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Showing 17 results for Attitude

A. Taghizadeh Ganji , A. Jafari, N. Poorgholi, H. Iranizadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (12-2009)

Background and Aim: School health workers have an important role in education and prevention of common oral and dental diseases. An organized program can be helpful in training and shaping the proper behavior. This study has evaluated the knowledge, attitude and practice of schools health workers in Tabriz about oral and dental health in 2007-2008.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed in primary schools in Tabriz. Questionnaires were sent to the schools that had health workers. Levels of the knowledge, attitude and practice of the health workers who had answered this questionnaire were evaluated. SPSS software and independent T-Test and Paired- Sample T-Test were used for analyzing the results.
Results: Fifty eight out of 64 school health workers were women. Mean age of school health workers was 45 years. Forty four of school health workers had passed special course about oral health and dental health. 49 of them had passed special educational course the mean of acquired knowledge score was 6.77 out of 10 and women's scores were significantly higher. Also women had more work experience than men. The mean of acquired attitude and practice scores were 7.42 and 7.14 out of 10, respectively.
Conclusion: Findings show that performing of the educational courses during work and experience has an effective role in the scales of the health workers. Progress in this situation can be achieved by retraining programs and accessible pamphlets.

A. Jafari, Mr. Khami, R. Yazdani, M Mohammadi,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (1-2010)

Background and Aims: The objective of the present study was to investigate knowledge and attitude of senior dental students towards HIV/AIDS. Its result could help in promotion of education.

Materials and Methods: This educational research was carried out in two state dental schools in Tehran. The senior dental students in Tehran and Shaheed Beheshti dental schools were asked to fill in a self-administered questionnaire regarding their age, gender, parents' job, knowledge and attitudes towards treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS in Autumn semester 2007. Fifty five dental students (83%) including 27% male and 73% female in Shaheed Beheshti and fifty five dental students (85%) including 34% male and 66% female in Tehran dental schools were participated. The score for knowledge and attitude of the students were calculated separately. The data were analyzed using Independent sample t-test.

Results: The mean percentage of knowledge and attitude scores were 76.5% (at rang 1-3) and 50% (at range 1-5), respectively. Nearly all of the students believed that all patients should be considered as HIV positive in dental practice, while 49% preferred to refer HIV positive patients. Knowledge and attitude of students were not significantly associated with the gender and knowing HIV positive person (P>0.05).

Conclusion: There is a need to improve knowledge and attitudes of dental students towards HIV/AIDS. It is suggested to emphasize on this subject in dental schools curriculum in Iran.

A. Jafari, M. Amir Soltani, B. Golestan, N. Bahrami,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (1-2011)

Background and Aims: Fissure sealant therapy is a national program in elementary schools in Iran. Therefore, evaluation of the parents' knowledge and attitude is necessary to improve the program.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional and descriptive-analytic study, Iranian students were chosen in a randomized cluster manner. The questionnaires were filled-out by students' parents to evaluate their general information, knowledge, and attitude. Moreover, students were examined for having any fissure-sealed teeth. Data were collected and analyzed by multiple logistic regression tests.
Results: 414 boy students and their parents were participated in this study. 57.6% of parents knew that fissure sealant prevents the caries and 44.5% believed that fissure sealant is important to prevent caries. However, only 8.9% of children had fissure sealant. Parents' knowledge was significantly related to the source of oral health information and oral health education. Regular dental visits and high level education was effective in increasing the knowledge about sealant therapy. There was a significant relation between parents' attitude toward fissure sealant and level of education, oral health education and numbers and times of dental visit (P<0.001). There were a significant relation between tooth sealing and parents' oral health information.
Conclusion: Regular dental visits and oral health education have positive role in parent's knowledge and attitude and practice. So parents must be encouraged to have regular dental visit and dentists must be emphasized to give them necessary education. School is the best place for giving proper information to parents.

