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Showing 16 results for Incidence

M Karami, K Holakouie Naieni, A Rahimi, A Fotouhi, H Eftekhar Ardabili,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2-2006)

Background & Objectives: The DPT vaccine used in Iran is manufactured by the Razi Institute. So far, there have been no studies to determine the incidence and severity of adverse reactions to this vaccine. It was this lack of reliable information, plus concern for the unfavorable effects of such reactions on compliance with the vaccination schedule, that prompted the current study on DPT side effects.
Methods: In this cohort study, 1910 children aged 0 to 6 were divided into different groups (cohorts) on the basis of factors such as injection site and then monitored for the appearance of adverse effects. Data for this study were gathered through questionnaires filled by telephone or house-to-house interviews. We interviewed parents of children attending the 46 urban health clinics in Kermanshah. These interviews produced the data needed to fill the first part of the study questionnaire. The investigators then gave each parent an "information sheet" containing the data necessary for the second part of the questionnaire. The interviewee was asked to record on this sheet any adverse effects occurring over the following 48 hours. At the end of this period, the parent was contacted via telephone to fill the second part of the questionnaire. Data thus gathered were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 11.5.
Results: In 1910 DTP immunizations given to children 0 to 6 years of age, followed for the development of adverse events occurring within 48 hours after immunization, the cumulative incidence rates were as follows: Swelling, 40.66% (38.43-42.89%) Redness, 43.08% (40.84-45.32%) Pain, 67.32% (65.20-69.40%) Fever (>38° C) 54.14% (51.89-56.40%) Fever (>40.5° C) 1.11% (0.64-1.59%) Drowsiness, 33.35% (31.21-35.48%) Persistent crying, 13.35% (11.81-14.88%) Local reactions, 75.79% (73.86-77.73%) and Systemic Reactions, 69.84% (67.76-71.97%). Only one child developed convulsion following immunization.
Conclusions: Varying reaction rates in different studies, such as high rate of pain and persistent crying in this study, may reflect the different preparations that were used or differenced in the methods for vaccine evaluation. Moreover, because of the severity of systemic reactions, DTP vaccine should be administered in the thigh region
K Khalaji, R Majdzadeh, Mr Eshraghian, A Motevalian, K Holakouie Naieni,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2006)

Background & Objectives: Considering the lack of adequate basic information on risk factors for road traffic injuries in Iran, a study was conducted to determine the association between potential risk factors and the incidence of injuries in motor vehicle drivers.
Methods: We performed a population-based case-control study on Qazvin-Loshan road. Risk factors related to injury incidence were compared between 175 cases and 175 controls. Cases were drivers recently injured in road accidents. Controls did not have any injury and were selected systematically while the study was being conducted. Injury was defined as trauma needing medical or surgical treatment. Information was obtained through police reports and interviews with cases and controls. Data were analyzed by two methods bivariate analysis (crude) and by a multivariate unconditional logistic regression model.
Results: In bivariate analysis, risk factors for road traffic injuries risk were failure to wear seat belts or protective helmets, ejection from vehicle, severity of collision, number of crashes, motorcycle vs. other motor vehicle accidents, fire, rain and fog, and collision with fixed objects. In the logistic model, factors such as seat belt or helmet use with OR= 0.619 (0.376-1.018), ejection from the vehicle with OR= 2.952 (1.235-7.056), severe collision with OR= 5.413 (2.865-10.224), motorcycle vs. other motor vehicle accident with OR= 3.164 (1.05-9.537) and raining and fog vs. good weather with OR= 4.562 (1.663-12.514) were found to influence injury incidence. There was an interaction between severity of collision and weather status.
Conclusions: Better speed control, use of seat belts or helmets, not using motorcycles for road travel and equipping vehicles with fire extinguishing capsules are recommended to reduce road accident injuries.
A Arbabi Kalati, V Alavi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2010)

Background & objectives: Oral disease is a significant burden to all countries of the world. Since there is little know about this in Iran we decided to identify of oral mucosal disease in patients referred to Oral Medicine Center affiliated to Tabriz Dental School.
Methods: A consecutive sample of admitted patients to OMC between April to June 2007 were included in this study. We employed a standard questionnaire in order to
Results: Eight hundred two patients were completed the requested questionnaire. Seventy percent was female. The mean age of the study sample was 32.68 (SD=12.25) years. Approximately 70% of subjects had oral lesion, %19.2 had normal mucosa and %21.60 of patients had oral mucosal lesions that need to follow and control. The most common lesions were ankiloglossia (%29.7) then fissural tongue (%25.7) and coated tongue (%23. 7).
Conclusions: Many patients attending the center were unaware of oral lesions in their soft oral tissue which needed to follow up. This emphasizes that examination of soft oral tissue should be considered by health policy makers in oral health agenda at national level.
E Mostafavi, M Asmand,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (7-2012)

