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Showing 4 results for Malnutrition

K Holakouie Naieni, A Fotouhi, M Borhani, B Pooya,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2-2006)

Background and objectives: Malnutrition is a major health problem in Iran. A nationwide survey (ANIS) in 1998 revealed that over 800 000 children in this country were suffering from moderate or severe malnutrition. The southern province of Hormozgan is one of the most severely affected regions, so there is a need to determine disease associations and risk factors for child malnutrition in this area.
Methods: In this case-control study, we selected 1725 children aged 6 to 30 months from both rural and urban areas of Hormozgan. Data for the study were obtained by filling questionnaires and studying family health files. Using the weight-for-age Z score (WAZ) as outcome measure, we examined the effects of 21 different variables, including putative risk factors, confounders, and background variables.
Results: Father's job (p<0.004), parents' education, interval between pregnancies, urban versus rural residence (p<0.001), family size (p<0.03), and misconceptions regarding the growth chart were recognized as risk factors for malnutrition. Moreover, the mean age of the cases was 2.3 years higher than that of the controls (p<0.001). Complete vaccination (p<0.018) and attending day care centers (p<0.005) emerged as protective factors.
Conclusions: Poverty (low-income jobs, rural residence, large family size, etc) is an important factor causing malnutrition among children in Hormozgan. In contrast, immunization and mother's knowledge of the child's growth chart are major protective factors. Therefore, the health system must continue its support for the current immunization program. It should also try to improve the quality of its health education programs targeted at mothers attending state-run health and medical clinics
M Moradi Lakeh, M Montazer, M Moradi, Smh Mahmoodi, Sap Alemzadeh Bahreini, S Askari,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2009)

Background & objectives: The trend of stunting indicates of long term health status and the efficacy of different health interventions for chronic malnutrition in children. The objective of this study was to investigate the trends of stunting prevalence in preschool children living in rural area of Robat-Karim.
Methods: The method of Age-Period-Cohort analysis was utilized. Existing height data of all children whom registered in health houses of Robat-Karim health network were converted to Standard Deviation Scores (SDS) using Anthro2005 software The SDS≤ -2 for height-for-age was defined to be the moderate/severe forms of stunting. Age-Period-Cohort analysis was done with two graphical and statistical methods. The statistical method was based on logistic regression modeling in which stunting was assumed to be the dependent variable and age, birth cohort and time period were independent variables.
Results: Growth data of 970 (51.9%) boys and 898 (48.1%) girls were analyzed. The overall stunting prevalence was estimated 8.0%. This estimation by Logistic regression models (P<0.001) and graphical analyses were similar and showed that the prevalence of stunting has a decreasing trend in different birth cohorts and time periods. The prevalence of stunting was higher in the 2nd and 5th-6th years of life. The stunting prevalence was significantly higher in boys (9.3%) and non-Iranian children (9.5%) (P<0.001).
Conclusions: The prevalence of stunting appears to be decreasing in the investigated population. Appropriate interventions is thought to be essential for reducing stunting of 2nd and 5th-6th years of life, boys, and non-Iranian children.
Aa Ramazani, Ss Raghebi, F Amirkhizi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2010)

Background & Objective: High prevalence of malnutrition and its relation with mental and physical health of children is one of the important health problems in developing countries. The aim of this survey was to assess the nutritional status and related factors in 0-24 month-old children in South Khorasan province in Iran 2006.
Methods: Seven hundred children of 0-24 month-old in South Khorasan province were included in this survey. A designed questionnaires and face-to-face interview with the mothers were used in order to obtain the required information . In addition, weight (Wt) and height (Ht) of the children were measured and compared with standard charts issued by the American National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The nutritional status was determined based on weight for age (Wt/A), height for age (Ht/A), and weight for height (Wt/Ht) indices.
Results: Mean of children's age was 11.1 ± 7.8 month. Based on the Z-score, cut-off point under -2SD from median of the reference population (NCHS), 10.6% of the children were underweight (Wt/A), 5.3% stunted (Ht/A) and 11.6% wasted (Wt/Ht). A statistically significant relationship was found between indices of malnutrition and age and breastfeeding status of children. There was no association between gender and residence of children with their nutritional status.
Conclusion: With regard to prevalence of malnutrition in children, breastfeeding is highly recommended.
M Naderi Beni , R Lak, Sa Jazaeri, H Eftekhar Ardebili ,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Background & Objectives: Malnutrition among children under five year is a significant public health index. The aim of study was to estimate the prevalence of malnutrition in under 5 years old children in Chadegan (area district city) parish of in Isfahan, Iran.
Methods: This was a community-based cross-sectional study. It was carried out on all randomly selected households with children age under five years old in rural and urban area of Chadegan in 2010 year. Demographic information was collected via household and a standardized questionnaire was administered to mothers or guardians and trained personnel measured weight and height or length. Results: The results revealed that prevalence of malnutrition’s based on wasting, underweighting and stunting and obesity were 17.8%, 34.5%, 37% and 2.2% respectively. The main contributing factors for wasting were found to be child’s age, habitat, onset of complementary food, history of disease, hospitalization (P<0.05). Gender, father's job, mother’s education, ethnic, habitat, history of disease were found to be correlated with stunting as well. (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Development programs should focus on the disadvantaged rural and urban arears of people to improve their nutritional status. Intervention strategies and programs should be developed to target the preventable risk factors.

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