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Maryam Ghahramany, Nooshin Peyman, Monavar Afzalaghaee,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (Vol.19, No.2, Summer 2023)

Background and Objectives: In recent years, there have been significant demographic changes. One of the most important changes has been the decrease in the fertility rate in many countries, including Iran. In recent decades, considering the vital role of men in having children, the question is whether domestic research on the issue of men's attitude towards having children has enough maturity. Moreover, what are the gaps in the research process of this issue in the country?
Methods: The present study used Iranian research articles published in domestic and foreign journals. To obtain relevant articles from domestic Iran databases (magiran, SID) and international databases (Web of Science, Scopus PubMed,) as well as the Google Scholar search engine was used from the beginning until May 2022 with the keywords: attitude, motivation, intention, childbearing, childbirth, fertility, reproduction.
Results: 18 articles related to the purpose of the research were included in the study. The pattern of two children was the dominant pattern of childbearing among men. A large proportion of men had a positive attitude towards childbearing. Among the variables related to men's attitude towards childbearing were education, socio-economic class, a feeling of loneliness, place of residence, and the amount of internet usage.
Conclusion: It is necessary to increase encouragement policies, raise awareness about the importance of having children, provide proper occupations for men, suitable housing, and implement comprehensive educational programs to strengthen men's optimistic view of having children.

Ali Jafari-Khounigh, Morteza Haghighi, Alireza Razzaghi, Shahram Habibzadeh, Seyed Taghi Heydari, Rasoul Entezarmahdi, Dr. Alireza Ansari Moghaddam, Hamid Sharifi, Mostafa Farahbakhsh, Mahdi Rezaei, Mina Golestani, Ehsan Sarbazi, Naser Nasiri, Homayoun Sadeghi-Bazargani,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (Vol.19, No.3, Autumn 2023)

Background and Objectives: Masks play a crucial role in preventing and controlling viral epidemics transmitted predominantly through the air. This study aimed to develop and validate a tool to measure people’s attitudes and behaviors related to mask usage during highly contagious viral epidemics.
Methods: In this psychometric study, the initial questionnaire was developed and face validity and content validity were assessed by 17 experts and three lay experts. Reliability was evaluated through internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha and test-retest reliability using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Construct validity was measured using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with the principal component extraction method and Varimax rotation.
Results: Based on a review of previous studies, an initial 27-item questionnaire was crafted. During the face validity stage, two items were excluded. Through calculating the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and the Content Validity Index (CVI), three and one items respectively removed. The average scale level content validity index (S-CVI/Ave) was 0.95. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be 0.76 for attitude and 0.66 for practice sections; the ICC was equal to 0.873. EFA revealed two factors explaining 63.98% of the total variance.
Conclusion: This questionnaire demonstrated sound reliability and validity in Persian, providing an effective means to assess attitude and behavior related to mask usage during highly contagious viral epidemics. It stands as a valuable tool for use in Iran and other countries.

Mostafa Talebi, Sareh Shakerian,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (Vol.19, No.3, Autumn 2023)

Background and Objectives: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is a significant endemic diseases in Iran, leading to skin lesions, lifelong scars, and social stigma. This study aims to investigate the influence of climatic and ecological factors on the prevalence of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran.
Methods: This study employed a narrative review approach. A comprehensive search was conducted using key terms such as 'skin Leishmaniasis', 'cutaneous Leishmaniasis', 'climatic factors,' and 'environmental factors' in both national and international databases. All relevant research was included without limitations on location, time, or research methodology.
Results: The initial search yielded 823625 articles. After refining the search keywords and conducting initial screening, 184 studies remained following the removal of duplicate articles. Subsequent screening for eligibility further narrowed down the selection to 30. The inclusion of 6 master theses brought the final number of studies for review to 36. A review of the studies showed a significant association between certain climatic factors, including temperature, humidity, hours of sunshine, and rainfall, and the incidence of cutaneous Leishmaniasis, across various geographical regions in the country. The relationship between factors such as vegetation, wind, and the number of disease cases had different results in different parts of the country.
Conclusion: The results of the present study show the effect of climatic and environmental factors on the rate of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the country. Considering that the effect of these factors is not the same in all parts of the country, it is necessary to implement effective preventive measures to reduce the disease burden according to the needs of each geographical area.

