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A Ardalan, K Holakouie Naieni, Mr Aflatounian, M Nekouie, Re Laporte, Ek Noji,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2005)

Background and Objective: On 26 December 2003, an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale struck the city of Bam and the surrounding villages. This study was conducted to determine the needs of the affected population on the 19th and 20th days after the quake to help with the prioritization of relief activities and efficient resource allocation.
Materials and Methods: Following a feasibility study on 10 Jan 2004, a team consisting of volunteer students of School of Public Health at KUMS was assembled and trained. Each of the 8 groups consisted of 3-4 students with at least 1 man responsible for security on the field. On the 13th and 14th of January, using a cross-sectional design, 60 clusters including 420 households, 7 households in each cluster, were studied based on a Cluster Geographic-Based Sampling (GBS) Plan.
Results: Fifty-five households (13.1%) had children < 2 years, 81 (19.3 %) had children aged 2-5 years and 68 (16.2 %) contained people more than 65 years old. Thirty-seven households (8.9%, CI 95%: 6.4-11.7%) had changed their residence in Bam from one zone to another the main reason for this was poor environmental health conditions (85%). The main source of health and social messages for families was word of mouth 284 (67.6%). The most commonly needed items were bathrooms (73.8 %, CI 95%: 68.9-78.7%), food (68.8 %, CI 95%: 62.6-75.0%) and warm clothes (67.4 %, CI 95%: 60.9-73.8%). The most frequent illness was acute respiratory infection (59.8 %, CI 95%: 54.3-65.2%). Two hundred households (47.6%, CI 95%: 42.6-52.6%) complained of difficulties in obtaining health and medical services. The main barrier to access was transportation problems due to long distance (38.1%, CI 95%: 35.6-40.6%). 

Conclusion: We conclude that relief operations should be continued to provide basic public health facilities. Active delivery of health and medical services should be strengthened, and problems related to reproductive health should not be ignored. The GBS plan is a useful tool in the post-disaster surveys. Using volunteer university students was a rewarding experience and teaching and application of "Disaster Epidemiology" should be improved in this country.

A.a Keshtkar, Mj Kabir, S Asghari, S Nedjat, A Etemadi, R Heshmat, Y Kanani, K Holakouie Naeini,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2005)

Background and Objectives: Noise-induced hearing loss is a prevalent work-related morbidity in the country. We determined the strength of association between hearing loss and occupational noise exposure as the first step in prevention programs.
Material and Methods: A historical cohort study involving 100 exposed and 31 non-exposed subjects was conducted. Noise exposure was estimated using sound level meter BSEN 60651, Type 2. Past noise exposure was estimated using the existing data on the place and type of work. Audiometry was used to assess hearing loss in each subject in 3- year intervals on an occupational cohort from 1993-2004.

Results: Noise-induced hearing loss was found in 49% (49 subjects) of the exposed group and 9.7 %( 3 subjects) of non-exposed group (p<.0001). Nobody used any form of hearing protection routinely in either group. Relative risk for noise-induced hearing loss was 5.1(CI95%: 1.7- 15.1).Time at risk was estimated 24.9 years (22.7-27.1) in exposed and 22.2 years (20.7-23.7) in unexposed group by survival analysis.
Conclusion: More legislation, hearing conservation programs, and surveillance and biological monitoring of work sites and workers are required to prevent occupational hearing loss. Planning strategies for noise assessment and control can help improve the work environment. Gross occupational exposure to noise has been demonstrated to cause hearing loss and the authors believe that occupational hearing loss in the country is a widespread problem.

