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Showing 9 results for Abbasi

M. Zarrabian , Sn. Ostad , M. Abbasi , M. Mohseni ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (4 2007)

Background and Aim: Root filling materials are usually in close contact with living tissues. So their biological properties like mutagenicity and cytotoxicity are important. These properties help us determine the potential damage to periapical tissues, or potential DNA mutations, and malignant transformation of the cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of four root canal sealers: AH Plus (Dentsply, DeTrey), Ketac-Endo Aplicap (3M ESPE), Sankin Apatite III (Sankin K.K), and Tubli-Seal EWT (Kerr).

Materials and Methods: In this experimental in vitro study fresh and set specimens from AH Plus, Ketac-Endo Aplicap, Sankin Apatite III, and Tubli-Seal EWT were immersed in culture medium for 1, 2 and 7 days. Cytotoxicity was assessed using tetrazolium bromide reduction assay (MTT) after 1, 2 and 7 days exposure of diluted extracts to L929 cells. Extracts of sealers in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) were used to examine the mutagenic effects by sos-umu test according to standard procedures. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA, Kruskall Wallis, Mann Whitney and Post hoc tests with P<0.05 as the level of significance.

Results: Extracts of all freshly mixed sealers were cytotoxic. Ketac-Endo Aplicap and Sankin Apatite III showed the lowest toxicity respectively and Tubli-Seal EWT the highest. In contrast to other sealers, the cytotoxicity of Tubli-Seal showed no decrease with time. -galactosidase did not increase significantly thus none of the sealers showed mutagenic effects.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, Tubli-Seal EWT showed the highest cytotoxicity with time. Other sealers showed decreasing cytotoxicity with time. No mutagenicity effects was observed in none of  tested materials.

R. Haghgoo, F. Mollaasadolla, F. Abbasi,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (20 2009)

Background and Aim: Several agents were used for pulpotomy in primary molars. Formocresol is the most common drug in this procedure. In some studies it has been shown that, this material has potential some side effects, so it is essential to find other alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and radiographic success rates of mineral trioxide aggregate and formocresol.

Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 70 carious primary teeth of 4 to 7-year-old children were pulpotomized, and remaining pulp was dressed with Root MTA and formocresol. The clinical and radiographic follow up evaluations were performed at 6, 12 months by a blind dentist. The data were analyzed by Fisher's exact test.

Results: At the end of 1-year follow-up period, in formocresol group sinus tract and tenderness to percussion were seen in 2 teeth, internal resorption was seen in 1 tooth, and furcation radiolucency was seen in 2 teeth. Clinical and radiographic signs of failure were not seen in any case of (Iranian) Root MTA group.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, Iranian MTA can be used for pulpotomy in primary molars.

R. Haghgoo, F. Abbasi,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (22 2010)

Background and Aims: Formocresol is one of the most common pulpotomy medicaments for primary teeth. Because of its systemic and local side effects, it may be essential to use another material instead of formocresol. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histopothalogy of pulp after pulpotomy teeth with sodium hypochlorite and formocresol.

Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 22 canine teeth that must be extracted because of orthodontic treatment were selected. The teeth were randomly divided into 2 groups (n=11) and pulpotomized with formocresol or sodium hypochlorite. These teeth were extracted after 2 months and pulpal response was evaluated according to the degree of inflammation and extent of pulpal involvement. Dentinal bridge formation was also evaluated. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test.

Results: In formocresol group, mild inflammation was seen in 4 and moderate inflammation in 3 and severe inflammation in 4 cases. In sodium hypochlorite group mild inflammation was seen in 6 cases and moderate inflammation in 4 cases and severe inflammation in 1 case. Mann-Whitney test revealed that this difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). In formocresol group, necrosis was seen in 5 cases, but abscess and internal resorption were not seen in any cases. In sodium hypochlorite group, internal resorption was seen in 3 cases but necrosis and abscess were not seen in any cases.  Mann-Whitney test showed that the difference between two groups was significant in terms of necrosis (P=0.02). In sodium hypochlorite group, dentinal bridge was formed in 3 cases however, no dentinal bridge formation was seen in formocresol group. Mann-Whitney test showed that this difference was not significant statistically (P>0.05).

