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F. Etesam ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-1989)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Thorough evaluation was done on the theories, ideas and surveys on dens in dent or dens invaginatus anomaly. Since the histological and embryological structure of teeth in men and mice are similar together,  microscopic structure of a case of dens in dent in a rat is described here in detail which is comparable to this anomaly features in human.

M. Rezaie ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-1989)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Mumps is a contagious, acute, self limiting, benign disease with very low mortality rate. By classic clinical view, Mumps is increased volume of parotid glands. The disease was known specific disease of parotid glands for many years. Hence, it was named as epidemic parotitis with local and limited site of affecting area. As well as parotid glands, it can affect testicles, ovaries, central nervous system, pancreas, heart, kidneys, thyroid gland, etc.  Researchers showed that the disease is not limited to parotid glands but can provoke generalized reactions in the body and parotitis is just the most prevalent clinical feature of it. 21 cases recruited from Imam hospital were observed in this study. The results were similar to the previous international ones except about the frequency rate of the disease which is due to incomplete vaccination in Iran.

M. Saheb Jami, Sh. Farahani,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-1989)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA In current survey, 200 general dentists and 98 general physicians were recruited  as test and control groups respectively and analyzed for having osteoarthritis. The prevalence of osteoarthritis was found considerably higher in dentists compared to physicians ( 23.5% to 13.3%) . The mean age of dentists diagnosed with osteoarthritis was 11 years  lower than physicians( 48 years to 59 years). Osteoarthritis was noticeably higher in neck among dentists but in back was equal between the two groups. The ratio of Osteoarthritis in men to women was 3 to 2. Among the studied cases, neck was the most frequent site of the disease.

V. Selahi Moghadam ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-1989)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Treating bony craters by surgical method needs elimination or reduction of bony lesions as well as providing sufficient bone by minimum osteotomy in order to preserve supporting bone. Furcation preservation is very important. Most mandibular molars are overtreated from buccal aspect that leads to inverted morphology and affects buccal forcation. Identifying anatomical structures and their relation to lesions is essential. In crater therapy, furcation and tooth trunk are two major anatomical structures. Low to medium Craters are appropriate for osseous resection. Craters of maxillary molars with palatal plate bone loss are treated by 10 degree palatal inclination and decreasing buccal bone according to root trunk. Besides, osteoplasty  is indicated for buccal bone. Second molars are treated similarly but they have longer root trunks and thicker buccal bone which needs osteoplasty. Craters of Mandibular first molar area are treated by osteoplasty in lingual bone as well as buccal bone reduction according to root trunk . likewise, second molars are treated but they have more lingual bone as well as lingual inclination of teeth and longer root trunks.  On the other hand, scalloped morphology is not sufficiently favorable. Therefore, in order to change flat or low scalloped   morphology we should not destroy supporting bone.

F Farshchian ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-1989)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA In some clinical interventions, there have been some doubts on replacing resin veneers by etched porcelain veneers. Never the less, Public awareness and demand for more aesthetic treatments caused increased usage of laminate veneers in operative treatments as routine treatment method. Dental material companies have rapidly produced newer materials to replace the old ones and respond the needs. Thus, dental science has developed in aesthetic operative dental science. Each novel treatment modality requires modern material and methods that needs experience and knowledge in order to eliminate the complications. Many clinical researches on durability and guidelines of each method have been conducted.  Porcelain veneers require limited tooth preparation and brings high esthetic. In addition, their function and durability are acceptable and their favorable path of insertion is compatible to periodontal tissues.

A. Akhavan Niaki ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Periodontal ligament changes depend on amount, duration and type of forces. Teeth movement toward periodontal ligament starts from the initial hours by formation of pressure and traction areas. These areas as well as vascular system must be preserved under the forces. Bone loss is resulted from osteoclasts activity. In spongy bone spaces, osteoid is formed. Due to heavy forces, periodontal tissues are pressed, vessels are blocked and periodontal ligament becomes acellular and hyalinised. Also,The osteocytes of undermining bone are damaged in localized areas. In traction areas, fibroblasts proliferation and elongation of periodontal tissues are resulted and osteoid is formed on the areas which are replaced by bundle bone (a part of lamina dura that includes calcified collagen ligaments). Due to heavy forces, collagen in traction area and blood vessels may become ruptured.