K Holakouie Naieni, A Fotouhi, M Borhani, B Pooya,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2-2006)

Background and objectives: Malnutrition is a major health problem in Iran. A nationwide survey (ANIS) in 1998 revealed that over 800 000 children in this country were suffering from moderate or severe malnutrition. The southern province of Hormozgan is one of the most severely affected regions, so there is a need to determine disease associations and risk factors for child malnutrition in this area.
Methods: In this case-control study, we selected 1725 children aged 6 to 30 months from both rural and urban areas of Hormozgan. Data for the study were obtained by filling questionnaires and studying family health files. Using the weight-for-age Z score (WAZ) as outcome measure, we examined the effects of 21 different variables, including putative risk factors, confounders, and background variables.
Results: Father's job (p<0.004), parents' education, interval between pregnancies, urban versus rural residence (p<0.001), family size (p<0.03), and misconceptions regarding the growth chart were recognized as risk factors for malnutrition. Moreover, the mean age of the cases was 2.3 years higher than that of the controls (p<0.001). Complete vaccination (p<0.018) and attending day care centers (p<0.005) emerged as protective factors.
Conclusions: Poverty (low-income jobs, rural residence, large family size, etc) is an important factor causing malnutrition among children in Hormozgan. In contrast, immunization and mother's knowledge of the child's growth chart are major protective factors. Therefore, the health system must continue its support for the current immunization program. It should also try to improve the quality of its health education programs targeted at mothers attending state-run health and medical clinics
M Naghavi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2006)

Background and objectives: Data on transitions in health status are among the most important types of information used for promotion of health and social development. Health transition comprises two elements: demographic and epidemiologic transition. This paper depicts the health transition in I.R. Iran over the last few decades.
Methods: We used demographic data gathered over the last 45 years in order to get an idea of the demographic transition. Several other sources were used to gather data on mortality and fertility patterns, occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases, etc to trace epidemiologic transition.
Results: Indices relating to mortality and fertility patterns have undergone marked changes parallel with rising income levels, urbanization, industrialization, and access to health care. Also notable are decreasing under-5 and maternal mortality rates, aging of the population, and a shift from communicable to non-communicable diseases.
Conclusions: Because of the uneven rate of social development, epidemiologic transition has followed varying patterns across different regions. It is crucial that these differences be taken account of in future health programs.
M Vahdaninia, A Montazeri,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2006)

The term "health inequalities" is not a descriptive one: it refers to discrepancies in morbidity and mortality, life expectancy, disability life adjusted years, etc that are due to differences in such factors as socioeconomic status, gender and race/ethnicity. Socio-economic inequalities are the differences in health status (e.g. disease prevalence and incidence rates) across various socio-economic groups. In Europe, measuring socio-economic health inequalities has long been a major research topic. However, there have been relatively few experimental studies in Asia, especially in developing countries. In the social context, measurement of socio-economic status is based on income, educational level and employment status. Stratifying the socio-economic groups based on a hierarchy identifies the pattern of morbidity and mortality in each socio-economic stratum. It also shows the exact relationship between socio-economic status and health. The main data sources for determination of population health status and measuring health inequalities are registries and cross-sectional surveys. It seems that monitoring, prevention and evaluation of health inequalities, especially with a focus on socio-economic level has been neglected in developing countries, including Iran. Due to the lack of formal registries on population health status in these countries, designing cross-sectional and population-based studies would be a useful approach in the prevention and monitoring of health inequalities.
M Naghavi, F Abolhassani, F Pourmalek, N Jafari, M Moradi Lakeh, B Eshrati, N Mahdavi Hezaveh, H Kazemeini, A Tehrani Banihashemi, Sh Shoaee,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2008)

Background & Objective: Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY) summarizes the fatal and nonfatal outcomes of diseases and injuries in one number and gives a quantitative assessment of the health of a population. Estimating the burden of diseases and injuries in Iran in terms of DALY both nationwide and in 6 provinces.
Methods: We used slightly modified versions of the methods developed by the World Health Organization for estimating the burden of premature mortality, disability, and the DALY.
Results: The DALY rate per 100,000 was 21572 and 62% of this was life lost due to premature mortality the remaining 38% was due to disability from diseases and injuries. Fifty-eight percent of the total DALYs had been lost due to non-communicable diseases, 28% due to external causes (injuries), and 14% due to communicable, maternal/ perinatal and nutritional illnesses. The group of diseases and injuries with the highest burden in males waz intentional and unintentional injuries (2.789 million DALYs), while in the female population this position was held by mental disorders with 1.191 million DALYs. The single most important cause of burden was traffic accidents in males and ischemic heart disease in females. Disease burden showed considerable variability between different provinces.
Conclusion: The profile of health and disease in Iran has generally shifted from the predominance of communicable, maternal/perinatal, and nutritional illnesses towards predominance of non-communicable diseases and injuries at the national level. These figures on disease burden at population level are the most objective evidence that can be used in policy making and management of health programs, health research, and resource development within the health sector.
Z Sepehrmanesh, A Ahmadvand, P Yavari, R Saei,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2008)