Mehdi Jafarzadeh Samani, Maryam Hajiahmadi, Samira Yousefi, Elham Sadat Binande,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (5-2013)

Background and Aims: Successful pediatric dentistry depends not only on the dentist's technical skills, but also on his ability to acquire and maintain a child's cooperation. The correction of dentist’ action in this area affects the view of parents and increases the quality of dental services. The objective of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of general dentists toward methods of controlling pediatrics’ behavior in Isfahan.

Materials and Methods: This study is descriptive, analytic, and cross-sectional. For this research, 100 general dentists of Isfahan city were selected with simple random sampling technique and were asked to complete the questionnaire which was included four different management techniques. The data were analyzed with t-test, P earson’s correlation , ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis.

Results: The methods accepted by dentists were Tell-Show-Do (4.0 ± 0.5), Voice control (3.5 ± 0.4), active restraint (3.0 ± 0.5) and Hand-Over-Mouth (2.9 ± 0.5) respectively. The mean score of female dentists’ attitudes was more toward the method of active restraint and less toward Hand-Over-Mouth technique. Also the average score of middle aged dentists’ attitudes toward Voice Control method was less than young dentists and toward Hand-Over-Mouth was higher. The general dentists with more number of pediatric patients had less consent on the method of Hand-Over-Mouth (P=0.004) and active restraint (P=0.034).

Conclusion: There were significant correlation between attitude of general dentists toward behavior management techniques with age, gender, clinical experience and the number of pediatric patients. General dentists have fewer tendencies to aggressive behavior management techniques.

Sayed Mohamad Razavi, Behzad Zolfaghari, Bahareh Tahani, Mostafa Emami Doost, Mehrdad Forohande,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  Background and Aims : Dentists have usually a critical role in diagnosing oral cancer lesions in their early stages. In this study we aimed to assess the senior dental student’ and dentists’ knowledge, attitude and behaviors regarding oral cancer in Isfahan.

  Materials and Methods: A valid and reliable self-administered questionnaire was designed to assess the current practice, knowledge and attitude of general dentists working in Isfahan-Iran and senior dental students regarding oral cancer lesions. The questionnaire was consisted of questions to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding diagnosis, risk factors and prognosis of oropharyngeal cancerous lesions. The frequencies of answers to questions in sections of practice and attitude (just for dentists) and sum score of questions in knowledge section were calculated and compared using statistical analysis regarding age, sex, duration of experience and practice setting ) p ublic/private) of participants. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, chi-square, linear regression and logistic regression.

  Results: 139 questionnaires from dentists and 57 questionnaires from students were returned. The mean score of dentists’ knowledge was 5.41 out of 13 (CI95%=5.03-7.79 ). Significant differences were observed among dentists regarding their experience (P=0.001). Only one fifth of the dentists in our survey reported to perform oral cancer examination for all of their patients in age of 40 and above and just about 34% of dentists gained acceptable level of knowledge. Among senior dental students, the status of knowledge was better as about 58% of them gained the level of acceptance (P=0.01).

  Conclusion: Although dentists were willing to follow the diagnostic protocol for oral cancer, they were mostly unsatisfied with the level of their knowledge. Therefore, this study highlights the need for educational planning and training activities in general dentists with regard to the risk factors and early detection of oral cancers.

Mehdi Jafarzadeh, Maryam Haji Ahmadi, Hajar Esmaielian, Hadi Moshkel Gosha,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (9-2014)

  Background and Aims: Successful pediatric dentistry depends on the dentist's technical skills, as well as his/her ability to acquire and maintain a child's cooperation. The correction of dentist’ performance in this area affects the view of parents and increases the quality of dental services. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of general dentists toward behavior guidance techniques in Isfahan.

