Showing 1049 results for Type of Study: Research
Ali Eskandarizadeh, Shahram Farzin Ebrahimi, Niloofar Shadman, Saeed Rahmani,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: Slow polymerization rate in early stage of light curing process leads to higher monomers movement and entering in polymer network that cause higher mechanical properties.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of light activation methodes (immediate, 5 and 10 minutes delay) on the push-out bond strength of cemented fiber posts in different regions of root canal with two types of resin cements.
Materials and Methods: In sixty extracted human single canal, the teeth were decoronated from cement enamel junction and after root canal therapy, FRC postec plus were cemented with two resin cements, Duolink and Variolink 2, in three curing methods; immediate, 5 and 10 minutes of delay. After storing in a dark place for 24 hours, they were cut into three sections: coronal, middle and apical. The push-out bond strength test was performed using a universal testing machine. The failure modes were observed using a stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (P<0.05).
Results: In Duolink, immediate light curing had significantly higher bond strength than that of two delayed methods (P>0.05). In immediate light curing method, regardless of root region, Duolink had higher push-out bond strength than that of Variolink 2 (P=0.02). In all subgroups, there were reductions in the bond strengths from coronal to apical. Mixed failure at the cement-fiber post interface was predominent in all groups.
Conclusion: 5 and 10 minutes delay caused reduction in the push-out bond strength for Variolink 2 but did not have significant effect for Duolink resin cement.
Mohtavipour Seyedeh Tahereh , Seyedeh Saeideh Mohtavipour, Alieh Sadat Javadzadeh Haghighat, Shiva Sadeghi, Maryam Rezvani, Bahar Mahmoud Khalesi,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: Estimating the canal length is essential for reaching to a proper endodontic treatment. Any error and miscalculation in estimation of the working length, especially in curved canals, can result in complication during and after root canal therapy. The introduction of digital radiography has enabled us to measure curved canal length. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the calibration tool of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) digital system in estimation of working length.
Materials and Methods: In this in-vitro study, 80 extracted molar teeth were selected and randomly divided into three groups based on angle and radius of canal curvature. A 5 mm orthodontic wire was placed on the lateral surface of the root. Conventional radiographs were taken after insertion of endodontic file in the apical third of root canals. Radiographic images were scanned and imported to the software of CMOS digital system. Two observers estimated the file lengths with and without using calibration tool of digital measurement software. The correlation between observers was evaluated and then data were analyzed using Paired T-test with 95% confidence.
Results: Overall agreement between observers was good. There was no significant difference between the mean values of calibrated measurement and true file length in the basis of canal curves (P>0.001). However, there was significant difference between the mean values of uncalibrated measurement and true file length in the basis of canal curvature (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The calibrated measurement of file length was more accurate than that of the uncalibrated file length measurement.
Abbas Majdabadi, Mona Ahadi, Reza Fekrazad,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: Nowadays lasers are used as alternatives to the tooth preparation because of reducing pain and bloodshed. The aim of this study was to observe the effect of ArF laser on the dental hard tissues.
Materials and Methods: For this research human molar teeth with no caries or dental restoration and enamel cracks were used. Irradiation laser energies were taken 95, 70 and 50 mJ for enamel and 80, 70 and 50 mJ for dentine. Then, for each of energy values pulse numbers (repetition rate) were adjusted at 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1500. Ablation was carried out without water spray on both enamel and dentine. Finally, the dimensions of ablated areas were measured by using a camera connected to the computer and results were applied in graphs.
Results: For each energy value, the ablation dimension increased by increasing pulse numbers. Ablation depth in dentine was more than that of for enamel. Trends of graphs for dentine and enamel were the same. SEM images of ablations by 95 mJ energy on enamel and 80 mJ energy on dentine showed sharp edges.
Conclusion: Ablation depths increased by increasing pulse numbers, for each energy level. However, this increase was not that as expected, because the lack of water spray while irradiating.
Nina Rahshenas, Mohammad Hasan Salari, Maryam Koukabi Salehi, Mahshad Mohebbi,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: Debonding at the cement-dentine interface is the main reason of failure in restoration of endodentically treated teeth with fiber posts. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of Starfill 2B danville and Panavia F2 kuraray cements on the retention of fiber posts to root canal dentin.