Background & Objectives: Adolescence is an important period of human development. Developmental traits in this period could be predisposing to behavioral problems, delinquency substance abuse and mental disorder. So this survey was designed to study the mental health status of adolescence in Kashan .
Methods: This cross sectional study involved 400 adolescent from Kashan high schools. They were chosen through randomized stratified sampling. SCL-90-R Questionnaire was used. Demographic information such as age, sex, birth order, history of addiction and any mental disorders ,educational level, age of parent were also asked . Descriptive and analytic statistics were done by SPSS software.
Results: Overall 10% of the high school adolescents had mental disorders. Common psychopathology demonstrations were as follows: Paranoid thought, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and aggression. There were significant relation between family history of addiction and mental disorder, history of physical abuse and age of adolescence with mental health (p<0/05). Total GSI in boys who were substance abuse was 1.9 while in boys who were not was 0.87 (p <0.05). There was not statically significant relation between total mean of GSI and gender however there were statistically significances between girls and boys in interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety and depression.
 Conclusion: The responsible authorities should take steps in addressing these problems by initiating School Counseling Centers and also by including study material in the field of psychiatry and psychology in the adolescent students school curriculum.
F Rakhshani, Mt Heidari, S Barati,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (3-2009)

Background and Objectives: Injury by sharp instruments and needles are major occupational health hazard for healthcare workers. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate and causes of injuries due to needle stick in healthcare workers in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 231 healthcare workers of university hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences were selected at random in 2007. Data were collected through questionnaire and were analyzed by SPSS 13.
Results: From all cases 77.1% were female 56.4% of them were expert, and 50.7% were nurses. Their mean age were 34±8.1 years. Needle stick prevalence was 64.9% during the whole history of career, and 57.2% of them had experiences of needle stick more than twice. Most cases of injuries were related to using needle 55.4%, and they were mostly prone to injury during injection and phlebotomy, 55.6%. The multivariate regression analysis showed that injury due to sharp instruments in university graduates was 60% less compared to those with high school or less, and the injury risk increases 5% in each year of increase in working experience.
Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the importance of training and preventive measures in healthcare centers particularly among high risk group.
M Babakhani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2009)

ackground & Objectives: In fact, economic growth, income inequality and health are integrated issues. Economic growth along with increasing income lead to individuals' health promotion and public health and has a positive impact on it, but if there is inappropriate policy to redistribute of these resources, it would have reverse effects. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between economic growth and ecological income inequality indices with health in Iran from 1978 to 2006.
Methods: An ecological study was designed and relevant data were gathered from the statistics center of Iran and Iran Central Bank. Results: The correlation between Gini coefficient and health indices was statistically significant (P<0.01). The association between economic growth and mortality rate of children under five years index (P<0.01) and with life expectancy (P<0.05) were statistically significant as well.
Conclusions: Economic development and decreasing income inequality should be considered as important determinant factors to have better health in Iranian society.
R Abbasi, Mr Aflatoonian , B Aflatoonian , L Ranjbar ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2010)

Background & Objective: Population-based unit research in urban areas utilze possible commmunity-based researches in oder to empower people to have a healthy life. In order to achive this goal this study carried out to prirotise the common health problems from the point of view of experts and habitants in Kerman population-based research center in 2007.
Methods: Cluster sampling was employed and an standard questionnaire was completed by participants.
Results: A population with total of 1289 persons from 324 family were included in this survey. The mean of age 26.8 ± 19.2. Fifty one percent were male and 15.7% had college education, 3.8% were illiterate, 35.8% were housewife or unemployed. Near seven percent had at least a chronic disease in their family. Most complaint of health environment were shooting garbage and stray dogs (48.7% and 42.5%). Unemployment and inflation were most worrying issues from people point of view (85% and 24%).
Conclusions: It is concluded that to allow people to participate in decision making for any health promotion program is very important and it should be taken into account by health policy makers.
N Zia Sheikholeslami , M Rezaeian, M Bahsoun , M Taghavipoor ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2010)

