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Showing 8 results for Life Expectancy

M Babakhani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2009)

ackground & Objectives: In fact, economic growth, income inequality and health are integrated issues. Economic growth along with increasing income lead to individuals' health promotion and public health and has a positive impact on it, but if there is inappropriate policy to redistribute of these resources, it would have reverse effects. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between economic growth and ecological income inequality indices with health in Iran from 1978 to 2006.
Methods: An ecological study was designed and relevant data were gathered from the statistics center of Iran and Iran Central Bank. Results: The correlation between Gini coefficient and health indices was statistically significant (P<0.01). The association between economic growth and mortality rate of children under five years index (P<0.01) and with life expectancy (P<0.05) were statistically significant as well.
Conclusions: Economic development and decreasing income inequality should be considered as important determinant factors to have better health in Iranian society.
A Falahati , K Soheili , M Nazifi , S Abbaspour,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Background & Objectives: Economic growth has been along with increasing energy demand in the world in addition environment pollutions which healthy life nowadays faces up with major challenges. Since there are several influential factors in this model, therefore this study designed to assess the effect of some independent socio-economic variables on the people health.
Methods: An artificial neural network (ANN) was developed to review health risk factors during the years 1971-2009. Using neural network methods in the study or the MPL method is .multi-layer perception.
 Results: In ANN selected for this study, one hidden layer with three nodes is selected. Being more important the urban variable in modeling shows that the positive effect of urbanization on the health is more powerful than negative effects of air pollution.
Conclusion: Based on our model it is concluded that urbanization as a major risk factor to produce (accelerate) of air pollution, has the most negative effect on health and life expectancy.
N Shakeri, F Eskandari, F Hajsheikholeslami, Aa Momenan, F Azizi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (2-2014)

Background & Objectives: Although the population of elderly is increasing in Iran, few studies carried out on this group. The aim of this study was to identify life expectancy and contributory risk factors for the Tehranian elderly of ages above 60 years.
Methods: Individuals above 60 years old whom were recruited in the primary phase of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS) during 1998-2001 were followed up for 12 years and their vital status were registered (1998-2011). Age and sex mortality rates for age groups (60-69, 70-79, 80+) were calculated and by using Cox proportional hazard model the mean of survival time and hazard rates with respect to risk factors were estimated.
Results: Life expectancy for females and males after crossing 60 years of age reaches to 81 and 80 years, respectively without any statistically significant differences between these two groups. Cox model showed that diabetes, BMI>33Kg/m2 and non ischmecic heart disease reduced survival time in women significantly. While diabetes, smoking, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, history of MI, stroke or sudden death of father, brother or son, lack of physical activity and antihypertensive medications are among the hazardous risk factors for men.
 Conclusion: Among the variables studied, only three (ABC) of them were found as risk factors of women's life, while for men seven risk factors were identified. It seems that more studies are needed to determine the risk factors for women.
M Koosheshi, A Khosravi, M Sasani Pour , S Asadi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background & Objectives: The recent researches on mortality in Iran in the past 3 decades have obviously emphasized cardiovascular diseases, unintentional injuries, and neoplasms as the most important causes of shortening Iranian’s lives. We investigated the role of these major causes on the mortality patterns in Fars in 2006.
 Methods: The number of registered deaths by age and sex and the distribution of death by cause in Fars in 2006 were derived from the Death Register System of Ministry of Health (MoH). We used the 2006 census to obtain the information on the population exposed to death. The mortality of the people over 5 years of age was estimated and corrected using the Brass Growth Balance method. The mortality rate of the children under the age of 5 was estimated by indirect methods and the data were analyzed using the multi-decrement life table.
 Results: Life expectancy was 70.3 years in Fars, about 69 years in males and 72 years in females, in 2006. The results showed that 3 main causes of death were responsible for reducing life expectancy of about 11 years in men and women in Fars. Detailed results revealed that cardiovascular diseases and unintentional injuries played more important roles in the decrease. Unintentional injuries plays more major role in decreasing life expectancy in males than females.
Conclusion: Special attention should be paid to the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in both genders and unintentional injuries in males in Fars to reduce the mortality level and increase the life expectancy.
F Faghihi, N Jafari, A Akbari Sari, S Nedjat, F Maleki, M Hosainzadehmilany,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Background & Objectives: To adopt appropriate policies and strategies to maintain, preserve, and promote health, accurate information and indicators are required. In this study, the years of life lost due to premature death, which is considered one of the indicators of prioritization of health problems, was calculated and compared with other countries.