J. Mahmodian , Sh. Banakar ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Eruption is a developmental process in 3 phases of pre-eruptive, prefunctional and functional. Until now there has not been any research on the relationship between eruption and sex and age in Iran in order to compare with the available standards. In This study we recruited 3174 children of 5-8.28 years and eruption sequence in them was evaluated. The results showed that eruption is slightly sooner in girls in comparison to boys which is not statistically significant. The percentage of erupted teeth will increase by increasing age but Maxillary central incisors in boys are the exception. In addition, molars are erupted prior to mandibular centrals.

A. Vahid ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Replantation means replacement of an avulsed tooth. The most important issue is preserving periodontal health during the process. Therefore, root irrigation or drying should be avoided and tooth should be replaced at soonest time possible. Dental socket should be irrigated by warm normal saline without any curettage. Then, it should be splinted by considering function. After 2 weeks, endodontic therapy should be commenced in order to ameliorating periodontium condition and calcium hydroxide application following splint removal.For approximately 2 years, 2 months follow-ups are mandatory. Calcium hydroxide should be replaced in case of washing out. In general, since avulsion is happened mostly in children and prosthetic treatments are impossible in this age, replantation is an appropriate temporary treatment modality until the patient becomes ready to receive prosthetic treatments.

A. Khayat ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA In order to evaluate quality of apex filling materials in endodontic surgeries, studies on extracted teeth were conducted.  The teeth were selected and after crown dissection, root canal therapy was done by gutta-percha and simple technique.  Afterwards, for each tooth 3mm of root apex was cutted and then the samples were divded into 5 groups of 15 samples.two groups of 3 samples were regarded as control groups. Then, a 3mm cavity was made in apex and were filled by amalgam ( vivdentTM or Sina TM), cavit and coltosol in groups number 2 to 5. The gutta-percha was condensed by a round end tool. The samples were placed in Methylen blue for 48 hours and then by scrubbing lateral walls of the teeth, the penetration of color into root canal space was evaluated by steromicroscope. The obtained results showed that Coltosol was acted better and resulted in more significant changes compared to Amalgam vividentTM, SinaTM , Cavit and Gutta-percha.(P≤0.001)

M. Saheb Jami , M. Eslami Amirabadi ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA The following reports are introducing 3 patients with progressive systemic sclerosis who had oral manifestations such as limited mouth opening, PDL thickening,... as well as uncommon internal resorption in many of their teeth with any etiologic factor. According to oral manifestations of systemic sclerosis, It seems that internal resorption can be associated to their systemic disease.

F. Farshchian ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Currently, the application and use of porcelain inlays and onlays for anterior and posterior teeth that are made in laboratory is increasing. Present article is aimed to evaluate 1. Advantages of porcelain include their aesthetic, strength, low chair-side, biocompatibility and do not depending on metals 2. Disadvantages of porcelains are undesirable tooth wearing, high cost, needing an expert technician and tooth sensitivity that can lead to endodontic treatments. 3. Methods and materials of working with porcelains are thoroughly discussed in this section.

E. Yasini , M. Eslami , E. Aleksanian , M. Mohamadi Basir ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA In 9 patients of 11-20 years old, Pulp response to phosphoric acid 37% during a 15 seconds etching period was studied. Class V cavities in cervical third of premolars were prepared as symmetrical couples. All the process was identical in both groups of case and control. In test group, 15 seconds etching period by phosphoric acid 37% was done. The teeth were then restored by ZOE. Only one case complained of pain and discomfort. After 1,2,4,6,12,24,56 days the teeth were extracted. In 100 sections made from extracted teeth of 5 patients , pulpal response to acid reaction was a mild inflammation with good prognosis.

A. Alavi ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA The effects of citric acid 50%, glumma and GC dentin conditioner on dentin were evaluated in different stages and compared to normal dentinal surface. The results obtained by SEM showed that smear layer is formed following cavity preparation can be removed by citric acid 50%. It can also widens dentinal tubules. On the other hand, glumma and GC conditioner can only remove smear layer without affecting dentinal tubules. These results were similar to the results announced by producing companies.