Background & Objectives: Medical Tourism has been recently paid more attention. Individual practitioners and medical organizations must be able to provide accurate information about this rapidly evolving trend. Since there has been little known about this issue, we decided to assess the knowledge about and attitude towards medical tourism in Rafsanjan, Iran.
Methods: A questionnaire including XXX questions were completed by Rafsanjan Medical University staff. All information was analyzed by SPSS software.
Results: Only 8.3% of individuals sated that they studied some articles about Medical Tourism, and only 14.7% of them had deal with these kinds of patients. The majority of participants (80.7%) hadn’t had any idea about the quality of medical expenses by Medical Tourists. Mainly (68.7%) believed that development of Medical Tourism in Iran would not have any bad social consequences and 62% believed that its development in Iran could improve the knowledge of Iranian doctors. The majority (67.3%) agreed to arrange for inviting tourism to Iran in order to use of Medical Tourists and 54.3 of them believed that development of Medical Tourism could improve treatment of Iranian patients.
Conclusions: The knowledge of participants seems is very low therefore appropriate educational programs should be tailored by responsible organizations in Iran. However medical staff’s attitude towards medical Tourism seems is very positive which indicates having necessary potential for any activity in this regard in future.
A Ahmadvand, Z Sepehrmanesh, F Ghoreyshi, F Assarian, Gh A Moosavi, R Saee, F Etesam,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background & Objectives: Mental health is one of the most important public health issues, and it has major contribution in decreasing global burden of diseases .the objective of this study was to estimate the point prevalence rate of mental disorders in the population aged 18 years and over in Kashan city in 2009.
Methods: A classified- randomized sampling method was used. The General Health Questionnaire and clinical interview were employed to determine of mental disorders. data were analyzed by using Spss v. 16 and OR, and Chi-square test.
Results: The overall prevalence rate of mental disorders in Kashan was estimated (29%) (Female= 35/5%). The most prevalent disorders were mood disorders and anxiety disorders (9/3%) and (4/7%) respectively. In total five hundred-five (505) individuals with mental disorders, 32.1% had mood disorders, 25.6% had anxiety disorders, 4.2% had psychotic disorders, 3.4 % had neurological disorders, 3.4% dissociative disorders and 23.7% had other disorders. In this study 7.8% of subject had one mental disorder at least. The prevalence rate was high in people aged 56-65 years (35/8%) and widow (35/8%), illiterate (42/8%) and unemployed (38/8%). There were statistically significant differences between genders, education, and occupation and marital status.
Conclusion: Mental disorder has a priority for any intention intervention by health policy makers. It should be taken into account for any future agenda by ministry of health.
M Yazdi, H Mahjub,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2011)

