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Showing 1049 results for Type of Study: Research

H. Razmi , A. Rigi Ladez,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-1998)

  In Present research study, 44 canine teeth of with completely formed apex was selected in 11 cats. Jaw bones were removed while teeth were kept intra alveolar sockets and routine root canal therapy was performed on each root. Afterwards, 3mm of each root were cut apically. 20 teeth underwent cavity preparation via high speed dental turbine and round diamond bur, 20 via endosonic device and 4 (10% of all) remained untreated as control group. Then, the cavity walls were assessed with stereomicroscope while the teeth were still kept in their alveolar sockets in order to detect cracks.

N. Rashidan , F Geramipanah ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-1998)

  In this study, porcelain bond strength to three different alloys of Gold-base, pd-Ag and base-Metal were compared and the effect of repeated porcelain sintering on bond strength was evaluated. The obtained results showed best bond strength of porcelain with Gold-base alloy. Pd-Ag and Base-metal alloys showed less strength respectively. During repeated sintering of porcelain, bond strength has not changed in Base-metal and Gold-base alloys while it was weakened in pd-Ag alloy.

A. Sadeghin , F. Farhadian ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-1998)

  There is lack of consensus among endodontic specialists about the necessity of tug back. In this regard, we designed a study in which 44 single rooted teeth with closed apex were selected and filed up to file #50. The teeth were obturated with lateral condensation method while in half of them there was not any tug back and in the other half tug back was achieved. Apical leakage was assessed by color infiltartion via microscope. The obtained results showed significantly lower infiltration in tug back group which leads to a direct relation between tug back and color infiltration although due to statistical analysis, this relationship was not reliable and needs further proofs.

A. Mieremadi , Aa. Khoshkhonejad , M. Zahedi ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-1998)

This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of covering exposed root surface by collagen membrane and to compare this method with coronoally advanced flap covering. 26 teeth in 20 patients (12m/8f) with Miller1 gingival recession were selected. 14 teeth were allocated into test group and 12 teeth in control group. Following first phase of treatment, clinical parameters including the height and width of gingival recession, attachment height, gingival crevice depth and keratinized tissue width were measured. In test group, coronally advanced flap was prepared and gingistat (as space maintainer) and collagen membrane was applied. For control group, coronally advanced flap method was applied without any further action. The measurements were done in 1,2 and 3 months post surgery. In test group, the reported root coverage was 71% while in control group was 57% which represents statistically significant difference. From first to third month post surgically, the average gingival recession in test group was 0.21 mm which was considered as creeping attachment phenomenon while in control group gingival height was increased 0.14 mm. the average width of recession and crevice depth decrease was not significantly different between the groups. On the other hand, The average attachment gain and keratinized tissue increase was significantly varied among the groups. In general, it can be concluded that application of collagen membrane as well as gingastat space maintainer can bring about satisfactory results in covering exposed root surfaces.
M. Jafari , H. Hoseini Todashki , M. Saneie ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-1998)

  Complex mechanisms have been known for keeping blood pressure in normal level. In fact, these mechanisms have inter-related functions and can be dysregulated by both internal and external stimuli while cardiovascular system functions to minimize these changes. Vasoconstrictors can cause clinical and hemodynamical changes as 1-2 cartridges of epinephrine containing lidocaine can has no considerable effects in a normal individual ( unless administered IV) but 3 cartridges can bring about some clinical symptoms, according to a number of investigations. In current study, epinephrine’s effect on heartbeat rate was found more potent than felypressin which is considered as a disadvantage. on the other hand, epinephrine acts on arteries and can cause less bleeding, less drug toxicity and deeper and longer anesthesia. Therefore, it is preferred to felypressin due to its better action. It should be noted that the changes resulted by epinephrine and felypressin are of no significant importance in healthy individuals.

N. Eshghyar , N. Kafie ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

In this study we try to clear the prevalance of age and sex and clinical and radiographic manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism. In this duration 47 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism that bed in two important hospitals in Tehran were studied.The ratio between women to men was 7 to 1 and most prevalance of disease were in fouyth decade. The pain boon was the cheif complain of patients and osteopenia was the most radiographic findings.In addition a case of primary hyperparathyroidism with mandibular and other bone involvement was reported.