Background & Objectives: Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection transmitted from animals to humans by the ingestion of infected food products, direct contact with an infected animal or inhalation of aerosols. This study aimed to describe the trend and to assess the effect of livestock vaccination rates on reported brucellosis in human across Iran.
Methods: Trends in the epidemiology of human and animal brucellosis in Iran were investigated by analyzing national surveillance data between 1991 till 2008.
Results: The average annual incidence of human brucellosis was 43.24 per100000 population. On average, approximately 27500 new cases have been reported in the country. There was a fall in the incidence rate of Brucellosis over recent years(r=-0.79, P<0.001). In different provinces there was a significant association between the annual incidence of human brucellosis and the annual infection rate of sheep and goats
(r =0.347, P<0.001), the annual incidence of human brucellosis and the annual infection rate of cattle (r =0.327, P<0.001) and the annual incidence of human brucellosis and the percentage of vaccinated cows (r=0.098, P=0.031).
Conclusion: As the prevalence of human brucellosis depends closely with the prevalence of brucellosis in animals, control of the disease in human population needs the cooperation between different public health organizations.


M Khodadost, P Yavari, Ss Hashemi Nazari , M Babaei, A Abadi, F Sarvi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2015)

  Background and Objectives : Awareness of the cancer incidence is essential for cancer prevention and control programs. Capture-recapture methods have been recommended for reducing bias and increasing the accuracy of cancer incidence estimation. This study aimed to estimate the incidence of gastric cancer by the capture-recapture method based on Ardabil population-based cancer registry data.

 Methods: All new cases of gastric cancer reported by three sources, i.e. pathology reports, death certificates, and medical records, reported to Ardabil population-based cancer registry between 2006 and 2008 were enrolled in the study. The duplicate cases based on the similarity of the first name, surname, and father's name were identified among sources. The estimated incidence was calculated by the log-linear method using the Stata 12 software.

  Results : A total 857 new cases of gastric cancer were reported from three sources. After removing duplicates, the reported incidence rate was 35.3 and 32.5 per 100,000 population for the years 2006 and 2008, respectively. The estimated incidence rate calculated by the log-linear method for these years was 96.2 and 90.4 per 100,000 population, respectively.

  Conclusion: The results showed that none of the sources of pathology reports, death certificates, and medical records, individually or collectively, fully covered the incidence of gastric cancer. We can obtain more accurate estimates of the incidence rate using the capture-recapture method.

M Khodadost, P Yavari, M Babaei, F Sarvi, Ss Hashemi Nazari ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2015)

Background and Objectives: completeness of registration is used as one of the measures of the quality of a cancer registry, which is the degree to which reportable incident cases of cancer in the population of interest is actually recorded in the registry.

Methods: After removing the duplicates, a total of 471 new cases of esophagus cancer reported by three sources of pathology reports, medical records, and death certificates to Ardabil Province Cancer Registry Center in 2006 and 2008 were enrolled in the study. The incidence rate was estimated based on the capture-recapture method and the use of the log-linear models. BIC, G2 and Akaike statistics were used to select the best-fit model.

Results: In this study, a model with linkage between pathology reports and medical records and a model with death certificates alone, independent of the previous two sources, was the best fitted model. The estimated total completeness of esophagus cancer in 2006 and 2008 was 36% .The source that had the most completeness for esophagus cancers was pathology reports with 21.17%. The estimated incidence rate calculated by the log-linear method for the years 2006 and 2008 was 49.71 and 53.87 per 100,000 population, respectively.

Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the low degree of completeness in Ardabil Province requires some changes in data abstracting and case finding such as the use of personal national code and electronic health records to create a more accurate cancer registry.

A Ahmadi, H Soori, Y Mehrabi, K Etemad,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Objectives: Determining and monitoring the age at myocardial infarction (MI) and its comparison in various regions is one of the vital and basic principles for the management of MI.This study was conducted to determine the age at the first MI in Iran.