Shoboo Rahmati, Reza Goujani, Zahra Abdolahinia, Naser Nasiri, Sakineh Narouee, Amir Hossein Nekouei, Hamid Sharifi, Ali Akbar Haghdoost,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (Vol.19, No.3, Autumn 2023)

Background and Objectives: The influential role of epidemiologists in improving health outcomes and conducting pertinent research becomes apparent  when they are strategically positioned and available in sufficient numbers within a nation. This study aims to identify potential job positions in epidemiology within both governmental and non-governmental sectors while estimating the necessary workforce of epidemiologists in the country until 2027.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted as a combination in two quantitative and qualitative parts. In the qualitative part, interviews were conducted with experts, policy makers, graduates and students of this field in the field of job opportunities. In the quantitative part, the number of epidemiologists needed was estimated using modeling and parameters obtained from the review of the literature and the opinions of experts in this field. In this study, the current and near future needs up to 1406 have been considered.
Results: Based on the interviewes, job opportunities for epidemiologists in the country encompass diverse domains, including problem management and analysis, conducting applied research, data analysis, dashboard development, teaching, training, and future-oriented work (forecasting). Acounting for lost job opportunities, the estimated number of epidemiologists required in the country until 2027 is 1122 individuals, that most of them contribute to the country's health system if job opportunities are created. The highest demand for epidemiologists was identidied in units of the Ministry of Health, medical universities, research centers, and hospitals.
Conclusion: Estimating the number of epidemiologists needed using modeling in the country and paying attention to the current number of graduates, reveals that the growth of this field and the increase in graduates can only occur if job opportunities are clearly defined, created, and implemented across proposed job levels.

Asal Aghadavodian Jolfaee, Maryam Jahanbakhsh, Mohamad Sattari, Roya Kelishadi,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (Vol.19, No.3, Autumn 2023)

Background and Objectives: The present research was conducted to predict mental health based on three factors: nutrition, activity, and leisure time, among students in the adolescent age group, using data mining techniques.
Methods: The present analytical study was conducted on 14274 data available in the Caspian 5 database. According to the CRISP-DM method, data mining was done in 6 steps using decision trees, k nearest neighbors, simple Bayesian and random forest techniques in Rapidminer software.
Results: Among the four data mining techniques used to predict the mental health of adolescents based on nutrition, physical activity and leisure time, the random forest technique has the highest accuracy (91.72) and specificity (82.73) and the k-nearest neighbors technique has the highest sensitivity (96.30). In addition, based on random forest techniques, the rule with the highest level of support showed that an adolescent who is in high school, eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, drinks tea and coffee weekly, exercises 2 hours a week at school,also, he has 4 days of physical activity for 30 minutes in the last week, and he goes to school with the service, with 100% confidence has good mental health.
Conclusion: Based on the random forest technique, which has showen the best performance, nutrition has the greatest impact on the mental health of Iranian adolescents. So, it is necessary to think about providing a suitable platform for training parents and adolescents regarding proper nutrition and increasing awareness in the field of adolescent mental health.

Faezeh Joghataei, Payam Roshanfekr, Meroe Vameghi, Zahra Jorjoran Shushtari, Neda Soleimanvandiazar, Peimaneh Shirin Bayan, Gholamreza Ghaedamini Harouni,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (Vol.19, No.4, Winter 2024)

