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Showing 3 results for Inferior Alveolar Nerve

Y. Refua , N. Abbas-Zadeh. ,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2001)

Different techniques for local anesthesia are used in the mandible. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of inferior alveolar dental nerve blocks by comparing the two akinosi and conventional techniques. 80 patients (aged 15-60 years old) were randomly divided into tow groups for extracting the mandibuler posterior teeth by akinosi and conventional techniques. Patients were all injected with 1.8 ml of Lidocaine 2% plus Adernaline j^nnnn .Then the Pain Sensation during injection,positive aspiration, beginning time of anesthesia, duration of anesthesia depth of anesthesia, and the anesthesia of soft tissue related to sensory nerves were evaluated. The results showed that the pain sensation in conventional technique was significantly higher than that of akinosi technique. The number of positive aspirations in conventional technique (12,5%) was higher than that of akinosi (5%) but not significantly different. The long buccal nerve anesthesia in akinosi technique (75%) was significantly higher than that of conventional technique. There was no significant difference between the two techniques for the depth of anesthesia. The success rate was 87.5% in conventional technique and 80% in akinosi technique. The average time of lips anesthesia in conventional technique was 3 minutes compared with 4 minutes in akinosi technique, which was not significantly different from each other. However, the beginning time of aneshtesia in tongue was significantly lower in conventional technique. No significant difference in the duration of anesthesia in lips and tonques between the two techniques was observed.
H. Hoseinitodashki, Ah. Rahmati,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (1-2009)

Background and Aim: Inducing anesthesia is one of the important tasks in dentistry. Among various techniques for injection, the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block (IANB) technique is one of the most practical and prevalent methods. However, according to some proofs in reference books, the success rate for this technique is some how low. Therefore the success rate of IANB performed by 10th-semester undergraduare students from Faculty of Dentistry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was assessed in this study.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study from patients referring to oral and maxillofacial surgery ward, 20 patients with predefined conditions were selected. For each of them, two IANB injections were done in two separated days one by a student and the other by an attend (or resident) of maxillofacial surgery ward. Success or failure of each injection was examined by Pin Prick test. In this study, the non-parametric Willcoxon test was used.

Results: In this study, the success rate of IANB was 70% and 90%, respectively for students and attends (or resident).

Conclusion: Significant statistically difference was seen between the two groups, we hope that through further practical education, this differences rsduce in following similar studies.

Ehsan Aliabadi, Esfandiar Keshavarz,
Volume 33, Issue 1 (7-2020)

Background and Aims: The inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) is the most frequently used technique for mandibular anesthesia. Due to the many factors which can cause its failure, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of experience and knowledge in the success rate of IANB technique.
Materials and Methods: : In this study, 115 students of Shiraz Dental school were participated in two groups. One group contained 53 novice students and another group 62 students with one year experience in IANB injection. Each student accomplished injection once and then success or failure of the injection was examined. In order to evaluate the students’ knowledge, each student was asked to fill out a questioner including 6 questions related to the instruction of the injection. Data were then collected, coded, and analyzed by SPSS18 using Chi square with a significant level of 0.05.
Results: The rates of knowledge in novice and experienced group were 71.6% and 86.3%, respectively. The success rates of IANB were 47.1% in novice group and 64.3% in experienced group. The success rates of IANB and knowledge were significantly higher in the experienced group compared with the novice group. (P=0.02 and P=0.01, respectively) There was no significant difference between male and female (P=0.06).
Conclusion: The results showed that knowledge and experience could play an important role in the success rate of IANB technique.

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