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, sodium hypochlorite can be used as a pulpotomy agent in primary teeth.

Haghgoo Roza , Haghgou Hamid Reza , Abbasi Farid , Tavakkoli Mohammad ,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (1-2015)

  Background and Aims: The main cause of erosion is acid exposure . Side effects of erosion necessitate therapeutic agents’ uses. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nano- hydroxy apatite in tooth remineralization following exposure to soft beer.

  Materials and Methods: This in vitro experimental study was conducted on 18 human impacted third molars that had been surgically extracted. The microhardness of specimens was measured. Then teeth were exposed to soft beer and their secondary microhardness was measured. The teeth were divided into 2 groups (water and nano-hydroxy apatite solution) and were placed on 9 orthodontics appliances and delivered to 9 volunteers. These volunteers placed the tooth on one side in water for 5 minutes and the tooth in opposite side in nano-hydroxyapatite solution. This application was repeated 6 times a day for 10 days. The microhardness of teeth was measured again. Data were analyzed using Paired T-test.

  Results: The tooth enamel microhardness reduced after exposure to soft beer significantly (P=0.04). The microhardness of 9 teeth after being in water showed significant changes (P=0.012). The microhardness of 9 teeth significantly changed after exposure to nano -hydroxyapatite solution (P=0.001) .

  Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, 10% solution of nano- hydroxy appatite could restore the erosive lesions .

Katayoun Sargeran, Amir Jalal Abbasi, Faegheh Fazeli,
Volume 30, Issue 2 (8-2017)

Background and Aims: In modern societies, the incidence of oral cancer is increasing. It may be due to the increased population, life expectancy, and exposure to risk factors. This increase can particularly be seen in women and in our own country, Iran. The aim of the present study was to explore the status of care and treatment of patients with oral cancer referring to Shariati educational hospital in Tehran, during the years 2003-2013.
Materials and Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey on oral cancer patients attending the Shariati hospital in Tehran during a ten-year period. Data were collected through patient records and statistically analyzed by SPSS21 software.
Results: Regression analysis was performed in 5 models, where variables such as age, gender, location of the tumor, stage and grade was entered as independent variables and delay in treatment (time interval from diagnosis to treatment) entered as the dependent variable. The analysis showed that the elapsed time from diagnosis to treatment had a positive association with age of the patients. It means that the higher the age, the more delay in treatment (P<0.05). No relationship was found between the treatment delay and gender, tumor location, grade, and stage.
Conclusion: Considering the consequences of oral cancer for patients, there was necessity to formulate plans for preventing, early detection and improving quality of life in oral cancer patients.

Mehdi Abbasi, Aghil Rahmani, Ladan Ranjbar Omrani, Zohreh Moradi, Masumeh Hasani Tabatabaei, Sara Valizadeh,
Volume 31, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Background and Aims: Color is the most important and complicated part of aesthetic dentistry. The tooth color matching of restorations is considered as one of the most difficult tasks in the restorative dentistry. The aim of this study to evaluate the effect of two training methods on the dental students’ ability in determining tooth color matching.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 40 dentistry students participated which randomly allocated into two groups. The first group consisted of students who learned teeth color matching methods practically. In the second group, training booklet was used for learning. Using Vita Classic shade guide series, 4 color samples were chosen and the students of each group were asked to determine samples’ color, before, after and one month after the training.
Results: Booklet learning group was more successful in determining fourth color sample. However, in no studied group and no used samples, the results of one month after learning were not better than that of before learning. Also generally, no significant relationship was found between the color matching accuracy, using glasses, and sex of participants.
Conclusion: The use of booklet learning was more effective than practical learning in color matching accuracy for dental students. Also, using glasses and sex were not effective on their color matching accuracy.