Background & Objectives: Maternal health status is one the important health index since it could be a hallmark of performance of health care service particularly in rural area. The aim of this study is ranking and identifying homogeneous provinces based on maternal health indices in Iran.
Methods: Based on the indices in the vital horoscope which were reported by Iran Ministry of Health in 2006, fifteen indices related to maternal health have been selected. Using factor analysis, a factor that can represent rural maternal health in provinces was chosen and provinces ranked according to it. A hierarchical cluster analysis employed for identifying homogenous province based on a distance matrix obtained from the same selected indices in factor analysis.
Results: Factor analysis demonstrated that 89% of data variation included in this model. Based on an appropriate factor as index of maternal health, ranking was run in all provinces in Iran. According to this model, the maternal health status was in good condition in the rural areas of Gilan, Mazandaran and Tehran provinces, respectively. While maternal health were in inappropriate condition in rural areas of Khuzestan, Kohkiluyeh and Hormozgan provinces. The worst rural area was the province of Sistan and Baluchestan.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that employing multivariate analysis would be an effective tool for ranking and classifying homogeneous population (provinces) in terms of maternal health indices. Therefore health policy makers should consider the practical method of this analysis for any decision making.
F Rajati, K Kamali, S Parvizy,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Background & Objectives: Custom-orienting is a critical issue for public health service. Peoples with a variety of developmental health care needs and perspectives are health care clients. Health accessibility through “Primary health care” has been approved and emphasized in Alma Ata in 1978. It is important to have a clear and transparent understanding of clients’ health needs and problems that would enable us to address such needs and prevent the negative consequences that might otherwise ensue. The aim of this study was to understand and gain deeper insight into health service customers’ lived experience of public health accessibility.
Methods: This study has been conducted with a phenomenological approach. Max van Manen six steps method of hermeneutic-phenomenology has been used. Nine health care clients were selected purposefully and interviewed semi-structured.
Results: The results of this experiment revealed the following six themes: to encounter with holistic learning chance, custom-oriented communications, qualified health care service, appropriate time-place health services, equality- orienting, and individual participation.
Conclusion: The participants believed that health accessibility is something more than just to have health services. Therefore, health education and social equality will bring about optimum health services. To develop multi-dimensional learning and to promote individual participation will be useful for more community empowerment.
D Shojae Zadeh, A Mehrab Baic, M Mahmoodi, L Salehi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Background & Objectives: Osteoporosis is major public health concern affecting millions of adults particularly older adults and women worldwide. Designing effective educational intervention is principle in any health promotion program. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an educational intervention based on health belief model on knowledge about, attitudes toward and practice of prevention osteoporosis among women with low socioeconomic status in Isfahan.
Methods: The study population consisted of 14 women with low socioeconomic status and under 60 years old. A valid and reliable questionnaire developed and used as measurement tool for initial and final assessments in this program. In addition calcium intake and vitamin D, physical activity and exposure to the sun were assessed.
Results: The mean age of the participants were 40.8 ± 10.52 years. The mean score of all parts of health belief model (except for perceived barriers), knowledge, sun exposure, and physical activity after educational intervention compared to before intervention, were increased significantly. There was no statistically significant difference between daily calcium and vitamin D intake before and after intervention.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the HBM Model– based educational program on Knowledge and belief regarding Osteoporosis prevention seems practical and effective. However more research should be done to find out more effective intervention regarding optimal calcium and vitamin D intake.
J Karimi, K Holakouie Naieni, E Ahmadnezhad,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (7-2012)

Background & Objectives: Community assessment process is the foundation for developing the basis for effective community health strategies. The aim of this study was providing a framework for comprehensive and participatory community assessment in Shahin-Shar, Isfahan, Iran.
Methods: This assessment performed in Shahin Shar city based on some experiences of Community Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics departments of Tehran University of medical sciences since 1989 and North Carolina Community Assessment Guide Book (2002). The community assessment team included wide ranges of key stakeholders and local people. Our community assessment team has three levels of participants: An advisory group, a work group and a project facilitator. Observation, interview, focus group discussion and summary list of health resources used for data collection. The map of asset was also provided. We reported data to community and Hanlon method -based on magnitude of the problem, seriousness of the consequences and feasibility of correcting- was used for selecting health priorities.
Results: Drug abuse, smoking among adults and depression were the important health priorities. After creating community assessment document, Based on the risk factors that contribute to each problem, the health action plans were developed.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that community assessment could be the foundation for improving and promoting the health of community members. It could be the basis for effective community health strategies in Iran .

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M Karami, H Soori, Y Mehrabi, Aa Haghdoost, Mm Gouya,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Background & Objectives: Knowledge of the presence of seasonal trends and other explainable patterns in the prediagnostic data sources and removing such patterns before applying outbreak detection methods seem very important. This study aimed to detect and remove the explainable patterns such as seasonality, day-of-week (DOW) and holiday effects of the daily counts of suspected cases of measles in Iran.Methods: Data on daily counts of suspected cases of measles as a pre-diagnostic data source were obtained from Iranian national surveillance system between 21 March 2008 and 20 March 2011. We used lines plot, moving average chart, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions for detecting explainable patterns. Moving average (MA) and Holt- Winters (HW) exponential smoothing method are used for removing explainable patterns.