M. Jafari ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-1992)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Treatment planning for patients with this congenital disorder according to their age, eruption of teeth and anatomical type of the disorder is summarized here. It should be noticed that reconstruction of ear, soft tissue lesions and neurological lesions in patients is done after complete reconstruction of facial bones and functioning of its skeletal parts.

Sj. Porhashemi , J. Mahmodian ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-1993)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA During the recent century, the prevalence of dental caries has been changed widely. Therefore, following industrial revolution of Europe in 19th century and industrialization of European countries as well as population increase in the cities and changes in nutritional diets of people, dental caries prevalence has rapidly increased. Thus, by feeling danger and improving awareness, These countries decided to prevent caries. This , lead to a considerable decrease in DMF indices. In developing countries, the situation was reversed and although industrial developments have happened, dental caries prevalence has been gradually increased. In this article, the etiology of these transitions is discussed and analyzed and practical solutions are mentioned.

A. Kosari ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-1993)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Since many Dental interventions are stressful for patients, using premedications specially for younger patients in order to decrease their stress and anxiety is recommended. Premedication can also lessen patients' fears and soothe both patient and practitioner. This will lead to a better treatment in a shorter time. Prior to premedication, medical history should be obtained completely and an oral, inhalation or iv method of premedication is chosen according to sex, weight and the degree of anxiety of patients.  NO2 is very safe method for premedication. Also, Triclofos , Hydroxyzin or Diazepam are other common drugs used for young patients. It should be taken into consideration that premedication cannot eliminate all the fears and anxiety and dentist should use other techniques of controlling fear as well.

M. Abdolahi Nejad , A. Masod ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-1993)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Cytokines are glycoproteins produced  specifically by lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes and many other cells. In fact, They act nonspecifically. Cytokines are not immunoglubolins and unlike them, have not high molecular weight. They regulate immuneresponse as well as in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Cytokines role  in periodontal diseases as well as identifying them in the pathogenesis of some dental and oral diseases and bone loss process is an important issue in dentistry. Hence, this article presents cytokine's role and developments of immunology science in dentistry.


Sh. Jafari , R. Hakimi ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-1993)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA Migraine pains are one of the most frequent types of headaches.  There are two types of migraine: Classic migraine and common migraine. These two are distinguished with the existence of neurologic symptoms (Aura). Although the main etiology of it is related to unstable pericranial condition of vessels during migraine attacks.  Recent studies showed strong effect of treating musculoskeletal disorders of masticatory system in recovery of common migraine. On this account, thorough evaluation of masticatory system and eliminating disorders of jaws and related muscles is recommended as an effective treatment modality in patients with common migraine. since migraine is defined as recurring attacks of headache in a wide range of pain , duration and frequency of attacks.  The headacke is unilateral and associated with anorexia, nausea or vomiting and  in some cases even sensory, motor or psychological disorders are presented.

R. Amirlo ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-1993)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA In general, there is a direct relationship between dental restorations and periodontal condition of the mouth. During tooth preparation, it should be considered that gingival tissues (specially biologic width) must be preserved. Incorrect tooth preparation and therefore incomplete impression results in wrong contour of the final cast, plaque accumulation and gingivitis. Hence, Cervical anatomy of the teeth which determines final contour of the restoration is very important.  The amount of tooth tissue that should be removed relates to cervical contour of it before preparation. Over contoured restorations inhibit uscular movements and self cleasnsing mechanism. Shoulder finish line is preferred to knife edge due to the final convexity of tooth contour resulted from shoulder preparation.  In teeth with cingulum, preparation should be parallel to cervical third of buccal surface. This brings more retention. Final preparation and impression making should not be performed in the same visit.

F. Jamali , P. Ghanbari ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-1993)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA This article is aimed to evaluate blood pressure changes in 100 patients (Normotensive and hypertensive) of dental clinics.  Blood pressure changes were recorded in particular stages: before surgery, 2 minutes after receiving local anesthesia, during surgery and 15 minutes post surgery. Results were analyzed via student paired T test to identify if there were any significant difference between two groups of normotensive and hypertensive and this was dangerous or significant enough to prohibit patients from receiving dental treatments.

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