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Showing 35 results for Hosseini

A. Forozande , F. Aghahosseini,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10 1987)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Granular cell schwanomma is a rare benign tumor that has been reported sporadically. Our case was a 38 year old man with a pink to yellow small lump of 5mm in right buccal mucosa without any complaint of pain or hemorrhage. Microscopic evaluations showed malpighian epithelium with intense hyperplasia in some parts. In underlying connective tissue a new formed tissue is seen with cytoplasmic giant cells. Any malignancy was reported. In this article, clinical and microscopic characteristics as well as misdiagnosis of the disease are discussed.

F. Agha Hosseini , M. Bakhsi ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10 1999)

A case involving the rare occurance of hyperparathyroidism in association with neurofibromatosis is reported.Radiographic findings revealed multiple radiolucency which diagnosed as giant cell lesions. Also, high levels of PTH and alkalan phosphatase were found from repeated measurements of the serum.Neurofibromatosis associated with hyperparathyroidism diagnosed in this case report.

T. Hossein Zadeh - Nik, Sm. Hosseini Zadeh ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10 1999)

: One of the main aspects of orthodontic treatments is hard and soft tissue changes and their effects on patients appearance.Fixed orthodontic treatment with extraction of upper first premolars to camulfalge of ci II malocclusion is very common,however there is not sufficient studies about lip and incisors changes after this procedure. For evaluating of vertical changes of upper, lip and incisors following retraction of upper incisors, fifteen adult Iranian patients aged 15 to 24 years who sought treatment for their CI II DI malocclusion were treated. Standard edgewise technique(0.018") following extraction of four first premolars were used.A cephaiometric study was undertaken to determine the vertical change in upper incisors and upper lip. For this evaluation, thirty linear and angular measurements were utilized.Results show that: 1- The upper incisors were intruded (X=0.83mm).2- The upper lip length was increased(X~1.2mm).3- The occlusal plane, rotated upward (Anteinclination).4- The palatal plane rotated downward and backward (Retroinclination).This study shows that the standard edgwise appliance has the capacity of reduction of incisor protrusion significantly without extruding them.

H. Hosseini-E- Todashki ,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9 2000)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of postoperative wound dehiscence and infection after early closure of evulsive facial wounds. This treatment was conducted on 28 male patients with evulsive facial wounds. The formation of these evulsive wounds was due to the rupture of temporary cavitation caused by high and extra high velocity messiles. All patients with average age of 18 years old were treated 24-48 hrs afire accidents at base hospitals (1988-1990).Primary healing was achieved in 24 subjects from 7 tO 15 days after the standard operation. Wound dehiscences and bacterial infections were observed in 4 subjects.The conclusion can be made from the results is that the early closure of evulsive facial wounds may reduce the rate of wound dehiscence and infection because of high vascularity in this area.

F. Aghahosseini , M. Enshaei ,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10 2002)

Epidemiologic studies have shown that caris or "infective damage of hard tissues in teeth" are the most common type of infection in human. In Iran, a few studies have investigated this hygienic problem, but no practical results have been defined yet. In this research, the conditions of the first upper and lower permanent molars (it contains four minor variables), have investigated. For this reason, in a descriptive analytic study, which was of retrospective and cross- sectional type, one thousand files were chosen systematically. The data were analysed by SPSS packages. The mean values of DMFT for permanent first molars were 3.47±0.50 (MT-1.23, FT=0.86, DT-1.38). The number of extracted teeth in mandible was moer than maxilla and the number of untreated caries teeth in maxilla was more than mandible (PO.001). DMFT ratio of the first molars to total DMFT, was approximately 29%, which indicates that caries and that complications on the first molars, make the main part of the overall DMFT. Therefore, hygiene training, preventive methods and the improvement of ecomonical status seem necessary in dental services.
M. Ghavamnasiri , Saa. Hosseini , H. Farzaneh ,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (7 2003)

Statement Problem: A few studies have been conducted about bioglass posts.
Aim: The aim of this study was to compare bioglass posts with prefabricated metallic posts in clinical performance of extensive composite restorations for anterior endodontically treated teeth.

