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Showing 2 results for khoshnevisan

Imaneh Asgari, Arezo Ebn Ahmady, Mohammad Hossein Khoshnevisan, Faezeh Eslamipour,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (9 2012)

Background and Aims: Normative need assessments should be substituted or integrated by patient-based outcome measures regarding their shortages in health-oriented approach . This study aimed to assess and compare the ability of  an index of oral health-related quality of life measured by Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP) questionnaire and the Aesthetic Component of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (AC-IOTN) to identify the normative need to orthodontic treatment using Dental Health Component-IOTN in a sample of the Iranian adolescents.

Materials and Methods: Target population of this cross-sectional analytic study was 597 of the 13 to 18 year-old schoolchildren enrolled in middle and high schools of the city of Isfahan, Iran. They completed the COHIP questionnaire and then were examined by two calibrated trained dentists (agreement coefficient:0.9) to record the DHC grading. The students scored their AC in according to the images of the scale. The association between subjective indicators and clinically defined need were evaluated by the correlation analysis and the statistics for the diagnostic validity of tests.

Results: Of 568 examined students, 16.7% and 2.1% had definite need according to DHC and AC criteria, respectively. 10% of orthodontic patients had perceived distinct impact on their quality of life. The significant association (P=0.001) between the severity of malocclusion and quality of life was at moderate level by AC (R=0.37), but it was not convincing enough by DHC (R=0.16). The specificity of AC to detect the healthy ones showed to be excellent but its low sensitivity disabled the recognition of patients, precisely.

Conclusion: The considered patient-based indices did not meet the competencies to define the orthodontic need in the adolescents, but it could be employed to identify the persons with impaired quality of life and it would probably benefit  the process of prioritization.

Seyyed Peyman Shariatpanahi, Pouya Jamshidi, Maryam Sadeghipour Roudsari, Mohammad Hosein Khoshnevisan, Mahshid Namdari, Baharan Arshadi Fard, Sarvin Soleimanpoor,
Volume 37, Issue 0 (3-2024)

Background and Aims: Nowadays, the requirement of any policy-making at the national and regional level is to know the level of knowledge of people about oral health and ways to prevent dental caries.  This study examined the habits, actions and economic level of elementary school students in Qazvin city in 2017-2018.  Also, the effects of peer group social network on behaviors related to oral health and obesity was investigated in order to find the way for interventions making it more effective in this social group.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 145 students participated. They were in the 3nd and 6th grades of elementary school in the academic year of 2017-2018. The questionnaire used in this study had 20 questions and 4 main sections. The main parts of this questionnaire included demographic characteristics, behavior and habits related to oral health, oral health knowledge of students and families, and socio-economic status. Data were collected through clinical examinations and through valid questionnaires and evaluated using SPSS and Excel software.
Results: According to the results of Pearson's correlation analysis, a significant correlation was observed between the health knowledge scores of individuals and their friends between both groups of casual and close friends (P<0.01). The correlation between the knowledge of individuals and close friends was significantly stronger (P<0.01). Also, there was a significant relationship between socio-economic status and behaviors related to oral health (P<0.05). There was also a significant positive relationship between the number of times close friends brushing their teeth in a social network (P<0.001). This connection was not observed in the friends’ network.
Conclusion: This study determined that close friends can be effective in determining the oral hygiene behaviors of elementary school students.

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