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Shahryar Haddadi Abianeh, Moshir Fasihi, Kambiz Kamyab, Alireza Firooz, Mansour Nasiri Kash,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2018)

Background and Aim: Preoperative assessment of skin tumors extensions have a potential role to increase the efficiency of surgery and maximal preservation of function and cosmetics in the treatment of invasive types of basal cell carcinoma (BCC).
Methods: A total of 72 patients with BCCs on face were included in the study. Gross maximal width of tumors were documented, and then high frequency ultrasonic (HFUS) maximal width and depth of these lesions were determined. Then conventional surgical excision was done and these margins were determined in pathology lab. The comparison of ultrasonic and pathologic depth, and difference of HFUS and pathologic widths from gross clinical width were done with paired t-test.
Results: The mean depth of BCCs were 3.09 mm (SD= 1.02) in HFUS and 2.86 mm (SD=1.22) in pathology (P=0.1). The mean difference from gross width were 4.05 mm (SD=1.18) in HFUS and 4.26 mm (SD=1.70) in pathology (P=0.09).
Conclusions: High frequency sonography has a good accuracy in detection of width and depth of BCCs of face, especially in tumors smaller than 10 mm, and can help to determine safe margins non-invasively, especially in cosmetic and functional critical areas.
Siamak Kazemi Darabadi, Seyed Hossein Jarolmasjed, Danial Moshtagh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Background and Aim: Burns are among the most common causes of wounds. One of the medications used in these cases is silver sulfadiazine 1%, which has many side effects. Therefore, people turn to traditional compounds for treatment of these ulcers . Despite the widespread use of lime water in combination with olive oil and Ziziphus in Iran, little research has been done to prove their benefits. The purpose of this study was to investigate the topical effect of Ziziphus and olive oil and lime water combination on the healing rate of third-degree burns in mice.

Methods: In this study, 24 male Balb/c mice with a mean weight of 25±5 g were used. After anesthesia, a 1 cm2 third-degree burn was created with a special device. The mice were randomly divided into four groups and received normal saline, Ziziphus poultice, olive oil-lime water, or silver sulfadiazine 1% daily. Pictures were taken weekly for three weeks. Then the area of the wounds was measured and the percentage of healing was calculated. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyze the data.

Results: In all weeks, the percentage of wound healing in the second to fourth groups was significantly higher than that of the first group, but was not significantly different from each other.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed the positive effect of Ziziphus leaves and the combination of olive oil and lime water on the healing rate of third-degree burn wounds in mice.

Seyede Zahra Emami Razavi, Maryam Hoseini, Mohaddeseh Azadvari,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Notalgia paresthetica (NP) is a neuropathic complication which occurs within the innervating field of T2-T6 spinal nerves. The patient complains of burning and itching sensation in the lower part of the inner margin of the scapula, and because of frequent itching,signs of skinscratching and hyperpigmentation are observed in the affected area. The definite cause of this pathology is unclear. Available resources have suggested the followings as the possible causes of the disorder: entrapment of the sensory branches within surrounding muscles, postural abnormalities such as scoliosis and kyphosis and degenerative changes of the spine. NP is usually represented as a rare pathology, however, the relatively common clinical incidence suggests a lack of attention to appropriateidentification, diagnosis and treatment ofthe patients. Diagnosis is done through history taking and physical examination, and there is often no need to
additional studiesfor confirmation. A wide spectrum of treatment options have been recommended. Although there is often a tendency to prescribe topical and oral medications for treatment of NP, but application of non-pharmacological therapies such as therapeutic exercises to correct abnormal postures, physical agent modalities such as electrical stimulation and also acupuncture can be effective in accelerating the treatment process and increasing the duration of recovery. Given the undeniable importance of the disorder and its impact on patient's quality of life, a comprehensive approach to existing treatment options with an emphasis on the role of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists will be discussed in this paper.

Najm-Ol-Sadat Atefi, Azade Goodarzi, Elham Behrangi, Masoume Rohaninasab, Afsane Sadeghzadeh Bazargan, Mohamadreza Ghassemi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2019)

Rosacea is an inflammatory, chronic and cosmetically annoying common dermatologic disorder which presents with cutaneous telangiectasia, sustained erythema with courses of flares and flushings, papulopustular lesions, ocular involvement or disfigurating phymas. Although there are many relative effective medical therapies, however there are not any promissable treatment. Due to chronic nature of disease and exhausting usage of topical or systemic therapies , we decided to review Pubmed’s literature for non-medical physical therapies, looking for more effective modalities and minimal side effects, particularly in intractable cases.
Behnaz Shojaedin Givi, Ali Khamesipour, Hossein Naderimanesh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Background and Aim: Drug delivery through the microneedle array has been considered as an easy and non-invasive method in recent years. The purpose of this study was to design and construct an array of biodegradable polymeric microneedles containing Amphotericin-B to introduce this system and its use in the treatment of cutaneous lesions caused by Leishmania major parasite inoculation as a model in skin infections.