Y. Soleymani Shayesteh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

Regard this, that majority of Diabetic patients that soffer from periodontal disease. Now, most of espesialist belive that these patients need to control their diabets with new methods for decreasing and controlling thier periodontal disease.Today, most of physician, majority of periodontal for controlling of HbAlc Test.This test does not need to patient's cooperation and can do in any time.This test estimate,s the irreversible bound of hemogloboiin with glucose and from this point that half- life of red blood cell is 90-120 days the resuolt of this test is useable for every 5 months.

Mh. Shahroodi ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

In this study, 116 edentulous patients in the age group 37-90 yrs were selected. Out of the above,12 patients had visited the dept. Of prosthodontics for the first time for treatment. Other 34 of them were patients of the dental school and the rest were from Kahrizak and Nikan sanatoriums.Initially, the V.D. of rest was measured as usual for all the patients. After subjecting them to the excercises of completely opening and closing of the mouth for 15 no. of times, the rest position was measured again. Results show that the changes in V.D.R. after, excercises, relaxing the elevator and depressor muscles and the duration of usage of prosthesis, the following conclusions are obtained.
1. There is an increase in V.D.R. after tiring out the elevator and depressor muscles of the jaws.
2. There is a direct co - relation between the increased V.D.R. and duration of use of prosthesis after excercises.
3. Change in the V.D.R. after excercise is notably more in women.
4. No definite conclusion is obtained in the relationship between changes in V.D.R. after excercises and use of prosthesis during sleep.
5. As above no conclusions as yet can be deduced between changes in V.D.R. and different operators.

M. Sahebjamee , Jm. Beytholahi ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

Eagle's syndrome is characterized by an elongated styloid process and (or) calcification of stylohyoid ligament besides clinical symptoms. The symptoms are those related to pain when swallowing or rotating the neck, headacke, earache, dizziness, intermittent glossitis, sensation of foreign body in pharynx and transient syncope. The case which is presented can be considered a very rare form of the disease in which complete calcification of the ligament and it's thickening has occured. Also there is little relationship between the severity of calcification and severity of symptoms.A careful and thorough evaluation of each panoramic radiography is emphasized.

H Ravanmehr , M. Rashidi Birgani ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of dentofacial anomalies in 12 to 14 years old students in Tehran.The sample consisted of 500 students. 250 of them were females and 250 were males. The evaluation of saggital skeletal relationships revealed tha 16% of samples had normal occlusion, 48% of them had CI I malocclusion, 15,6% had CI II Div I malocclusion, 12% of them had CI HI malocclnsion, 5.2% of them had CI. II Div 2 malocclusion and 3.2% of them had pseudo CI III malocclusion. The prevalence of other dentofacial anomalies obtained in this study are, crowding 40.6%, deepbite 27.2%, spacing 20.6%, mandibular deviation 19.4%, unilateral posterior crossbite 9.2%, anterior openbite 6.6%, posterior openbite 5.6%, asymmetry 1.6% and bilateral posterior crossbite 1.6%. The prevalence of dental anomalies in the sample population was as follws: rotated teeth 13.4%, malposed teeth 12.2%, teeth with large size 3.2%, malshaped teeth 2.4% and teeth with smal size 2%. A part from determining the total values mentioned, the prevalence of saggital relationships oral dentofacial anomalies was assessed separately in each of the female and the male samples.

H. Dr. Behnaz,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

Removable and fixed prosthesis are fabricated for reasons of appearance, mastication, speech clarity and general well - being. At the same time, they must preserve remaining theeth. Alveolar bone, Ginginal tissue and tooth position by bringing the forces acting on the removavle prosthesis within the limits of tissue tolerance. Satisfying these objectives may reqiure the use of single crowns of fixed partial denture with specific contours and attachments that provide the necessary support and retention for the prosthesis.However, before any detailde discussion can takeplace, it is desirble to divide attachments into groups. Several classifications have been divised, based mainly on the attributes claimed for the devices by the attachment manufactures.Since the function severed by an attachment depend entirely upon the manner in which it is used and function in the mouth are complex and by no means completely understood, the classification of prefabricated attachments used in this title has been based on their shape.

