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Showing 12 results for Ahmadi

Aa.  khoshkhoo Nejad , R. Shariatmadari Ahmadi, B. Jannat,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10 2003)

Statement of Problem: Treatment of gingival recession defect and covering denuded root surfaces is one of the goals in periodontal therapy and several surgical techniques have been suggested in this field.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to perform a comparison on coronaliy repositioned flap procedure with and without the use of ethylenediaminoteraacetic acid (EDTA. 24%, pH=7) in the treatment of recession defects.
Material and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 16 patients, aged 17-60 years, with a total of 27 miller class 1 isolated buccal gingival recession type defects of at least 2mm depth, and based on special criteria were investigated. After initial therapy, surgical recession coverage was performed as coronaliy advanced flap technique and EDTA gel conditioning (test) or coronaliy advanced flap alone (control). Clinical examination including assessments of oral hygiene, recession depth (RD), recession width (RW), width of keratinized tissue (KT), probing depth (PD) and probing attachment level (PAL)were performed before and 1, 2, 3 months after surgical treatment.
Results: The mean of initial RD, RW, KT, PT and PAL in the test group was 2.73, 3.17, 3.13, 1.1 and 3.83mm respectively and in the control group was 2.56, 3.03, 3.67, 1.25, 3.92mm respectively. The mean of these parameters 3 months after treatment in the test group were changed to 0.46, 1.97, 2.65, 0.67, 1.1 mm, corresponding figures for control teeth were 0.85, 2.98, 2.75, 1, 1.94, respectively. At 3 months after treatment the mean root coverage amounted to 83% (test) and 67% (control) which was a statistically significant difference (P=0.0067). Although a significant clinical difference was observed regarinding root coverage level, all other clinical variables were not statistically different, with the exception of probing attachment level (P=0.005).
Conclusion: It was suggested that EDTA gel (24%, PLT=7) for 3 minutes as root conditioner and the coronaliy advanced flap procedure can be used as a predictable and successful method in the treatment of miller class I buccal gingiva! recession type defects.
N. Jalayer Naderi , Sm. Latifi , F. Ahmadi Nejad ,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (30 2005)

Statement of Problem: Giant cell granuloma (G.C.G) is a reactive lesion which affects the jaws and oral mucosa of gingiva.This lesion is classified to central and peripheral ones. The histopathologic aspects of central and peripheral G.C.G is the same. The central lesions are aggressive and cause osseous destruction. The peripheral G.C.G produces ulcerative swellings similar to pyogenic granuloma or peripheral ossifying fibroma. Since the peripheral and central G.C.G are common lesions, the awareness of dentists of different aspect of G.C.G is very important.

Purpose: The aim of this study was a statistical evaluation of variables such as age, gender and location of peripheral and central G.C.G in oral and maxillofacial pathology department of Dental Faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional, case series one. The medical records of oral and maxillofacial pathology department of Dental Faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was assessed in two steps: In the first stage, the medical records of patients with pathologic report of peripheral and central G.C.G were selected and reviewed. In the next step, the informations such as age, gender and location of peripheral and central G.C.G were registered in data forms. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS statistical software.

Results: The results showed that the age range in peripheral and central G.C.G were 2- 90 and 4-70 years, respectively. The peak incidence of peripheral and central G.C.G was in the third and second decades, respectively. The peripheral G.C.G was more common in men (52.70%) than women (47.30%). This finding in central G.C.G was 37.19% for men and 62.88% for women. 57.06% of peripheral G.C.G cases were in mandible and 42.94% in maxilla. The occurrence of central G.C.G was 67.07% in mandible and 32.93 % in maxilla.

Conclusion: Based on this study, the peripheral lesions were more frequent in men, third decade and mandible and the central lesions in women, second decade and mandible.