Methods: In this cross-sectional, analytical study at a national level, the data of 20750 new MI patients registered in 2012 in 31 provinces of Iran according to the cardiologist’s diagnosis, World Health Organization criteria, and the codes ICD10: I21-I22 were used. The calculations were done using the Stata 12 software.

Results: The mean±SD of age at the first MI was 61.2±13.4 years in all patients in Iran. Moreover, 15033 (72.4%) patients were male with a mean age of 59.6±13.3 years. The mean age at MI in men was lower than women (65.4±12.6 years), showing a statistical significance (P<0.001).The mean age at MI was different among Iran provinces, with a statistical significance (P<0.001). The lowest mean age at the first MI was seen in the patients living in Semnan (59.1±12.9 years), followed by Tehran (60.4±13.5 years), Sistan va Balouchestan (60.3±13.9 years), and Lorestan (60.1±14.5 years), with a significant difference from the mean age of the patients in Ardabil (63.2±15.1 years) and Zanjan (64.4±112.8 years) (P<0.019).

Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that the age at MI was approximately five years younger in men than women. This studyprovided the ground for monitoring the age at MI, and more effective management of cardiovascular diseases in Iran.

Mr Aflatoonian, I Sharifi, M Zeinali, M Bamorovat, B Aflatoonian,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (8-2016)

Background and Objectives: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a public health problem in Iran and Kerman Province which is expanding to new foci. This study was conducted to estimate the incidence of CL by a simple and cost – effective method in a major focus of CL in the city of Kerman, southeastern Iran.

Methods: A combination of two longitudinal and cross – sectional studies was performed. First, the frequency of referred patients to the CL treatment clinic in 2009-2014 was assessed. Then, four highly infected zones consisting of 800 households in the city were selected. In addition, the relative proportions of referred and non – referred subjects were assessed. Eventually, the incidence of CL was calculated by dividing the number of CL cases over the total at risk population for the corresponding period (2009-2014).

Results: The mean annual incidence was 175 per 100000 (943 patients) in the city of Kerman, while it was 500 per 100000 people (0.5%) in the new foci. The highest CL infection was observed among the <25-year-old individuals but there was no significant difference between the sexes.

Conclusion:The incidence rate probably increased significantly following the 2003 Bam earthquake because of the migration of CL patients to southern, eastern, and northeastern areas of the city of Kerman. Since only 50% of the cases were passively referred to the CL treatment clinic, health authorities should actively detect CL cases by house – to – house visit for effective treatment strategies.

M Enayatrad, K Etemad, S Khodakarim, P Yavari,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the fifth cause of cancer-related mortality in Iran. This study aimed to determine the incidence of colorectal cancer in men and women and to investigate its relationship with the human development index (HDI) and its components in Iranian provinces.
Methods: This ecological study was conducted to assess the correlation between age-specific incidence of colorectal cancer in men and women and the Human Development Index. We used the data of the Iranian Cancer Registry and Statistical Centre of Iran. We used a bivariate correlation method to assess the correlation of ASR and HDI. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. All reported P-values are two-sided. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software version 23.
Results: The highest incidence of colorectal cancer in men was seen in Tehran (78.16), Eastern Azerbaijan (41.14), and Semnan (62.13), and the highest incidence of colorectal cancer in women was seen in Tehran (47.18), Semnan (80.14), and Eastern Azerbaijan (82.12), respectively. The results showed that the incidence of colorectal cancer in men (r = 0.605) and women (r = 0.661) had a positive significant correlation with the Human Development Index (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The incidence of colorectal cancer was high in provinces with a higher human development index. Therefore, evaluation of the incidence of cancer by the Human Development Index and its components can be used to show a clearer picture of the distribution of cancer in each country and may be useful for cancer prevention plans.
H Soori, M Heidari, A Razzaghi ,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Background and Objectives: Evidences show an increase in the occurrence of road crashes and causalities in early stages of economic growth. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between the incidence of motorcyclists’ crashes and the level of development of the provinces of Iran in the year of 2015.
Methods: This was an ecological study of the motorcyclists’ crashes in all provinces of Iran. Motorcyclists’ injuries were obtained from the database of traffic police and the report of population census in 2011 was used. Given that more than 99% of motorcycle-related crashes occurred in male motorcyclists, the population of males was used to adjust the results. The Pearson correlation coefficient was also applied.
Results: Totally, 90,724 crashes occurred among motorcyclists. The highest rate was in the age group of 18 to 30 years with 46,944 crashes (51.7%). As for sex, men had 90363 crashes (99.6%). Among different provinces, Tehran and Ardabil had the highest and lowest incidence with 1129.84 and 77.37 per 100 thousand male populations, respectively. Significant correlations were found between the incidence of motorcycle crashes and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (P value: 0.601) and Human Development Index (HDI) (P value 0.497), respectively (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Increased the incidence of motorcycle crashes is associated with the level of provincial economic development. In order to prevent the injuries and reducing its incidence, attention should be paid to the safety of roads and vehicles.
M Saberi, M Hosseinpour , A Khaleghnejad Tabari, H Soori, Mr Maracy,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Background and Objectives: Congenital anomalies are also known as birth defects and congenital disorders. Congenital anomalies occur in about 3-7% of the newborn babies worldwide. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of congenital anomalies and their determinants in hospitals affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 1395.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in all infants born in 1395. The data were analyzed with the SPSS software version 20 using Binary logistic regression.

