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Showing 5 results for Moosavi

Sb. Moosavi , Mh.  fathi , Gh. Feizi , V. Mortazavi ,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (9 2001)

Bone osseointegration around dental implant can cause earlier stabilization and fixation of implant and reduce healing time. Hydroxyapatite coating can affect bone osseointegration and enhance its rates. The aim of this study was comparison of osseointegration between plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coated and uncoated dental implants in cats. Four endodontic implants including, vitallium and two stainless steel with and without hydroxyapatite coating were prepared and placed in mandibular canines of 20 cats after completion of root canal treatment and osseous preparation. After a healing period of 4 months, investigation by scanning electron microscopy showed significant difference in ossointegration between coated and uncoated dental implants and average bone osseointegration of coated implants was more than uncoated implants.
M. Moosavi Nasab , F.  esmaeel Poor ,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (8 2002)

Dental amalgam is one of the oldest restorative materials, used in dentistry, which has undergone a lot of quality changes since its advent. Copper is one of the major elements in dental amalgam. Dental amalgam is classified as low and high cooper group based on the percentage of this element. Cinaluy is an Iranian product, a product of Shahid Faghihi's factory and its particles are spherical with high copper and it does not contain any zinc and gama II phase. The goal of this study was to identify the type and percentage of its ingredients and to analyze this dental amalgam by muclear reactor. The products of the factory, at two different times, were compared with each other and also with the percentages presented by the factory, regarding their ingredients. They were also compared with two standardized amalgams called: Sybralloy and Tytin. Three typical Cinalux amalgam capsules, produced on different dates, were selected. The contents of capsules were enveloped in plastic bags and then sealed and placed in a miniature reactor to undergo nuclear radiation for 10 days. After this period, the elements in amalgam became activated and converted into radioisotopes of the same elements, and began to radiate. Then gama spectrometer system accumulated these radiations and transferred them to Span software. This software, aided by reference standards, shows the intensity and the wave length of the received radiation, and consequently identifies the type and percentage of the elements in amalgam. The results demonstrated that the Cinalux amalgam samples, regarding the type and percentage of their elements, were identical and also met the factory standards. The differences were not significant. There was also no significant difference between Cinalux amalgam and the standardized amalgam Sybralloy, regarding the percentage of their elements, but comparing this amalgam with the standardized amalgam Tytin, a significant difference was not observed.
Mh. Fathi , V. Mortazavi , Sb. Moosavi ,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8 2002)

Nowadays, application of implants as a new method for replacing extracted teeth have been improved. So, many researches have been performed for improving the characteristics of implants. The aim of this study was to design and produce a desired coating in order to obtaining two goals including improvement of the corrosion behavior of metallic endodontic implant and the bone osseointegration simultaneously. Stainless steel 316L (SS), cobalt-chromium alloy (Vit) and commercial pure titanium (cpTi) were chosen as metallic substrates and hydroxyapatite coating (HAC) were performed by plasma-spraying (PS) process on three different substrates. A novel double layer Hydroxyapatite/Titanium (HA/Ti) composite coating composed of a HA top layer and a Ti under layer was prepared using PS and physical vapor deposition (PVD) process respectively on SS. Structural characterization techniques including XRD, SEM and EDX were utilized to investigate the microstructure, morpholgy and crystallinity of the coatings. Electrochemical potentiodynamic tests were performed in physiological solutions in order to determine and compare the corrosion behavior of the coated and uncoated specimens behavior as an indication of biocmpatibility. Results indicated that the cpTi possesses the highest and SS the lowest corrosion resistance (highest corrosion current density) between uncoated substrates. This trend was independent to the type of physiological environment. The HA coating decreased the corrosion current density of HA coated metallic implants but did not change that trend. HAC acted as a mechanical barrier on the metallic substrate but could not prevent the interaction between metallic substrate and environment completely. The HA/Ti composite coating improved the corrosion behavior of SS. The corrosion current density of HA/Ti coated SS decreased and was exactly similar to single HA coated cpTi in physiological solutions. The results indicated that HA/Ti composite coated SS could be used as an endodontic implant and two goals including improvement of corrosion resistance (biocompatibiiity) and bone osseointegration could be obtained simultaneously.

Sh. Shahrabi , S. Moosavi Rad ,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (4 2005)

Statement of Problem: Epulides Fissurata (EF) are common proliferative and denture- induced lesions of the oral cavity with a predilection for female. This suggests a possible role for sex steroid hormones in the development and progression of these lesions.

Purpose: The objective of this study was the immunohistochemical evaluation of epulis fissuratum of the oral cavity for estrogen and progesterone receptors expression in epithelial, stromal, inflammatory and endothelial cells populations.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 15 samples of formalin- fixed, paraffin- embedded epulis fissuratums including marginal mucosal tissues in 4 cases as a control group, were immuno-histochemically evaluated for estrogen and progesterone receptors protein expression.

Result: In 10 cases, estrogen receptor positivity was found within the epithelium and progesterone receptor immunoreactivity was present in 7 cases. Stromal cells exhibited estrogen and progesterone receptor immunostaining in many cases but only few cases showed expression of these receptors in the inflammatory and endothelial cells. Estrogen and progesterone receptors were also detected in some cases containing salivary glands tissue.

Conclusion: Although chronic irritation may be the initiating factor for the occurence of epulis fissuratum, some of the cells in the lesion, could be potential targets for estrogen and progestrone hormones.

H. Moosavi, S. Sadeghi,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (14 2008)

Background and Aim: Application of varnish and dentin bonding agents can effectively reduce microleakage under amalgam restorations. Also rebonding may show some effects on microleakage and its complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of liner/ adhesives on microleakage of Class V amalgam restoration with or without rebonding.

Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study Class V cavities were prepared on sixty sound human maxillary premolars with the gingival floor 1mm below the CEJ. Cases were divided into six groups of ten teeth each. Specimens in group 1 and 2 were lined with Copalite and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (SBMP) respectively. In the third group (control) no liner was applied. The teeth were then restored with spherical amalgam. Specimens in group 4 to 6 received the same treatments but after filling, the interfaces of restorations and teeth were etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel, rinsed and dried. Adhesive resin of SBMP was applied over amalgam and tooth margins and polymerized (rebonding). Specimens were thermocycled, exposed to dye and sectioned. Microleakage was graded (0-3) using a stereomicroscope at X40 magnification. Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon pair wise statistical tests. P<0.05 was considered as the limit of significance.

Results: The groups lined with SBMP showed the lowest and the groups without liner the highest microleakage (p= 0.001). Significant difference was observed in microleakage mean rank of enamel and dentin margins (p=0.048). Rebonding with resin did not improve the seal (p> 0.05).

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, total etch adhesive system had significant effect on microleakage of Class V amalgam restorations especially in cervical margin. Rebonding did not show a significant effect on microleakage.

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