 years old and above) selected from different age groups based on the Statistical Center of Iran's classification. The systematic random sampling method was used, considering the frequency percentage of each group from the 2015 census. Data were collected through a demographic form, Kogan's Attitudes Toward Older People Scale (KAOPS), and Snyder's Hope questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS-24, incorporating Pearson's correlation coefficient, independent sample t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression.
Results: The mean and standard deviation of hope in life and attitude towards aging were 25.97±5.81 (ranging from 6 to 36) and 137.38±21.65 (ranging from 34 to 238) in the children's group, and 27.54±4.92 (ranging from 8 to 32) and 154.66±17.30 (ranging from 34 to 238) in the adults' group, respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficient revealed a significant relationship between hope in life and attitude towards aging only in the age groups of 16-24 years (r=0.220, P<0.05) and 25-44 years (r=0.273, P<0.01), while this relationship was not significant in other groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Although the relationship between attitude towards aging and hope in life was not strong or significant across all age groups, given the average levels of hope in life across all age groups, promoting positivity and elucidating the positive attributes of aging and the importance of elderly individuals in society can enhance individuals' outlook towards their future life.

Mohammadreza Balooch Hasankhani, Aliakbar Haghdoost, Yunes Jahani,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Objectives: Time trend analysis of factors such as disease and mortality rates is a crucial component of health planning for any community. It allows for a more accurate interpretation of changes over time. This study was conducted to examine the performance of the Joinpoint regression model in analyzing time trends.
Methods: This study aims to first provide a simplified understanding of the Joinpoint regression model and then demonstrate its application on data regarding the 30-year trends of liver cancer mortality due to alcohol consumption in Iran.
Results: The results of the time trend analysis indicate that the age-standardized mortality rate of liver cancer due to alcohol use consumption has decreased by an average of 0.8% per year over the 30-year period in Iran (1990 to 2019). The projections also suggest that this declining trend will continue.
Conclusion: In general, the main advantage of the Joinpoint regression model over other models is its ability to identify periods where significant changes in trends have occurred. Based on the results, the mortality rate of liver cancer due to alcohol use consumption over the 30-year period in Iran can be divided into five periods with different rates of change.

Fatemeh Papiri, Sareh Shakerian,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Objectives: Evidence suggests that one of the behaviors impacted by the quarantine measures enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic is sexual activity. This study aims to investigate this phenomenon.
Methods: A descriptive-analytical study with before-after measurement was conducted during both the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic periods in 2021-2022, utilizing the standard Sexual Performance Index questionnaire administered to 250 women in Ilam province. Inferential statistics including paired t tests, correlation and chi square analysis were performed by SPSS software.
Results: The findings revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on all six components of sexual function in women of reproductive age, including sexual desire, sexual stimulation, lubrication, pleasure, satisfaction and pain. The average overall sexual performance during the COVID-19 period (2.01±1.25) and in the post-COVID-19 period (2.94±1.2) was lower than the cutoff point (3.8), indicating poor performance across the entire scale of sexual function. The results showed that there is an inverse and significant (P<0.05) relationship between age, duration of marriage and number of pregnancies with sexual function index and its subscales.
Conclusion: The study findings suggest that research population experienced weaker sexual performance during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the post-pandemic period, highlighting the impact of the mental and physical burdens associated with the pandemic on sexual function.

Aliasghar Fakhri-Demeshghieh, Hamideh Hasannejad, Alireza Bahonar,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Background and Objectives: Antibiotic residues in food, including eggs, are potentially risky to public health. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the relative frequency of antibiotic residues in eggs sold in Iran.
Methods: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, MagIran, Scientific Information Database, and IranDoc were searched. Two independent reviewers screened the titles and abstracts based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were articles written in English or Persian investigating the relative frequency of antibiotic residues in eggs in Iran, and the exclusion criteria were articles without an available full text. Frequency data, publication year, diagnostic test type, and sampling location were extracted from relevant articles.
Results: Among the 217 identified results, 11 articles were included in the systematic review. ELISA (six articles) was the most frequently used diagnostic test. East Azerbaijan province accounted for the most significant number of studies (four articles) based on the geographical distribution of sampling locations. Seven classes of antibiotics and 12 types of antibiotics were estimated in terms of antibiotic residues, with tetracyclines (5 articles, 6 assessments) having the highest number of assessments. In addition, the highest reported relative frequencies were related to tetracycline residues (100%) in Isfahan and chloramphenicol (75%) in Tabriz.
Conclusion: Tetracycline and chloramphenicol residues had the most significant relative frequency in eggs across Iran.

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