Results: Of 5455 births in Isfahan hospitals, 121 neonates were diagnosed with major congenital anomalies. The total incidence of major congenital anomalies was 2.2 per 100 births. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between maternal blood group, consanguinity, sex and height of infant with congenital anomalies in newborns (P <0.05). Moreover, 26.7% of all abnormalities were related to limbs and the lowest percentage was related to genetic abnormalities, digestive system, anus, and spine with an incidence of 0.7% for each.

Conclusion: More attention should be paid to premarital genetic counseling in order to identify the consanguinity factor as a risk factor for genetic abnormalities. Moreover, pregnant women should be educated about the timely intake of micronutrients to control abnormalities.

M Karami, S Khazaei, F Shahbazi, M Mirzaei, A Biglarkhani, A Ataei, Seyed Jalalodin Bathaei, A Zahiri, M Shojaeyan, R Zamani, Ae Karshenas, F Heeders-Moghis, K Hamelmann, R Heidari Moghadam, I Khodadadi-Kahlan, S Bashirian, F Keramat, Sh Hashemi, E Jalili, F Azizi-Jalilian,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiological characteristics of patients with Covid-19 in Hamadan Province.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, demographic and epidemiological data of all people who presented to hospitals in Hamadan Province from February 2019 to December 2020 were extracted using two checklists. Data were then analyzed using the Stata software.
Results: In this study, 9674 covid-19 positive patients were examined. According to results, 49.11% of the cases occurred in the elderly over 60 years. The rate of involvement was higher in females than males (51.57% vs. 48.43%). Moreover, 72.05% of the definitive patients lived in the city and 0.76% reported traveling to areas with a high prevalence of the disease two weeks before the onset of symptoms. The highest incidence of this disease per one hundred thousand population was in Malayer, Hamedan and Nahavand counties and the highest fetality was in Razan and Dargazin, Tuyserkan and Asadabad counties, respectively. The data of suspected, probable, and definite outpatients with Covid-19 presenting to medical centers were not evaluated in this study.
Conclusion: Due to the high death rate in the elderly, males, those with underlying diseases, and people living in rural areas, it is necessary to design and apply precautionary measures in these groups. Attention should be paid to these high-risk groups in the shortest possible time to reduce the burden of this disease on individuals as well as the health care system.
N Rajabi, R Fadaei, A Khazeni, J Ramezanpour, S Nasiri Esfahani, Gh Yadegarfar,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: Due to the importance of cutaneous leishmaniasis, the national leishmaniasis project began in 2007 in Iran. The aim of the present study was to evaluate community interventions in changes in the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Isfahan Province from 2002 to 2018: an Interrupted time series regression analysis.
Materials and Methods: The present study was a repeated cross-sectional study. The incidence and 95% confidence interval were used to describe the disease trend. Data were entered into the Excel and analyzed using STATA14 software at a significance level of 5%. Intermittent time series regression analysis was used to evaluate community interventions in changes of leishmaniasis incidence.
Results: from 2002 to 2018, the data of 43,904 patients with leishmaniasis was registered in Isfahan Health Centers. The mean (standard deviation) age of the patients was 23.99 (19.03) years. The incidence had a decreasing trend after the interventions in all affiliated cities and the whole province.
Conclusion: The preventive intervention programs of the provincial health center have been rather successful and have reduced the incidence of the disease in the years after the intervention, so that despite the large number of confounding and influential factors regarding this disease, preventive intervention programs have led to disease control according to the reported annual incidence.
A Naghi Pour, A Moghimbeigi, N Shirmohamadi, A Soltanian, S Khazaei, Sh Nick Ceiar,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Background and Objectives: Breast cancer has the highest incidence in the Iranian women.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. All female with breast cancer during 2008-2015 were enrolled. Breast cancer registration is based on the pathology method in Iran. The information about female with breast cancer was collected from their files in the cancer registry department of Hamadan Health Center. The samples were divided into four groups according to age (<50 and> 50) and location (city, village). GeoBUGS was used to generate a map of high-risk areas in Hamedan Province based on the adjusted relative risk estimate (RR*) in OpenBUGS v 3.2.3 software.

