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Showing 7 results for Mental Health

Z Sepehrmanesh, A Ahmadvand, P Yavari, R Saei,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2008)

Background & Objectives: Adolescence is an important period of human development. Developmental traits in this period could be predisposing to behavioral problems, delinquency substance abuse and mental disorder. So this survey was designed to study the mental health status of adolescence in Kashan .
Methods: This cross sectional study involved 400 adolescent from Kashan high schools. They were chosen through randomized stratified sampling. SCL-90-R Questionnaire was used. Demographic information such as age, sex, birth order, history of addiction and any mental disorders ,educational level, age of parent were also asked . Descriptive and analytic statistics were done by SPSS software.
Results: Overall 10% of the high school adolescents had mental disorders. Common psychopathology demonstrations were as follows: Paranoid thought, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and aggression. There were significant relation between family history of addiction and mental disorder, history of physical abuse and age of adolescence with mental health (p<0/05). Total GSI in boys who were substance abuse was 1.9 while in boys who were not was 0.87 (p <0.05). There was not statically significant relation between total mean of GSI and gender however there were statistically significances between girls and boys in interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety and depression.
 Conclusion: The responsible authorities should take steps in addressing these problems by initiating School Counseling Centers and also by including study material in the field of psychiatry and psychology in the adolescent students school curriculum.
A Mehri, M Yaseri, D Rahimi, S Nejat,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Background and Objectives: Self-confidence is an individual characteristic in students that enables them to have a positive or realistic view of themselves. The purpose of present study was to evaluate the validity and psychometric properties of the Self-confidence Questionnaire (PEI)
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 students of four medical universities. Validation of this questionnaire included the steps of translation, content validity, face validity, repeatability and internal consistency.
Results: The mean age of the participants in this study was 32.1 (SD = 5.5) years. The majority of the students were postgraduate students (47%) and the least (11%) were undergraduate students. The results of this study showed that the overall relevancy and clarity of the questions were 92% and 83%, respectively. The percentage of agreement on overall comprehensiveness was 100%. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and interclass correlation coefficient were higher than 0.7 in all domains. The ICC of each question was also between 0.72 and 0.98.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the Persian version of the PEI questionnaire has an appropriate reliability for use in the student population of Iranian universities.
ُsm Hosseini Shokouh, M Arab, S Emamgholipour, M Meskarpour Amiri ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Background and Objectives: Understanding and analyzing the socio-economic factors affecting mental health is important for mental health policy-making in metropolitan areas. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between socio-economic factors and mental health of households living in Tehran.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 650 households from 22 districts of Tehran using mixed sampling method. Mental health measures were collected using the standard SF-36 questionnaire and socioeconomic measures of the household were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The face validity of the questionnaire was measured by qualitative method and its content validity was confirmed by quantitative method. The test-retest method was used to test the questionnaire reliability. Regression models were estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS) and weighted least squares (WLS) methods. The Stata software was used for data analysis.
Results: Among the socioeconomic variables, four variables including years of education, health behaviors (regular physical activity, healthy eating habits), not-smoking, and social capital had a positive and significant relationship with all mental health measures (social role, emotional role, mental health and vitality ). The relationship between not-smoking and all mental health measures was more than other socioeconomic variables (P <0.05).
Conclusion: Mental health policymakers should place extra emphasis on the development of social capital in metropolitan cities, promotion of the citizens' health behaviors, and particularly on tobacco use and the related behavioral disorders.
K Holakoui-Naeini, Ma Mansournia, Sh Naderian, R Beiranvand, M Bidkhori, Kh Maajani, Sh Nematollahi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Objectives: Pre-natal mental health problems are major causes of disease burden, especially in lower socio-economic groups of population. The present study used data of a prospective cohort study to estimate the risk of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and stress, on birth weight.
Materials and Methods: This study used data of 398 pregnant women who were participants of the Bandar Abbas Pregnancy Cohort Study (BAPC) during 2017-2020. Data of depression, anxiety, and stress were collected using DASS-21items questionnaire in pregnancy. Low Birth Weight (LBW), as birthwieght below 2500 grams, was calculated according to infant`s vaccination log. Modified Poisson regression models with logarithm link function and significance level of 5% were applied to estimate the effect of depression, anxiety and stress on LBW.
Results: Compared to the subjects without mental health problems, the risk of LBW increased by 8.03 times in the severe depression (95% CIs: 5.55-11.62), by 8.06 times in the moderate stress (95% CIs: 5.64-11.51), by 3.13 times in the severe anxiety (95% CIs: 1.18-8.31), and by 8.43 in the highly severe anxiety (95% CIs: 5.80-12.25).
Conclusions: Severe and moderate levels of depression, anxiety, and stress all had statistically significant effects on LBW. Pre-natal screening services can help mitigate the burden of mental health by timely detection and referral. Moreover, designing and implementing consultation programs for pregnant women and their fsmilies, expecially their spouses, to provide emotional support and to improve marital relationship are amongst the suggestions.
A Bagheri, M Saadati, N Zanjari, A Shabak,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Background and Objectives: Considering the growing trend of aging in Iran, it is necessary to study the factors affecting the health of elderly people. The main purpose of this study was to investigate demographic, social, and economic determinants of self-assessed health of elderly people in Tehran using generalized structural equation model (GSEM).
Methods: The data of the present study was obtained from a cross-sectional study in which 598 elderly people aged 60 years and over were selected from 22 districts of Tehran in 20151394 using stratified multi-stage sampling method and a researcher-made questionnaire was completed for them. The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed using and time consistency. To study the determinants of self-assessed health of elderly people, WLSMV and ULSMV estimators of GSEM were compared in Mplus (7.3).
Results: Based on the goodness-of-fit indices, the ULSMV estimator was selected to evaluate factors affecting the self-assessed health of elderly people (RMSEA=0.02, CFI=0.951 and TLI=0.962). The self-assessed health ranks of married and employed elderly people were higher than single (P-value=0.022) and unemployed (P-value=0.048) ones, respectively. An increase in spirituality (P-value=0.016), physical and mental health (P-value=0.001), and health-oriented behavior (P-value=0.016) increased the standard score of self-assessed health of elderly people. Physical and mental health played a complete mediating role in relationships of gender (P-value=0.014), marital status (P-value=0.040), education level (P-value=0.039), self-reported socio-economic status (good/ P-value=0.013 and middle/P-value=0.017) and number of diseases (P-value=0.001) with self-assessed health of elderly people.
Conclusion: According to the results, for policy-making in the field of geritrics, special attention should be paid to structural variables like gender, marital status, education level, and self-reported socio-economic status in addition to physical and mental health.

