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Showing 12 results for Satisfaction

Gh. Shabestari Omati, R. Vahid, M. Ali Khasi, A. Khojaste, R. Baghai,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (12-2010)

Background and Aims: Selecting an appropriate treatment plan is one of the most critical aspects of dental treatments. The purpose of this study was to compare multimedia system and conventional method in patients' selecting prosthetic treatment and the time consumed.
Materials and Methods: Ninety patients were randomly divided into three groups. Patients in group A, once were instructed using the conventional method of dental office and once multimedia system and time was measured in seconds from the beginning of the instruction till the patient had came to decision. The patients were asked about the satisfaction of the method used for them. In group B, patients were only instructed using the conventional method, whereas they were only exposed to soft ware in group C. The data were analyzed with Paired-T-test (in group A) and T-test and Mann-Whitney test (in groups B and C).
Result: There was a significant difference between multimedia system and conventional method in group A and also between groups B and C (P<0.001). In group A and between groups B and C, patient's satisfaction about multimedia system was better. However, in comparison between groups B and C, multimedia system did not have a significant effect in treatment selection score (P=0.08).
Conclusion: Using multimedia system is recommended due to its high ability in giving answers to a large number of patient's questions as well as in terms of marketing.

H. Dorriz, F. Farid, D. Seidi,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (1-2011)

Background and Aims: Association between patient satisfaction and success of the treatment determines the quality of health care. Measuring the level of satisfaction is an important factor for improving the quality of services provided by a system, so it is necessary to determine the expectations of patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the patient satisfaction from services provided by the dental faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive and cross-sectional study, 385 patients were randomly selected from different departments of dental faculty including prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, operative dentistry, radiology and oral medicine. A two-part questionnaire including demographic characteristics of patients and satisfaction from reception process, infection control, student and personnel behavior, and the outcome of treatment was filled out by patients. Data were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The most dissatisfying factor was the time wasted in paying the cost and the most satisfying factor was student behavior. General satisfaction form the process was evaluated (complete satisfaction 51.9%, partial satisfaction 38.4% and dissatisfaction 9.6%), and 62.9% of patients were completely agree with introducing dental faculty to others.
Conclusion: The most satisfying item was student behavior which indicates that this factor is of great importance in increasing the quality of treatment. The deficiencies determined by patient can provide reliable data for determination and regulation of health care policies.

Afsaneh Pakdaman, Ahmad Khormali, Ahmad Reza Shamshiri,
Volume 26, Issue 4 (1-2014)

  Background and Aims: One of the important aspects for evaluating an organization is assessing the level of satisfaction of the clients. This study was conducted to compare the level of satisfaction between traditional and new methods of delivering dental care in the clinic of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

  Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 308 patients received dental care at the dental clinics of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in spring 2010. Data were collected from Comprehensive Care Unit (CCU) in addition to 7 isolated clinics including restorative, periodontics, endodontics, radiology, and prosthodontics (fix and removable) using translated version of the Dental Satisfaction Questionnaire (DSQ), consisted of 19 questions in three main domains in addition to demographic questions. Descriptive statistics was used as percentage of answers. In order to compare the mean score between domains ANOVA test was used.

  Results: The standardized mean scores in each domain were: pain control 58±17, access 59±12, quality 68±11 and total Dental Satisfaction Index (DSI) score of 62±10. 92.5% of the respondents reported that students were very careful when examining their patients. 96.8% reported that they treat their patients with respect . The most common reasons for dissatisfaction apart from waiting time and getting appointments were not providing preventive care and pain control.

  Conclusion: The results of this study shows acceptable level of satisfaction with dental care in teaching clinics of this dental school, however efforts on implementing preventive care and pain control strategies are suggested.

Sahebi Majid , Hajizadeh Moslem ,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (1-2015)

  Background and Aims: Temporomandibular joint disorders are common problems among patients referring to dental schools and clinics. However appropriate treatment modalities are performed for the TMD patients in dental school, the results and success rate of these treatments are not studied distinctly. The aims of this study was to determine the treatment performed for temporomandibular patients at the TMJ department of Tehran University dental school in 2010-11 .