Materials and Methods: Sixty endodontocally maxillary anterior teeth, with horizontally or vertically destruction, were selected. Teeth were divided into two groups based on the kind of post: Metallic prefabricated parapost and bioglass post. Each group was divided into three subgroups based on anterior bite: normal, deep bite and edge to edge. Gutta-percha was removed from 2/3 of canal length for parapost and 1/3 for bioglass post. After etching with phosphoric-acid (37%) and applying dentine bonding syntac, Duo cement was used for the adhesion of bioglass post and a self cured composite (Degufil) for parapost. Restoration was done with a hybrid composite (Heliomolar). Follow up studies, radio-graphically and clinically, were done every three months for a 1.5-year period. Exact Fisher and Pearson tests were used for data analysis.
Results: Apical lesion was not observed in any of the radiographs. Post seal was increased by resin cement and dentin bonding agent. Post type did not significantly affect on the clinical success rate of the restorations. The retention of restoration, for both posts, was the same. Crown destruction had no significant effect on success rate. The type of anterior bite had a significant effect on success rate, as the total 6.6% failure rate was related to the patients with anterior deep bite.
Conclusion: It is suggested to use metallic paraposts and bioglass posts, in extensive composite restorations for patients with deep-bite, more conservatively.

F. Aghahosseini , Mh. Akhavan Karbasi ,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8 2003)

Statement of Problem: Menopause can exert extensive somatic and psychological effects on women at this stage including: oral complaints such as dry mouth, glossodynia, viscous saliva, although these findings should be studied further.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the stimulated salivary flow rate of 158 menopause and post menopause women.
Material and Methods: In this cross- sectional and analytic- descriptive study, 158 women, at post menopause stage, were selected as case group. The controls consisted of 83 same aged men. None of the subjects had any systemic disease and did not use any drugs. Age range, in both groups, was 50-69 years old. Psychical condition of two groups, were compared by HADSCALE test. Oral symptoms were also compared and evaluated. In order to analyze the results, "t" and "Mann- Whitney" tests were used.

Results: No significant difference was found between two groups regarding the quantity of stimulated saliva and psychological condition, but the incidence of oral symptoms in case group was significantly higher than the control group (P=0.002).
Conclusion: Based on this study, although oral symptoms have a significant relation with menopause, can not be attributed to the quantity of saliva or psychical condition. In order to find the underlying reasons, more investigations should be performed on quality changes of saliva or other factors.

F. Agha Hosseini , N . Bayat ,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10 2003)

Statement of Problelem: Lichen plannus is a relatively common mucotanous disorder, due to accompanying burning sensation and pain in addition to its malignant transformation, has potential importance. On the other hand, B and C hepatitis are of the five most common death causes, resulting in significant disease spread problems among dentists. As a result, the relationship between these two disorders has been recently investigated.
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate the oral Lichen plannus prevalence among patients with B and C hepatitis.
Material and Methods: In this case series study, 500 patients with B, C hepatitis, 3 04 female and 369 male with the mean age of 39.09±13.13 (the youngest was 4 and the oldest was 72 years old), who referred to the hepatitis center of Shariati hospital, Transfusion organization and Hemophilia center, from August 2001 to August 2002, were evaluated. The information about all white lesions that couldn't be scraped was recorded on a questionnaire for each patient. To analyze the data, t and Fisher tests were used.
Results: Two hundred and eighty nine patients were MBS Ag" 223 were HCVAb", 12 were positive for both types of hepatitis and 23 were cyrotic. From among these patients, 3 subjects were with oral Lichen plannus (0.6%), one belonged to HBS Ag1 group (0.35%), (P=0.38) and two patients belonged to HCV Ab' (0.9%),(P=0.44). These results showed no statistically significant relationship between Lichen plannus and B, C hepatitis. Two cyrotic patients from among 23 were with LP, which statistically was significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion: All patients with LP should be tested for B, C hepatitis and liver enzymes.
Ah. Fakhraee , M. Eslami , Ar. Hosseini Kakroodi ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (9 2004)