  Materials and Methods: In this descriptive- analytic cross-sectional study, 100 general dentists of Isfahan city were selected with simple random sampling technique. They were asked to complete the questionnaire inquiring their attitude toward four different behavioral management techniques . An appropriate question about each of the methods was proposed by the authors, along with demographic characteristics including: gender, age, university, year of graduation, work experience, the mean number of pediatric patients referred in one month was provided in the form of a questionnaire. To evaluate the attitude of dentists to the questionnaire, the score from 1 to 5 was given to each item and the total score was considered. Higher score indicated more positive attitude of dentist. Data were analyzed using T-test, Pearsons correlation and one-way ANOVA (P<0.05).

  Results: The mean scores for dental behavioral management techniques were positive reinforcement (4.2±2.7), general anesthesia (3.5±4.4), N2O sedation (3.4±4.4) and pharmacologic sedation (3.2±2.7), respectively. There were no significant differences between the mean score of dentist attitude and age, gender, clinical experience and the number of pediatric patient (P>0.05).

  Conclusion: General dentists’ attitudes towards different behavior management techniques were associated with age, gender, clinical experience and the number of pediatric patient. General dentists’ tend was more towards non-drug behavior control methods such as positive reinforcement.

Mehran Bahrami, Maryam Memarian, Hossein Tamaddon, Mohammad Javad Kharrzi Fard,
Volume 31, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background and Aims: The dentist's attire and appearance affects his/her relationships with the patients. It is also essential to sync the professional attire in dentistry with the habits and Islamic culture of Islamic Republic of Iran, meet the patients' desires, and pay attention to the infection-control-requirements as well.The objective of the present study was to determine the patients' viewpoints about the professional appearance of the dentists at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Dental School in 1395-96.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 103 patients (54 females and 49 males) were studied. (=α0.05 and standard variation=4.5). The questionnaire were included color photographies of a female dentist and a male dentist dressed in different attires. The patients were asked to select the cleanest, and the most trustable, competent, and experienced dentist according to the 4 different attires. The frequencies and percentages of the participants’ answers to the questionaire were descriptively reported.
Results: All patients preferred dentists to use white coat during their treatment. For the male dentists, most patients (45.6%) favored simple hair model. For the female dentists, most patients (35.9%) considered veil as the more acceptable Hejaband, and 54.4% of them preferred light makeup.
Conclusion: All patients preferred their dentists to dress in the professional attire with a white coat. They believed that wearing formal-professional-dressing by the dentists may show them look cleaner, and more trustable, more competent, and experienced.

Arezoo Khabazian, Pooya Fadaei Tehrani, Ali Tavakoli, Amir Kheyrossadat,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (10-2019)

Background and Aims: Today, smoking is recognized as a major health problem and an impediment to development in many developing countries. This is the reason of early deaths and disabilities which leads to death of about 4 million people around the globe annually. This study aimed at assessing the awareness and attitude among the students last years dental at Yazd Shahid Sadooghi Medical School in providing consultation for giving up smoking.
Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive sectional study that evaluated the awareness and attitudes of students last years dental at school of dentistry. Data was collected through standard questionnaires and were analyzed by T test and Pierson correlation coefficient in SPSS18 software.
Results: A total of 110 students participated in this study. Awareness mean's score of female students was 18.38 and male students 17.66. The attitude mean's score of female students was 31.06 and the male students was 32.45. Based on the correlation coefficient of awareness with age (0.112), with the semester (-0.001) and with a GPA (0.76), it was concluded that awareness with increasing age and GPA increased, and with increasing semester decreases. Also, based on the correlation coefficient of attitude with age (0.013), with the academic semester (0.018) and with a GPA (0.008), it was concluded that attitude with increasing age, semester, and GPA was improved.
Conclusion: Despite the relatively good attitude of dental students about smoking cessation counseling, their awareness was poor. Therefore, the need to revise the education programs and steps in the field of training are required.