Materials and Methods: Twenty extracted mandibular premolar teeth which had single root canal were endodentically treated and decoronated. Teeth were randomly divided into 2 groups, (n=40). Fiber posts were cemented using 2 dual cure resin cements. Group A was cemented with Starfill 2B Danville and group B was cemented with Panavia F2 Kuraray. Each root was mounted in acrylic resin and then sliced in 2 parts. The retention strength of each specimen was determined using push-out test using a universal testing machine. Data was analyzed using T-test.
Results: The retentive strength for groups A and B were 48.16±12.11 and 61.44±9.16 MPa, respectively. There was significant difference in the retentive strength between group A and B (P<0.05).
Conclusion: It seems that type of cement had effect on the retention of fiber posts. Panavia F2 Kuraray resin cement significantly provided higher retention than that of Starfill 2B Danville cement.
Mohammad Javad Etesami, Seyyed Lotfollah Derakhshan, Kiomars Nazari Moghadam, Mohammad Ebrahimi Saravi,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: Cleaning and shaping is one of the most important stages in endodontic treatment. Single-file systems save time and reduce the risk of transmission of pathogens. This in vitro study was aimed to compare the rate of canal transportation after the preparation of the stimulated resin root canal with two single-file systems, namely Waveone and Reciproc.
Materials and Methods: Thirty stimulated resin root canal blocks with size 8/0. 02 K file were randomly divided into two study groups. The preparation in Group A and Group B was performed using Reciproc and Waveone files, respectively. Pre and post- preparation photographs were taken and the images were superimposed to evaluate the inner and outer wall’s curvature tendency at three points (apical, middle and coronal) using AutoCad pragram. Data were analyzed using T-test.
Results: Based on the results, the degree of transportation in the inner and outer walls of the canal was less at the level of 3 millimeters (P<0.001) and there was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the deviation at the levels of 1 and 5 millimeters (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Waveone showed better performance in the middle third of canal and this system maybe recommended.
Arash Zar Bakhsh, Ezzatollah Jalalian, Nilufar Rahimi, Shahrzad Sadr Haghighi,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: The zirconia coated FRC posts (Ice light) is the next generation of aesthetic posts , ice light features 70% fill of zirconia enriched, parallel glass fiber for exceptional strength. Its flexibility is close to dentine so stress is distributed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of post type (FRC post and the zirconia coated FRC post) on the retention to the root canal wall.
Materials and Methods: 20 extracted human premolar teeth with 14 mm length were selected. After post space preparation, the teeth were randomly divided into two groups: Group1: the zirconia coated FRC post (Danville, USA) Group2: FRC post (RTD DT light post, France). All posts were cemented with a dual-cure resin cement (Panavia, Kuraray, Japan). All specimens were mount in acrylic cylinders, and the push-out test was done using a universal testing machine (Instron 5500 R, USA) at 1 mm/min speed. Data were analyzed using T-test.
Results: The retentive strengths were in coronal (75.27+14.81 MPa), in middle (64.38+15.29 MPa) and in apical (51.46+13.29 MPa) for the zirconia coated FRC post, and also were in Coronal (59.16+1.91 MPa), in middle (66.83+12.32 MPa) and in apical (67.88+17.47 MPa) for the FRC post. There was no significant difference in mean retentive strength between two groups in each region (P=0.07).
Conclusion: The FRC post and zirconia coated FRC post had similar retention to the root canal walls.
Mehrdad Ghane, Seyed Jalal Pourhashemi, Ahmad Jafari, Hajar Shekarchizadeh,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the oral health behaviors in women with addiction history.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in women drug treatment centers under the supervision of Welfare Organization of Tehran province in Iran. Data collection process was conducted in three centers including a questionnaire with an interview format, clinical examination, and Chi-Square test and MANOVA for statistical analysis.
