A. Majd , S. Mehrabian , A. Khanafari ,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9 1996)
AR-SA In this study, 4 species of Glaucium
(Corniculatum, Elegans, Flavum and fimberiligerm) was used and their root,
stem, flower, leaf and seeds were dried and grinded. Then, the extract was made
by adding ethanol, methanol and water. By using sterile swab, oral microbial
flora of 10000 patients were taken and cultivated on different agar cultures.
The microbial strains involved: streptococci, bacillus, actinomycetes,
diphteroids, lactobacillus and candida. Antimicrobial effect was evaluated in
various media by measuring the diameter of microbial zone and compare with
control group. The antimicrobial effect of the studied species on total count
of oral microbial flora and also on each bacterial species was recorded. Acetyl pyridinum chloride was used in control
group. The amount of absorbed extract was 1.25 mg in each blank disc. The
different concentrations of 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 were prepared and analyzed. The
results showed all 4 species had antimicrobial effect and the least effective
concentration was 2.5%. The Elegans specie was more effective than the others.
Muler-Hinton medium was the most suitable media among the others. The extracts
of ethanol, methanol, water and autoclaved showed the most to the least
antimicrobial effect respectively. The
antimicrobial effect was related to the specific oral microflora of every
individual. Streptococci were the most sensitive while bacillus was the least
sensitive bacteria to the extract.