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Showing 5 results for Multiple Sclerosis

M Mohammad Shirazi, Fa Taleban, M Ghafarpoor,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2006)

Background & Objectives: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most prevalent autoimmune disease of the nervous system in young adults. There are currently more than 30000 cases in Iran and the number is increasing everyday.The objective of this study was to measure the amount of vitamin and mineral intake in MS patients and to compare it with reference values.
Methods: We randomly selected 108 relapsing-remitting MS patients from the Iranian MS society in Tehran in 2005. Two questionnaires- covering personal information and medical data- were filled for each patient. Food intake was assessed by three 24-hour recalls and a quantitative food frequency questionnaire for the year preceding the study. The food intake recorded on the original questionnaire was changed to values in grams using “Manual for Household Measures” and then converted to corresponding amounts of nutrient ingredients by the “Nutritionist 3” program. Data analysis was performed by the SPSS software package. We calculated means and standard deviations for intake levels and applied t tests to compare the results with reference values.
Results: Women with MS took excessive amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C, while their daily intake of folate, vitamin E, vitamin D, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine and calcium was below reference values. Male patients had higher-than-recommended intake of vitamin A, phosphorous, manganese and iron. Their ingestion of folate, Vitamin D and E, magnesium, zinc, calcium and selenium was shown to be below the recommended amount.
Conclusions: In view of these results, higher intake of vitamin D and calcium is recommended. Women should be encouraged to take more iron and folate as many symptoms of anemia mimics MS symptoms. Considering the well-known role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of MS, men should be urged to increase their ingestion of antioxidant-rich foods. It appears that nutritional assessment, dietary counseling and education are necessary for Iranian MS patients.
M Mohammad Shirazi, Fa Taleban, M Ghafarpour,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2006)

Background & Objectives: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most prevalent autoimmune disease of nervous system in young adults. The current number of diagnosed cases in Iran is above 40000 and is steadily increasing The objective of this study was to assess the daily macronutrient intake of MS patients and to compare this with reference values.
Methods: We randomly selected 108 relapsing-remitting patients were randomly from the Iranian MS society in 2005. Two questionnaires containing personal and medical information were filled for each patient. We assessed food intake by three 24-hour recalls and a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire dealing with intake over the past year. Using the Manual for Household Measures, the data were changed to values in grams and then turned to nutrient ingredients by applying Nutritionist-3. Data analysis was done using the SPSS package: m mean and standard deviation were computed for each nutrient and t tests were run to compare the figures with reference values.
Results: MS patients living in Tehran had a dietary intake of total fat, saturated fat and protein higher than recommended, while their intake of fibers was below the reference values. The body mass index was subnormal in 14.8% of the patients and above normal in 38%.
Conclusions: In light of the current pattern of macronutrient ingestion in MS patients in Tehran, a lower intake of total and saturated fat, consumption of vegetable proteins instead of animal protein and more dietary fiber are recommended. To meet this goal, vegetables, fruit, whole grains and beans are good suggestions. It seems that Iranian MS patients need nutritional assessment, counseling and education to improve their diet.
S Nedjat, A Montazeri, K Mohammad, R Majdzadeh, N Nabavi, F Nedjat, M Nabavi, K Holakouie Naieni,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2006)

Background & Objectives: For those with a chronic illness, suffering may result not only from physical limitations, but also from the psychosocial consequences of having a chronic condition. Therefore, simply measuring physical health is not enough anymore. It is necessary to evaluate quality of life as an important clinical outcome in these patients. We conducted the present study to measure quality of life (QoL) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and its predictors in comparison with the general population in Tehran, using a generic and overall QoL instrument, the WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREIF). This questionnaire comprises four domains including physical health, mental health, social relationships, and environmental health. For each domain, scores range from 4 to 20, higher scores corresponding to a more favorable QOL.
Methods: This study was of cross-sectional type and involved 145 selected systematically patients registered in the Iranian Multiple Sclerosis Society. The WHOQOL-Questionnaire was filled in for these patients through telephone interviews. The results were compared with quality of life scores from the general population obtained from a population-based study in Tehran. Multiple regression was used for data analysis.
Results: The response rate was 97% 73.8% of participants were female, the mean age of participants was 36.5 (SD = 10.4) years, and the mean years of their formal education was 12.5 (SD=3.6). Mean scores for physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environmental health were 11.5 (SD=3.2), 11.8 (SD=3.2), 12.7 (SD=3.1), and 11.5 (SD=2.7), respectively. In comparison with the general population, the patients' scores in all domains were significantly lower than in the general population. Severity of disease and education level had a relationship with domain scores in regression analysis.
Conclusions: The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire can discriminate between these patients’ quality of life and that of the general population and show the effect of disease severity and demographic variables on quality of life. Therefore the questionnaire can be used in this group of patients, although it may be necessary to add some specific questions to make the tool more sensitive in evaluating quality of life from a clinical perspective. Educational interventions are recommended to improve quality of life in this group of patients.
S Izadi, Ar Nikseresht, M Poursadeghfard,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2014)

  Background & Objectives : Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic progressive disease with several disabilities for patients. Its distribution in the world can be an important clue to study racial, genetic, and environmental factors thus, epidemiologic studies have been a very attractive concept for recent papers.

  Methods: We conducted this retrospective study to determine the prevalence of multiple sclerosis in different geographic areas of Fars (south of Iran). We first evaluated 11 large cities for the prevalence of the disease. In the second stage, we searched for five clinical subtypes of the disease (relapsing remitting, clinical isolated syndrome, progressive relapsing, primary progressive and secondary progressive) in both men and women.

  Results : From 2535 patients, 523 (20.6%) were men and 2012 (79.4%) were women. The prevalence of the disease in the total population of Fars was 54.3 / 100,000. Shiraz had the highest and Firoozabad had the lowest number of patients for each sex. The most common clinical subtype was relapsing remitting in each city, as well. The female-male ratio was 3.8 / 1.

  Conclusion: Fars is a medium to high risk area for multiple sclerosis and women are affected more than men. The most common clinical subtype of multiple sclerosis is relapsing remitting (71%) followed by clinical isolated syndrome (22%).

M Khademosharie, V Tadibi , N Behpor , Mr Hamedinia ,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Background and Objectives: Muscle weakness and fatigue decrease the functional capacity and quality of life of multiple sclerosis patients. Although routine exercise is acceptable in these patients, its impact has not been proven. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of exercise on muscular performance and function, degree of disability, fatigue, and quality of life of patients with MS.
Methods: Twenty-four women aged 20-50 years old with multiple sclerosis and an expanded disability status scale (EDSS) of 2- 5 were randomly divided into two groups of control (12 patients) and case (12 patients). The training program included three sessions per week, lasting for 12 weeks (two sessions of aerobic training and one session of resistance training).
Results: The results showed that 12 weeks of combined training caused a significant improvement in lower body strength (P=0.019), upper body strength (P=0.001), dynamic balance (P=0.025), gait speed (P=0.008), endurance (P=0.0001), quality of life (P=0.007) and a significant decrease in the degree of disability (P=0.007) and fatigue (P=0.001). 
Conclusion: In general, a combined training program, including aerobic and resistance training, in three non-consecutive days per week is helpful for women with MS and improves their sensorimotor function. The relevant specialists can use these exercises along drug therapy to reduce the clinical complications of MS.

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