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Showing 2 results for Blood Transfusion

R Nosratabadi , E Saneimoghadam , M Arababadi, S Khosravi , Gh Hassanshahi , R Vazirinegad ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2009)

Background and Objectives: Anaphylactic reaction is one of the most important transfusion anaphylactic reactions in medicine. During transfusion if Individuals with IgA deficiency take blood which containing IgA, they would suffer from severe allergic reaction. Since there is a little known about this in different ethnic groups in Iran we have decided to evaluate this issue in Sistan & Baluchestan province in Iran. Methods: During one year, blood samples were collected from 3837 volunteer blood donors. Then the serum samples were tested for IgA titer by nephlometry and SRID techniques.
Results: According to our results only, one donor (0.026%) was found to have IgA less than 5mg/dl and 34(0.9%) cases had IgA: 5-30 mg/dl while 3798(99%) had IgA more than 30mg/dl.
Conclusions: With regards to very low prevalence of IgA deficiency in blood donors in Southeast part of Iran, it seems that anaphylactic reactions most likely be due to other factors in the individuals that receive blood products.
Y Madmoli, Sm Akhaghi Dezfuli, R Beiranvand, B Saberi Pour, M Azami, M Madmoli,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Objectives: Regular blood transfusions in patients with hereditary hemolytic anemia, especially thalassemia, increase the survival of most patients but also may result in infection with viruses like hepatitis. In order to identify these diseases and other complications in people with thalassemia, this study aimed to investigate epidemiological and clinical findings in patients with thalassemia in Dezful in 2015.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, data were collected from medical records in Dezful thalassemia Clinic by the census method. The collected data included gender, age, location, ethnicity, blood type, transfused blood type, time between blood transfusions, medications, vaccinations, underlying diseases, and operations and their time.
Results: The records of 174 thalassemia patients with a mean age of 23.60 years were evaluated. Of these, 23 patients (13.2%) had thalassemia intermediate and 151 (86.8%) had thalassemia major. The last mean serum ferritin was 2760.60. Independent T test showed a significant relationship between the type of thalassemia and age at diagnosis (P=0.000). There was a significant positive correlation between age and blood transfusion intervals so that the intervals increased with age (P=0.004) (r=0.21).
Conclusion: The high mean age in the center compared to other studies as well as the low frequency of side effects indicate the effectiveness of new treatments and increased survival of these patients.

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