Abdolrahim Davari, Farnaz Farahat, Sanaz Abbasi,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: Restoration of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) is challenging due to the difficulty of adhesion of dental tissues. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three methods of surface treatments using diamond bur, Er: YAG laser and sandblasting on the microtensile bond strength of resin composite to the noncarious dentin in cervical lesions.
Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study, 48 canine and premolar extracted human teeth with NCCLs at the buccal surface were selected and randomly divided into 4 groups of twelve each: control group without any treatment, Er: YAG laser group, diamond bur group and sandblasting group. For all groups, the bonding agent used was Clearfil SE Bond and then the cavities were filled with
the Filtek Z250 resin-composite. After this step, the teeth were cut and then subjected to the microtensile bond strength test. Data were analyzed by the Kruskal Wallis test.
Results: According to the obtained results, the microtensile bond strength, from the highest to the lowest values were in the sandblast group (24.57±10.24 MPa), the diamond bur group (19.19±10.8 MPa), laser group (18.59±9.05 MPa) and the control group (18.56±9.27 MPa), respectively. Although, no statistically significant difference was found between any of the groups (P=0.266).
Conclusion: It seems that in teeth with NCCLs, the sandblasting method had a much better effect on the bond strength, although no statistically difference between surface treatment methods was found.

Abdolrahim Davari, Farnaz Farahat, Sepideh Abbasi,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: Different factors play a role in causing tooth decay. Modern dentistry is looking for a way to prevent tooth decay and suggests different ways to increase remineralization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste and mouthwash on remineralization of primary enamel lesions and obstruction of tubules.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 90 human extracted central teeth were used. Artificial decay was induced by placing the specimens for 72 hrs in a demineralization solution in an incubator at 37 °C. Hardness of the specimens was determined by a microhardness test before any surface treatment. The specimens were then divided randomly into 6 groups of 15. For 1-6 groups, the specimens were subjected to a pH cycling for 14 days, which included 3 hrs of demineralization and 21 hrs of remineralization. At the same time, 1-3 groups were in contact with diluted toothpaste in a ratio of 1:3 with deionized water at a rate of 5 ml twice a day for two min. Eac specimen of 4-6 groups was exposed to 5 ml of three types of mouthwashes for one min. Then, the specimens were cut in the buccolingual direction in order to simultaneously evaluate the dentinal tubules and Vickers microhardness test was performed again and the before and after microhardness values were compared. Then, the percentage of deposition on the surface and tubule obstruction were analyzed using SEM (Scanning electron microscope) (P=0.006). Data were analyzed using SPSS24 software bu the descriptive statistics, ANOVA analysis of variance, and multiple Tukey comparisons.
Results: The results of analysis of variance test showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the microhardness changes between study groups (P=0.006). Also, in-group analysis of microhardness changes, there was a significant difference (P<0.0001). Besides, only in the group containing 0.5% nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste, more than 50% tubule deposition and obstraction was observed (P<0.05).
Conclusion: According to the present study, nanohydroxyapatite can be one of the treatment strategies to repair incipient lesions of teeth and the addition of nanohydroxyapatite, preferably to toothpaste, increases the dental microhardness.

Shirin Taravati, Zahra Abbasihormozi,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: Dental caries affects the quality of life of children and parents, oral health and overall health which can interfere with the childrens’ daily activities and growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the severity of dental caries and quality of life in pre-school children.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 145 parents and preschool children aged 2-5 years old referring to Ahvaz dental school and a pediatric dentistry office in Ahvaz city. The convenient sampling method was used and participants were patients referred to the faculty of dentistry and one pediatric dentistry office in Ahvaz. Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) questionnaire was used to evaluate the oral health related quality of life. The demographic information and dmft index (decayed, missing, and filled teeth) was assessed for children. Statistical analyzes included descriptive statistics, Spearman and Pearson tests.
Results: The mean age of children was 4.12 ± 1.2 years. 72 children (49.65%) were boys and 73 of children (50.34%) were girls. Based on our results the mean ECOHIS score was 39.69 ± 18.95. There was a significant correlation between decreased quality of life and the lower age of the children (P=0.047), less parental education (P=0.018), more dmft score (P=0.000).
Conclusion: It can be concluded that severity of dental caries is effective on children's quality of life. The quality of life of children decreases with the increase in the dmft, lower socio-economic status of parents, and higher age of parents.

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