Background and Objectives: Rapid Assessment and Response (RAR) is an approach that has been used in health research since the 1990s, and several guidelines have been designed for it. This study examines and compares different guidelines in this field.
Methods: This review study was conducted on the 6 guidelines published in PubMed and Scopus databases. After the initial review, the main dimensions of these guidelines, including the definition and target group, methods used, steps to conduct the research, and time planning were extracted in the form of a comparative table.
Results: In six guidelines, the RAR approach has been defined in relation to the comprehensive and rapid investigation of a health-related problem. There are differences in terms of the number of 'steps' of rapid assessment and response, as well as in 'time planning'; a period of 12 to 16 weeks is considered. Among the methods used in the reviewed guides, the following can be mentioned: reviewing available information, conducting interviews (open, structured, and semi-structured), focused group discussions, and other methods such as observation, surveys, narrative methods, and mapping.
Conclusion: The rapid assessment and response (RAR) can be used as an approach, with high flexibility and consideration of scientific and practical aspects, to assess health problems and high-risk behaviors in hard-to-reach groups.

Fatemeh Papiri, Sareh Shakerian,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (Vol.19, No.4, Winter 2024)

Background and Objectives: Evidence suggests that one of the behaviors impacted by the quarantine measures enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic is sexual activity. This study aims to investigate this phenomenon.
Methods: A descriptive-analytical study with before-after measurement was conducted during both the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic periods in 2021-2022, utilizing the standard Sexual Performance Index questionnaire administered to 250 women in Ilam province. Inferential statistics including paired t tests, correlation and chi square analysis were performed by SPSS software.
Results: The findings revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on all six components of sexual function in women of reproductive age, including sexual desire, sexual stimulation, lubrication, pleasure, satisfaction and pain. The average overall sexual performance during the COVID-19 period (2.01±1.25) and in the post-COVID-19 period (2.94±1.2) was lower than the cutoff point (3.8), indicating poor performance across the entire scale of sexual function. The results showed that there is an inverse and significant (P<0.05) relationship between age, duration of marriage and number of pregnancies with sexual function index and its subscales.
Conclusion: The study findings suggest that research population experienced weaker sexual performance during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the post-pandemic period, highlighting the impact of the mental and physical burdens associated with the pandemic on sexual function.

Aysan Amrahi Tabieh, Parvin Sarbakhsh, Shamsedin Namjoo, Hossein Akbari, Hamid Allahverdipour,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (Vol.19, No.4, Winter 2024)

Background and Objectives: Frailty syndrome significantly impacts the health of older adults, and sleep quality is likely a pertinent clinical factor. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between sleep quality and sleep duration with frailty syndrome in the older adults of Naqadeh City.
Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 347 older adults aged 60 years and above in Naqadeh city in 2020 using 2-stage sampling (first, stratified, and then simple random sampling. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaires, the Edmonton Frail Scale, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS25 software.
Results: The study revealed that 30.3% of older adults were frail. Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation was observed between sleep quality and duration with older adults' frailty (r=0.635, p<0.001 and r=-0.170, p<0.001, respectively). Additionally, all frailty domains exhibited a significant relationship with sleep quality, with the most notable associations found in mood, medication use, and cognition domains (r = 0.487, r = 0.397, r = 0.381, respectively).
Conclusion: Probably, the quality and duration of sleep affect the frailty syndrome, so it is necessary to design and implement effective interventions to improve the quality of sleep and ultimately reduce the frailty of older adults, especially in the domains of cognition and mood.

Elahe Faghihifar, Marjan Ajami, Sareh Shakerian,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (Vol.19, No.4, Winter 2024)

