V. Selahi Moghadam ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (9 1989)
AR-SA Treating bony craters by
surgical method needs elimination or reduction of bony lesions as well as
providing sufficient bone by minimum osteotomy in order to preserve supporting
bone. Furcation preservation is very important. Most mandibular molars are
overtreated from buccal aspect that leads to inverted morphology and affects
buccal forcation. Identifying anatomical structures and their relation to
lesions is essential. In crater therapy, furcation and tooth trunk are two
major anatomical structures. Low to medium Craters are appropriate for osseous
resection. Craters of maxillary molars with palatal plate bone loss are treated
by 10 degree palatal inclination and decreasing buccal bone according to root
trunk. Besides, osteoplasty is indicated
for buccal bone. Second molars are treated similarly but they have longer root
trunks and thicker buccal bone which needs osteoplasty. Craters of Mandibular
first molar area are treated by osteoplasty in lingual bone as well as buccal
bone reduction according to root trunk . likewise, second molars are treated
but they have more lingual bone as well as lingual inclination of teeth and
longer root trunks. On the other hand,
scalloped morphology is not sufficiently favorable. Therefore, in order to
change flat or low scalloped morphology
we should not destroy supporting bone.