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Showing 14 results for Communicable Diseases

M Hosseiny, Gh Moradi, Mm Gouya, A Janati, E Ghaderi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Objectives: Evaluation is one of the main components of communicable diseases surveillance. Despite the World Health Organization’s emphasis for preparation of evaluation tools, there is no suitable tool in Iran. This study aimed to prepare a tool for evaluation of communicable diseases surveillance in hospitals and to pilot it.

Methods: Items were prepared in the first step and the first version of questionnaire was developed. Face validity and content validity were checked. Piloting of the questionnaire was done in Tabriz hospitals. Data were entered into SPSS 18. For evaluation of reliability, internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's α and Kuder-Richardson.

Results: According to the results, we developed a questionnaire containing 29 questions in 5 domains with 20 indexes. Fifteen hospitals (78.9%) had a communicable diseases reporting system. The goals of reporting system were not described in these hospitals and only 2 (13.3%) hospitals had supporting laws. None of the hospitals had complete access to the surveillance system and reporting tools.

Conclusion: The developed questionnaire can be a useful tool to evaluate the communicable diseases surveillance system in hospitals. The reporting systems in the hospitals are not complete.

G Moradi, A Veysi, K Rahmani, H Erfani, A Doosti Irani , Mr Shirzadi, F Gharachorloo, M Nabav, Mm Gouya,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Objectives: Leishmaniasis control in each country, especially in countries where the disease is endemic, requires designing and implementing an organized national surveillance system. Iran has long been considered as an endemic country for leishmaniasis. The purpose of this study was to review the leishmaniasis surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: In this review study, the data were obtained from the surveillance system, reports and documents, published guidelines, reviews of the existing structures, and the views of the managers and experts of the Center for Communicable Diseases control in Iran in 2018.
Results: The surveillance system for two types of leishmaniasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis and visceral leishmaniasis (Kala-azar), is currently operational in the country, and new cases are reported monthly. For each identified case, in addition to the epidemiologic attributes, treatment and follow-up as well as follow-up of possible contacts are done as per to the guidelines for each of these diseases.
Conclusion: The current surveillance system for leishmaniasis has improved the process of reporting cases in recent years. However, the low rate of reporting of cases, especially for cutaneous leishmaniasis, and epidemiological complexities in the transmission of the infection indicate the need for reviewing and improving the current surveillance system.  Data from the surveillance system and the increasing number of leishmaniasis cases in Iran reveal the need for innovations to strengthen the control measures for this disease.
S Eybpoosh, B Eshrati,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Objectives: This article provides an overview of the national nosocomial infection surveillance system in Iran and its current status, achievements, and challenges.
Methods: All relevant reports, documents, and program guidelines, as well as published literature and surveillance data related to the nosocomial infection surveillance system in Iran were critically reviewed. Opinions of the key informants at local and governmental levels were also reviewed.
Results: The program was launched in 2006 covering 100 volunteer hospitals. Since 2016, participation in the program is obligatory, leading to the participation of 555 hospitals with >100 beds (56%). Major data collected in the program include demographic characteristics, infections and related risk factors, pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance, and patient outcome. Recently, device-associated infection rates are also calculated in the program. Since its establishment in 2006, the program has improved in terms of case finding and coverage. Implementation of the program has also had positive impacts on the stakeholders’ knowledge, attitude, and practice.
Conclusion: Although the number of identified cases and program coverage have improved, a considerable proportion of the infected cases still remain undiagnosed. Implementation of the program has also improved the stakeholders’ awareness, attitude and practice. The program faces a number of challenges, including lack of appropriate scientific support from academics and executive issues. Integration of active and sentinel surveillance in selected hospitals, persuasion of physicians to actively participate in the program, and conducting incidence and prevalence surveys would help the program to better detect nosocomial infection cases.
Gh Moradi, E Ghaderi, M Sargolzaei, H Fallahi, S Eybpoosh, K Tayeri, S Akbarpour , K Entezarmahdi, Kh Rahmani,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran is one of the Middle Eastern countries that implemented the HIV / AIDS control and surveillance program many years ago. The purpose of this study was to review the HIV / AIDS surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: This was a review research to assess the processes, structures and achievements of the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iran. The information sources of this study included data from the surveillance system, reports and documentation, and published guidelines, reviewing existing structures and views of managers and practitioners of the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iran.
Results: In Iran, all cases with HIV / AIDS as well as people with high risk behaviors are referred to behavioral disease counseling centers in order to receive health care services. Harm reduction in people with risky behaviors in the form of counseling centers, drug addicts' centers, and women's counseling centers in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations, and attention to the second generation of HIV/AIDS surveillance, particularly conducting behavioral studies, are other components of the HIV / AIDS surveillance system in Iran