Methods: This study was an applied cross-sectional investigation. We use death registry data of the Province of Qazvin and population estimation from the Statistical Center of Iran from 2004- 2008 and a standard life table. We calculated YLL and YLL rates by age, sex and cause of death.

Results: The leading cause of YLL (premature death) in different age groups in the years 2004-2008 (based on ICD10) showed that the most common causes of death in the neonatal period were perinatal disorders, congenital anomalies, and chromosomal disorders. The leading causes of death in the age group 5-14 years were unintentional injuries and in the age group 15-49 years were unintentional injuries and cardiovascular diseases. The main causes of death in the age group 50-64 years were cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and unintentional injuries.

Conclusion: The leading causes of premature death in the Province of Ghazvin were unintentional injuries, cardiovascular diseases, perinatal disorders, and cancers. Several causes are preventable by lifestyle modifications such as reducing the tobacco use, increasing physical activity, and reducing stress.

Y Mokhayeri , Aa Haghdoost, M Mahmoudi, M Asadi-Lari, Ss Hashemi Nazari , S Taravat Manesh , N Rajaie, Z Khorrami, K Holakouie-Naieni ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Background & Objectives: Measuring the impact of various diseases on Life Expectancy( LE) is an important step toward prioritization in health. The present study was conducted to measure the impact of heart diseases, neoplasm, and respiratory diseases on life expectancy (LE) in 2010.

Methods: Data on death and population for all 22 districts of Tehran were obtained from the main cemetery of Tehran and statistical center of Iran, respectively. Age-specific mortality rates and consequently LE were calculated for all 22 districts and both genders. Finally, the death probability assuming complete elimination of the diseases was calculated and the resulting life tables were obtained.

Results: The LE at birth was estimated 74.6 and 78.4 years for total males and females in Tehran, respectively. The maximum and minimum LE at birth was 80 years in females and 72.7 years in males, respectively. Assuming complete elimination of heart diseases, the LE increased to 82.39 and 85.51 years in males and females, respectively while complete elimination of neoplasm resulted in an increase in LE to 76.27 years in men and 80.49 years in women. Finally, elimination of respiratory diseases increased the LE of men to 75.98 years and the LE of women to 79.97 years.

Conclusion: The results indicated the high impact of the diseases on LE, especially the heart diseases. As a main result, LE will upgrade to more focus on this category. 

M Sasanipour, A Khosravi, M Moheby Meymandi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Background and objectives: Considering the high contribution of unintentional accidents to mortality, particularly in males in Iran, and their changes over the last decade, a study was conducted to review the share of deaths due to unintentional accidents in sex difference in life expectancy at birth in the country over the last decades.

Methods: The mortality data for the years 2006 to 2015 were obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Then, the child mortality was corrected using the intercensal generational method and adult mortality was corrected for underreporting based on the Bennett-Horiuchi method. The contribution of mortality changes due to unintentional accidents to increase in females’ life expectancy was calculated using the ARIAGA decomposition method.

Results: The sex differential in life expectancy was about 3.5 years in 2006 in Iran, which decreased to 2.9 years in 2011 and increased to 3 years in in 2015. The unintentional accidents in all three periods played a dominant role in sex differential mortality, but its contribution over time was significantly reduced, with a contribution of 60% to around 42% between 2006 and 2015.

Conclusion: Due to the slowdown in the increase in life expectancy at birth in Iran in recent decades, attention to differential mortality, including sex difference in mortality and identification of potentials to increase life expectancy according to different groups, can increase life expectancy.
N Zanjari, M Sasanipour,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Background and Objectives: The rate of the increase in life expectancy has slowed down during the last two or three decades in Iran. In this study, we examined the role of change in thecause of death older adults in increasing life expectancy in Iran between 2006 and 2016.
Methods: Death data by age, sex, and cause in Iran between 2006 and 2016 were obtained from the death registration and classification system of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Using the Brass-Trussell and generalized Benett-Horiuchi method, underreporting of child and adult death registration was corrected. Then, using the Arriaga decomposition method, the role of age groups and causes of death of Iranian older adults in increasing life expectancy at birth was calculated.
Results: Men’s life expectancy at birth increased by 3.7 years during 2006 to 2016, and the contribution of older adult’s death changes on this increase was estimated at 2 years. Out of the total increase of 3.1 years in women’s life expectancy, 1.57 years was related to changes in the older adults’ cause of death. Furthermore, 74% and 57% of the role of change in the cause of death among older men and women in increasing the life expectancy was related to cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusion: Considering the transition of age structure in the coming decades, transition of death trend to older ages is expected to continue. The results of this study showed that it is necessary to pay more attention to diseases that affect older people in policy priorities.

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