Ahmad Jafari, Pooria Gharagozloo, Ali Baghalian,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Background and Aims: Interest and satisfaction of students toward their field of study has important role in knowledge promotion, future activities, and also healthcare of country. This study aimed to evaluate the attitude of dental students toward their field of study and also their future career.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was based on a standardized researcher designed questionnaire in 2018. Demographic data was collected and questions were based on the attitude of students toward their field of study and their future. ANOVA and Backward stepwise regression methods were used for statistical analysis. Significance level was determined at 0.05.
Results: In this study 62.2% of responders were female and 37.8% were males. Students chose dentistry under the influence of following matters consecutively: high income, recommendation of people around and self-interest. Girls compared to boys, were significantly influenced more by self-interest and also had more interest compared to boys for working in dentistry (P<0.05). Also, most of students were anxious about the increase in the number of dental students.
Conclusion: Students had positive attitude toward their field of study and their future. They were interested in working in this field but factors such as not having enough familiarity toward this field and also an increase in the number of students in recent years created some worries for them.

Imaneh Asgari, Faezeh Aghababaei,
Volume 33, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background and Aims: Regarding the need for social accountability in dental education, community-based dental courses has been established to improve the oral health of the community and compensate the shortcomings of the health system. Due to the importance of evaluation, the aim of this study was to determine the dental students’ attitudes and believes in the last year of their study towards the community-based dental education.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 159 dental students in the sixth year (October and February, 2018) of Isfahan dental school by census. These students took the relevant questionnaire, which was developed by researchers in three sections of “attitudes toward field activities”, “lessons and experiences of field activities during dentistry training” and “barriers and problems of field activities”. Its content and face validity was confirmed. They completed it on their own and after collecting information and descriptive analyzes, the relationship between the gender and entry group with attitude scores was analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test.
Results: Out of a total of 102 questionnaires which were answered (response rate of 64%), half of the students believed in the need to provide dental services in the form of mobile/outreach services for the community. 90% of the students agreed with the combination of field education with routine education in the dental schools. They also considered these services as an opportunity to use their experiences and knowledge to promote oral health in the community. 84% of them believed that their self confidence improved while providing services outside the faculty. In many of the propositions in the field of attitude to provide service in the field, a significant percentage (50 to 60%) did not have an opinion.
Conclusion: There was a good and positive aspects in many areas of attitude toward providing services in social fields as well as attitude towards the lessons learned from community-based dental education. However, we should consider the attitude-emotional aspects of educational objectives in the community-based courses in dental schools.

Alireza Eshghi, Arezoo Pirhaji, Firoozeh Nilchian,
Volume 33, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background and Aims: A significant percentage of children with dental caries require, hospital dentistry and their parents do not have much information in this regard. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of pediatricians in hospital dentistry in Isfahan Province.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 100 pediatricians working in Isfahan. The self-administered questionnaire included demographics of doctors and 19 questions for assessing the knowledge, attitude and practice of pediatric practitioners about hospital dentistry under general anesthesia. Raw data were analyzed by Chi-square test using SPSS software version 23.
Results: 100 pediatricians with an average age of 44.1±5.7 years (57% male) completed the questionnaire. 53% of the pediatricians had a high level of awareness about hospital dentistry and 42% about its related guides. 66% practitioners had a favorable attitude toward general anesthesia and costs, while 71% considered the parents' awareness were poor about hospital dentistry. Only 43% of pediatricians performed oral examinations in their daily visits, and 17% had a referral for hospital dentistry. Male pediatricians aged from 35 to 45 had a higher level of knowledge about hospital dentistry. The attitude and practice of pediatricians did not have a significant relationship with their age. Meanwhile, male pediatricians had better performance in oral and dental examination and referral for hospital dentistry (P=0.15).
Conclusion: From the results of this study, there is a need for a serious improvement in the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of pediatricians in the field of hospital dentistry.