Methods: In this study, microneedles were fabricated by three-step molding method, which included master mold making, polymeric matrix that blending of polyvinyl pyrrolidine and methacrylic acid and finally casting.

Results: The identification of Amphotericin-B in polymeric microscopic compositions was investigated by absorption and emission spectroscopy. Also, the mechanical strength of microneedles, which confirms their ability to penetrate the skin, was investigated by a transducer.

Conclusion: In this study, the design and fabrication of a skin-permeable polymeric microneedle array with biodegradability and biocompatibility characteristics in physiological environment was performed. Using the properties of designed needles, loading of Amphotericin-B was used for the treatment of leishmaniasis and skin fungal infections.
Leila Shahmoradi, Reza Moghadasali, Farhad Mostafaei,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Background and Aim: Mobile-based applications have the potential to increase the awareness of skin patients to their disease. The main goal is to rise clients' information about their skin disease, skin cell therapy and to provide Rooyan’s Center informations, specialists list, addresses, presentations, clips and relevant photos of the disease.

Methods: To identify the information, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. The questionnaires were validated by experts. Information system software was designed and developed using Joapp's Windows software. Finally, it was evaluated using a standard questionnaire assessing user satisfaction and program usability.

Results: Users evaluation in four axes: software performance with average (81.3%), Software display with average (78.9%), Software terminology and information with average (68.1%), the overall software capability (82.8%) and the overall mean score of 77.7% were rated as "good".

Conclusion: Treatment of this disease is necessary and important due to mental stress. Due to the inefficiency of existing treatments, complementary therapies to control the disease are on the rise. The software gives patients a broader view of their disease and has been very useful and effcient.

Narjes Rastguo, Roya Lari,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Hypertrophic scars and keloids are fibrosis abnormalities associated with the accumulation of collagen and extra cellular matrix components. These scars are caused by abnormal wound healing, which may occur after skin injuries caused by surgery, trauma, burns, etc. and may have a large impact on the patients’ quality of life. Hypertrophic scars and colloids in addition to aesthetic problems can cause functional disruption due to tissue contraction and itching. Large numbers of research are currently being performed in the area of scar prevention or treatment, but since the physiopathological mechanisms of scar formation have not been fully elucidated, the current strategies are still unsatisfactory. In this review, we discuss the recent biological advances in scar formation and current and future strategies for the prevention and treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars.
Sara Bahrainian, Atefeh Naeimifar, Saman Ahmad Nasrollahi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2021)

Full term newborns have a skin that rapidly develops towards adult skin. From the anatomical point of view, the differences are limited, but some changes at birth are responsible for the physiological differences between the skin of infants and adults. Newborns skin exhibits the same barrier function and absorption properties as adults, but external conditions for newborns may be different from those for adults, and these differences may lead to different skin absorption profiles between these two groups. Also, a baby's temperature regulation (transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and sweating) is not completely developed and the skin becomes easily infected, which is mainly due to changes in pH and immaturity of the skins defense system. This implies why only cosmetics with safe ingredients should be used for newborns. The initial aim is to formulate a simple, pure, gentle and pathogen-free product. Systemic side effects are not expected with washable products but should be taken into account for leave-on products. Great attention should be given to cosmetic products used in the napkin area, especially where there is a possibility of rash. If necessary, more safety precautions should be taken for these products.
Majid Banimohammad, Mahdi Forghani Ramandi, Hamidreza Pazoki Toroudi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (8-2021)

