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Showing 1 results for Silicone Rubber

O. Savabi , R. Mazaheri , S. Shadzi , F. Nejatidanesh ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (1-2004)

Statement of Problem:The surface topography of denture base material is an important factor for the adhesion of Candida albicans and other microorganisms.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the adherence of Candida albicans to four types of denture base materials (Acropars acrylic resin, Meliodent acrylic resin, rough and smooth surfaces of Molloplast B).
Materials and Methods: Seven blocks of two types of acrylic resins and ten blocks of silicone with one rough and one smooth surface were made and incubated in a suspension of Candida albicans. After washing,the blocks were stained with acridine orange and examined under fluorescent microscope. For statistical analysis ANOVA and Duncan tests were used.

Results: It was observed that Candida adhesion to rough surfaces of acrylic resins and silicone was significantly more than polished surfaces of acrylic resins and smooth silicone (PO.0001). However, no
statistical significant difference was found between polished acrylic resins surfaces and smooth silicone.
Conclusion: Significant differences in the adherence of Candida to the surfaces of different denture base
materials are due to differences in surface topography, chemical, physical and hydrophobic properties so it is
recommended to minimize the roughness and irregularities of denture base.

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