Katayoun Sargeran, Simin Zahra Mohebbi, Afsaneh Tajik,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: The increase in life expectancy and decrease in birth rate enhances the elderly population in different societies and consequently, the demand from the health system for providing the treatment needs has been elevated. It has been proposed that dentists must improve their attitude, knowledge, and practice to meet these needs. The present study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of general dentists regarding geriatric oral health.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study, 150 general dentists participating in the annual congress of the Iranian Dental Association in 2018 were selected and completed a valid and reliable self-administered questionnaire including 5 parts about knowledge, attitude and practice regarding old age and oral health of elders. SPSS23 and multiple regression were used for data analysis.
Results: The mean age of dentists was 34.3 (SD: 9.1) and 92 (61.3%) of participants were women. The mean knowledge score about the old age was 16.67 (of maximum: 26, SD: 4.31) and the mean knowledge on the geriatric oral health was 11.01 (of maximum: 18, SD: 2.81). The mean general attitude about elderly was 19.1 (of maximum: 30, SD: 4.26), the mean attitude on geriatric oral health was 13.09 (of maximum: 20, SD: 2.65), and the mean practice about geriatric oral health was 6.5 (of maximum: 10, SD:2.96). Age was significantly associated with knowledge regarding the elderly (P<0.034); i.e. with increase in age lower scores in knowledge were gained.
Conclusion: General dentists participating in the congress of the Iranian Dental Association demonstrated a medium level of knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the oral health of elders. Proper educational programs should be planned in dental schools to improve dental student's knowledge, attitude and practice about geriatric oral health.

Bita Heydarzadeh, Bahareh Tahani, Imaneh Asgari,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: School teachers have key role in providing the basic health information for their students, and their knowledge, attitude, and practice affect children's oral health through developing of the healthy behaviors. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an oral health education program for primary school teachers on their knowledge, attitude, and practice fields in the framework of oral health promoting schools.
Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental pre-post study was conducted among five oral health promoting schools in Isfahan city in 2019. A validated and reliable questionnaire including four sections of demographic data, knowledge, attitude, and practice was applied for data collection. The questionnaire contained 24 knowledge, 9 attitudes, and 5 practice questions. It was distributed among 63 enrolled teachers at base line and two months later after two educational-emotional workshops. Before and after data were analyzed by SPSS21 (α=0.05) by related samples Wilcoxon signed rank test and background variables by Kruskall-wallis test.
Results: After the educational intervention, their knowledge score increased significantly from 14.1±3.8 to 18.5±3.7 (P<0.001). About 34% of teachers had a high level of knowledge proficiency at the beginning of the study which eventually rose to 76%. Teachers’ attitude decreased significantly from 34.6±5 to 31.4±4.6 (P<0.001). At the beginning of the study, 89% of them had a positive attitude towards oral health programs which decreased to 84% at the end of the study. In the performance part, 63.5% of the teachers paid attention to the fluoride in their toothpaste which reached 87.3% after the workshop and the teachers' performance score increased from 3.07 to 3.39 after the intervention (P<0.012).
Conclusion: The package of educational intervention for teachers in oral health-promoting schools improved the level of knowledge and practice, but slightly reduced the level of attitude. However, due to the importance of changing attitudes in teachers and the existence of structural and programmatic barriers to integrate the health issues into school education, other models need to be evaluated and compared.

Zahra Borna, Azad Jamei, Mojtaba Ghorbanian, Saman Taram,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of ergonomics during dental treatment among students of Urmia university of medical sciences in 2020.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, self-administered questionnaires were given to 78 dental students of Urmia University in 2020 and the knowledge, attitude, and practice of every participant were evaluated. Demographic data including sex, age, and University grade were recorded as well. Data were analyzed by SPSS software24 with One Way ANOVA and t-test and the significance level of P<0.05.
Results: 78 students (44 males and 34 female) by Mean Age 23.9±2.12 were included in the study. The difference between the attitudes of different age groups was significant (P=0.006). The age group of 20 to 24 years had a more positive attitude than other age groups. However, the results of this study did not show a significant r elationship between the participants' knowledge and practice with their age (P>0.05).
Conclusion: According to this study, the knowledge, attitude and practice of Urmia dental students were in the desired range. 20-24 year students had significantly higher attitude in comparison to others. Therefore, more endeavors should be taken to improve these parameters in ergonomics.