Conclusion: Although the HIV / AIDS surveillance system in Iran has a large structure with many achievements in reducing new HIV cases, especially in some high-risk groups such as injecting drug users, as well as reducing HIV transmission from infected mothers to their children, strengthening this surveillance system, especially for sexual high-risk groups, is essential for controlling HIV/AIDS in the country.
Gh Moradi, Kh Rahmani, P Hemati, H Akbari, F Rezaei, M Dadras, B Amiri, H Erfani, M Soroush, S Darvishi, J Soltani, T Mokhtari Azad , Mm Gouya,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran, like most other countries in the world, is always threatened with global epidemics and pandemics of influenza. The purpose of this study was to review the influenza surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: Data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control, the review of records, documents, books and published articles and also interviews with process owners and experts of influenza surveillance in 2017-2019.
Results: Influenza surveillance in Iran Currently, a combination of surveillance methods, including caring for patients, laboratory care, hospital care and surveillance of respiratory disease epidemics and also border surveillance. Reporting of human influenza outbreaks, as well as suspected avian flu as main notifiable diseases carried out through telephone. For each suspect case, in addition to taking and sending a sample to diagnose and also detect subtypes of the virus, medical treatment is immediately initiated and tracking of possible contacts is also done.
Conclusion: Although there is currently good coherence in the surveillance of influenza in Iran, but based on concerns about the emergence of influenza pandemics in the future, and considering the possible genetic variation of the flu viruses, the tracking of the flu virus circulation along with updating surveillance system especially emphasizing methods and formulas for rapid identification of disease outbreaks, as well as providing better health care and treatment is essential.
E Abdalmaleki, Zh Abdi, M Goharimehr, R Alvandi, S Riazi Esfahani , E Ahmadnezhad,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Background and Objectives: Iran has carried out a series of surveys based on the Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) referred to as the CASPIAN. The aim of this paper was to compare the methodology and tools of CASPIAN surveys and to propose recommendations and suggestions for future implementations.
Methods: The data of this systematic review study were gathered from the World Health Organization (WHO) documentations, international databases including Pubmed, EMBASE, Scopus, GoogleScholar, and ScienceDirect, and national databases including Magiran, SID, and Irandoc. The search was conducted in both English and Persian (for the time period from 2003 to 2018). The time and place of the study, target population, questionnaire(s), sample size, and sampling method were compared between the surveys.
Results: Five rounds of CASPIAN survey were conducted in Iran from 2003 to 2015. The surveys had two sets of questionnaires for students and parents. In all five rounds, sampling methods and questionnaires were similar in the core and differed in some details that were added selectively in each round. The questionnaires were designed based on the GSHS and the WHO stepwise approach to non-communicable disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) programs.
Conclusion: Considering the small variation in each series and compliance with the global model, it is suggested that the next CASPIAN survey be conducted according to the previous series in accordance with the standards presented in the global model in recent years in a reasonable interval from the 2015 survey.
Kh Rahmani, Gh Moradi, Mb Khadem Erfan , L Faraji, Gh Zamini, B Mohammadian, M Karimi, F Bahrami, A Raeisi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Background and Objectives: Iran started malaria elimination campaigns many years ago. The purpose of this study was to review the malaria surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: The data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control, a review of records, documents, books and published articles, and also interviews with process owners and experts of malaria surveillance in 2017-2019.
Results: The surveillance system of malaria in Iran has a coherent structure, in which all identified cases are reported and monitored from the environmental levels to the center by telephone instantly. Considering that the main goals of the malaria program including disease elimination have been obtained, the surveillance system in Iran is currently aiming at strengthening the elimination phase. In this stage, all new cases are also epidemiologically investigated in addition to examination, treatment and follow-up for categorization of the cases in categories of relapse, indigenous, introduced, and induced.
Conclusion: The successful implementation of the surveillance system for malaria over time has caused indigenous cases of disease to be limited to three southeastern provinces of the country and there are fewer than 300 new cases a year. Despite success, since the goal of malaria surveillance in Iran is now disease elimination, continuous monitoring of  correct implementation of all processes and evaluation of the applied strategies are necessary.
E Ghaderi, Gh Moradi, S Sharafi, Kh Rahmani, Sh Ahmadi, B Mohsenpour, M Nasehi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Background and Objectives: Over the past decades, the Iran’s anti-tuberculosis campaign has become highly structured and many achievements have been made. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the TB surveillance system and its components in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Methods: The data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control, a review of the records, documents, books and published articles, and also interviews with process owners and experts of TB surveillance during 2017-2019.