Background and Objectives: Childhood obesity has become a global challenge today. Many studies have shown the relationship between obesity and socioeconomic factors. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate socio-economic inequalities with nutritional patterns and obesity in children.
Methods: This study was conducted using the structural analysis methodology on 80 children from 6 to 13 years old, selected randomly from those referred to the health assessment centers of Sonqor and Kolyai, Iran. The body mass index was calculated using the standard method. Nutritional patterns were measured using the 24-hour food recall questionnaire, and socioeconomic status was assessed using related standard questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPSS 24 and AMOS 24 software.
Results: The results showed that 28.75% of the subjects were obese or overweight. The structural analysis showed that the socioeconomic variable directly affected the nutritional pattern and body mass (-0.43) with an impact coefficient of as much as 0.65. The nutritional pattern variable affected BMI with an impact factor (-0.74). The bootstrap test results indicated that the significant effect of socio-economic status on BMI is mediated by nutritional pattern (-0.48). Prediction values show two economic-social and nutritional pattern variables predicted 0.16 and 0.29 BMI changes, respectively.
Conclusion: The findings of this study showed the effect of socioeconomic status on nutritional patterns and body mass index in the research community. Today, The issue of increasing body mass in the world and our country is one of the most important social challenges. Considering the heterogeneous effects of socioeconomic status on nutritional patterns and body mass index, it is necessary to formulate and implement preventive policies according to the conditions of the communities to achieve effective results.

Shoboo Rahmati, Zahra Abdolahinia, Sakineh Narouee, Naser Nasiri, Reza Goujani, Ali Akbar Haghdoost,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (Vol.19, No.4, Winter 2024)

Background and Objectives: Given the significant migration of educated individuals, particularly epidemiologists, throughout the country, it is crucial to investigate the underlying causes. This article presents the findings of an extensive study that sought to explore this issue by gathering insights from experts in the field.
Methods: The study was conducted using qualitative methods, employing content analysis. Data were collected between summer and autumn 2023 through semi-structured interviews with 32 epidemiologists in the country. Analysis followed the steps outlined by Lundman and Graneheim, with coding facilitated by MAXQDA software.
Results: The main challenges of epidemiology in Iran were divided into six main categories. In the field of graduate students, problems in recruitment and employment due to the lack of suitable careers, infrastructure and structural problems of the system, research problems and insufficient knowledge about the performance of this field are the most important challenges, and in the field of students, education problems, structural and infrastructure problems were reported. Also, the main reasons for the migration of epidemiologists were the lack of meritocracy and specialization, inappropriate privileges (including the application of unconventional recruitment quotas), lack of a job market and opportunities for graduates, and inadequate compensation and benefits.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it seems that the migration of epidemiologists as a valuable human resource abroad is a serious concern and problem. The lack of a suitable job position and ambiguity in the path to career advancement due to non-adherence to the meritocracy and skill-building system have increased the motivation to migrate in this group.

Aliasghar Fakhri-Demeshghieh, Hamideh Hasannejad, Alireza Bahonar,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (Vol.20, No.1, Spring 2024)

Background and Objectives: Antibiotic residues in food, including eggs, are potentially risky to public health. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the relative frequency of antibiotic residues in eggs sold in Iran.
Methods: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, MagIran, Scientific Information Database, and IranDoc were searched. Two independent reviewers screened the titles and abstracts based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were articles written in English or Persian investigating the relative frequency of antibiotic residues in eggs in Iran, and the exclusion criteria were articles without an available full text. Frequency data, publication year, diagnostic test type, and sampling location were extracted from relevant articles.
Results: Among the 217 identified results, 11 articles were included in the systematic review. ELISA (six articles) was the most frequently used diagnostic test. East Azerbaijan province accounted for the most significant number of studies (four articles) based on the geographical distribution of sampling locations. Seven classes of antibiotics and 12 types of antibiotics were estimated in terms of antibiotic residues, with tetracyclines (5 articles, 6 assessments) having the highest number of assessments. In addition, the highest reported relative frequencies were related to tetracycline residues (100%) in Isfahan and chloramphenicol (75%) in Tabriz.
Conclusion: Tetracycline and chloramphenicol residues had the most significant relative frequency in eggs across Iran.