Alopecia areata (AA) is a sudden non-scarring hair loss that can be seen in any hairy area in the form of round or oval patches. It is an autoimmune disorder with an immunological response against hair follicles that is caused by genetic and environmental factors. The prevalence of AA is about 0.1% to 0.2% worldwide. Depending on the severity of the disease and sites of involvement, it can be divided into: Alopecia with Patchy pattern, alopecia reticularis, alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis, alopecia ophiasis, alopecia sisiapho, diffuse type and perinevoid alopecia areata. There are various treatment options for AA, but once terminated, they have a high recurrence rate. AA is known for the infiltration of T lymphocytes around the hair follicle bulb, and corticosteroids are its main treatment. Another treatment is topical immunotherapy, the most important of which is Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP). It is used in cases that have more than 50% hair loss or are resistant to treatment. The exact DPCP mechanism of action is not well understood, but it may have some kind of antigenic competition and reduce the production of anti-hair follicle antibodies. It can alter the immune response in the skin and alter the ratio of CD4 to CD8 cells around the hair follicle in a way that enhances healing of the disease. It is stated that the rate of hair regrowth in DPCP treatment is about 50% on average. In this article, we review the latest findings of about AA and discuss its therapeutic aspects, especially with DPCP.
, ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2021)

Background and Aim: Microneedle technology has led to huge changes in the field of drug delivery medicine. Using microneedles, the drug can be injected locally, painlessly, and in very low and controlled doses with high precision. Local drug delivery through the skin with microneedles has many advantages over other methods of drug delivery. In this method, the drug does not enter the gastrointestinal tract and blood circulation, and therefore non-target organs are protected from the side effects of the drug. The present study is designed to construct an array of micron needles using the lithography method.

Methods: In this study, a silicon microneedle array is fabricated using the photolithography method with proper adjusting of the effective parameters. The constructed microneedle array has 256 needles with a height of 500 microns, a base diameter of 250 microns, and a center-to-center distance of 600 microns.

Results: Microscopic images show that the microneedles are tapered with a relatively sharp tip. Their surface is smooth and without cracks, and they also have an acceptable resemblance to the original design.

Conclusion: The produced microneedle array can be used directly to pierce the skin and increase its permeability by creating micron holes. In addition, this array can be used as a mold for the production of microneedles with malleable materials in the casting method.

Afsarolmoluk Hadadian, Azin Ayatollahi, Akram Miraminmohammadi, Mahshid Shahrzadkavkani, Alireza Firooz, Ensieh Lotfali, Mahsa Fattahi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2021)

Introduction: Dermatophytosis are micro-organisms which can lead to skin diseases. In rare occasions they can have atypical skin manifestations, which could result in delay in diagnosis.  

Case Report: A 20-year-old Iranian boy was referred to our center with a 5-month history of circular, symmetrical, itchy crusted skin lesions on his groin. Direct microscopy, culture test and PCR-sequencing of ITS regions of the rDNA gene were conducted and showed T. indotinea as the causative agent. Based on antifungal susceptibility test oral pulse therapy with itraconazole 100 mg twice daily for 1 week combined with topical clotrimazole cream for 1 month was initiated, which cleared the lesions.

Conclusion: This case report is of significance since T. indotinea produces atypical skin lesions, as well as, multidrug resistance to antifungal agents.

Aniseh Samadi, Hasti Ahmadianyazdi, Maryam Ahmadi, Atefeh Naeimifar, Saman Ahmadnasrollahi, Alireza Firooz,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2022)

Background and Aim: Although several commercial moisturizers are available in the market, continued role of pharmaceutical compounding have been still felt in dry skin management. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a two urea- based compounded moisturizers on barrier function, compared to similar commercial product. 15 volunteers (14 females and one male) age 36.15 ±9.55 years old (range 21-56 years old) with non-pathologic dry skin, recruited to the study applied 5% urea containing hydrophilic petrolatum and 10% urea containing hydrophilic petrolatum during two following phases.
Methods: Upper parts of right and left forearms randomly were assigned for twice a day application of commercial or compounded products. Biophysical assessments including trans epidermal water loss (TEWL), skin hydration, friction co efficient, pH and surface lipids, performed before intervention, 1, 4 after single application and at 24 hours and one week twice daily application. 
Results: In both phases, commercial and compounded moisturizers showed appropriate and comparable effect on skin barrier function compared to the baseline. However commercial products, led to better improvement in TEWL, 4 hours after single application in both phases (P=0.04). The rate of increase in skin hydration was also significantly higher for commercial emollient, compared to compounding product (57.48±11.23 vs. 50.59±11.42, P=0.01).
Conclusion: Commercial formulation led to higher acceptability and better improvement on skin barrier function after single application, probably due to influence of excipients. Present study did not find sufficient added value for pharmacy product relative to commercial one and suggest to be replaced in similar condition.
Zahrabeigom Moosavi, Alireza Firooz, Mahsa Fattahi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2022)

Introduction: Tinea incognito is a localized skin infection caused by a fungus. Due to the use of corticosteroids, the shape and severity of the lesion are different from the usual skin manifestations by dermatophytes.

