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Showing 2 results for Content Validity

I Abdollahpour, S Nedjat, M Noroozian, R Majdzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2011)

Background & objectives: Content validity is the first type of validity that has to be ensured during the design of a tool. Its prerequisite for other validities and its close relationship with the tool reliability place it in a vital position in the questionnaire design. However, since it has not been paid enough attention in national publications therefore in this paper we will explain the different steps in preparing an appropriate content for questionnaires and also their assessment.
Methods: The steps of the content validation process for designing valid and reliable questionnaires have been explained in this paper: development (domain identification, items generation and instrument construction), Judgment – quantification (determining the inter rater agreement among experts, determining the clarity and relevancy of each of the questions along with the clarity, relevancy and comprehensiveness of the tool as a whole) have been explained.
Conclusions: The benefits of performing the content validation in questionnaire development are not increasing the possibility of accessing desirable content validity indexes (relevancy, clarity, and comprehensiveness) only, but also improving the Reliability indexes of tool and decreasing need for resources (financial and temporal) are the other benefits of this approach. Although subjective nature of experts’ responses is the problematic issue in this process but the more quantitative steps of the content validation has reduced considerable part of previous worries about this process. These issues explain why content validation has become a suitable process for questionnaire
Mm Vakili, L Babakhani, S Sharifi, A Moazen, Z Mehrabi, K Kamali, M Namadian, E Shakibazadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background and Objectives: The pandemic of HIV/AIDS is spreading rapidly in the Middle East, in particular in Iran. Designing an educational program involves assessment of the educational needs of people with valid and culture-based tools. This study was conducted with the aim of psychometric analysis of an instrument for assessment of HIV/AIDS knowledge based on the Iranian culture in different population groups.
Methods: In this psychometric analysis, 58 items related to AIDS knowledge were prepared based on a literature review. Then, the face validity  and content validity of the instrument was determent by the impact item score, content validity ratio (CVR), and content validity index (CVI). The reliability of the scale was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and test-retest.
Results: Based on face validity and content validity, the research scale had 44 items with an item impact score > 1.5, a CVR > 0.49, and a CVI > 0.79. The Scale had three sections, general knowledge about HIV/AIDS (9 items), knowledge about HIV transmission (25 items), and knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention (10 items). The Scale also had a high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient=0.77-0.91, ICC=0.88)
Conclusion: The results of the study showed the instrument was a valid and reliable scale for measurement of knowledge about HIV/AIDS.

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