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Showing 2 results for Information Science

Sj. Ghazimirsaeed ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (6-2007)

Background and Aim: The utilization of information and communication technologies in medical librarianship would put librarians in new created conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of external factors on medical librarians' attitudes toward their future professional situation.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. All libraries and affiliated with ministry of health, and medical education were included in the study. The research consisted of all medical librarians working in the mentioned centers. Data was collected through questionnaires including two major parts and an additional section pertaining to personal information. From total of 1368 cases, 1001 answered to the questions. Statistical measurements consisted of frequency distribution, mean, percentage, measures of dispersion, correlation coefficient, and two tailed tests analyzed by SPSS software. P<0.05 was considered as the limit of significance.

Results: The results  showed that the mean score of external factors and attitude, were 3.25 and 4.18 respectively, at the scale of 5. There was a positive and significant relationship between external factors and attitude. Medical librarians did not consider the presence informaticians as a threat to their job security, and they have been able to adapt themselves to modern situations. Also, they were aware of the fact that if they can not succeed to match themselves with technological revolution, they will loose their jobs.

Conclusion: Structural changes in staff and educational establishments are necessary to satisfy future needs and is a priority to improve the influence of external factors on medical librarians' attitude toward the future of their profession.

Bahareh Sadat Pezeshki, Ali Kazemian, Dr Bahareh Tahani,
Volume 37, Issue 0 (3-2024)

Background and Aims: Numerous researches have been conducted in the field of dental public health in the country so far, and therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of studies conducted in this field in terms of quantity and coverage of different subjects.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 4 phases in Iran in 2023. The initial phase or the comparative study was to extract the doamins and sub-domains related to the dental public health studies, types of the research dissemination models, and the list of researchers in this field. The second phase included holding virtual Delphi meetings with researchers to finalize the information collecting checklists including the domains and sub-domains. In a virtual group of about 140 researchers, the domains and their proposed sub-domains were discussed and revisions continued until consensus was reached. In the third phase, the necessary data were collected and entered into the forms. The main source for data collection was google scholar profile. The final phase included the design of the system in the Access program for archiving and classifying information with the ability to search and report. Finally, the frequency and relative frequency of research titles were categorized according to the topic and the university conducting the research and the reports presented in the form of graphs and tables.
Results: Based on the first and second phases of the study, the selected model had 6 domains and 11 sub-domains. Epidemiology with the largest share (35%) was first rank, and the health system (30%) and health promotion (19%) ranked second and third, respectively. Ethics (1%) was at the lowest rank. Universities of Tehran (33%), Isfahan (25%) and Shahid Beheshti (22%) had the most publications in the field of community oral health. In the domian of epidemiology, oral health surveys with 204 articles (74%) and oral health risk factors with 69 articles (26%) were the highest number of published articles.
Conclusion: Some sub-domains of the community oral health filed are not well covered that might interrupt their application to improve the oral health situation in the country.

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