Results: The mean age of 95 women participating in this study was less than forty, whereas the age of starting drugs was twenty two. A majority of the patients were unemployed (71%) and more than that of two-third did not have a diploma education. Almost half of dentate participants had never or rarely brushed their teeth. Most of them had never used dental floss, while more than half had three or more times snacks or sweet drinks and more than three-fourth were daily smokers. The MANOVA analysis showed that the type of clinic to be visited, age, used stimulant, drug dependency length, the last time a dentist being visited and the brushing period had a statistically significant relationship with Decayed Teeth (DT), Missing Teeth (MT) and Filled Teeth (FT) (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Women with the prior drug addiction history had an unpromising oral health status which was obvious in their self-perceived oral health. Taking the appropriate preventive and therapeutic actions aiming for promoting oral health status of them seems to be necessary.
Afshin Yadegari Naeeni, Masoud Vatani, Bahareh Botlani Yadegar,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Background and Aims: Despite advances in trauma management, treatment of the consequent infections has remained a major challenge. Antibiotic prophylaxis has been widely applied to reduce such infections. Although bacteria are present in most body parts, severe infections after treatment are less frequent in the head and neck of healthy individuals. The aim of the present study was to review the reasonable application of antibiotic prophylaxis in maxillofacial trauma.
Materials and Methods: In this review article, PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched for studies on antibiotic prophylaxis in maxillofacial trauma published during 2000-2014.
Conclusion: Antibiotics were not prescribed for tears and small clean wounds in the face and mouth. However, prophylaxis was applied for extensive mouth injuries which involved the facial skin. In case of maxillofacial fractures, 24-hour administration of antibiotics sufficed for compound fractures of the mandible and other parts of the face. Antibiotics were not required in other types of fractures. Prophylaxis should be applied over short pre- or post-operative periods based on the severity and complexity of maxillofacial fractures and their relations with intra- and extraoral environments. Apparently, more detailed studies are warranted to further clarify the subject.
Narges Ameri , Hakimeh Siadat, Ahmad Reza Shamshiri, Marzieh Alikhasi,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Marginal accuracy is a crucial factor influencing the clinical long-term reliability of implant-supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal fit of three-unit zirconia bridge frameworks fabricated using two different computer-aided design (CAD)/
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems (AmannGirrbach and Zirkonzahn).
Materials and Methods: The master model of 3-unit FDP was made of two implant abutments (AmannGirrbach and Zirkonzahn) from canine to second premolar. Twelve frameworks were manufactured using each fabricating system from semi-sintered zirconia blanks, which had to be sintered for final density after milling. After manufacturing, the absolute marginal discrepancy in each abutment were determined by means of Video Measurement System (VMS). The data were analyzed, using independent and paired t test (P=0.05).
Results: For the premolar abutment, the absolute marginal discrepancy of frameworks fabricated by AmannGirrbach system was significantly greater than those of the other system (P=0.005). There was no significant difference between the marginal discrepancy of canine and premolar abutments (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it could be concluded that the marginal fit of zirconia FDPs was significantly dependent on the CAD/CAM system used, but the abutment size was not an effective factor.
Abbas Majdabadi, Mona Ahadi, Reza Fekr Azad,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Nowadays lasers are used as alternatives to the tooth preparation because of reducing pain, bloodshed and stress. The aim of this study was to observe the effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser on the dental hard tissues.
Materials and Methods: For this studty, molar teeth with no caries or dental restoration and enamel cracks were used. The laser power were taken from 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 up to 6 Watts for enamel and 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 Watts for dentine simultaneously with water spray. The ablation effect was observed on both enamel and dentine. Finally, by use of a CCD camera connected to the computer, the dimensions of ablated areas were measured and results were applied in graphs.
Results: Volume of ablation was increased by increasing laser power. Also, by increasing energy value in each stage, the depth of ablation was increased for enamel and dentine. SEM images of ablations by 3.5 and 4 Watts on enamel and 1 and 1.5 Watts on dentine did not show any sharp edges.
Conclusion: The ablation volumes and depth increased by increasing the energy of laser pulses power. The reason for this trend was due to the water spray while irradiating and good absorption of water by laser beam.
Shamsolmoulouk Najafi, Reza Yazdani, Behzad Salari, Homa Forouhesh Tehrani, Mohammad Javad Kharrazi Fard,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sodium bicarbonate against candida albicans, the main infectious factor of denture stomatitis, and to compare it with other common anti-candida medications.