Fariba Zomorrodi Zare, Fatemeh Khosravi Shadmani, Roya Safari Faramani, Fatemeh Torkamanasadi, Yazdan Rezaei, Farid Najafi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (Vol.20, No.1, Spring 2024)

Background and Objectives: During the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination was crucial in preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and saving numerous lives. Countries implementing COVID-19 vaccination programs have reported significant reductions in cases, ICU admissions, and COVID-19-related deaths. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines used in Hamadan province, explicitly focusing on their impact on hospitalization and death caused by COVID-19.
Methods: A test-negative case-control design (TND) was conducted involving patients aged 12 and above who were admitted to hospitals in Hamadan province, Iran, and had symptoms of acute respiratory diseases. Data were extracted from hospital and health system databases. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate vaccine effectiveness for the first, second, and reminder doses in prevention of hospitalization, and severe outcomes (ICU admission or death).
Results: The study was conducted on 3,702 patients, and the maximum effectiveness of vaccines against hospitalization was 50% for patients who received a booster dose. The effectiveness of the first dose of vaccine on severe outcomes (admission to ICU or death) was estimated as 42%, but the effectiveness of the vaccines in the second and booster doses were not significant.
Conclusion: Despite the predominant use of inactivated virus vaccines and delayed initiation of vaccination in Iran, this study shows the effect of vaccination on reducing hospitalization and improving the outcomes of COVID-19. The use of more effective vaccines at a more appropriate time plays an important role in reducing the burden on health services and preventing further transmission in future epidemics.

Ali Esmaeilpour, Parya Jangipour Afshar, Nouzar Nakhaee, Mehrdad Farrokhnia, Aliakbar Haghdoost,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (Vol.20, No.1, Spring 2024)

Background and Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the COVID-19 severity and lifestyle among hospitalized patients at Afzali Pour Hospital, Kerman, Iran.
Methods: A total of 289 patients with severe COVID-19 infection (with ICU admission or death) and 293 patients with non-severe type (discharged with no need for hospitalization in ICU) were selected in 2020-2021, and their lifestyle was compared in the last year before the hospitalization.
Results: The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) for severe disease was 1.83 (95% CI: 1.24-2.69) in males compared to females, and 4.35 (95% CI:2.20- 8.59) for people older than 60 years compared to age less than 60. The linear effect of average hours of sleeping during a day was 1.21 (95% CI: 1.08-1.36). The ORs of people who had considerable physical activity at work and people with little activity compared to people who mostly sit in a fixed place were 0.35 (95% CI:0.19-0.65) and 0.44 (95% CI:0.23-0.83), respectively. The use of opioids, traditional remedies, and supplements such as vitamin C raised the risk of severe disease, but the use of vitamin D supplements reduced the risk of severe disease, although this was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: It seems that some aspects of lifestyle, such as lack of physical activity, excessive sleep, and consumption of certain substances, such as opioids, might increase the risk of contracting severe and deadly forms of COVID-19.

Mahnaz Shoghi, Khadijeh Yahyavi, Raheleh Mohammadi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (Vol.20, No.2, Summer 2024)

Background and Objectives: The use of modern and technology-based educational methods can play a significant role in enhancing nurses' capabilities in stress management and improving their responses to stressful situations. Therefore, this study aims to determine the impact of stress management on the stress responses of nurses working in pediatric departments of educational hospitals affiliated Iran University of Medical Sciences through a multimedia software intervention.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, a random sampling method was employed to select 102 nurses (51 individuals in the intervention group and 51 in the control group) working in general hospital departments. The inclusion criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of stress management training on the stress responses of nurses included having at least a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of 6 months of work experience in pediatric wards, no reported psychological disorders, and no use of psychiatric medications based on self-reports. Additionally, participants were required to have access to a computer capable of running DVDs and familiarity with its operation, with no prior experience or readiness to participate in a stress management workshop within the last 6 months. Conversely, the exclusion criteria were participant dissatisfaction, change of department, and hospital relocation. This assessment is shared in improving the skills and response to the stress of nurses in pediatric department of medical centers. To measure the stress responses, the Inventory Response Stress questionnaire was utilized, which was completed by both groups prior to the intervention. Subsequently, the educational content regarding stress management was provided to the intervention group for duration of 8 weeks. At the end of the eighth week, both groups completed the stress response questionnaire again. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 22 software, with statistical tests including Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Results: No significant difference was observed in the mean of stress response in the intervention (29.69 ± 23.66) and control (33.20 ± 27.95) groups before the intervention (p = 0.661). The average stress response score in the intervention group (19.65 ± 16.74) was significantly lower than the control group (32.67 ± 28.17) after the intervention (p < 0.001).
Conclusion:  These data demonstrated the positive effect of the stress management program on nurses' stress response who participated in this study.