Statement of Problem: Dental practices such as oral, periodontal and endodontic surgeries cause damages to the intraoral tissues, so having knowledge of the dental procedures that necessiciate endocarditis prophylaxis is of high importance.
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine the knowledge level of dental senior students in Tehran dental faculties about endocarditis
Materials and Methods: In this cross- sectional descriptive- analytic study, 253 senior students of four dentistry faculties in Tehran took part as follows: Tehran University: 71 students (M:42, F:29), Shahid Beheshti University: 74 students (M:40, F:34), Shahed University: 35 students (M:35, F:38), Azad University:73 students (M:35, F:38). The questionnaire used in this research consisted of three parts as follows: part one:
information on cardiac diseases, part two: dental procedures requiring endocarditis prophylaxis, part three:antibiotic diet in endocarditis prophylaxis. Sex and place of education of the students were also studied in detail. For statistical analysis, Chi-square test was used.
Results: On the basis of the sex, the correct answers of the female respondents of different universities wereranked as: Azad University: 72.5%, Tehran University: 71.1%, Shahid Beheshti: 57%, ShahedUniversity:55.7%. In the same way, the male respondents were reported as: Tehran Universitys: 71.6%, Azad University:66.2%, Shahed University: 57.3%, Shahid Behesti University: 52.1%, On the basis of the place of education,the following results were reported: Tehran University students managed to answer 71.3% , Azad University,Shahed University and Shahid Beheshti University students could answer 69.5%, 56.5% and 54.6%,respectively. All these differences were statistically significant, indicating that first ranked students have more information than the students of other schools.
Conclusion: It is recommended to develop more practical training programme in dental schools on cardiac
diseases, dental procedures requiring endocarditis prophylaxis and antibiotic diets.
J. Nasl Saraji , Mh. Hosseini , Sj. Shahtaheri , F. Golbabaei, M. Ghasemkhani ,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (30 2005)

Statement of Problem: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are major parts of the occupational diseases in workplaces. Protection from such diseases is dependent on assessment and improvement of job postures by using job analysis methods in ergonomics.

Purpose: This study was aimed to evaluate ergonomic conditions in dental professions by rapid entire body assessment (REBA) in Birjand city and also to assess the relation between MSDS in different parts of the body and work conditions.

Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive-analytical approach performed on 48 persons working at different professions by using REBA method. The prevalence of MSDs was obtained by using Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). The data were analyzed by independent t-test, Chi-square and Fisher tests with P<0.05 as the limit of significance.

Results: In this investigation, the prevalence of disorders for different parts of the body was as follows: 65% for neck, 60% for back, 38% for shoulders, and 31% for wrist. These disorders were higher in women than men except for the back. There were significant correlation between disorders of femur and foreleg with work history, ankle and sole with body mass index (BMI), and MSDs with work conditions (P<0.05).

Conclusion: It is concluded that the work conditions and postures need to be improved. In addition the level of dental professional education regarding biomechanical hazardous effects as well as correct work conditions and postures should be increased.

Z. Bahrololoomi, M. Emtiyazi , Gh. Hosseini ,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (11 2005)

Background and Aim: Pulpotomy is one of the routine methods for pulp therapy of primary teeth. At present it is a fact that ideal agent for this has not been discovered. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical and radiographic success rates of electrosurgical pulpotomy versus formocresol pulpotomy in human primary molar teeth.

Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial study, pulpotomy was performed on 68 primary molars in children aged from 5 to 10 years. The teeth were treated using either a conventional formocresol (35 teeth), or electrosurgical technique (33 teeth). Following the pulpotomy procedure, the teeth were evaluated regarding clinical and radiographic success for 3, 6 and 9 months periods. The teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically for the presence of pain, abscess, fistula, mobility, internal and external resorption and radiolucency. Finally clinical and radiographic data were collected and analyzed with Fisher exact test using P<0.05 as the limit of significance.

Results: After 9 months follow up, the clinical and radiographic success rates for the electrosurgery group were 96% and 84% respectively and for formocresol group, 100% and 96.8% respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the success rates for the two groups (P>0/05).

Conclusion: Although electrosurgical pulpotomy is a nonpharmacological and easy to use technique, further investigations with longer evaluation periods are suggested.

