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Showing 4 results for Tohidast

Z. Tohidast Akrad,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (8 1994)

Fanconi syndrome was first described in 1927 by G.Fanconi. Fanconi syndrome with congenital aplastic anemia is a hereditary disorder in which peripheral blood Pancytopenia and bone marrow hypoplasiais often associated with multiple somatic congenital malformations such as microcephaly, skeletal anomalies (absence or hypoplasia of radial or thumb or both of them), brown hyperpigmentation of the skin and vision, hearing, kidney, genital or central nervous system disorders. In addition, Heredity pattern is autosomal recessive. Average age of disease manifestation is 4-7 years in the first decade of life and male are two times more likely suffered than women. In fact, Developed Pancytopenia is usually responsible for death. The average life expectancy after diagnosis of Fanconi syndrome is approximately 5 years.

Z. Tohidast Ekrad,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9 1994)

Malignant lymphoma is the neoplastic transformation of Cells, mostly originating from lymphoid tissues. Malignant lymphoma has two major subtypes: Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Malignant lymphoma is the most common neoplasm in 3rd and 4th decades of life and more than two third of affected patients presented painless peripheral lymphadenopathy. Involvement of waldeyer’s ring, epitrochlear and mesenteric lymph nodes is more likely in non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Approximately 20% of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma have mediastinal adenopathy. Most often, these patients may suffer from persistent cough, chest discomfort or maybe referred without any complaint and just with an abnormal chest radiograph.
Z. Tohidast ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (9 1998)

Since 1800, it is known that fungican invade human tissues and from 1900, there is a great deal of information about incidence and epidemiology and geographic distribution and fungal infections.Because of increased incidence of fungal infections on recent years and importance of these organisms in producing of systemic and muco- cutaneous diseases, many investigations are performed about these fungal.22patients was evaluated immunological)' and it was revealed that, 77% of patients had increased immunoglubin serum level that was denoted of a normal B. lymphocytes function. As a matter of fact, both immune system are involved in anti- candidia defence, humoral immunity inhibits the penetration of Candida into mucous membranes, skin and internal organs.

Z. Tohidast Ekrad , E. Ghasemzadeh ,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10 2003)

Statement of Problem: Halitosis refers to the unpleasant mouth odor leading to problems for the patient and his associates. Dentists with enough knowledge about the halitosis incidence with oral causes are able to plan and prevent it effectively.

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine the rate of halitosis incidence with oral causes among high school and guidance schoolgirls aged 13-17 years old in Ghazvin. Moreover, the relationship between some etiologic factors such oral hygiene, coated tongue with unpleasant mouth odor was investigated.

Material and Methods: The number of 700 female students, aged 13-17 years old was studied and 14 factors were recorded on a questionnaire for each subject. The related data were collected through direct clinical examination.
Results: The incidence of halitosis in this population was 28.9%. In addition, mouth odor was significantly associated with independent variables such as gingivitis, coated tongue, systemic disease and taking medicine,consumption odor producing materials and the level of oral hygiene.
Conclusion: The most important factor causing malodor was poor oral hygiene. Also in other investigations gingivitis, coated tongue, tonsilitis, dental calculus and malocclusion were diagnosed as the most important causes for oral halitosis.

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