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Showing 5 results for Savabi

O. Savabi , M.  ghasabzadeh ,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (8 2002)

Esthetics is one of the prosthetic treatment goals. Correct selection of anterior teeth, regarding size and appearance, results in a successful treatment. The goal of the present research was to investigate the relationship between interzygomatic width and maxillary anterior teeth width in order to find a better determinant for artificial anterior teeth selection. In this study, the interzygomatic width and maxillary central incisors width and also the width of six maxillary anterior- teeth, in 71 subjects (29females and 42 males) were measured. The results showed a significant difference in maxillary anterior teeth width, comparing men and women, (P<0.05). These measurement in people under study, are less than Europeans. The interzygomatic width was also more in men than women (PO.05), which is, less than of European race. The ratio between interzygomatic and central maxillary incisor width was 15:1 which is less than 16:1 that is used in clinic. Thus, it is recommended to pay more attention to anterior teeth selection, especially in young patients.
O. Savabi , R. Mazaheri , S. Shadzi , F. Nejatidanesh ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (9 2004)

Statement of Problem:The surface topography of denture base material is an important factor for the adhesion of Candida albicans and other microorganisms.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the adherence of Candida albicans to four types of denture base materials (Acropars acrylic resin, Meliodent acrylic resin, rough and smooth surfaces of Molloplast B).
Materials and Methods: Seven blocks of two types of acrylic resins and ten blocks of silicone with one rough and one smooth surface were made and incubated in a suspension of Candida albicans. After washing,the blocks were stained with acridine orange and examined under fluorescent microscope. For statistical analysis ANOVA and Duncan tests were used.

Results: It was observed that Candida adhesion to rough surfaces of acrylic resins and silicone was significantly more than polished surfaces of acrylic resins and smooth silicone (PO.0001). However, no
statistical significant difference was found between polished acrylic resins surfaces and smooth silicone.
Conclusion: Significant differences in the adherence of Candida to the surfaces of different denture base
materials are due to differences in surface topography, chemical, physical and hydrophobic properties so it is
recommended to minimize the roughness and irregularities of denture base.

F. Nejatidanesh , O. Savabi , Mr. Azad ,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (4 2005)

Statement of Problem: One of the greatest problems in metal –ceramic restorations is debonding of porcelain from dental alloys. Production of dental alloys by Iranian companies necessitates the evaluation of physical and handling properties of these products.

Purpose: In this study the bond strength between porcelain and two types of base metal alloys, Supercast (with beryllium) and Minalux (without beryllium) was investigated.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 10 cylindric bars from each base metal alloy were prepared. The bars were degassed and porcelain was applied around them in a disc form (8 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness). The bond strength of porcelain to metal bars was tested with the shear strength test by Instron. Data were analyzed with student t-test and P<0.05 was considered as the limit of significance.

Results: The mean failure load was 71.58±6.4 KgF for Supercast and 67.34±5.48 for Minalux alloy. The bond strength of Supercast and Minalux were 55.85±4.99 MPa and 52.54±4.27 MPa respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P0.001).

Conclusions: This study showed that nickel-chromium-beryllium alloy (Supercast) produced significantly better ceramometal bonding than nickel chromium alloy without beryllium (Minalux).

F. Nejatidanesh , O. Savabi , B. Sarrafpour , D. Mirabi ,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4 2007)

Background and Aim: Proper designing of partial denture frameworks is the duty of dentists, but this task is often abdicated to technicians because of lack of time and experience. Computer assisted learning and designing can be used for both training dental students and helping dentists design proper frameworks. As the first step to prepare software for framework designing, this study evaluated the agreement on different framework designing principles, among prosthodontists of dental schools in Iran.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 121 design rules was sent to 41 prosthodontists at seven dental schools in Iran .The percentage rate of agreement on results was used for data analysis.
Results: The percentage of rules accepted by more than 60% of the prosthodontists was 76.2%. It consisted 80% saddle rules, 76.2% rest rules, 78.4% clasp rules, 63.6% maxillary major connector's rules and 80.9% mandibular major connector rules.
Conclusion: The percentage of accepted rules by Iranian prosthodontists was 76.2%. Maxillary major connectors had the least acceptance.
F. Nejatidanesh , O. Savabi , B. Sarrafpour , D. Mirabi ,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9 2007)

Background and Aim: Designing removable partial dentures is one of the most important phases of prosthetic treatments. Computer can be used to facilitate and increase accuracy of removable partial denture design. The aim of this study was to develop a software for removable partial denture design.

Materials and Methods: A questionnaire (discussed in part I) and major textbooks, were used to determine the design rules.  The software (RPD Graph) was developed using Visual C++ and Maryam program. The RPD Graph can determine the classification of partial edentulous arch. With defining the missing teeth and providing data about prognosis and conditions of abutment teeth, the removable partial design will be developed by RPD Graph. This software is a knowledge-based system which has specific characteristics. It can be used as an educational tool for teaching RPD design and as a clinical tool for supporting clinician's decision. In addition it can be developed to more complete softwares.

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