Results: Case finding and treatment and follow-up of TB patients and their household contacts are done In the TB surveillance system. The implementation of the DOTS, (DIRECTLY OBSERVED TREATMENT SHORT-Course) is a major component of the TB surveillance system. Patient registration is done in an online application, which allows extracting and reporting the important indicators of the program. In this surveillance system, there is a special sensitivity to the treatment of patients, so the incidence of multi drug-resistant TB in the country is lower than that of the neighbors. The presence of regional laboratories that cover the entire region of the country is one of the strengths of the TB surveillance program in Iran.
Conclusion: Despite budget problems, the anti-TB program in Iran has many achievements. However, new strategies need to be considered to reduce the incidence of TB.
M Karami, Kh Rahmani, Gh Moradi, Mm Gouya, A Sabouri , K Entezar Mahdi , Gh Kamali, Sm Zahraei,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Background and Objectives: Elimination and eradication of measles requires designing and implementing an enhanced surveillance system. The purpose of this study was to review the measles surveillance system in Iran.
Methods: The data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control; a review of the records, documents, books, and published articles; and interviews with process owners and experts of measles surveillance in 2017-2019.
Results: Iran has a surveillance plan to eliminate the measles. The current design for suspected cases of measles in Iran is a case-based surveillance system, in which for each identified case with fever and maculopapular rashes, some activities such reporting, laboratory confirmation, clinical and epidemiological investigation and case registration in individual forms are done.
Conclusion: Complete surveillance of cases suspicious of measles and high coverage of vaccination in children less than 2 years in a cohesive surveillance system and rapid response to the outbreak have led to lack of occurrence of indigenous measles in Iran. Although the current status of the measles surveillance system in Iran seems to be favorable, since Iran is at the stage of measles elimination, it is essential to increase the sensitivity of the reporting system for suspected cases of measles and to maintain the status of vaccine coverage to save elimination status.
Mm Gouya, Sm Zahraei, Gh Moradi, M Karami, S Mahmodi, Sh Shah Mahmoodi , E Ghaderi, F Kaveh, A Norouzinejad , K Hajibagheri, Kh Rahmani,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Background and Objectives: : According to the global strategy for polio eradication, targeted surveillance of the disease is one of the main tasks of the health system. The purpose of this study was to review the status and surveillance of poliomyelitis/acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in Iran.
Methods: The present study was a review on the processes, structures and achievements of the poliomyelitis/AFP surveillance system in Iran during 2017-2019. The data of this study were obtained from the surveillance system of the Center for Communicable Disease Control; a review of the records, documents, books and published articles; and interviews with process owners and experts of poliomyelitis/AFP surveillance.
Results: The polio eradication program in Iran is based on the action plan of the World Health Organization that was introduced initially in 1988. Currently, the surveillance system of AFP is active at three levels: country, university, and city. The number of poliomyelitis cases in the country decreased from 50 cases per year in 1985 to zero in 2001, and Iran has been a polio-free country since 2001. The final report on polio eradication in Iran was approved by the regional commission on polio detection in April 2006.
Conclusion: The surveillance system of AFP has had a proper effectiveness throughout the country. Maintaining this situation in the country requires an increase in the sensitivity of the surveillance system of the disease, regular monitoring of vaccine coverage, strict implementation of international health regulations, especially on the eastern borders of the country, and providing technical assistance to neighboring countries.
M Hadian, M Tajvar, Ms Yekani Nejad , M Arab,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Background and Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to compare the predictive power of the Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) with the Human Development Index (HDI) with regard to the share of deaths caused by Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) among all deaths in the world and Iran.
Methods: The data required for this cross-sectional ecological study were extracted from the reports of the United Nations Human Development Program and the WHO in 2015. Pearson correlation test was used to investigate the correlation of HDI and IHDI with the share of deaths caused by NCDs and linear regressions models were used to determine the associations of IHDI and HDI with the dependent variable.
Results: At a significant level of P<0.01, the dependent variable showed a strong positive correlation with HDI (0.892) and IHDI (0.899). Simple linear regression showed that HDI alone predicted the dependent variable well (Adj.R2=0.794, P<0.001).However, according to the multivariate linear regression model, when IHDI and HDI were included in the model, IHDI was able to predict the dependent variable well (Adj.R2=0.809, P=0.001), while the relationship between HDI and the dependent variable was no longer significant.
Conclusion: Although HDI alone is an important predictor of NCD status, it loses its influence in the presence of IHDI. Therefore, in addition to HDI, IHDI that illustrates the impact of inequality on human development can provide more information on the status of deaths caused by NCDs.
H Tavakoli Ghouchani, A Delshad, Hr Shoraka, H Lashkardoost, A Afshari Safavi , J Rahimi,
Volume 16, Issue 5 (3-2021)

