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Showing 6 results for Tavakoli

F Nejatidanesh , A. Tavakoli , A . Haratian ,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10 2003)

Statement of Problem: Rotary dental instruments (i-e. iow speed and high speed handpieces), due to infection spread high potentiality, should be sterilized between dental visits for each patient. When a high speed rotary instrument pauses at a high velocity, contaminated fluids like blood and saliva will be sucked into its tubes.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the bactericidal effects ofDeconex 53 plus solution and the solarsept spray on dental high- speed instruments.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, one hundred and twenty (120) dental high- speed turbines, sterilized by autoclave, were divided into 6 groups. The turbines were contaminated with bacterial suspension. Streptococcus mutans, Staphilococcus aureus and Neisseria SP were the first microbial groups. Pseudomonas aruginosa was the second microbial group and Bacillus subtilis spore
was the third microbial group. After 5 minutes, three contaminated groups were placed in Deconex53 plus 2% solution for 15 minutes. Three other groups after contamination were sprayed with Deconex soiar sept spray for 2 minutes. Then the samples were placed in TSB culture and after 24 hours incubation at 37°, the samples were transmitted on blood agar solid culture for bacterial viability observation. The results were observed after 24 hours incubation. Proportional test with normal distribution was used for data analysis.
Results: The Deconex 53 plus had 85% disinfectant activity on the first microbial group, 10% on the second microbial group and 100% on the third microbial group. Also the solarsept spray had 30% disinfectant activity on the first microbial group and 15% on the third micribial group . The solarsept spray had no bactericidal effect on turbines contaminated by the second microbial group. The results proved that the disinfectant effects of Deconex 53 plus solution for 15 minutes were significantly better than the solarsept spray for 10 minutes. The Deconex solution and the solarsept spray showed 65% and 15% negative growth, respectively. Based on the elimination of all spores, Deconex 53 plus has great sporcidal activity.
Conclusion: These disinfectants should not be considered as suitable substitutes for sterilization with
Mb.  tavakoli , R. Tabarak , A.  zargar ,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (7 2005)

Statement of Problem: Zinc contained cements are so important among dental material as they have many indications and used in different ways therefore evaluation of their physical properties is so important in dentistry.
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to measure some physical properties of zinc-contained cements used in restorative dentistry. These cements included: Zinc oxide-eugenol, Zinc phosphate and Zinc polycarboxylate. Physical properties measured in this research were compressive strength, and setting time also Solubility & Disintegration were evaluated.
Materials and Methods: To perform this research two packs of each cement type were provided from an Iranian company products as prototypes and German HARVARD Dental GmbH company products as proof samples. For compressive strength 11 samples provided from any type of cement. For setting time test, 16 samples provided from Zinc oxide-eugenol and 11 samples from two other types. For solubility &
disintegration beet, 11 samples provided only from Zinc oxide-eugenol cement. The results compared with standard.
Results: The results of Iranian product showed that compressive strength of Zinc oxide-eugenol- is I2.58±3 MPa, of Zinc phosphate cement is 37.2I±5.0 MPa and of Zinc polycarboxylate cement is 35.86±2.1 MPa.Setting time of Zinc oxide-eugenol cement is 2 9.04 ±0.7 1 min, of Zinc phosphate cement is 5.41 ±0.55 min and of Zinc polycarboxylate cement is 2.5±0.6 min. Solubility & disintegration of Zinc oxide-eugenol cement is 8.44±i.l%. None of these findings are in standard limit.
Conclusion: By the use of standard charts it is concluded that: Only compressive strength of Zinc oxide-eugenol cement is between standard limits and compressive strengths of two other types of the cements are less than standard limits. Also only setting time -of Zincoxide eugenol cement is in standard limit and setting times of two other types of the cements aren't in standard limit. The German samples results were in standard limit. Solubility & disintegration-of Zinc-oxide eugenol cement isn't in standard limit. Therefore it is concluded that all types of these cements are not standard for use.
Mehryari Mahsa , Mortazavi Nazanin , Sayyadi Fatemeh , Mohsenitavakoli Saman , Zahedpasha Shaghayegh , Mortazaviamiri Seyedhadi , Bijani Ali , Kazemi Hamed Hossein , Motallebnejad Mina ,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (1-2015)

  Background and Aims: The purpose of the present study was to review the studies regarding serological and salivary oxidant / antioxidant status in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS).

  Materials and Methods: The literature was searched using key words RAS, Antioxidants, Saliva, Hematinic (s) and Hematinic Acid in the last 10 years, particularly the recent 3 years (2010-2013). At total of 37 clinical trials, 18 case-control articles were selected and evaluated fulfilling the requirements as the RAS patients having at least 3 oral aphthous attack per year. The exclusion criteria included systemic as well as periodontal diseases, iron deficiency associated anemia, medication usage and smoking.