Tahereh Tiemori, Marjan Ajami, Sareh Shakerian, Morteza Abdollahi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (Vol.20, No.2, Summer 2024)

Background and Objectives: Evidence shows that blood lipid disorders in people are influenced by their unhealthy diet. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the dietary pattern of people with lipid disorders and the status of non-communicable diseases in the studied population.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 300 patients with lipid disorders. The participants were selected among people with lipids who referred to comprehensive health service centers in Alvand city by multistage sampling method. The data were collected using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The findings were analyzed by SPSS software.
Results: Three dietary patterns including healthy, unhealthy and average were identified in the research participants. Most people (66.3%) followed a moderate dietary pattern. Also, 85% of people were overweight or obese. The results of the logistic regression analysis showed that an unhealthy eating pattern increases the likelihood of developing diseases by 2.267 times compared to a healthy eating pattern. It also showed that with increasing age, the probability of contracting the disease increases by 1.093. Also, there was a significant relationship between food pattern and education level (P<0.05). In this study, there was no significant relationship between age, marital status of people and their food pattern (P>0.05).
Conclusion: The results showed that people who follow an unhealthy food pattern have more non-communicable diseases. Therefore, it seems that modifying the food pattern through nutrition education is appropriate and can be effective in preventing other non-communicable diseases in the future.

Elham Davtalab Esmaeil, Ali Hossein Zeinalzadeh, Leila R. Kalankesh, Alireza Ghaffari, Saeed Dastgiri,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (Vol.20, No.2, Summer 2024)

Background and Objectives: The present study aimed to assess the prevalence and familial aggregation pattern of alcohol consumption among father-offspring, mother-offspring, siblings, and spouses in Tabriz city, and to investigate the associated risk factors.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2023 on 860 individuals in Tabriz city. The heads of households were selected as proband individuals. Conveniently, probands were recruited from daily visitors, and upon agreeing to participate, their first-degree relatives (spouse and children) were also invited to join in. Data were collected using standard self-reported questionnaires. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) were employed to assess family aggregation among father- offspring, mother-offspring, and siblings.
Results: No significant of familial aggregation alcohol consumption was observed between spouses (OR=0.54 (0.16-1.8)). Although familial aggregation was observed between mothers and children, this was not statistically significant (OR=1.54 (0.8-2.94)). There was a significant familial aggregation of alcohol consumption between fathers and children (OR=1.98 (1.08-2.5)). Among siblings, familial aggregation was not statistically significant (OR=1.38 (0.41-4.63)).
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, family members play an important role in influencing the alcohol consumption behaviors of other family members. Additionally, individuals with lower socioeconomic status, those who are divorced, and singles may be more appropriate targets for alcohol consumption screening programs.

Ashraf Saber, Maryam Omidi, Fereshteh Eidy, Mahdis Mehrabi Bardar, Rahman Panahi, Zahra Moghadasi, Shiva Pouraliroudbaneh, Ahmadreza Shamsabadi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (Vol.20, No.2, Summer 2024)