B Seraj , A. Ramyar , R. Ahmadi , S Ghadimi ,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (3 2006)

Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease with formation of granulomatous infiltrations consisting of Langerhans cells, histiocytes, lymphocytes and eosinophilic granulocytes. The ethiopathogenesis of the disease has not been fully clarified yet. It can occur as focal or disseminated form - acute or chronic. Oral manifestations may be the first signs. This article reports a case of a 3 year old boy with LCH suffering from severe dental mobility and foul breathe. Radiographically, the lesions appeared as well-defined radiolucent defects in maxilla and mandible. The microscopic findings consisted of sheet like arrangements of histiocytes with a mixture of eosinophils and other inflammatory cells. Biochemical tests were within normal limits.
B. Seraj , P. Motahhari , M. Fakhri , R. Ahmadi ,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9 2007)

Odontomas are benign tumors of odontogenic origin characterized by their slow growth. They are considered to be a common type of odontogenic tumor, but rarely occur in the primary dentition.The etiology of odontomas is unknown, although local trauma, infection and genetic factors have been suggested. Odontomas often cause disturbances in the eruption of teeth such as, impaction or delayed eruption, and retention of primary teeth and abnormalities in the position of teeth such as tipping or displacement of adjacent teeth. In this paper, a case of unerupted right mandibular primary cuspid in a 5 years old girl due to the presence of a compound odontoma is presented.

Mehdi Jafarzadeh Samani, Maryam Hajiahmadi, Samira Yousefi, Elham Sadat Binande,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (5-2013)

Background and Aims: Successful pediatric dentistry depends not only on the dentist's technical skills, but also on his ability to acquire and maintain a child's cooperation. The correction of dentist’ action in this area affects the view of parents and increases the quality of dental services. The objective of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of general dentists toward methods of controlling pediatrics’ behavior in Isfahan.

Materials and Methods: This study is descriptive, analytic, and cross-sectional. For this research, 100 general dentists of Isfahan city were selected with simple random sampling technique and were asked to complete the questionnaire which was included four different management techniques. The data were analyzed with t-test, P earson’s correlation , ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis.

Results: The methods accepted by dentists were Tell-Show-Do (4.0 ± 0.5), Voice control (3.5 ± 0.4), active restraint (3.0 ± 0.5) and Hand-Over-Mouth (2.9 ± 0.5) respectively. The mean score of female dentists’ attitudes was more toward the method of active restraint and less toward Hand-Over-Mouth technique. Also the average score of middle aged dentists’ attitudes toward Voice Control method was less than young dentists and toward Hand-Over-Mouth was higher. The general dentists with more number of pediatric patients had less consent on the method of Hand-Over-Mouth (P=0.004) and active restraint (P=0.034).

Conclusion: There were significant correlation between attitude of general dentists toward behavior management techniques with age, gender, clinical experience and the number of pediatric patients. General dentists have fewer tendencies to aggressive behavior management techniques.

Parvin Khadem , Seied Ebrahim Jabarifar , Hajiahmadi Maryam , Sadeghain Susan Susan , Mohamad Safaie ,
Volume 26, Issue 3 (8-2013)

  Background and Aims: Oral health prepares us for daily activities without discomfort, and dissatisfaction. In this research, agreement level between parents and children aged 11-14 year-old in reporting child oral health-related quality of life was studied in Isfahan city.

  Materials and Methods: In this descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study 128 pairs of parents and children aged 11-14 were selected with random sampling technique from schools in Isfahan and were asked to complete the relevant questionnaires. The questionnaires evaluated quality of life in four fields of oral signs, functional deficits and emotional and social health. In order to evaluate child-parent agreement, intra-correlation coefficient (ICC), Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Spearman’s correlation coefficient and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) were used (α=0.05).

  Results: The agreements between PPQ11-14 (parent perception questionnaire), CPQ11-14 (child perception questionnaire) and the related fields were 0.81, -0.67. The highest agreement level (ICC=0.83) was related to emotional health (excellent), followed by functional deficits (ICC=0.80), social health (ICC=0.69) and oral signs (ICC=0.64). Pearson's test showed significant correlations between CPQ11-14 and PPQ11-14 (r=0.81) (P<0.01).

  Conclusion: Although parents, especially mothers, may be used as proxies for their children in relation to quality of life and related fields, the views of both should be obtained in order to fully represent child oral health-related quality of life issues.

Mehdi Jafarzadeh, Maryam Haji Ahmadi, Hajar Esmaielian, Hadi Moshkel Gosha,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (9-2014)

  Background and Aims: Successful pediatric dentistry depends on the dentist's technical skills, as well as his/her ability to acquire and maintain a child's cooperation. The correction of dentist’ performance in this area affects the view of parents and increases the quality of dental services. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of general dentists toward behavior guidance techniques in Isfahan.