Results: This study included 1316 females with breast cancer. The mean age of the patients was 50.38±12.98 years. The results of the study showed that high-risk areas of breast cancer for were Assadabad urban females aged over 50 years (RR*(i)=1.32, CI= 0.99,1.79) and Tuyserkan (RR*(i)=1.09, CI= 1.08,1.38) and Razan (RR*(i)=1.09, CI= 0.85,1.40) for females below 50 years. In addition, Razan for rural females over 50 years old (RR*(i)=1.18, CI=0.82,1.73) and Malayer for females below 50 years old (RR*(i)=1.08, CI= 0.81,1.45) were high risk areas for breast cancer in Hamadan Province.

Conclusion: The distribution of breast cancer is different at different ages and in the cities of Hamadan Province. Asadabad, Tuyserkan, Razan and Malayer were high risk areas for breast cancer in Hamadan Province.
Zahra Jafarabadi, Farid Abolhasani, Mohammad Hassan Lotfi, Hossein Fallahzadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer is the second and fourth most common cancer in Iranian women and men, respectively. This cancer ranks fourth and fifth in men and women, respectively, among Yazd population. This study aimed to estimate the burden of colorectal cancer in Yazd province in 2016.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on the population of Yazd province in 2016. CanMod software was used to calculate the burden of colorectal cancer. The required information included the population of Yazd province, the incidence of colorectal cancer, the death rate due to colorectal cancer, the death rate due to all causes and the survival rate of patients; The Cancer Registration System, the Provincial Death Registration System and the opinions of provincial experts were collected and included, respectively.
Results: The total burden of colorectal cancer in Yazd province was 632 years (382 years in men and 250 years in women); The YLL and YLD of colorectal cancer in both genders were 478 years and 154 years, respectively. The burden of colorectal cancer in men was 65 years and in women 45 years (per 100,000 population). The peak age of disease burden was estimated in the age group over 60.
Conclusion: Due to the high incidence and treatment in the early stages of the disease, screening and diagnosis in the early stages can be one of the health priorities of the province. However, the final judgment is made when the burden of other diseases and injuries is calculated in the province.

Maryam Aghajarinezhad, Yahya Salimi, Shahab Rezaeian, Ghobad Moradi, Fatemeh Khosravi Shadmani, Roya Safari Faramani, Ebrahim Shakiba, Yahya Pasdar, Behrooz Hamzeh, Nayebali Rezvani, Mitra Darbandi, Farid Najafi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Background and Objectives: Serological studies are based on the detection of antibodies. However, the produced antibodies decrease over time; therefore, such methods cannot provide a valid estimate of prevalence and incidence. The present study aimed to determine the serum prevalence and cumulative incidence in the Ravansar cohort population (Youth and RaNCD Cohort) in October 2020.
Methods: A random sample of 716 people aged > 18 years old were selected from the participants in the Ravansar cohort study in October 2020. Euroimmun anti-SARS COV-2 IgG ELISA kits (Lübeck, Germany) were used to measure antibody levels. Seroprevalence was estimated with considering of cut-off = 1, and cumulative incidence (modified and modified based on test specificity) was determined using modeling.
Results: In the present study, the serum prevalence of COVID-19 viral infection in the Ravansar cohort population from 22 October 2020 to 18 November 2020 was estimated to be %35.16 (95%CI: %31.64, %38.79). Modified Cumulative incidence and modified based on test characteristics from 20 February to 18 November 2020 were estimated to be %68.85 and %67.71, respectively. 
Conclusion: Although very high cumulative incidence may be a sign of approaching herd immunity, adherence to health protocols is still recommended due to the potential role of asymptomatic cases in transmitting the disease to other members of the community; and the presence of new variants of the virus and reduced antibody levels should be considered.

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