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Showing 7 results for Shear Bond Strength

A. Kowsari , B. Seraj , N.   Pasdar ,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2002)

Due to the differences in the composite and morphology of dentin in primary and permanent teeth, it is necessary to make improvements in bonding techniques to promote the strength of composite resins bonded to the dentinal surface, in primary teeth. The use of lower radiation, to make structural and chemical changes in dentinal surfaces has been investigated. This research was conducted to evaluate the shear strength of the composite bonded to primary teeth dentin after Nd: YAG laser radiation and acid etching for conditioning. Peripheral dentin of the buccal and lingua! surfaces of 60 extracted posterior primary teeth were exposed and polished with 600 grit with Sic paper. The teeth were divided randomly in 3 groups of 20 teeth. In group 1 etching gel, primer and adhesive of scotch bond multipurpose system (SMP), in group 2 laser at 1.6 w and 80 mj/pulse, and in group 3 laser at 2 s and 700 mj/pulse were used. Moreover, in groups 2 and 3, after laser radiation, acid etching, primer and adhesive of SMP system were applied. After necessary laboratory tests, the mean shear bond strength in MPa were 20.99±5.3 (group 1), 23.82±6.31 (group 2) and 26.58±5.59 (group 3). ANOVA, scheffe, tukey statistical tests showed that the bond strengths of group 3 were statistically higher than group 1. The frequency of dentin cohesive failures were significantly higher in groups 2 and 3, compared to group 1 that indicates a higher bond strength in these groups. Scanning electron mirographs of laser radiated surfaces, show a porous and rough surface morphology that enhances the mechanical bond of the composite.
V. Mortazavi , Mh. Fathi , Aa Ajami ,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (5-2005)

Statement of Problem: Blood contamination is a common problem in dentistry that can decrease bond strength dramatically which may be affected by methods of decontamination as well.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the influence of blood contamination on shear bond strength of composite and compomer to dentin using Prompt L-Pop as an adhesive system. Also, to assess the effectiveness of different surface treatments on the bond strength.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 120 molar teeth were sectioned to provide flat occlusal dentinal surfaces. Specimens were embedded in acrylic resin with the flat surface exposed. The dentinal expose surfaces were polished to 600 grit. The teeth were randomly divided into five groups of twelve specimens (F1–F5) for compomer material and five other groups (Z1- Z5) for composite resin. After application of Promt L-Pop to dentinal surfaces of specimens, the surfaces in all groups, except for F1 and Z1, (as controls) were contaminated with human blood and then one of the following surface treatments was applied. Groups F2 and Z2 without any treatment, groups F3 and Z3 rinsing with water, groups F4 and Z4 rinsing with water and reapplication of adhesive, groups F5 and Z5 rinsing with NaOCl and using Prompt L-Pop again. Restorative materials were applied to treated surfaces using plastic molds. After thermocycling, shear bond strengths, mode of failures and morphology of dentin-material interfaces were evaluated. The data were statistically analyzed using Factorial analysis of Variance, One-Way ANOVA, Duncan, T-student and Chi-Square tests with P<0.05 as the limit of significance.

Results: Compomer showed statistically significant higher bond strength in comparison to composite (P<0.001). Duncan test showed significant differences between all compomer groups, except between groups F4 and F5, and between all composite groups except for groups Z1 and Z4 and for groups Z2 and Z3.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, shear bond strength of compomer material was significantly higher than composite. Blood contamination reduced bond strength, but rinsing contaminated dentin with water or NaOCl and reusing Prompt L-Pop increased bond strength in both materials.

H. Dorriz , B. Eilkhan ,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (6-2006)

Background and Aim: The improvement of the physical and chemical properties of resins as well as great advances achieved in the field of chemical bonding of resin to metal has changed the trend of restorative treatments. Today the second generation of laboratory resins have an important role in the restoration of teeth. The clinical bond strength should be reliable in order to gain successful results. In this study the shear bond strength (SBS) between targis (a ceromer) and two alloys (noble and base metal) was studied and the effect of thermocycling on the bond investigated.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, alloys samples were prepared according to the manufacturer. After sandblasting of bonding surfaces with 50µ AI2o3 Targis was bonded to the alloy using Targis I link. All of the samples were placed in 37°C water for a period of 24 hours. Then half of the samples were subjected to 1000 cycles of thermocycling at temperatures of 5°C and 55°C. Planear shear test was used to test the bond strength in the Instron machine with the speed rate of 0.5mm/min. Data were analyzed by SPSS software. Two-way analysis of variance was used to compare the bond strength among the groups. T test was used to compare the alloys. The influence of thermocycling and alloy type on bond strength was studied using Mann Whitney test. P<0.05 was considered as the limit of significance.