  Conclusion: Almost all lipid-peroxidation studies in serum and saliva were manifested by an increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in RAS patients compared with controls. This would indicate the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the etiology of the disease. Serum trace elements (Zn, Se) were reduced and Cu was increased in RAS patients in comparison with control individuals. A decreased serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) and an increased salivary SOD were observed in all RAS patients. Catalase (CAT) and uric acid (UA) analyses were non-inclusive. Levels of paraoxonase and arylesterase as well as antioxidant vitamins (A, E, C) were lower in RAS patients than that of controls.

Habibeh Farazdaghi, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli, Shahab Etemadi, Arash Ghodousi,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (10-2016)

Background and Aims: Gender determination is an important step in identification. For gender determination, anthropometric evaluation is one of the main forensic evaluations. The aim of this study was the assessment of sphenoid sinus volume in order to determine sexual identity, using multi-slice CT images.

Materials and Methods: For volumetric analysis, axial paranasal sinus CT scan with 3-mm slice thickness was used. For this study, 80 images (40 women and 40 men older than 18 years) were selected. For the assessment of sphenoid sinus volume, Digimizer software was used. The volume of sphenoid sinus was calculated using the following equation: v=∑ (area of each slice × thickness of each slice). Statistical analysis was performed by independent T-test.

Results: The mean volume of sphenoid sinus was significantly greater in male gender (P=0.01).The assessed Cut off point was 9/35 cm3, showing that 63.4% of volume assessments greater than cut off point was supposed to be male and 64.1% of volumetry lesser than cut off point were female.

Conclusion: According to the area under Roc curve (1.65%), sphenoid sinus volume is not an appropriate factor for differentiation of male and female from each other, which means the predictability of cut off point (9/35 cm3 ) is 65/1% close to reality.

Ehsan Tavakoli Hosseini, Abdolrahim Davari, Mahsa Asemi Esfahani,
Volume 30, Issue 3 (10-2017)

Background and Aims: Radiopacity is an essential requirement for all restorative materials. Radiopaque materials allow the dentist to diagnose and assess radiographically the restoration, primary caries, assessment of contours, overhang and secondary caries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of two types of dental bases and liners in comparison whit dental structure using a digital radiography system.
Materials and Methods: Two classes of materials were prepared: 1 mm and 2 mm thickness disks for glass inomer and 1 mm and 0.5 mm thicknesses for dycal. Specimens of enamel and dentine with the same thicknesses were obtained. As a control, an aluminum step wedge was used. Samples were positioned over a phosphor-ray, plate of min ray soredex system, exposed, and the images were analyzed using the contour dent software. ANOVA analysis was used to investigate the significance of differences among the groups. For pairwise comparisons, the Bonferroni test was applied (P<0.005).
Results: 0.5 mm diameter of self-cure and light cure dycal and enamel, presented radio-opacity higher than that of dentine, except for the light cure dycal that had radiopacity lowers than enamel. 1 mm diameter of all the groups presented higher radiopacity than dentin. Light cure and self-cure glass inomer and self-cure dycal presented radiopacity higher than enamel. Enamel showed radipacity higher than light cure dycal in 2 mm diameter self-cure. Light cure glass inomer presented radiopacity higher than that of enamel and dentin.
Conclusion: The increased thickness of the materials evaluated increased their radio-opacity. It was concluded that all the materials had lower radiopaaty than dentin. Only enamel showed higher radiopacity than light-cured dycal.

Arezoo Khabazian, Pooya Fadaei Tehrani, Ali Tavakoli, Amir Kheyrossadat,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (10-2019)

Background and Aims: Today, smoking is recognized as a major health problem and an impediment to development in many developing countries. This is the reason of early deaths and disabilities which leads to death of about 4 million people around the globe annually. This study aimed at assessing the awareness and attitude among the students last years dental at Yazd Shahid Sadooghi Medical School in providing consultation for giving up smoking.
Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive sectional study that evaluated the awareness and attitudes of students last years dental at school of dentistry. Data was collected through standard questionnaires and were analyzed by T test and Pierson correlation coefficient in SPSS18 software.
Results: A total of 110 students participated in this study. Awareness mean's score of female students was 18.38 and male students 17.66. The attitude mean's score of female students was 31.06 and the male students was 32.45. Based on the correlation coefficient of awareness with age (0.112), with the semester (-0.001) and with a GPA (0.76), it was concluded that awareness with increasing age and GPA increased, and with increasing semester decreases. Also, based on the correlation coefficient of attitude with age (0.013), with the academic semester (0.018) and with a GPA (0.008), it was concluded that attitude with increasing age, semester, and GPA was improved.
Conclusion: Despite the relatively good attitude of dental students about smoking cessation counseling, their awareness was poor. Therefore, the need to revise the education programs and steps in the field of training are required.

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