Background and Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to major health and socioeconomic problems worldwide. This study was conducted to determine the clinical features and health behaviors related to COVID-19 in patients presenting to selected COVID-19 centers of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out using stratified random sampling in 350 patients presenting to selected COVID-19 centers of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences in August and September 2020. Demographic and clinical features and the data related to COVID-19 disease were collected using a researcher-made checklist and analyzed with the SPSS 24 software using chi-square test and logistic regression.
Results: Of 350 patients, 200 (57.1%) were male and the rest were female. The PCR test was positive in 72% of the patients. The highest percentage of infection was seen in self-employed subjects and driver, people in the age group 30-50 years, and male subjects. The highest observance of masking, hand washing, and social distancing was related to healthcare staff and the lowest was seen in self-employed people, drivers, and military staff. A history of attending a gas station increased the chance of a positive test by 2.3 times (95% CI: 1.13-4.79).
Conclusion: According to the results, age, gender, occupation and history of presence in crowded places are important determinants of infection and adherence to protocols.
L Shams, Gh , T Nasiri, M Meskarpour Amiri,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic status and non-communicable diseases (NCD) risk factors in one of the northern counties of Iran.

Methods: A descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in Langrud County in 2019. In this study, 906 rural and urban households were surveyed using mixed sampling. The data collection tool was the standard questionnaire of "NCD disease care system". Households’ exposure to NCD behavioral risk factors (including unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and smoking) in different socio-economic groups was examined and compared with logistic regression models using the STATA software.

Results: The probability of smoking in illiterate subjects and those with unfinished high school education and high school diploma was 5.1, 7.5 and 4.2 times higher than those with university education (OR = 5.1,7.5,4.2; P <0.05). The probability of unhealthy diets in the first and second quartiles of income (very low and low income) was 3.4 and 2.6 times higher compared to the people in the fourth quartile of income (high income) (P <0.05; OR = 3.4, 2.6).

Conclusion: The micro-level socioeconomic inequalities (within the county) have a significant relationship with households’ exposure to NCD risk factors. Reducing socio-economic inequalities at the micro level should be considered as an appropriate tool to reduce health inequality at the macro level.
Batoul Rabbani, Ardeshir Khosravi, Mahinsadat Azimi, Jafar Sadegh Tabrizi, Azizallh Atefi, Amin Ataey, Hossien Kazemeini, Elham Rashidin,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Objectives: Overall, the four categories of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Cancer, Diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases) contribute to over 80% of annual premature deaths, with more than 85% of these occurrences transpiring in low- and middle-income countries. This study seeks to assess the likelihood of premature mortality attributable to these diseases across the provinces of Iran.
Methods: Data on causes of death from 2016 to 2019 was extracted from the death registration system of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. To assess the completeness of the death registration system on a provincial level, we employed a novel method introduced by Adair and Lopez.
Results: From 2016 to 2019, non-communicable diseases, specifically the four primary diseases, constituted 68.98%, 69.44%, 69.17%, and 67.94% of all causes of death in Iran, respectively. During the same period, the probabilities of premature mortality attributed to major non-communicable diseases were 14.95%, 15.15%, 15.25%, and 16.63%, respectively. Notably, Golestan province exhibited the highest probability of premature death.
Conclusion: The percentage of probability of death resulting from non-communicable diseases is a crucial indicator for the prevention and control of NCDs at both the international and national levels. This indicator requires ongoing monitoring to effectively address the issue. Given the diverse socioeconomic and epidemiological circumstances across the provinces of Iran, acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the current situation regarding these diseases becomes imperative. Such knowledge facilitates the development of well-informed planning and policy-making strategies aimed at managing the increasing burden of NCDs and ensuring equitable healthcare provision.

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