  Materials and Methods: In a descriptive cross-sectional trial, 85 TMD patients treated at the TMJ department of Tehran University dental school were examined at least 3 months after the treatments. The patients demographic data ,TMD signs and symptoms and the improvements occurred in TMD disorder were determined (complete, partial and no improvement). The patients satisfaction regarding the treatment results were investigated and data were analyzed regarding the presence of different TMD signs and symptoms before and after the treatment using Mann-Whitney U test .

  Results: TMJ pain (35 cases, 42.2%), click (33 cases, 39.8%) and muscle tenderness (26 cases, 31.3%) were the most prevalent obtained signs and symptoms. The mean age of the patients were 32.3 years old while females were the predominant group (72 cases vs.11 one). 44 individuals (53.0%) were treated by splint, 11 ones (13.3%) with anterior repositioning splint and 17 individuals (92.5%) were managed by physiotherapy plus splint. 65 patients (87.3%) were satisfied with the results and 16 ones (19.3%) were not. After the treatment, patients with TMJ pain (P<0.001) and muscle tenderness (P<0.001) showed significantly lower satisfaction than that of patients with no signs. No other significant differences were noted between patients satisfaction regarding the presence of TMD signs and symptoms (P>0.05) .

  Conclusion: The results showed that the treatments presented for the TMD patients at Tehran University dental school were successful and most patients received satisfactory treatment.

Pouyan Amini Shakib, Taraneh Movahhed, Hooman Keshavarz,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (10-2015)

Background and Aims: Choosing an appropriate style of teaching-learning by educators is a way to reach high quality education. The objective of this study conducted in Babol Dental School was to compare dental students, satisfaction of teaching theoretical general pathology course by means of a combination of lecture and work in small groups with their satisfaction of teaching the course by means of only lecture.

Materials and Methods: This study was performed in the second semester of school year 2011-12 and 2012-13. In 2012 (intervention group, response rate=92%), the teaching of theoretical general pathology course was implemented by means of a combination of lecture and work in small groups, but in 2013 (control group, response rate=81%) by means of only lecture. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to assess students, satisfaction of the teaching methods. To compare the mean total score of satisfaction (ranging from 18 through 90) between the two groups, T-test was used.

Results: Comparing the mean total scores between the two groups revealed that students, satisfaction of the combined teaching method was significantly higher (P<0.001). The difference of satisfaction between genders (separately for each group) was not significant in combination group and lecture group (P=0.63 and P=0.87,   respectively).

Conclusion: Regarding learning, combining lecture with other teaching methods such as work in small groups may increase health sciences students' satisfaction. In regard to teaching theoretical general pathology course, our findings could confirm this hypothesis.

Arash Mansourian, Shiva Shirazian, Mohammad Jalili, Mehdi Vatanpour, Leila Pour Momen Arabi,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (10-2016)

Background and Aims: The objective of this study was the development of a checklist for assessment of students’ clinical skills in the clinical oral medicine. The second aim was the assessment of stake holders’ satisfaction of this checklist in comparison to the routine global rating method.

Materials and Methods: The checklist was developed in an expert panel sessions and the validity and reliability of checklist were assessed by CVI and test-retest method, respectively. All students (n=66) were assessed in 2 groups, one with developed checklist and another with global rating. At the end of the session, the satisfaction’s level of staff and students were analysized using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney test and the mean scores of students were analysized using Paired T test.

Results: Content validity index (CV I) of checklist was 0.88. Reliability of checklist confirmed with high correlation coefficient (0.9). Staffs’ satisfaction had no significant difference between the two methods
(Wilcoxon P=0.06). The mean score of students who assessed by checklist was higher than global rating with no significant differences (P=0.06).

Conclusion: Regarding the higher students’ satisfaction from checklist and more attention to component of assessment and more objectivity of this method and also higher score in checklist, it seems that the use of a checklist is more proper method for assessing the students’ clinical skills.