Materials and Methods: Three concentrations of Candida albicans (105, 106, 107 CFU/mL) were prepared. Experimental substances were 5% sodium bicarbonate, nystatin, chlorhexidine, and sterile saline (as control). Each of them was added separately to the same amounts of Candida albicans of different concentrations, and sampled at the intervals of 1, 2, 3 and 4 min. Then, the samples were cultured and incubated. The number of formed colonies was counted for each plate. The data were analyzed, using ANOVA and Tukey test.
Results: Sodium bicarbonate showed a noticeable anti-candida effect on the concentrations of 105 and 106 CFU/mL, with almost similar anti-candida effect as nystatin and chlorehexidine(P=0.29, P=0.32). Nystatin was the most effective medication on the concentration of 107 CFU/mL of candida (P=0.03, P=0.01). Sodium bicarbonate and chlorhexidine were less effective in this concentration with no statistically significant difference (P=1.00).
Conclusion: Sodium bicarbonate showed a significant anti-candida effect at low and medium concentrations of Candida albicans, but nystatin was more effective in the higher concentrations.
Peyvand Moeiny, Mohmmad Sharif Askari, Farhad Raofie, Sara Zahedi Rad,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Soy milk in competition with other drinks introduced as healthy and nutrient drink. Nowadays, most important tendency to consume soy milk is new extended developments to produce soy milk with more acceptable taste and is believed that soy milk is a good substitute for bovine milk in lactose-intolerant people. Cariogenic potential of bovine and soy milk is a subject for lots of researches in the last decade. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soy and bovine milks on the pH changes of dental plaque.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 10 healthy dental students in age range of 25-35 were selected after written consent upon study entrance criteria's such as, amount of saliva streptococcus mutans, amount of lactobacillus, salivary secretion rate, buffering capacity of saliva, absence of active dental caries, absence of systemic disease and etc. Dental plaque pH in the interproximal areas of 2nd premolar and 1st molar in all 4 quadrants was taken by Metrohm micro electrode and digital pH meter before (0) and at 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min after taking with 3 tested materials (soy milk, plain milk 1.5% and 10% sucrose solution as a positive control). Then pH curves were drawn according to the time of each test product. In this study, using pH=6 was considered as critical pH. Maximum pH drop and ∆pH after taking 3 tested materials were analysed Repeated measure ANOVA (P<0.05).
Results: According to the test materials, the lowest pH was after rinsing with 10% sucrose solution following soy milk and in the last was 1.5% bovine milk. All the test materials showed significant differences among each others
Conclusion: Bovine milk in none of frequent timing dropped its pH below basic pH but also significantly increased the plaque pH above the critical pH. The maximum pH drop for soy milk was in 2minutes after consumption but it never reached below the critical pH.
Rezvan Rafatjou, Zahra Razavi, Maryam Khalili, Maryam Farhadian,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Type 1 diabetes mellitus, is the most common metabolic disorders in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to assess the state of oral health in children with type 1 diabetes compared with healthy children in 2013-2014 in Hamadan province, Iran.
Materials and Methods: The specimens were selected through convenience sampling in two groups. Group one consisted of 80 individuals (5-18 years old; case group), suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus referred to the Pediatric endocrine clinic. Control group consisted of 80 non-diabetic healthy children who were out- patients of pediatric and orthodontic department of Hamadan dental school. Two groups were similar in age and sex. The data were collected through a questionnaire, medical records and clinical examination. DMFT, dmft, GI and PI indices were assessed in each patient. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and T-test.
Results: In spite of similarity in oral hygiene habits in both group, there was no significant difference in mean DMFT and permanent decayed teeth in both groups (P>0.05), but the mean dmft (P<0.008) and primary decayed teeth (P<0.011) in the control group was significantly higher than that of the case group. Also, diabetic patients had significantly more gingival inflammation (P<0.05). The mean PI in the two groups did not differ significantly. Oral hygiene habits were similar in both groups but diabetic patients were significantly referred to dentists with lower frequency then that of control group (P=0.00).