Ms. Sheykhrezaee , F. Hosseini ,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (6 2007)

Background and Aim: Many methods and techniques of canal preparation work well in large and relatively straight canals. However, in severely curved canals, the complexity increases markedly, and techniques rendering good results in usual cases may be unsuccessful. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of five root canal preparation techniques on original canal anatomy in simulated severely curved canals.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental in vitro study, 100 simulated canal blocks with similar hardness were made from polyester. The degree of curvature was 45º with a radius of 2.55 mm and a straight part of 8mm. The blocks were prepared with five different techniques (20 canals in each group) as follows: 1-Stepback 2- Passive step back 3- Balanced force using flex-R files 4- Balanced force using Ni-Ti hand instruments 5- Hybrid using a rotary Ni-Ti system (XtremRace). Digital photographs were taken from pre- and post instrumentation colored canals. Then images were superimposed and analyzed by an image editing software. The amount of removed material from the inner and outer canal walls was measured at five levels: 1-The canal orifice (O) 2-The halfway between the orifice and the beginning of the curve (HO) 3-The beginning of the curve (BC) 4-The apex of the curve (AC) and 5-The endpoint of preparation (EP). Additionally, the time of instrumentation, instrument failure and changes in working length were recorded. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Kruskall-Wallis tests with p<0.05 as the limit of significance.

Results: Mean transportation was towards the outer aspect of the curve at the EP in all canals but there were no significant differences between the studied groups. At the BC point, all of the canals were transported towards the inner aspect of the curve and there were significant differences for both transportation values & direction among different groups. The highest amount of transportation was in step back and the lowest, in hybrid group. The highest transportation value was in step back and the lowest in balanced force group. Fractured and deformed instruments were observed in Flex-R files. The shortest canal preparation time was seen in XtremRace and the slowest, in Passive step back groups (P<0.001).

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, changes in canal curvature were less with techniques using nickel titanium instruments and the fastest technique with least transportation was XtremRace.

S. Vosough Hosseini, M. Lotfi, Ma. Saghiri, A. Fatemi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (12 2008)

Background and Aim: Three Dimensional obturation of root canal is one of the main goals of root canal therapy to preserve health or reach the regeneration or healing of periapical tissues. Root end filling materials are used in numerous situations to reach the mentioned goals. One of the common root end- filling materials is mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) which the foreign and Iranian ones are different in their prices. The aim of this study was to compare the rat connective tissue reaction to Iranian and foreign MTA.

Materials and Methods: This was an animal study in which 40 rats were divided into 5 groups of each 8. The polyethylene tubes filled with foreign (Pro Root MTA) and Iranian (Root MTA) white MTA and were implanted in subcutaneous connective tissue. Similarly, the empty tubes were inserted in subcutaneous connective tissue as control group. The samples were examined histologically after 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days and were scored as followings: 0, was characterized to samples without inflammatory cells without inflammatory reaction 1, for samples with less than 25 inflammatory cells mild inflammatory reaction. 2, for samples with 25 to 125 inflammatory cells moderate inflammatory reaction and 3, for ones with more than 125 inflammatory cells severe inflammatory reaction. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test and p<0.05 was considered as the level of significance.

Results: In general, inflammatory reactions were reduced in all groups. Experimental groups had moderate to severe inflammation in the 7th day which had significant difference with the control group having mild to moderate inflammation (p=0.04). There was not any significant differences between experimental and control group in 14th, 30th, 60th and 90th days (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this investigation, inflammatory subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to Iranian (Root MTA) and foreign (Pro Root MTA) MTA was the same.

F. Akhlaghi, S. Azimi Hosseini, S.h. Mortazavi, B. Houshmand, K. Abachizadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (19 2009)

Background and Aim: According to controversies in the prevalence of hypersensitivity to dental local anesthetic drugs and patients who claim hypersensitivity to these drugs, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypersensitivity to dental amide local anesthetic drugs in patients referred to Tehran Allergy Clinic in 2005-2007.

Materials and Methods: In this Study (Review of existing data), records of 130 patients who were referred to "Tehran allergy Clinic" (2005-2007) were studied.

Results: The average age of patients was 29.5±18.8 years. 34% of cases showed positive skin reactions to at least one of the tested Lidocain concentrations and 10% of cases showed positive skin reactions to at least one of the tested Prilocain concentrations. There was a statistically significant difference in hypersensitivity to Lidocain 0.01 and 0.001 (p=0.017) and also between Lidocain 0.001 and 0.0001 (p<0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between other tested drug concentrations (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Many patients with history of hypersensitivity, show positive reaction to local dental anesthetic drugs. Prilocain hypersensitivity reactions are less than Lidocain. So application of Prilocain accompanies with less risk but its application should not be considered completely safe.