Shiva Shirazian, Sakineh Nikzad Jamnani, Maryam Memarian, Homa Shaghi,
Volume 33, Issue 1 (7-2020)

Background and Aims: Due to the very high importance of assessing the clinical performance of students, choosing the best assessment tool and method is one of the most important goals and tasks in medical education. The objective of this study was the development of a checklist for the assessment of dental students’ clinical skills of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in the clinical complete denture course. The second aim was to determine the validity and reliability of the checklist, and The third aim was the evaluation of raters’ and students’ satisfaction.
Materials and Methods: The checklist was developed in expert panel sessions, and the validity and reliability of the checklist were assessed with CVI (content validity index) test-retest and inter-rater reliability methods, respectively. Students (n=15) were evaluated with a developed checklist. At the end of the session, the satisfaction level of staff and students were assessed. The obtained information was reported descriptively with the expression of mean and standard deviation and in the form of relative and absolute frequencies.
Results: The content validity index (CVI) of the checklist was 0.96. The reliability of the checklist confirmed with a high Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (>0.8) (between 0.82-0.97) (P<0.05). The coefficient of agreement in inter-rater reliability was 0.99 (between 0.991-0.998). Raters’ and students’ satisfaction earned a high percentage of satisfaction.
Conclusion: The designed checklist has the optimal features of a good students’ clinical performance assessment tool; it seems that using this checklist can be an excellent alternative method to a global rating scale to assess the clinical skills of dental students in the complete denture courses.

Ashkan Samkhanian, Asie Eftekhari,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: The stress, job satisfaction and depression can affect the performance of dental professionals in various fields. The aim of present study was to examin the level of stress, depression and job satisfaction among different specialized fields of dentistry in Zanjan provinc, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the depression, anxiety and stress scale questionnaire (DASS-21) and the Herzberg questionnaire were used to assess job satisfaction. The questionnaires were completed on the web, and the relevant link was sent to all specialists in different fields of dentistry in Zanjan province. Finally, 33 people participated in the study. Data were analyzed after appropriate code allocation using independent T-test and U-Mann Whitney tests and SPSS16.
Results: The results showed the mean of stress (24.4), depression (17.48) and anxiety (13.28) among specialists. The mean of stress and anxiety among female dentists was higher than male specialists, but there was no significant difference between these two variables between the two sexes (P>0.05). In terms of job satisfaction, 21.2% were dissatisfied with their job. By gender, 26.6% of female specialists and 16.7% of male specialists were dissatisfied with their jobs.
Conclusion: Despite the general perception that work conditions are suitable for dental specialists, these people suffer from the stresses, anxiety and depression and may not be satisfied with their job. As these conditions can affect the performance of these people in the workplace, it would be necessary to take measures, to identify, and to increase mental health and job satisfaction.

Maede Ghasemi, Reza Sharifi, Bahareh Tahani,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: Dental aesthetics has become an important issue in contemporary society. This study was designed to evaluate the patients’ satisfaction with their dental appearance and tendency to improve dental aesthetics.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, a questionnaire with 17 questions was used to collect data from 200 patients referred to the dental school of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences from April-July 2019. A valid and reliable self-administrative questionnaire consisted of questions about the appearance of anterior teeth, receiving cosmetic treatments, and favorite aesthetic dental treatments was designed and used. Data were fed into SPSS22 and analyzed by Mann-Whitney, Kruskal Wallis and Spearman correlation tests (α=0.05).
Results: Among the participants, 27.5% (n=45) were dissatisfied with the appearance of their anterior teeth and the major reason for this dissatisfaction was related to the tooth color (35.8%, n=71). It was also observed that approximately 84% (n=168) of the patients had a history of smile concealment because of their teeth appearance. Among cosmetic dentistry treatments, aesthetic restorations were more commonly used than other treatments (20.5%, n=41). However, the most desired cosmetic treatments were teeth whitening (78.4%, n=156). There was no significant relationship between the satisfaction with the appearance of teeth and interest in the orthodontic treatment with age and education level (P=0.6).
Conclusion: Teeth color was the most important factor determining the degree of satisfaction with the appearance of teeth. Most of subjects desired to receive an aesthetic dental treatment and teeth whitening was the most popular aesthetic dental treatment.

