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Mh. Toodeh-Zaeim , H. Ravanmehr ,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (1-2005)

Statement of Problem: The significance of adenoid tissue in Orthodontia appeared in 1954. At that time,even as today, orthodontists had an enduring interest in the relationship between excessive amounts of adenoid tissue, the developing occlusion, and facial morphology.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of mouth breathing with adenoid enlargement on dentofacia! cephalometric measurements.
Material and Methods: A sample of 92 subjects between the ages of 6 and 15 years old were studied in two study and control groups. In study group, 46 mouth breathers (32 girls and 14 boys) with mean of 1 1.26 years old were examined by orthodontist and ENT specialist in order to confirmation of nasopharyngeal obstruction.Control group contained 46 nasal breathers (35 girls and 11 boys) with mean of 11.33 years old. For each patient in centric occlusion, a lateral cephalogram was taken and traced. 12 dentofacial variables were measured and statistical t-test was conducted by calculating the mean, standard deviation and p-value of parameters. Statistical t-test for mean oi~ dentofacial variables for the two groups revealed that some of variables were significantly different.
Results: In study group Z Go.Me-SN, Z Y-A.xis, Z Go, Z SN-PL variables were significantly higher than control group and Z HoFIl, Z SNB were significantly lower. The other dentofacial variables (ZS, IMPA,Z SNA, Z ANB. Z Ar and LH) didn't show any significant difference.
Conclusion: Adenoid enlargement and nasopharyngeal obstruction can affect dentofacial morphology and cause facial vertical growth pattern and upper centrals retrusion.
Mohsen Shirazi, Shiva Shadmand, Behzad Salari,
Volume 32, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Background and Aims: Nasal obstruction is a common condition among children, in which delaying treatment can stabilize its negative effects on dentoalveolar structures during adulthood. In this study we aimed to investigate the effect of total nasal obstruction on the craniofacial structures of rabbits.
Materials and Methods: In this animal study, total numbers of 44 rabbits with high genetic proximity were selected. Several metal implants were inserted in the anatomic landmarks of their skulls and then underwent three different types of x-ray exposure (lateral, posterior-anterior and occlusal views). Half of them underwent surgically assisted total nasal obstruction, and the other half were considered as control group. All rabbits were kept in the same environment up to maturation period. Then, they underwent the same x-ray exposures. The primary and final radiographs were traced and various linear and angular were compared between them.
Results: The anterior facial height (P=0.01), maxillary depth (P=0.005), articular angle (P=0.005), maxillary and mandibular plan angle were significantly more in the rabbits with total nasal obstruction. However, the interdental width (P=0.005), maxillary perimeter (P=0.005), nasopharyngeal width (P=0.01) and maxillary and mandibular width were significantly less in them. The skull base length (P=0.30), gonial angle (P=0.40), and maxillary length (P=0.10) were not significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusion: Total nasal obstruction had various impacts on the craniofacial structures.

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