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Showing 1 results for Short-Term Survival

Ab Mohammadian Hafshejani, H Baradaran, N Sarrafzadegan, M Asadi Lari, A Ramezani, Sh Hosseini, F Allahbakhshi Hafshejani,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2012)

Background & Objectives: Despite decreasing the trend of coronary artery diseases in developed countries and outstanding improvements in clinical management of these patients, case fatality rate after an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remains high in both genders. Identifying predicting factors of short-term survival in patients with AMI may play an important role in reducing mortality in these patients.
Methods: In this cohort study, all patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) admitted to all hospitals in Isfahan, Iran, during 2000-2008 which registered in Isfahan cardiovascular research Institute were analyzed. We used Cox regression models, uni- and multi-variable analysis. 
Results: Within the study period, 8800 AMI patients (73.6% male) were admitted with mean age of 61.85±12.5, and overall 28-day survival of 90.5%. Relative risk (RR) of death for 50-70 years old patients was 2.5 (CI:2-3.1), for over 70 years old RR=5 (CI:4-6.3), for women RR=1.7 (CI:1.5-1.9), for patients who had not received streptokinase RR=0.9 (CI:0.8-1.1), for inferior MI RR=4.2 (CI:2.2-7.8) and for anterior MI, RR was equal to 7.2 (CI:4-13.3).
Conclusion: Recognizing the predicting factors of short-term survival of AMI patients may help health professionals to provide better healthcare services for more at risk patients, i.e. elderly, women and patients with an anterior MI.

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