Result: The studied alloys did not differ significantly, when the samples were not thermocycled (P=0.136) but after thermocycling a significant difference was observed in SBS of resin to different alloys (P=000.1). Thermal stress and alloy type had significant interaction, with regard to shear bond strength (P=0.003). There was a significant difference in SBS before and after thermocycling in noble alloys (P=0.009), but this was not true in base metals (P=0.29). Maximum SBS (19.09 Mpa) belonged to Degubond 4, before thermocycling. Minimum SBS (8.21 Mpa) was seen in Degubond 4 after thermocycling.

Conclusion: The effect of thermocycling in reducing bond strength of resin to metal depends on the type of alloy. The noble metal studied is significantly affected by thermal tensions.

F. Shirani, M. Malekipour, H. Shahabi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (1-2009)

Background and Aim: As composite-dentin bond strength is affected by cavity preparation and the bond strength of composite resin to new and used bur prepared dentin has not yet been evaluated, this study evaluated the effects of cutting dentin with different cutting efficacy (new and used) of burs on composite-dentin shear bond strength using self-etching primer bonding system and total etching bonding system.

Materials and Methods: Sixty caries free human 3rd molar were sectioned in occlosal surface to expose dentin, then polished with silicon carbide paper and randomly divided into four groups. Each group was prepared in a depth of 0.5mm of dentin, using new diamond bur, or used diamond bur. To change into a used bur, each new rough diamond bur had to work on bovine enamel for 30 minutes, under a load of 150g. Then, each group was bonded, using a total etch adhesive (single Bond) or a self etch adhesive (clearfil SE Bond) So there were 4 groups : 1-SE Bond, New bur 2-SE Bond , used bur 3-Single Bond , New bur 4-Single Bond, used bur. Similar composite capsules(Filtek Z250) were bonded to dentin surface and cured. specimens were stored in physiologic saline for 48h at 370 c , then put under shearing load to define composite - dentin shear bond strength. Results were interpreted via statistical analysis (T-test & two - way variance).

Results: Shear bond strength of each group was as follows: 1-(27.3Mpa), 2-(33.5Mpa), 3-(16.9Mpa) 4-(19.3Mpa). Statistical analysis proved that shear bond strength of used diamond bur prepared groups (2,4) was more than new diamond bur prepared ones (1,3). This statistical difference, specially, was seen between SE Bond groups (1,2) but not between single Bond groups (3,4). Also, shear bond strength of (SE Bond) bonded groups (1,2) were more significantly than (single Bond) bonded ones (3,4).

Conclusion: This study show that Bur cutting efficiency influences composite - dentin shear bond strength especially when the adhesive is SE Bond (used bur> new bur) Also type of adhesive affects on composite - dentin shear bond strength. (SE Bond > Single Bond).

Farimah Sardari, Marjaneh Ghavam Nasiri, Nasrin Amini, Berahman Sabzevari,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (7-2012)

Background and Aims: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the shear bond strength of amalgam to dentin using four dentin adhesive systems.
Materials and Methods: One hundred human molars were selected. After enamel removal, a dentin cylinder with 3 mm thickness was prepared. Eighty specimens were resorted with amalgam and four dentin adhesive systems as follows (n=20): group 1, Scotch Bond Multi-Purpose group 2, One Coat Bond group 3, PQ1 and group 4, Panavia-F. In group 5, 20 specimens were resorted with amalgam and varnish as control group. The specimens were incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The shear bond strengths were then measured by using push out method. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and post hoc Duncan's tests.
Results: Mean values for bond strengths of test groups were as follows: group 1=21.03±8.9, group 2=23.47±9, group 3=13.16±8.8, group 4=20.07±8.9 and group 5=14.15±8.7 MPa±SD. One-way ANOVA showed the statistically significant difference between the bond strengths of five groups (P=0.001). Post hoc Duncan's test showed significant difference between groups 1and 3 (P=0.008), groups 1 and 5 (P=0.019), groups 2 and 5 (P=0.0008), groups 4 and 5 (P=0.042), and groups 3 and 4 (P=0.018).
Conclusion: Results of this study showed that the bond strength of amalgam to dentin using One Coat Bond as dentin adhesive system was higher than that observed in other dentin adhesive systems.