M. Panjnoush, A. Shokri, M. Hosseini Pouya, M. Deevband,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (1 2009)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to measure and compare the tissue absorbed dose in thyroid gland, salivary glands, eye and skin in maxillofacial imaging with panoramic, conventional linear tomography, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and computed tomography (CT).
Materials and Methods: Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) were implanted in 14 sites of RANDO phantom to measure average tissue absorbed dose in thyroid gland, parotid glands, submandibular glands, sublingual gland, lenses and buccal skin. The Promax (PLANMECA, Helsinki, Finland) unit was selected for Panoramic, conventional linear tomography and cone beam computed tomography examinations and spiral Hispeed/Fxi (General Electric,USA) was selected for CT examination. The average tissue absorbed doses were used for the calculation of the equivalent and effective doses in each organ.
Results: The average absorbed dose for Panoramic ranged from 0.038 mGY (Buccal skin) to 0.308 mGY (submandibular gland), linear tomography ranged from 0.048 mGY (Lens) to 0.510 mGY (submandibular gland),CBCT ranged from 0.322 mGY (thyroid glad) to 1.144 mGY (Parotid gland) and in CT ranged from 2.495 mGY (sublingual gland) to 3.424 mGY (submandibular gland). Total effective dose in CBCT is 5 times greater than Panoramic and 4 times greater than linear tomography, and in CT, 30 and 22 times greater than Panoramic and linear tomography, respectively. Total effective dose in CT is 6 times greater than CBCT.
Conclusion: For obtaining 3-dimensional (3D) information in maxillofacial region, CBCT delivers the lower dose than CT, and should be preferred over a medical CT imaging. Furthermore, during maxillofacial imaging, salivary glands receive the highest dose of radiation.

J. Chalipa, Mh. Hosseini, Mk . Hosseinian Serajelou, A. Khorshidian,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (22 2010)

Background and Aims: One of the common human evolutionary anomalies is dental Missing. Evolution of dental system is toward deduction of teeth number. The Missing of third molar is interesting subject for dentists and genetic researches because of its variety in different races. Consideration of bilateral effect of third molar Missing with jaw relation is an important subject. The aim of this study was to evaluate the third molar missing in Cl I and Cl II skeletal (without rotation) and comparison of them together.

Materials and Methods: The patients of the orthodontic department of school of Dentistry (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) were analyzed. About 121 patients had Cl I and 60 patients had ClI jaw relation. This relation identified based on cephalometric lateral radiographic ANB corner angle. Patient who had rotation in maxilla or mandible based on SN-Go Gn angle were excluded. The incidence of third molars agenesis in individual dentition quadrants, upper and lower jaw and right and left side of dentition was examined from panoramic radiography. AChi-square test was used for statistical analysis of data.

Results: Missing of one or more third molar in skeletal Cl I and Cl II was 43% and 33.3%, respectively. Missing of one or more third molar in Cl II was fewer than Cl I, but no statistically significant differences were seen between them.

Conclusion: There was not a direct relationship between jaw relation and third molar Missing.

Mh. Hosseini, A. Kamali, M Mahmoodzadeh Darbandi,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (22 2010)

Background and Aims: Lasers with different characteristics have been used to stimulate orthodontic tooth movements and to inhibit the pain during tooth movements. Considering the contradictory finding in this respect, the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) was evaluated on the pain during orthodontic tooth movement.

Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 12 patients were included with extracted upper first premolars and required canine retraction into extraction site. While in both sides canines were retracted by Niti coil spring, one side was exposed to GaAlAs laser (890nm). LLLT was done on the buccal and palatal mucosa by slow movement of probe. The patients were asked about their pain on both sides 2 days after beginning of retraction. Pain measurement was evaluated with VAS.

Results: Pain perception in LLLT side significantly decreased (P=0.007).

Conclusion: Based on the results, single irradiation of GaAlAs laser (12J energy per tooth) can decrease pain perception.

Smh. Hosseini , J. Chalipa , Sm. Fatemi , F. Heidari ,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (23 2010)

Background and Aims: The main purpose of orthodontic treatment is normal positioning of teeth in three dimensional plans, including the mesiodistal inclination. In this study, mesiodistal axial inclination of posterior teeth in skeletal class II was evaluated and compared with that of posterior teeth in skeletal class I.