Conclusion: The devastating effects of diabetes on the oral health, along with other side effects can be effective in promoting tooth decay and gingivitis in diabetic patients. Unfortunately, oral health care and programmed dental visit were not the priority for the diabetic patient (and parents) involved in our study. Therefore, programs to increase awareness and encourage patients for a better control of their oral health in order to diminish diabetes' devastating effects is recommended.
Sara Koosha, Masoomeh Kandi Bidgoli, Azadeh Raouf, Reza Ezatian,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Constant dynamic and static activities are considered as the main cause of musculoskeletal problems among dentists. The aim of this study was to evaluate the musculoskeletal problems and related factors among dentists in specialized clinics and dental schools in Tehran in 2014 using the REBA method.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the dentists from clinics of dental schools in Tehran were selected as individual targets. Nordic anddemopghrphic questionnaire were completed through interview from dentists. In order to assess the musculoskeletal disorders, REBA method (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) was used. In this method, positions and postures of the dentists during their work was observed and recorded. Data was analyzed using Regression Logestic test.
Results: The obtained results showed that among 100 dentist, 6% were in the very high risk (15-11) for musculoskeletal problems and 17% and 25% were in high-risk (10-8) and average risk (7-4), respectively. Based on the findings from Nordic questionnaire, the most skeletal- muscle travail were related to the neck (60%), lumbar (58%) and rear (46%) consequently. It seemed that factors such as gender, body mass index (BMI), height, specialty, body posture during the work (standing or sitting), smoking and using the direct or indirect vision, had an impact on the musculoskeletal disorders.
Conclusion: Findings from the final scoring of REBA showed that a high percentage of dentists were struggling with skeletal- muscle problems and they were in moderate to high range of risk for these type of disorders.
Arghavan Kamali, Amene Taghdisi Kashani, Masume Hydarpoor,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Trauma to the teeth is a common problem that occurs in children. Avulsion is the one of the most complex dental damages that if be untreated can cause multiple problems. Since many of dental traumas happen in school and school health teachers have main role in children treatments, the aim of this study was to evaluate the primary school health teachers’ knowledge regarding the emergency treatment of avulsed permanent teeth.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, after consultation training of education, all of the health teachers of elementary schools in Hamadan were selected through census sampling method and were given the regulation questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, information was collected using software SPSS19. The data was analyzed using Fisher Exact, Kolmogrov Smirnov test, Chi-square, One way, Levenes test and
Results: 81 Health teachers were studied and the ratio of knowledge score of all of health teachers to a maximum knowledge score was obtained to be 43/1%. There was no significant relationship between the school health teacher knowledge and their work experiences and age (P=0.23-0.6), respectively. Average of knowledge score of who were educated was more than who were not educated previously (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Primary school health teachers' knowledge of dealing with Avulsion was not at a high level. Therefore, training on the dental trauma cases is quite essential for them.
Majid Akbary, Sanaz Kargozar,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: Implementation of innovative methods for promoting learning persistence is of high importance. The aim of this study was to introduce an innovative teaching method in preclinical course of restorative dentistry and to investigate its impact on the students’ clinical skills.
Materials and Methods: In our study, which was done at the dental School of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, the Team Based Learning (TBL) technique was applied. 48 fourth-year students took part in the course optionally. They were divided into four groups and the stages of TBL were performed. At the end of the course, a questionnaire was administered to the students. After passing the clinical course of restorative dentistry, the mean scores of students who had passed the voluntary preclinical course were compared with those of who did not pass this course. Data was analyzed using T-test.
Results: The results of this study revealed that the mean scores of students who had passed the voluntary preclinical course was higher than that of the students who did not pass the voluntary preclinical course (P=0.02). Moreover, the questionnaire showed that 97% of students were satisfied with this course and believed that it was useful for them.
Conclusion: This study showed that the innovative method of Team Based Learning (TBL) could promoted learning along with students’ satisfaction of dental preclinical courses.
Roza Haghgoo, Sima Rasouli,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Background and Aims: One of the major challenges in dental practice is dental complaints that majority of complaints resulted in criminal prosecution and the legal practitioners. The aim of this study was to investigate the patients’ complaints on the diagnosis and treatment plan, dentist’s behavior, treatment charge, and management unlike the behavior of medical affairs, lack of enforcement in Tehran Medical Council between 2005-2011.