Background and Aim: A 39-year-old female with history of erythematous, scaly skin lesions on her hands, buttock, inguinal and both legs for 7 months referred to clinician, who prescribed Calamine-D and hydrocortisone without any treatment and clobetazole was recomended. She self-continued clobetazole. This case highlight the importance of mycological test in case of atypical skin lesions to choose an appropriate treatment and avoiding to spread of drug resistance species.

Methods: Regarding to history of patient, the mycological test (Direct Microscopy and culture) was made. In direct microscopy and culture mycelia of dermatophyte species was seen.

Results: In our case steroid discontinued and she was treated with oral terbinafine 250 mg once a day for 4 weeks in combination with topical clotrimazole cream.

Conclusion: the prescription of topical/oral corticosteroids should still be limited and take a caution until confirmation of diagnosis, particularly since the use of steroids during COVID 19.

Pedram Noormohammadpour, Amirhooshang Ehsani, Ifa Etesami, Amin Rahmani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Background and Aim: Skin injuries with various causes may lead to legal action. Complaints are referred to specialized authorities such as Razi Hospital, before specialized forensic medicine commission comment. The present study surveyed demography of patients' complaints and initial diagnosis at the time of referral over a period of 6 months.

Methods: In this retrospective study, patients referred for initial visit, from Forensic Medicine Office in the September 2018-March 2019, were examined. The patients' complaints at the time of referral and the clinical diagnosis made at the initial examination were recorded. 

Results: A total of 220 patients including 176 women (80%) and 44 men (20%) with a mean age of 34.8 years were included. 42 different complaints were documented, including traumatic hair loss with 91 cases (41.4%) - the most common - followed by complications of laser hair removal with 32 cases (14.6%) and filler injections with 16 cases (7.3%). Scarring from trauma, reaction to chemicals during work or accidental contact, rare injuries from various treatments, and even cases of pediculosis (contamination of the accommodation) or zoster (complaint about care in the treatment center), etc. were observed.

Conclusion: Traumatic hair loss (mainly due to fight) was the most common complaint. Knowing other cases may expand physicians' awareness regarding the wide range of complaints that can be raised and improve the process of some treatment measures.

Ensieh Lotfali, Adel Shirani, Sina Molavizade, Sa’adat Shojaei,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Onychomycosis is a nail infection caused by dermatophyte and non-dermatophyte molds and yeasts. The nail involvement is a feature of psoriasis, although skin manifestations are the most principal findings in psoriasis. Onychomycosis and psoriasis are both common disorders in communities. It is possible that in some patients these two diseases are present at the same time. A review was performed using the keywords including nail psoriasis, onychomycoses, dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte molds and yeasts in valid medical databases, such as PubMed, Google scholar, Scopus and Science direct. Articles that were most relevant to the purpose of the study were selected and studied. We investigated the incidence and pathogenic function of fungal agents in causing fungal infections in psoriasis nails.
Misagh Norouzi, Hamidtaher Neshat Doust, Fariba Jafari,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2023)

Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of psychotherapy based on improving quality of life on depression and self-esteem in women with vitiligo.

Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental study (Pre-test - post-test with follow-up and control group). The statistical population of this study included all women with vitiligo skin disease referred to Isfahan Dermatology and Leishmaniasis Research Center , among which, 20 people were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (10 people for each group). Both groups completed Beck Depression Inventory (1996) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem (1965) Questionnaires as a pre-test and after completing eight sessions of psychotherapy based on improving quality of life (one 90-minute session per week for eight weeks), the post-test was performed again and one month later for the control and experimental groups. The collected data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance in SPSS 23 software.

Results: Based on the findings of repeated measures analysis of variance, it was found that psychotherapy based on improving quality of life reduced the average depression scores and increased the self-esteem of women with vitiligo.

Conclusion: Considering that psychotherapy based on improving the quality of life has an effect on depression and self-esteem in women with vitiligo, so teaching this therapeutic approach is recommended as an effective intervention method to reduce depression and improve the self-esteem of women with vitiligo.

Farahnaz Molavi, Kimia Asadi, Masoomeh Akhondi Ranjbar, Negar Ghalenavi, Fatemehsadat Etemadoleslami Bakhtiar, Tara Adell Rastgoo, Sahel Yazdanpanahi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2023)

Background and Aim: The use of leech extract in the preparation of cosmetic supplements and medicinal compounds has always been of interest. So far, the effect of this extract on the volume of the skin's epidermal tissue has not been scientifically confirmed, and no research has been done regarding the comparison of the effects of different types of base oils in this extract.