  Materials and Methods: In this descriptive- analytic cross-sectional study, 100 general dentists of Isfahan city were selected with simple random sampling technique. They were asked to complete the questionnaire inquiring their attitude toward four different behavioral management techniques . An appropriate question about each of the methods was proposed by the authors, along with demographic characteristics including: gender, age, university, year of graduation, work experience, the mean number of pediatric patients referred in one month was provided in the form of a questionnaire. To evaluate the attitude of dentists to the questionnaire, the score from 1 to 5 was given to each item and the total score was considered. Higher score indicated more positive attitude of dentist. Data were analyzed using T-test, Pearsons correlation and one-way ANOVA (P<0.05).

  Results: The mean scores for dental behavioral management techniques were positive reinforcement (4.2±2.7), general anesthesia (3.5±4.4), N2O sedation (3.4±4.4) and pharmacologic sedation (3.2±2.7), respectively. There were no significant differences between the mean score of dentist attitude and age, gender, clinical experience and the number of pediatric patient (P>0.05).

  Conclusion: General dentists’ attitudes towards different behavior management techniques were associated with age, gender, clinical experience and the number of pediatric patient. General dentists’ tend was more towards non-drug behavior control methods such as positive reinforcement.

Mohamadreza Khami, Arezo Ebne Ahmadi, Mina Ahmadian, Samaneh Razeghi, Reza Yazdani,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (9-2014)


  Background and Aims: Tobacco kills 5 million people worldwide annually, according to the Health Ministry reaches this number is about 70,000 people a year in Iran. Dental professionals are in a unique position to promote smoking cessation due to the opportunity for regular interaction with their patients. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes, and skills of dental students at Tehran and Shahid Beheshti dental schools towards tobacco cessation counseling in dental office.

  Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the target group was dental students at Tehran and Shahid Beheshti dental schools, and the sampling method was census. A questionnaire on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills towards tobacco cessation counseling in dental practice was administered to the students (n=93). Data were analyzed using T-test.

  Results: The response rate was 100% (93 students participate in this program and all of them filled the questionnaire). The average score of knowledge at Tehran and Shahid Beheshti dental schools was 17.5 and 18.4, respectively (P=0.09), the average score of attitudes was 33.5 and 33.1, respectively (P=0.80). There were no significant differences between the two dental schools in these parts. The average score of skill was 11.9 and 16.6, respectively. The differences between the students of two dental schools in skill were significant (P=0.002).

  Conclusion: Although the attitude of dental students at Tehran and Shahid Beheshti schools towards tobacco cessation counseling seemed to be fair, some deficiencies existed in their knowledge and skill. Dental education programs should be implemented properly in this field.

Hadi Ghasemi, Arezoo Ebnahmadi, Maryam Moezzyzadeh, Masoud Geramipour,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (1-2016)

Background and Aims: Dental students’ evaluation of teachers’ educational activity is crucial for the improvement of dental school’s performance. The process of the evaluation needs a valid and reliable tool. This study aimed to produce and validate a questionnaire for the evaluation of dental school teachers by students.

Materials and Methods: A group of 15 teachers in the Shahid Beheshti dental school gave their opinions regarding the characteristics of an ideal teacher using nominal group technique. These characteristics together with characteristics gathered from similar studies made the base of a questionnaire which later underwent a validity and reliability assessment by means of the calculation of Content Validity Index (CVI), Content Validity Ratio (CVR), and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.

Results: The preliminary questionnaire included 94 items in four categories naming: ethics, educational capability, practical capability, and managemet. After calculating CVR and CVI for each item, 23 items with CVR<0.33 and 20 items with CVI<0.79 have been excluded from the questionnaire leaving a questionnaire with 54 items. The overall reliability of this questionnaire using Chronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.96.

Conclusion: Consulting an expert group that are familiar with different aspects of educational performance of faculty teachers, it was concluded that applying various methods for validity and reliability, and considering local culture values are useful for the preparation of the questionnaire for similar studies in Iran.