Background and Objectives: Violence against pregnant women is a clear violation of women's rights associated with many consequences and complications both for the mother and fetus. In this study, we aimed to determine factors affecting the severity of domestic violence against pregnant women.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study was carried out between July 2020 and September 2021. The participants were 234 women with low-risk pregnancies (28-40 weeks) who were transferred to the maternity ward of Bentolhoda Hospital in Bojnurd City. Mothers were selected by the convenience sampling method. A two-part questionnaire was used in this study, which included demographic and midwifery information questionnaires and a domestic violence questionnaire created by Tabrizi in 2013. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using logistic regression.
Results: The prevalence rate of violence against pregnant women (experiencing at least one type of domestic violence from the husband) was 64.6%.  Among those who had experienced violence, 36.1% of the participants experienced low to very mild violence during pregnancy and 63.9% experienced moderate violence. However, severe violence was not experienced by any of the research units. Also, there was a significant relationship between babies' gender and the severity of violence (P=0.03). Pregnant women with male fetus (OR=3.14, CI95%:1.093–9.069) were 3.14 times more exposed to violence with moderate severity.
Conclusion:  In this study, most women suffered domestic violence with moderate severity. Among pregnant women with male fetuses, the severity of violence was even higher. Thus, it is necessary to pay a proper attention to the design and implementation of educational and support programs for these women to prevent domestic violence and reduce its adverse impacts.

Aliakbar Haghdoost, Samira Emadi, Azam Bazrafshan,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (Vol.20, No.2, Summer 2024)

The migration of elites has become a major challenge worldwide. In Iran, in recent years, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of immigrants. Migration often occurs in different ways including educational migration within geographical borders, field migration, experts avoiding professional activities, and forced or semi-forced migration. Due to the fact that each form of migration can lead to diverse problems, it is imperative to pay attention to the nature and complications of each type of migration in the discussion of human resources management.

Marzieh Fattahi-Darghlou, Hamid Gheibipour, Neda Mahdavi, Fatemeh Shahbazi,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (Vol.20, No.3, Autumn 2024)

Background and Objectives: More than 12 types of cancer are caused by contact with environmental factors and occupational carcinogens. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the trend of mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) rates attributed to occupational carcinogens in Hamedan province, Iran, from 1990 to 2021.
Methods: In this ecological study, the Global Burden of Diseases database was used to collect the required data. The trend of changes in the mortality and disability-adjusted life years rates was examined using joinpoint regression analysis and the Join Point Regression software.
Results: The years of life lost (YLLs) due to premature death and disability attributed to occupational carcinogens in Hamadan Province increased from 10.31 per 1,000 population in 1990 to 23.33 per 1,000 population in 2021. The average annual percent change (AAPC) in DALYs was 3.79% for women and 2.57% for men. The all-cause mortality rate attributed to occupational carcinogens rose from 0.31 per 100,000 population in 1990 to 0.74 per 100,000 in 2021 (AAPC = 2.78%; 95% CI: 2.68% to 2.90%).
Conclusion: The trend of mortality and disability-adjusted life years due to occupational carcinogens in Hamadan province had an increasing trend overally. Periodic screenings for workers in high-risk occupations are essential to mitigate the burden of occupational cancers.

Ali Alami, Hassan Eshaghiyan Farimani, Farnaz Sharifi Mood,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (Vol.20, No.3, Autumn 2024)

Background and Objectives: Suicide is a major health concern worldwide, and there is a strong association between the presence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt in the future. This study aimed to determine the epidemiological status of suicidal thoughts among university students and its correlation with some of their personal, family, and social factors.
Methods: An analytic cross-sectional study was conducted on 556 students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences (GMU) who met the inclusion criteria and were selected by multi-stage sampling in 2023. To collect data, a checklist and the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSSI) were used. The collected data were analyzed using independent t-tests, chi-square, Fisher's exact test, and logistic regression.
Results: The prevalence (95% confidence interval) of suicide ideation among students of GMU was estimated at 20.5% (17.2-23.8%), with 11.5% of the students having high-risk (High and very high risk) suicidal thoughts. The prevalence of suicidal ideation was significantly higher among female compared to male students (P=0.016). Moreover, single students had more suicidal thoughts compared to married ones (P=0.019). In contrast, there was no statistically significant association between suicidal ideation and age, native status, place of residence and faculty of study of students.
Conclusion: The prevalence of suicide ideation and high-risk suicide ideation among the students was found to be relatively high. Thus, attention to state of mental health of students, especially female and single students, as well as creating suitable conditions for living and studying for them is recommended.

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