Methods: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leech extract in the bases of olive oil, castor oil and bitter almond oil on the facial skin using the basic geometric morphometry software. For this purpose, 25 people from the age group of 45 to 55 years were selected. In order to compare morphological changes for forty days at a specific hour, pictures were taken using a digital camera. 12 landmark points were placed on the two-dimensional images using TpsDig2 software. The shape data obtained after superimposition analysis were analyzed using Procrust analysis with multivariate PCA and CVA statistical methods and cluster analysis (CV).

Results: The results showed that there is a significant difference between leech extract in volumizing and removing wrinkles with olive oil base (P>0.001), but the two groups of castor oil and bitter almond oil did not have a significant difference (P>0.001).

Conclusion: Leech extract has no effect on removing wrinkles and does not cause local swelling in the epidermal tissue in the time frame of the present study.

Hossein Sharifi, Ensieh Lotfali,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2023)

Background and Aim: Considering the increase of dermatophytosis trough the Iran and world as well, especially ringworm of the body and groin due to terbinafine-resistant species and the high speed of disease transmission, in order to choose the appropriate treatment, considering the time required for the treatment of the disease and early detection of resistant cases treatment is required. The present study was conducted to determine the antifungal sensitivity of Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton flucosum strains to common antifungal drugs.

Methods: Antifungal sensitivity test (broth microdilution) was performed for 20 specimens obtained from patients according to CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute) M38-3rd ED protocol, for terbinafine, itraconazole and voriconazole.

Results: According to the antifungal susceptibility test results, 5 patients were resistant to terbinafine and showed a minimum inhibitory concentration more than 2, 3 patients were tolerant to terbinafine and showed a minimum inhibitory concentration between 0.5 and 1. Based on the results of the antifungal susceptibility test, 7 patients were tolerant to itraconazole and showed the minimum inhibitory concentration between 0.5 and 1. All isolates responded well to voriconazole.

Conclusion: The results of the antifungal sensitivity test highlight the importance of mycological tests on dermatophytic skin lesions to prevent the spread of drug-resistant species.

Safoura Shakoeinejad,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: In line with the increase in cases of dermatophytosis of the body and dermatophytosis of the groin, the cases of species resistant to antifungal drugs, especially terbinafine, are increasing. The present study was designed to investigate the drug resistance pattern of dermatophyte species isolated from 27 patients referred to Razi Skin Hospital.

Methods: Skin samples of patients were collected from the groin, buttock and body from the active margin of the lesion. Some of the sample was examined under the microscope for the presence of arthroconidia and fungal hyphae. Cultivation on Saburo dextrose agar 2% special medium with chloramphenicol and cyclohexamide was used to determine the primary identity of dermatophyte species, morphological characteristics were used. To accurately identify trichophytons isolated from the skin of patients by (molecular) genotyping method, ITS1 and ITS4 primers were used. Universal primers) were used. Microdilution broth drug sensitivity test was performed according to M38-3rd ed - CLSI protocol for dermatophyte isolates to terbinafine, itraconazole, fluconazole and voriconazole.

Results: 25 patients were infected with Trichophyton indotinae. 2 patients were infected with Trichophyton interdigitale. In the present study, 4.27 (14.81%) of the patients had antifungal resistance (1 μg/ml≤the minimum concentration of fungal growth inhibition for terbinafine).

Conclusion: Failure to perform mycological examinations before initiating treatment can result in misdiagnosis.  Do not use the antifungal susceptibility test lead to  challenging to manage treatment-refractory cases. inadequate and inappropriate treatment combinations can increase the number of resistant species worldwide.

Azin Ayatollahi, Pegah Tamimi, Aliasghar Ghaderi, Mahsa Fattahi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Recently, the cases of dermatophytosis have increased sharply, which is associated with frequent reports of chronic cases of the disease, uncommon skin manifestations, and treatment failure. Cases of emergence of resistant species in other geographical areas such as Denmark, Switzerland, and China, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Iran, Finland, Switzerland, France, Iraq and Bahrain are also known. Antifungal drug susceptibility testing for dermatophyte species has not yet been standardized. Antifungal Susceptibility Tests (AFST) are used to determine the minimum growth inhibitory concentration (MIC) of a specific drug in laboratory conditions with the aim of predicting whether a patient will respond to standard antifungal treatment or not. In the continuation of this article, we gave an overview of the antifungal sensitivity test, including its strengths and weaknesses and its role in helping to make therapeutic decisions.

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