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Showing 7 results for Type of Study: Applicable

Simin Shamsi Meymandi, Vaseli Mohammad Bagher, Farzad Abroud,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: Common wart is a viral infection of epithelial tissues caused by human papiloma virus (HPV). In order to increase the efficacy and concurrent reduction of complications, different types of combination therapies have been recommended. One of them is the combination of cryotherapy with cantharidin. As cantharidin causes little pain and leaves small scars, we decided to design and conduct a randomized, controlled trial to investigate the efficacy of combined cryotherapy and topical cantharidin versus cryotherapy and a topical placebo. The mean number of the treatment sessions and complications of treatments were also compared between the two groups. Methods: This study was a randomized, controlled double blind clinical trial in which 110 patients with verruca vulgaris were randomly allocated into two groups. After cryotherapy in both groups, topical lotion of cantharidin 0.7% (Canthacur) and flexible collodion as placebo were applied topically in the intervention and control groups, respectively. Patients were followed for healing rates, complications and recurrence of the lesions. Results: The healing rates of lesions in both groups were 100%. The mean number of treatment sessions in the intervention and control groups were 3.4 and 4.7, respectively (P<0.001). The incidence of hyperpigmentation in the intervention and control group were 29.1% and 10.9%, respectively (P=0.017). Atrophic scars in the case group were less common than the control group (9.1% versus 29.1%). Within 4 weeks of follow up after completion of the treatment protocol, the frequency of other complications and recurrence of the lesions showed no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions: Combination of cryotherapy and cantharidin reduced the number of treatment sessions and atrophic scars, but increased the hyperpigmentation. Also, this combination therapy was ineffective in reducing other complications and the recurrence rate of the lesions.
Pedram Noormohammadpour, Amirhooshang Ehsani, Mostafa Mirshams Shashahani, Fatemeh Shahmohammadi, Fatemeh Gholamali,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: Malignant melanoma is one of the most lethal skin tumors. Its prevalence and demographic specifications are different in European and western countries from those in the Middle East. This study was aimed to evaluate the demographic and clinical characteristics of malignant melanoma in Iran. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the patients with the diagnosis of malignant melanoma who atteneded the tumor clinic of Razi Hospital, Tehran, Iran were included. Demographic and clinical data were registered in specific questionnaires. Histopathology findings were also recorded in the questionnaires. Results: A total of 2500 patients attending tumor clinic of Razi Hospital were evaluated. Out of them, 166 cases had malignant melanoma including 89 (53.6%) females and 77 males (46.4%). The mean age of patients 60.5 years. History of chronic sun exposure was found in 65 (39.2%) cases. Mean delay time between commencement of lesion and diagnosis was 9 months. The most common histopathologic type was acral lentiginous and the most common observed stage of tumor was Clark 3. The most common frequent observed tumor site was head and neck which was followed by limbs. Conclusion: Malignant melanoma is common in patients with skin tumors in Iran. Considering morbidity and mortality of malignant melanoma and the relatively high stages of tumors, at the fist time the patients sought medical care, screening programs seems to be necessary to find the patients in earlier stages, as well as the mass education. Some of our findings such as the most common location of the tumors, family history and relation with dysplastic naevies, remain to be confirmed in studies with larger sample sizes.
Ali Ebrahimi, Hossein Ershadinia,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: Unwanted hair growth (hirsutism) is a cosmetic problem, which has been resulted in a large number of researches regarding its treatment. Patient satisfaction after treatment using hair removal lasers has been different. The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfactaion rates of the patients with hirsutism after being treated with a diode laser. Methods: In this study satisfaction rates of 50 women with hirsutism were evaluated based on an audio-visual evaluation in Haj Daii clinic in Kermanshah, Iran. Results: Fifty patients with a maen±standard deviation age of 32.5±9.2 years were categorized in three groups in accordance with their skin phototypes. Patient satisfaction after using laser diode hair removal with 25-40 J/cm2 was 74.6%. The most common side effect was transient post laser erythema (28.3%). The highest satisfaction rate was obtained in patients who were taking hormone regulating drugs (85.0%). The lowest satisfaction was obtained in patients with irregular menstrual cycle who were not taking any hormon drugs (73.3%). There was a direct correlation between the number of laser sessions and patients satisfaction (r=0.51, P<0.05). Conclusion: Findings of the present study showed that diode laser is an effective method in treatment of hirsute patients and patients satisfaction rates are good.
Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan, Jalil Babapour Kheir-Ol-Din, Rahim Yousefi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: The present research aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of socio-cultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3). Methods: The sample of this study cross-sectional was 250 highschool students (173 girls and 77 boys) in Abarkouh, who were selected through cluster random sampling, responded to Persian version of socio-cultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-3. The reliability coefficients of the SATAQ-3 were calculated using internal consistency and spilt-half methods, which were 0.77 and 0.55 respectively. The construct validity of the inventory was investigated using factor analysis. Results: Factor analysis of the inventory using varimax rotation based on scree test, showed 4 factors labeled Internalization-General, Internalization-Athlete, Information and Pressures, which covered 37.61% percent of the total variance. Conclusion: In general, findings of the research confirmed appropriate validity and reliability of the Persian version of SATAQ-3 and showed that it can be simply applied in clinical and research situations for evaluation of individual’s attitude towards personal appearance affected by socio-cultural factors.
Ameneh Yazdanfar, Mohammadreza Ahmadpanah, Zohre Kheradmand,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: Vitiligo and acne are common chronic skin diseases with cosmetic impacts affecting various aspects of quality of life. This research was done to study the quality of life in these patients and their related factors. Methods: This cross-sectinal study was carried out on 132 patients with vitiligo and 136 patients with acne. The patients were asked to answer questionnaires including questions about their demographic and clinical information as well as questionnaire of Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). SpSS version 16 was used to statistically describe and test the data. Results: The mean±standard deviation (SD) ages of patients with vitiligo and acne, were 22.8±5.7 and 28.9±11.5 years, respectively. The proportions of female patients with vitiligo and acne were 54.5% and 83.8%, respectively. Patients were matched for age and gender. There was no statically significant differrence between the mean DLQI score and age, martial status, occupation, residence, education, age of onset of disease in neither group. Patients with more chronic vitiligo experienced significantly impaired quality of life (P=0.008). A statistically differrence was found between mean DLQI scores and clinical forms of vitiligo. The mean scores of patients with generalized type was higher than those with localized forms (P=0.032). Patients with severe acne experienced significantly impaired quality of life (P=0.002). The mean DLQI scores in vitiligo and acne were 6.75 and 7.05, respectively, but this differrence was not statistically significant (P=0.08). A statistically significant difference was found in two subgroup: in symptoms and feelings (P=0.002) and interpersonal relationships (P=0.02). Conclusion: The quality of lifves of patients were affecteded by the type of disease, its severity and its duration in both groups.
Hamid Salehinia,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in humans worldwide. It is also the most common cancer in Iran. To achieve primary prevention in skin cancers, avoidance of direct sun exposure is recommended. Sunscreen use is one of the methods to reduce sun exposure. However, while using sunscreens has increased recently, the incidence rate of skin cancers has also increased. One of the reasons for observing this paradox may be caused by counterfit sunscreen products, in particular in Iran. The author imagines that this letter may result in proper decision making among health policy makers to tackle this problem.
Alireza Firooz,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2016)

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