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Showing 3 results for Burnout

Mh. Hoseini, Gh. Sharifzadeh, T. Khazaie,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (4-2011)

Background and Aims: Occupational burnout is a psychological syndrome resulting from continuous tensions which causes absence, conflict, job changing, etc. In spite of much effort done in optimizing the work conditions and satisfying the employed persons, the dentists still suffer from this incident. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of occupational burnout in Birjand dentists and to provide an approach.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study by the census method, 38 dentists were investigated using Maslach questionnaire. Average values were compared with chi-square and comparison among the groups was performed by Tukey test using SPSS software. P≤0.05 was considered as the level of significance.
Results: In this study, there were 68.4% men and 31.6% women with average age of 37.9 ±7.6 years and average work experience of 12.5±7.3 years, 15.8% single and 84.2% married. Frequency of exhaustion, intense depersonalization, and intense feeling of being unsuccessful was 21.1%, 81.6%, and 100%, respectively. There were no significant differences between occupation burnout dimensions and the other variable, such as gender, sports, marital status, and workday hours (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Protection of this stratum, providing educational programs and creating job variations are necessary for optimizing the work environment. Future studies with more sample size are suggested to determine the effect of factors.

Mohammad Ali Rozegar, Dr Mohammad Nabi Salehi, Parisa Salehi, Khadijeh Abdal,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: There is a lot of burnout and stresses in various ways of people’s lives which could result in psychological pressure, negative emotions, confusion, worry, and anxiety. Therefore, emotion cognitive regulation can play an important role in coping with burnout and adapting to stressful life events. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the emotional cognitive regulation strategies and burnout in dentists in Ilam.
Materials and Methods: The method of the present study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population included all dentists in Ilam in 2019. By simple random sampling method, 81 dentists in Ilam were selected as sample. The research instruments included the Emotional Cognitive Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-P) and the Employee Burnout Questionnaire (MBI). Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software at the level of descriptive statistics by mean and standard deviation indices, and at the inferential level by Pearson correlation coefficient test.
Results: The results showed that there was a significant negative and inverse relationship between the adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and burnout in dentists
(r=-0.862, P<0.000). There was also a significant positive and direct relationship between the maladaptive emotional cognitive regulation strategies and burnout in dentists (r=0.829, P<0.000).
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it seems that dentists should pay more attention to the components of emotion regulation and emotions in order to prevent and reduce job burnout.

Shima Golban, Hajar Shekarchizadeh, Simin Zahra Mohebbi,
Volume 36, Issue 0 (5-2023)

Background and Aims: Considering the problems associated with occupational stress and burnout caused by this stress, this study aimed to determine the academic burnout, dental environment stress, and their association among dental students in Isfahan.
Materials and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in 2020, applying a convenient sampling method. Data collected from undergraduate dental students from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Azad University of Isfahan using the validated Persian version of BCSQ-12-SS (Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire) including 12 questions and DES (Dental Environment Stress) including 32 questions. Volunteer students filled in the online questionnaires using social media including WhatsApp and Telegram. Data were analyzed using SPSS26, U Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Spearman correlation coefficient, and a linear regression model (level of significance P<0.05).
Results: Among 300 participants (response rate=64%), the mean age was 24.25±2.72, and 54.7% were women. The mean score of academic burnout was 2.61±0.66 of the maximum score of 5. Overload was the most effective dimension of academic burnout. The mean score of DES was 2.80±0.51 of the maximum score of 4. Clinical education was the most effective dimension of DES. A direct correlation was observed between the dental environment stress and academic burnout (P<0.001; r=0.33).
Conclusion: The academic burnout among dental students in Isfahan was moderate and dental environment stress was high. Considering the direct association between the stress and burnout, more efforts should be made to reduce dental environment stress especially in the field of clinical education.

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