Mr. Eshraghian , B. Kanzali ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

The purpose of this article is to study distribution of DMF(T) and its D,M and F protions exactllly. 1500 subjects were examined clinicaly. They were 5 to 70 years old, with average 24 years. Only cavitated and coronal dental caries included in this research.

 The results of this study are:
1. The caries lesions of upper and lower second permolars are equal.
2. Anterior to second premolars, the DMF(T) of upper jaw teeth is higher than lower jaw's one. Conversely posterior to second premolars, lower jaw teeth has higher DMF(T).
3. Deciduous teeth of females have lower DMF(T).
4. Permanent teeth of females have higher DMF(T).
5. The upper Canines of females are exceptions. Upper canines of females have lower DMF(T) than males' ones.
6. It seems that sex hormones influence DMF(T) through Saliva and eruption time of teeth.
7. Susceptibility to Caries relates to microbial plaque formation and salivary protection.
8. The females have more filled teeth than males.

A A. Khoshkhoonejad , A A. Miremadi , N.  abolfazli ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-1998)

The present clinical trial was designed to evaluate the regenerative potential of periodontal tissues in degree II furcation defects at mandibular molars of human using a slow-resorbing collagen membrane and a surgical treatment technique based on the principles of guided tissue regeneration.The patient sampleinclude 8 subjects who had periodontal lessions in right and left mandibular molars regions, including moderate to advance periodonal destruction within the radicular area. Following a baseline examination including recording the clinical measurements (PD, Al, HC, F.G.M) , the furcation- involved molars were randomly assigned in each patient to either a test or a control treatment procedure. Included the evevation of mucoperiosteal flaps, recording measurement from the cemento enamel junction (C.E.J) directly coronal to the furcation area to the alveolar crest and to the base of the defect-Horizontal furcation measurements were also made using a William's probe, finally a collagen membrrane placed on the involved area to cover the entrance of the furcation and adjucent root surfaces as well as a portion of the alveolar bone apical to the crest. The flaps were repositioned and secured with interdental sutures. A procedure identical to the one used at the test teeth was Performed at the control teeth region with the exception of the placement of the collagen membrance. Following surgery all patients were placed on a plaque control regimen. All Patients received normal postsurgical care and at 6 month post-surgery were scheduled for re-entry surgery. Before re-entry surgery all clinical parameters recorded again. The re-entry mucoperiosteal flaps were designed to expose the furcation area for measurements, as describedabove. There was clinical improvement in all measurements made in both the test and control patients (especially in test group) over the 6 month period. The horizontal and vertical furcation measurements did yield a statistically significant imporvement when companing the test patients to the control.

H. Afshar , Smm. Payghambari ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

One patient with Ellis Von Creveld syndrome contains: dwarfism, congenital heart disease, ectodermal dysplasia, polyductyly, an abnormally wide labial renum and maxillary molars with single root.

M,. Sahebjamei , S. Manifar ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

Angiolipoma is a benign mesenchymal Lesion that is mainly occures on trunk, arm and forearm as a subcutaneous nodule. The occurrence on head and neck is rare.In this article, we are going to review and present a new and unusual care of angiolipama.

Z. Tohidast ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

Since 1800, it is known that fungican invade human tissues and from 1900, there is a great deal of information about incidence and epidemiology and geographic distribution and fungal infections.Because of increased incidence of fungal infections on recent years and importance of these organisms in producing of systemic and muco- cutaneous diseases, many investigations are performed about these fungal.22patients was evaluated immunological)' and it was revealed that, 77% of patients had increased immunoglubin serum level that was denoted of a normal B. lymphocytes function. As a matter of fact, both immune system are involved in anti- candidia defence, humoral immunity inhibits the penetration of Candida into mucous membranes, skin and internal organs.