Hamid Gheibipour, Ali Ahmadi, Abolghsem Shokri,
Volume 32, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Background and Aims: One of the most important determinants of health is Oral Health Literacy (OHL). The aim of this study was to investigate the OHL among nomadic population in Kouhrang city as pristine society.
Materials and Methods: This was a  cross -sectional descriptive study among 200 nomadic population aged 18-60 years of Kouhrang city in 2018. Data were collected using a questionnaire and face-to-face interview, sampling method was performed by randomized cluster. The questionnaire consisted of 17 questions in 4 sections of reading comprehension, listening, perception of number, and decision making. According to the number of questions, the questionnaire score was formed 0 to 17 and the nomadic populations were categorized into three groups with inadequate OHL (0-9), borderline OHL (10-11), and adequate OHL (912-17).
Results: The mean and standard deviation of the participants in this study was 35.49±12.00. The results showed that 7.00% of participants had sufficient OHL (12-17), 21.51% borderline (10-11), and 71.50% had inadequate OHL
(0-9). The mean and standard deviation of OHL score in general was 7.65±2.80, and the mean DMFT index was 8.03±5.64 (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the OHL score in the nomadic population was low, and also the mean DMFT index was very high. It is necessary to pay attention to the timely prevention and treatment of the teeth, as well as serious attention to the health education in this population.

Azam Ahmadian Yazdi, Samareh Mortazavi, Hosein Saeedi Moghaddam,
Volume 32, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Background and Aims: Dental diagnosis may be affected by the occurrence of the errors in the intra-oral radiographic images and the patients’ treatment plan can be problematic in these cases. The repetition of these radiographs increases the risks of radiation exposure for the patients in turn. The present study assessed the incidences of common periapical radiographic errors taken by dental students in oral and maxillofacial radiology department of Mashhad dental school in 2017.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 1470 periapical radiographs prepared by student during a semester of 2017 were collected and evaluated. Radiographic observations were done and the incidence of conventional radiographic errors were determined. Finally, the frequency and percentage of radiographic errors were determined based on the type of radiography sex, the age of the patient, and the history of radiography. Then, results were analyzed using the Chi-Square test and SPSS19 (P=0.05).
Results: Film placement (27.2%), cone-cut (27.2%), elongation (13.2%) and horizontal angle (10.9%) were reported as the most common radiographic errors. The repetition rate of the radiographs was 2.9%; among them, the highest errors were Cone-cut errors in the upper jaw
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the most radiographic errors included film position and Cone-cut errors and these two errors were the most frequent cause of repetitive radiographies that required the provision of specific training for the prevention of these errors.

Mohammad Fazeli, Masomeh Ahmadi, Parisa Asadollahi, Hossein Seyedkhani, Elahe Karimi, Liela Ghitani, Nahid Mahdian, Dr Hossein Kazemian,
Volume 36, Issue 0 (5-2023)

Background and Aims: Root canal treatment failures are often attributed to incomplete removal of bacteria, particularly Enterococcus faecalis. While, chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite serve as conventional treatments. herbal medicine has been today considered as an alternative to synthetic medicine due to its safety. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare the antibactrial effect of Scrophularia Striata extract with chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite on Enterococcus Faecalis in the tooth root canal.
Materials and Methods: In this study, sixty extracted teeth were examined. Following the infection of dental canals with Enterococcus faecalis, materials were tested in 3 groups: 1) chlorhexidine 2% (18 teeth), 2) sodium hypochlorite 2.5% (18 teeth), and 3) Scrophularia striata (at the concentration obtained from MIC, 20%; 18 teeth). Additionally, the positive control and negative control were included (3 teeth in each group). Samples were then cultured on bile esculin agar. After 72 hours, black colonies were eaxamined. Chi-squared test was used to analyze the results.
Results: Enterococcus faecalis bacteria grew in 6, 8, and 17 out of the 18 teeth within the sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and Scrophularia striata extract groups, respectively. Consequently, the bactericidal effects for sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and Scrophularia striata extract were 66.6%, 55.5%, and 5.55%, respectively.
Conclusion: The antibacterial effect of the Scrophularia striata extract was significantly lower than chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite on Enterococcus faecalis in dental canals viewed as a suitable replacement to the already in use synthetic therapeutic irrigants.

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