Saeed Ghavi, Rafat Asarzadeh, Somayeh Derakhshan, Simin Poursaman, Fereshteh Sohrabivafa,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Objectives: In December 2019, a novel coronavirus was discovered in Wuhan, China, leading to the global outbreak of COVID-19. The rapid transmission of the virus, the emergence of various strains, disparities in community vaccination, and the high mortality rate have presented significant health challenges to countries worldwide. Against this backdrop, this study aimed to assess the mental health status of women in the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: The study employed a systematic review approach, conducting keyword searches on databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The search terms included "Covid-19 Virus Infection," "Covid-19 Pandemic," "Coronavirus," "Alphacoronavirus," "Bat Coronavirus," "Mental health," "Psychological," "Working women," "Working woman," and "Employee women." Articles published between 2019 and 2021 were collected and evaluated. A total of 11 articles met the inclusion criteria for data extraction and were analyzed.
Results: The reviewed studies identified several significant psychological consequences, with anxiety being reported in 82% of the articles, followed by stress (73%) and depression (64%). The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated negative psychological effects among working women, including those in hospital settings and those working remotely.
Conclusion: A multitude of factors contribute to the experience of COVID-19-related stress among women. These include health disparities, lower professional status, worries about personal health, family and community well-being, financial uncertainties, childcare responsibilities, and decreased social connections. As a result, stress-related disorders such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, insomnia, and burnout tend to manifest more severely in working women compared to men in comparable positions.

Asal Aghadavodian Jolfaee, Maryam Jahanbakhsh, Mohamad Sattari, Roya Kelishadi,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Objectives: The present research was conducted to predict mental health based on three factors: nutrition, activity, and leisure time, among students in the adolescent age group, using data mining techniques.
Methods: The present analytical study was conducted on 14274 data available in the Caspian 5 database. According to the CRISP-DM method, data mining was done in 6 steps using decision trees, k nearest neighbors, simple Bayesian and random forest techniques in Rapidminer software.
Results: Among the four data mining techniques used to predict the mental health of adolescents based on nutrition, physical activity and leisure time, the random forest technique has the highest accuracy (91.72) and specificity (82.73) and the k-nearest neighbors technique has the highest sensitivity (96.30). In addition, based on random forest techniques, the rule with the highest level of support showed that an adolescent who is in high school, eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, drinks tea and coffee weekly, exercises 2 hours a week at school,also, he has 4 days of physical activity for 30 minutes in the last week, and he goes to school with the service, with 100% confidence has good mental health.
Conclusion: Based on the random forest technique, which has showen the best performance, nutrition has the greatest impact on the mental health of Iranian adolescents. So, it is necessary to think about providing a suitable platform for training parents and adolescents regarding proper nutrition and increasing awareness in the field of adolescent mental health.

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