Sara Valizadeh, Samaneh I Rezaei Dehnamak, Hamid Reza Khodayar, Ahmad Reza Shamshiri, Zohreh Moradi,
Volume 34, Issue 0 (5-2021)

Background and Aims: Due to the review of general dental courses, it was necessary to assess the students' satisfaction with this curriculum. The aim of this study was the assessment level of students’satisfaction with the new educational curriculum of the Ministry of Health at the department of restorative dentistry of Tehran university of medical sciences in 2019-2020.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional trial,72 sixth year dental students of Tehran University who passed the restorative dentistry courses based on the new curriculum were studied. A questionnaire was developed and for validity content assessment, it was presented to 5 professors and then revised. For reliability approval of the questionnaire, test-retest approach was used. The questionnaire was given to the 30 students of the main pilot group in one session and two-week later and agreement percentage and Kappa index were calculated.  After conducting the "test" process and re-testing, the "questions" were statistically analyzed using STATA software.
Results: The most level of satisfaction regarding to practicality of subjects was found for fundamental of restorative dentistry including principles of amalgam class I cavity preparations and restorations on the dentic (81.94% and 76.39% acceptable respectively) and the principles of amalgam classII cavity restorations on the dentic (72.22%). The least satisfaction levels were obsereved in the first and second theoretical restorative courses including tooth-colored restorations (47.22%), onlays and inlays (47.22%) and tooth-colored classII cavity preparations and restorations (48.61%). The amount (P-value or error of the first type) was reported in all questions>0.001.
Conclusion: Despite the limitation of this study, final-year dental students’ satisfaction of theoretical restorative dentistry courses was medium, while it was high for the fundamental and practical restorative courses of 2017 educational curriculum.

Sara Ghadimi, Bahman Seraj, , Mohammad Javad Kharazi Fard, Masoud Kiani, Marzieh Salehi Shahrabi,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: Selecting the appropriate education evaluation method and the effects of this choice according to different fields of medical sciences, is one of the current priorities of medical education. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design a checklist for evaluating the practical skills of dental students and to get compared with the global ranking method.
Materials and Methods: A checklist was developed for the assessment of clinical skills of the practical pediatric course according to an action research method. 32 students were evaluated by the checklist method and 32 students were evaluated by the conventional global rating method (sampling was based on available sample).  Faculty staff and students’ satisfaction regarding the two methods were reported by a 6-scaled measure and statistically analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. The students' scores by the two methods were subjected to paired t test for comparison.
Results: The students were more satisfied with the checklist method (P=0.003). The faculty staff considered a greater ability of the checklist method to differentiate between the students (P=0.03). However, in terms of ease of use and suitability, most faculty staff preferred the traditional method (P=0.02). In other cases, there were no significant differences in the views of students and faculty staff towards the two methods.
Conclusion: In the present study, both Checklist and global rating methods were valuable for evaluation, although due to the greater satisfaction of students and faculty staff with the developed checklist method, the possibility of identifying the weak points leading to decreased scores and better assessment of capabilities, this checklist can be used for evaluation instead.

Firoozeh Nilchian, Saghar Salehi,
Volume 36, Issue 0 (5-2023)

Background and Aims: With the advancement of technology, the use of old teaching methods has been replaced by new and more efficient methods such as podcasts, to save the time of students and professors and to provide the opportunity for these two groups to interact more with be given to each other in the classroom. This method has advantages such as lower cost, the possibility of content courses, downloading content, and learning courses remotely. This study aimed to investigate the other benefits of this method as well as the level of students' satisfaction.
Materials and Methods: In this study, which was a randomized, single-blind educational trial, the students at Dental School of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences were divided into two control and intervention groups (via a random number table), with 37 persons in each group. The classroom was held traditionally for both groups in 3 sessions and the podcast file was provided to the intervention group at the end of the session. Then, a test was taken from both groups at the second and third sessions. The students’ answers were evaluated and each score was determined out of 5. The scores of this test were compared in the intervention and control groups. Finally, a questionnaire was provided to students to evaluate their satisfaction. The test scores were analyzed by independent T-test.
Results: In this study, with 74 participants, the average age was 22.47±0.85, and 43% of the participants were male. The scores of the two tests taken out of five were 4.86±0.10 in the intervention group and 4.04±0.94 in the control group, and a significant statistical difference was observed in favor of the intervention group (P=0.02). The average satisfaction of students regarding this educational method was 29.4 out of 50. After taking into account the confounding effect of age, the investigated intervention did not affect the average score of the students' questionnaire (P=0.031).
Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, podcasts could be effective in students' learning and students had a positive attitude towards this method. The results of this study can be used as a feedback to the educational committees of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

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