J. Mahmodian , A. Kowsary , Sh. Javadi-Nejad ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

Eruption is a kind of development move of tooth from the place of its formation to its functional position in the mouth.Time and sequence of permanent's teeth eruption from the point of health diagnosis and orthodontic treatments is very important.Because of this, we decided to evaluate and determine the mean eruption time of canine and premolars from gum penetrations toward occlusion and also their sequence of eruption.The average time of eruptions in this study was higher than other similar studies.Our findings showed that the mean eruption time of canine and premolars in girls is earlier than boys lower canines erupt earlier than upper ones and maxillary premolars erupt before mandibular premolars in boys.

T. Hossein Zadeh-E- Nik , A. Gorgi ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

According to different studies - especially geometric ones - different factors have been proposed that can affect horizontal dimension parameters. The aim of this study is claimed on the title. The study is of a descriptive and cross- sectional type.Fourteen lateral cephalogerams were selected to the sample consisted of 21 boys and 19 girls with the mean age of 9.83 years who suffered from different skeletal & dental malocclusion and were selected by simple sampling method.The linear parameters of wit's and wylie (which depend on occlusal & FH planes), the harvold parameter (which is independent of reference planes) & the proportional parameter of Schwartz were selected & their correlation with angular parameter of ANB were evaluated.

The results showed:1- All of the horizontal analyses showed statistically significant correlation.2- The ANB parameter showed high correlation with wit's, wylie, harvold & shawartz analyses and the correlation between ANB & wit's was higher than others.

J. Mahmodian , A. Kusari , E. Faghih-E-Nasiri ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

Anterior tooth crown fracture in children is something that each dentist will confront many times during his professional career.We studied the prevalence of anterior teeth crown fractures between 7-14 years old students in Tehran and some relevant factors like sex, age, the traumatized tooth, amount of overbite and overjet, upper lip coverage, jaw that had fractured tooth or teeth and place of fracture in fractured crown.1338 boys and 1184 girls were in this study. Tooth fracture was almost the same in boys and 1184 girls with the prevalence of 8%. Fracture was mostly in enamel and average year of fracture was 10 years.Increased overjet and overbite had direct relation and indirect relation with fracture, also enough lip coverage showed less fracture.

A. Forouzandeh ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-1998)

The goal of this review was to determine the prevalence of cysts in the oral and maxillofacial regions, specially odontogenic cysts, as determined by age, sex and location.This research reviewed 6826 biopsies from department of oral pathology school of dentistry at the medical sciences university of Tehran from 1360-1376 (1981-1997).The results obtained revealed that 19.48% of biopsy lesions were cysts of osseous structures, of which 81.9% were odontogenic cysts, 12.4% psuedocyst and 5.7% were Non- odontogenic in origin.The most common lesions of the oral cavity were odontogenic cysts of which the subgroup of radicular cysts (which belong to the category of inflammatory odontogenic cysts) consisted of 49.15% radicular cysts occurred with the higher incidence in males in their third decade of life and were found most commonly associated with the upper jaw.Dentigerous cysts fall in the second most common group at 25.71% of odontogenic cysts.These cysts had a male predilection with a peak incidence in the second decade and were most common in the lower jaw.In the third group were the keratinized odontogenic cysts at 19.25%. These cysts had a male predilection with a peak incidence in the third decade and the lower jaws were twice as likely to be involved as the upper jaw. Other types of odontogenic cysts were noted to be less common in occurrence.In this study it was discovered that mcoceles consisted of 63.5% of pseudocysts and were found most commonly in the lower lip, with surgical ciliated cysts at 33.7% were the most common Non- odontogenic cysts and were found exclusively in the upper jaw adjacent to the maxillary sinus.Over all it can be stated that about y5 of all oral and maxillofacial lesions were cysts.The most common cysts were odontogenic cysts which due to their higher prevalence and various types, most be carefully examined at the histopathological level to diagnose and therefore administer definitive treatment.

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