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Showing 5 results for Fars

B Moghimi Dehkordi, A Rajaeefard, Hr Tabatabaee, B Zeighami, A Safaee, Z Tabeie,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (9-2007)

Background & Objectives: Cancer has been traditionally regarded as a fatal disease it is a major public health problem in many countries throughout the world. In recent years, cancer morbidity and mortality has increased in our country and notably stomach cancer now ranks second or third among all cancers types with regard to morbidity.
Methods: Our study included all gastric cancer patients registered in the cancer registry of Fars province. The patients' survival status was followed using phone calls and death records from hospitals, other medical centers, and the city's cemetery. Data analysis involved the use of the nonparametric Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards models and was performed with the software package SPSS V.13.
Results: Of the 442 patients with gastric cancer, 303 cases (68.6 percents) were male, and the mean age of patients was 58.41 years (SD=14.46). In univariate analysis with the KM method, a statistically significant association was found between survival rates and the following factors: age at diagnosis (P<0.001), tumor grade (P=0.009), presence of metastases (P<0.001), and type of the initial treatment (P=<0.001). Factors without a significant relationship with the survival rate included sex, ethnicity, weight, BMI, tobacco use, history of cancer in close or distant relatives, place of residence, number of children, marital status, occupation, and income. In Cox regression, only age at diagnosis, tumor grade, and the presence of metastases showed a significant association with survival rates.
Conclusions: Our results imply that early detection of cancer at a lower age and in lower tumor grades could be important for increasing the patients' life expectancy.

H Faramarzi, P Bagheri, A Mohammadi, E Hadizadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2012)

Background & Objectives: Burns is one the important injuries which may result vital impairment and disability. Burn injuries are still common particularly in developing countries. Assessment of the epidemiology of burns is very important to make effective preventive methods. This study was conducted in Fars province to assess and describe the epidemiology of burns including its main causes, and its demographic factors.
Methods: All epidemiological data of patients with burn admitted to the hospitals in Fars province during 2010 were analyzed in this descriptive study.
Results: Total of 328 patients with mean age 25.93±17.94 were included. It consisted of 178 male patients (54.3%) and 150 female patients (45.7%), The most common accident age was 26 years, the average percentage of burn was 36.63± 26.63%, average hospital stay in hospital was 13.40±12.72 days, 249 cases had unintentional injury (91/75%) and 79 cased had intentional (24.9%), The main reason for  intentional burns was divorce (16.76%), the most common month accident was December, the overall cumulative incidence of burn injuries was 7.28% in 100000 people (person per year) and the burn fatality rate was 29.88%
Conclusion: Epidemiology of burn injuries in Fars province indicates that effective public health programs on this issue would help to reduce the incidence of burn injuries in this region.

Gh Yadegarfar, T Alinia, R Hassannezhad, M Fayaz, R Hosseini, J Sanati, J Harandi, V Haj Noroozali, Mr Baghi, E Mirzavand,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Background & Objectives: To be able to measure the extent of job stress, it is essential to use a standardized tool based on a standard theoretical model. The study aims to test the psychometric properties and criterion validity of the Farsi version of the Effort Reward Imbalance (F-ERI) questionnaire.
Methods: The Farsi version of the ERI Questionnaire was distributed to 227 male employees in Isfahan Polyacryle Company. Internal consistency, reliability, discriminative validity, and factorial structure were evaluated. The relationship between scales and depression was measured assessed by using logistic regression to criterion validity. Data were analysed by SPSS 18 and LIZREL 8.5.
Results: Mean score of effort, reward, and overcommitment were 10.7, 41.4, and 14.2 respectively Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were 0.61, 0.85 and 0.67 and split-half coefficients were 0.53, 0.85, and 0.65. All of item-total correlations were more than 0.20 correlation between each item and its scale were more than 0.4 except for one item. Effort and overcommitement had a good fit for construct validity.
 Conclusion: Current study results indicated the Farsiversion of the Effort Reward Imbalance (F-ERI) questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool to measure psychosocial stress at work among Farsi-speaking employees. It is advisable to evaluate the tool in longitudinal studies and other industries which included female employees. We refer the investigators to see the longitudinal results of current project which is under publication.
A Shakeri, F Jafarizadeh, M Zarenezhad,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2014)

  Background & Objectives : Suicide is a conscious attempt to end one’s life. Evidence suggests that nearly one million people die due to suicide worldwide each year. The aim of present study was to describe the epidemiological and demographic data of suicide victims and related factors in Fars Province.

  Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the demographic and epidemiological data of suicide victims in Fars Province during the 5-year period from April 2007 to March 2011 was collected by a questionnaire. Finally, the data was statistically analyzed.

  Results : The victims were 934 cases. The mean and standard deviation of age for the cases was 32.12 ± 81.29 years. About 72.5% & 27.3% were men & women, respectively. The most common methods of suicide were hanging (n=472, 5.50%) for men and self burning (n=103, 16%) for women. Most of the people who committed suicide (n=411, 44%) were in the third decade of life (20 to 29 years). The most common etiology (53.5%) was unknown.

  Conclusion: Due to the high incidence of suicide in young people and unmarried individuals, authorities need to consider these groups in social planning in Fars Province.

S Izadi, Ar Nikseresht, M Poursadeghfard,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2014)

  Background & Objectives : Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic progressive disease with several disabilities for patients. Its distribution in the world can be an important clue to study racial, genetic, and environmental factors thus, epidemiologic studies have been a very attractive concept for recent papers.

  Methods: We conducted this retrospective study to determine the prevalence of multiple sclerosis in different geographic areas of Fars (south of Iran). We first evaluated 11 large cities for the prevalence of the disease. In the second stage, we searched for five clinical subtypes of the disease (relapsing remitting, clinical isolated syndrome, progressive relapsing, primary progressive and secondary progressive) in both men and women.

  Results : From 2535 patients, 523 (20.6%) were men and 2012 (79.4%) were women. The prevalence of the disease in the total population of Fars was 54.3 / 100,000. Shiraz had the highest and Firoozabad had the lowest number of patients for each sex. The most common clinical subtype was relapsing remitting in each city, as well. The female-male ratio was 3.8 / 1.

  Conclusion: Fars is a medium to high risk area for multiple sclerosis and women are affected more than men. The most common clinical subtype of multiple sclerosis is relapsing remitting (71%) followed by clinical isolated syndrome (22%).

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