Materials and Methods: We referred to the Medical Council in order to obtain permission for evaluating complaints of dentists in Tehran. All files in units of prosecutors, magistrates and judicial committee were evaluated. Data were analyzed using spss version16 software.
Results: The results showed that the highest percentage of complaints was related to the how treatment was managed (41.7%) and the lowest percentage of complaints were about the dentist's diagnosis and treatment plan (2.9%).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, with dentists’ awareness of the existing rules and strict supervision, occurrence of complaints on the dental treatment can be prevented.
Mohammad Ali Keshvad, Tabassom Hooshmand,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (11-2016)
Resin-based composite restorative materials have a substantial share in dental treatments. Their esthetic has made them patients’ first choice as restorative materials. Marginal leakage is one of their problems which leads to recurrent caries and post-operative hypersensitivity. Our aim was to evaluate the theoretical and clinical methods that have been proposed in the dental literature. Around 50 articles from Pubmed, SCOPUS and google scholar were selected and categorized in 4 groups based on the selected keywords. All the studies discussed in this paper have emphasized that there is no way to eliminate the microleakage but it can be reduced by means of some approaches. On the other hand, due to the multifactorial nature and difference of oral environment and laboratory conditions, there isn’t any certain way to define precisely. It seems that there is an absolute need for more research in this field to make the relation of theoretical results and clinical findings possible.
Adel Pirjamalineisiani, Mohsen Sarafbidabad, Nima Jamshidi,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (10-2016)
Background and Aims: Improving dental implantation conditions in order to reduce the failure is always desirable for researchers. The aim of this study was to compare two different materials of dental implants from the viewpoint of biomechanical effect after placement and loading in the mandible.
Materials and Methods: A 3D model of mandible was designed in the MIMICS 10.01 software. Then, by using the obtained model, the end part of the mandible was designed in CATIA V5 software and a drilling operation was performed on the cortical bone of mandible by finite element analysis simulation method in DEFORM-3D V6.1 software. Thereafter, the 3D model of created hole was extract from the drilled site and an ITI dental implant model designed in the CATIA V5 software, was placed in the hole. The space remained between the implant and cavity was considered as a newly-formed cortical bone in drilled site after 6 weeks of dental implant placement and the mechanical properties of newly-formed bone were entered to DEFORM-3D V6.1 software. Then, a load was applied on the top surfaces of two dental implant models with the materials titanium and zirconium-2.5% niobium.
Results: The emerged volume changes in newly formed cortical bone around Ti and Zr-2.5 Nb dental implants were measured 0.238 and 0.242 percent, respectively. Furthermore, micro-motion of Ti and Zr-2.5 Nb dental implants were measured 0.00514 and 0.00538 mm, respectively.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that Ti dental implant created better conditions than Zr-2.5 Nb dental implant in the mandible.
Arash Mansourian, Shiva Shirazian, Mohammad Jalili, Mehdi Vatanpour, Leila Pour Momen Arabi,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (10-2016)
Background and Aims: The objective of this study was the development of a checklist for assessment of students’ clinical skills in the clinical oral medicine. The second aim was the assessment of stake holders’ satisfaction of this checklist in comparison to the routine global rating method.
Materials and Methods: The checklist was developed in an expert panel sessions and the validity and reliability of checklist were assessed by CVI and test-retest method, respectively. All students (n=66) were assessed in 2 groups, one with developed checklist and another with global rating. At the end of the session, the satisfaction’s level of staff and students were analysized using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney test and the mean scores of students were analysized using Paired T test.
Results: Content validity index (CV I) of checklist was 0.88. Reliability of checklist confirmed with high correlation coefficient (0.9). Staffs’ satisfaction had no significant difference between the two methods
(Wilcoxon P=0.06). The mean score of students who assessed by checklist was higher than global rating with no significant differences (P=0.06).
Conclusion: Regarding the higher students’ satisfaction from checklist and more attention to component of assessment and more objectivity of this method and also higher score in checklist, it seems that the use of a checklist is more proper method for assessing the students’ clinical skills.