Fakhraee A, Eslami M, Hosseini Kakroodi A. An investigation on the level of dental senior students knowledge about endocarditis prophylaxis incases with cardiac disease receiving dental treatment. J Dent Med-tums 2004; 16 (4) :69-77
Abstract: (6549 Views)
Statement of Problem: Dental practices such as oral, periodontal and endodontic surgeries cause damages to the intraoral tissues, so having knowledge of the dental procedures that necessiciate endocarditis prophylaxis is of high importance.
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine the knowledge level of dental senior students in Tehran dental faculties about endocarditis
Materials and Methods: In this cross- sectional descriptive- analytic study, 253 senior students of four dentistry faculties in Tehran took part as follows: Tehran University: 71 students (M:42, F:29), Shahid Beheshti University: 74 students (M:40, F:34), Shahed University: 35 students (M:35, F:38), Azad University:73 students (M:35, F:38). The questionnaire used in this research consisted of three parts as follows: part one:
information on cardiac diseases, part two: dental procedures requiring endocarditis prophylaxis, part three:antibiotic diet in endocarditis prophylaxis. Sex and place of education of the students were also studied in detail. For statistical analysis, Chi-square test was used.
Results: On the basis of the sex, the correct answers of the female respondents of different universities wereranked as: Azad University: 72.5%, Tehran University: 71.1%, Shahid Beheshti: 57%, ShahedUniversity:55.7%. In the same way, the male respondents were reported as: Tehran Universitys: 71.6%, Azad University:66.2%, Shahed University: 57.3%, Shahid Behesti University: 52.1%, On the basis of the place of education,the following results were reported: Tehran University students managed to answer 71.3% , Azad University,Shahed University and Shahid Beheshti University students could answer 69.5%, 56.5% and 54.6%,respectively. All these differences were statistically significant, indicating that first ranked students have more information than the students of other schools.
Conclusion: It is recommended to develop more practical training programme in dental schools on cardiac
diseases, dental procedures requiring endocarditis prophylaxis and antibiotic diets.
Type of Study:
Research |
general Accepted: 2021/06/7 | Published: 2013/09/17