Niloofar Shadman, Shahram Farzin Ebrahimi, Arezo Abrishami, Hasty Sattari,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (7-2012)

Background and Aims: The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the shear bond strength of three new adhesive systems to enamel and dentin of permanent human teeth using three new etch and rinse and self-etch adhesive systems.
Materials and Methods: Sixty intact caries-free third molars were selected and randomly divided into 6 groups. Flat buccal and lingual enamel and dentin surfaces were prepared and mounted in the acrylic resin perpendicular to the plan of the horizon. Adhesives used in this study were Tetric N-Bond, AdheSE and AdheSE-One F (Ivoclar/Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). The adhesives were applied on the surfaces and cured with quartz tungsten halogen curing unit (600 mW/cm2 intensity) for 20 s. After attaching composite to the surfaces and thermocycling (500 cycles, 5-55ºC), shear bond strength was measured using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The failure modes were examined under a stereomicroscope. The data were statistically analyzed using T-test, one-way ANOVA, Tukey and Fisher's exact tests.
Results: In enamel, Tetric N-Bond (28.57±4.58 MPa) and AdheSE (21.97±7.6 MPa) had significantly higher bond strength than AdheSE-One F (7.16±2.09 MPa) (P<0.0001). Tetric N-Bond had higher bond strength than AdheSE but there was not any significant difference between them (P=0.093). In dentin, there were significantly differences among all adhesives (P<0.001). Tetric N-Bond (20.62±3.03 MPa) showed the highest and AdheSE-One F (6.54±1.13 MPa) had the lowest value. The bond strength in enamel was higher than that observed in dentin and the difference was significant in Tetric N-Bond (P=0.044) and AdheSE (P=0.000) groups. There were no significant differences in the mode of failures among groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Shear bond strength to dentin in Tetric N-Bond (etch and rinse system( was higher than self-etch adhesives (AdheSE and AdheSE-One F). The bond strength to enamel and dentin in two-step self-etch (AdheSE) was higher than one-step self-etch (AdheSE-One F).

Abdolrahim Davari, Farnaz Farahat, Mahnaz Mehranfar,
Volume 35, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Background and Aims: Recently, the addition of nanoparticles into the restorative materials and tooth preparation by laser for improving the bond strength have been concidered by researchers. The aim of this study was to investigate the shear bond strength of the bioactive glass ionomer containing titanium particles and a conventional glass ionomer with two surface treatments by Er-YAG laser and conventional methods.
Materials and Methods: In this in-vitro study, 64 sound extracted premolars were collected. For conventional method, the specimens were prepared in such a way that dentin surfaces with a depth of 0.5 millimeter created at distance of 2 mm from the joint of CEJ at the root or crown.  In the laser group, after preparing the teeth, the surface area was prepared by Er-YAG laser. Then, in the middle part of the buccal surface, a cylindrical mold with dimensions of 3.5 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height was placed and for each group was filled with its own glass ionomers. The  specimens  were divided into 8 groups by simple random sampling (n=8): A (laser, conventional glass ionomer, coronal dentin)/ B (laser, glass ionomer containing titanium nanoparticle, coronal dentin)/C (conventional, conventional glass ionomer, coronal dentin)/ D (conventional, glass ionomer containing titanium nanoparticle, coronal dentin)/ E (laser, conventional glass ionomer, root dentin)/ F (laser, glass ionomer containing titanium nanoparticle, root dentin)/ G (conventional, conventional glass ionomer, root dentin)/ H (conventional, glass ionomer containing titanium nanoparticle, coronal dentin). Finally, the shear bong strength by a universal testing machine was measured at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. For data analysis, Two-way ANOVA test was used to evaluate the effect of each variable and their interaction on the shear bond strength and Tukey test was used to compare the two groups.
Results: There was significant difference only between groups B with C (P=0.002), E (P=0.007), G (P=0.001) and H (P=0.01). The highest bond strength was found for group B (laser, glass ionomer containing titanium nanoparticle, coronal dentin) and the lowest bond strength for group G (conventional, conventional glass ionomer, root dentin).
Conclusion: All three factors of Er-YAG laser, glass ionomer containing titanium nanoparticle and coronal dentin had a positive effect on the improvement of the bond strength.

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