Firoozeh Nilchian, Ehsan Ghasemi,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: There is a traditional belief that the primary teeth can be replaced by permanent teeth and preserving them is not important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of parents of preschool and elementary school children referring to the Specialty Clinic of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Imam Hossein pediatric hospital about the importance of preserving deciduous teeth and related factors.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 323 parents of preschool and elementary school children referred to the special clinic of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Imam Hossein Pediatric hospital. The data collection method was a questionnaire and face-to-face interview. The questionnaire was made, it consisted of 21 multiple-choice questions and descriptive questions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics tests and analytical tests such as t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results: The mean score of knowledge of parents was 37.5 with a standard deviation of 16.9, the mean score of attitude was 55.8 with a standard deviation of 11.1 and the mean score of performance was 41.8 with a standard deviation of 15.6 out of 100. Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there was a direct relationship between knowledge, attitude, and performance scores (P<0.001). Parents' knowledge score was directly related to the mothers' and fathers' ages (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, parents' awareness of the importance of the preservation of deciduous teeth and related factors is poor, their attitudes are neutral and their performance is poor to moderate. It is suggested to improve treatment facilities available for children in the family and to educate parents about the preservation of deciduous teeth.
Masoud Safari, Faezeh Soltani, Shirzad Safari, Samad Darabian,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: Oral health is a necessity and part of general health and its importance in childhood is more than ever. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of parents in Delfan city-Iran about oral health of their 6-12-year-old children in 2021.
Materials and Methods: The present study was a descriptive-analytical study that was performed on 365 parents of 6-12-year-old children in Delfan city. Convenience sampling was used. The questionnaires included four sections: demographic information, knowledge, attitude and practice about oral health. Data were entered in SPSS23. Independent t-test, analysis of variance and Pearson correlation were used to analyze the data. Significance level was considered 0.05.
Results: The mean age of the subjects was 36.5±7.1. 201 of parents were mothers. Parents' knowledge and attitude were good and their performance was fair. There was a statistically significant relationship between all three variables of knowledge, attitude, and practice (P<0.00). Also, there was a statistically significant relationship between the knowledge and education (P<0.00), mother job (P<0.04), father job (P<0.00), and economic status (P<0.00). There was a statistically significant relationship between the attitude with education (P<0.00), mother job (P<0.04), father job (P<0.01), and economic status (P<0.01), There was a statistically significant relationship between practice and education (P<0.00), mother job (P<0.01), father job (P<0.00), and economic status (P<0.00) of parents.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between the knowledge, attitude, and practice with education level, job and economic status. Therefore, oral health education for parents with low educational and economic level should be highly considered.

Afsaneh Pakdaman, Parisa Mohsenzadeh, Mahdia Gholami,
Volume 36, Issue 0 (5-2023)

Background and Aims: Considering the prevalence of periodontal disease in Iranian adults and its impact on general health and the role of medical practitioners, the purpose of the present study was to determine physician’s knowledge and attitude towards periodontal health.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Tehran in 2019 and after getting informed consent, a valid and reliable questionnaire was provided to medical practitioners in a continuing education course. Data were analyzed using the SPSS26 software.
Results: In total 170 subjects (response rate=95%) responded. The mean scores of knowledge and attitude towards periodontal health were 4.1 (maximum score of 6) and 51.9 (maximum score of 65), respectively. Work experience (P=0.022) and period of time after graduation (P=0.007) had a positive and significant relationship with participants' knowledge. Also, gender (P=0.012), work experience (P=0.002), period after graduation (P=0.005) and practitioner’s workplace (P=0.001) were significantly associated with their attitudes. The results showed that women had a better attitude towards prevention of gum disease.
Conclusion: In the present study, medical practitioners’ knowledge was good towards description of healthy periodontium and the first sign of periodontal diseas. Also, their attitudes regarding the importance of oral and dental diseases and its impact on social activities were appropriate. The results of the present study showed more emphasis is needed on delivering relevant dental education in medical curriculum.

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