Results: Our findings indicate the presence of seasonality, DOW effect, holidays and weekend effects in the daily counts of suspected cases of measles. The good performance of HW exponential smoothing technique in removing seasonal patterns is evident. MA technique showed better performance regarding assumption violation on outbreak detection methods.

 Conclusion: Because of the presence of explainable patterns in the daily counts of suspected cases of measles, considering such patterns before applying outbreak detection algorithms is very important. Implementing both MA (7 days) techniques for its simplicity as a pre- processing method and HW method for its efficacy in removing seasonal patterns is recommended.

M Karami, H Soori, Y Mehrabi, Aa Haghdoost, Mm Gouya,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Background & Objectives: Evaluating the performance of outbreak detection methods using real data testing provide the highest degree of validity. The aim of this study was to determine the performance of the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) in real time detection of two local outbreaks in Iran.

Methods: The EWMA algorithm (both ƛ= 0.3 and 0.6) applied on daily counts of suspected cases of measles to detect local outbreaks which had been occurred in Mashhad and Bandar Abbas cities during 2010. The performance of The EWMA algorithms were evaluated using real data testing approach and reported by correlation analysis.

 Results: Mashhad outbreak was detected with a delay of about 2 to 7 days using EWMA algorithms as outbreak detection method while the utility of EWMA algorithms in real time detection of Bandar Abbas’ outbreak were on time good optimal. Maximum correlation value for EWMA 2 in relation to Mashhad outbreak was 0.60 at lag 2.

Conclusion: Applying the EWMA algorithm as an outbreak detection method at local levels is not suggested. However the characteristics of data are determinant of the performance of such detection methods.

A Mohammadbeigi, J Hassanzadeh, B Eshrati, N Mohammadsalehi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Background and Objectives: Inequity in health is a universal term which used for showing current differences, variations and inequalities of people in access to health. But inequality in health refers to some inequities which seems are unfair or caused by some errors and biases. The current study aimed to describe some of the common health related inequity measures to be useful for the inequity researchers and other interested health coworkers.
Methods: The calculation, advantage and disadvantage of most common health-inequity indexes including slope index of inequity, relative index of inequality, Theil’s Index, mean log deviation, index of disparity, Gini coefficient, weighted utilization social welfare function, absolute and relative concentration index were assessed. Inequity size of these measures was calculated by using the health care utilization survey data.
Results: Average of health care utilization in in-need subjects was 66.4%. This indicator was in the first to fifth quintiles equal to 57.6%, 63.4%, 71.6%, 69.5% and 75.3%, respectively. Relative concentration index and Gini coefficient was calculated as 0.053 and 0.0062, respectively.
Conclusion: Inequity in health care utilization in Markazi province differs based on the types of inequity measures. Selection of the inequity indexes dependent to the objective and the scale of under study variable. Among discussed indexes, concentration index determine the more accurate and also show the gradient of inequity. Therefore it can be used as the best index.
Z Hashemi , M Keikha, R Keikhaee, A Ansari Moghadam , M Salehi Marzijarani , A Nasiri,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Background & Objectives: Relationship between jobs and different aspects of health, including quality of life has been considered by researchers however the employment aim has risen in Iranian women in Iran but there is little known about the quality of life in this group, therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between employment and quality of life of women in the city of Zabol. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out during 2009-2010 in Zabol, Iran. The sample consisted of 420 women selected randomly from health care centers. Health-related quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 and classified using k-means clustering method. The relationship between the independent variables with the quality of life was assessed by multinomial logistic regression. Results: The mean age of participants was 30.46 ± 8.75 years. Quality of life indicated as low (35.4%), medium (33.7%) and high classes (30.9%), respectively. The results indicated that employed women were more likely than housewives to hadhigher quality of life. An increase age, significantly reduced respectively five and four percent of chance to had moderate and high level of quality of life. Conclusion: More than half of women had medium and low quality of life. Increasing age was associated with decreased quality of life, but employment was an independent predictor for higher quality of life.

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