Materials and Methods: Seventy-eight panoramic radiographs for subjects between 12 to 24 years old with skeletal class I and 78 panoramic radiographs for subjects between 12 to 19 years old with skeletal class II were selected. All of the subjects were in permanent dentition with no tooth missing, no tooth extraction, no impacted tooth, and no crowding in posterior teeth. Two reference lines were established over each radiograph: the upper one passing through the most inferior point of right and left orbits lower one passing through the right and left mental foramina. After that, the long axis of teeth was traced (the image of root canal in single-rooted teeth, mean image of buccal and palatal canals in upper premolars, mean image of mesial and distal canals in lower molars, and the image of palatal canal in upper molars.). The mean values for two skelotodental classes were analyzed using T-test.

Results: The results showed that there was significant difference between (P<0.05) mesiodistal axial inclination of teeth 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, and 27 in upper jaw in skeletal class II compared with that of the same teeth in skeletal class I, which was more mesially in skeletal class II. Mesiodistal axial inclination of teeth 36, 46, and 47 in lower jaw was more mesially in class II compared with that of the same teeth in class I. For other teeth there were no significant differences between two skeletodental classes (P>0.05).

Conclusion: The mesiodistal axial inclination of upper molars and second premolars and lower molars in class II was more mesially compared with that of the same teeth in class I.

Mh. Hosseini, M. Mahmoodzadeh Darbandi, A. Kamali,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (21 2011)

Background and Aims: Lasers with different characteristics have been used to stimulate orthodontic tooth movement. Considering the contradictory findings in this regard, this study was designed to assess the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement.
Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 12 patients (4 boys and 8 girls average age:16.9 ± 3.4) with extracted upper first premolars and required canine retraction into extraction site were included. While in both sides canines were retracted by NiTi coil spring, one side was exposed to GaAlAs laser (890 nm). LLLT was done (on the buccal and palatal mucosa by slow movement of probe) at the beginning of the first month. Impression and cast fabrication performed at the beginning of retraction, one and two months later. The amount of retraction on the cast was measured with the aid of a reference plaque fabricated on the rogae using a digital caliper. Data were analyzed using paired sample T-test and one-sample Kolmogorov-Simirnov test.
Results: There was no significant difference in the amounts of canine movement between laser exposed and control sides (P>0.05).
Conclusion: The energy dose of laser used in this study (72 J per each tooth) was not appropriate for increasing dental movement.

Mahshid Mohammdi Basir, Elham Tabatabai Ghomsheh, Abbas Azari, Zahra Malek Hosseini, Majid Vahdati Far,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (5-2013)

Background and Aims: Endodontically treated teeth are prone to fracture because they loose a big amount of their structure. The treatment plan of those teeth is completed when they are rehabilitated with a strong and functional restoration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with amalgam cuspal coverage in comparison with other restorative techniques.

Materials and Methods: 40 human healthy maxillary premolars were divided into 4 groups: group1 (S): sound teeth, group 2(Co): endodontically treated teeth with MOD cavity restored with bonding and composite, group 3(Am-B): endodontically treated teeth with MOD cavity restored with bonding and amalgam and group 4 (Am-CC): endodontically treated teeth with MOD cavity restored with amalgam cuspal coverage. Then the restorations were stored in water and room temperature for 100 days at then thermocycled for 500 cycles between water baths at (5.5 ± 1) and (55 ± 1) 0 C. The fracture resistance was evaluated by universal testing machine (Instron, 1195 UK) with the compressive force of about 2000 N in 0.5 mm/min. The fracture modes were evaluated in four groups by a stereomicroscope. Statistical analysis (Scheffe test) was done for all groups (P<0.05 was considered as the level of meaningfulness).

Results: The highest fracture resistance was found in group 4 (Am-CC) (976 ± 23.27 N) that had no significant difference with sound tooth (P>0.05). The lowest fracture resistance was found in group 2 (Co) (384 ± 137.4 N) that had no significant difference with group 3 (Am-B) (P>0.05). The fracture resistance in group 4 was significantly higher than group 2 (Co) and 3 (Am-B). The fracture mode in group 1 was cohesive within tooth and in group 2 (Co) and 3 (Am-B) was mixed cohesive and adhesive, and in group 4 was cohesive within in restorative material.

Conclusion: The highest fracture resistance was found in teeth that received amalgam cuspal coverage.

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