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Showing 2 results for Third Molar Surgery

M.e. Daneshvar ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (1-2004)

Statement of Problem: Pain control is of high importance in dentistry. Prescribing sedatives such a Diazepam, as an anti-depressant and pain threshold elevator drug is able to influence the patient's reaction to pain and reduce it.
Purpose: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of Diazepam in pain reduction following mandibular impacted third molar surgery.
Materials and Methods: In this study, which was conducted in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical sciences. The patients were divided into two equal groups (n=30). For controls, antibiotics and analgesics were prescribed after surgery. However, except the aforementioned drugs, Diazepam (5mg), three times per day, was prescribed for the experimental group. The amount of mouth opening was also measured as an auxiliary sign after one week. The data were compared by
X2 test after one week.
Results: 60% of the experimental group and 13.8% of the control group felt a weak pain. Statistically significant differences were observed regarding pain feeling between two groups (P<0.001). Severe pain feeling was 34.5% and 10%, for control and experimental groups, respectively.

Conclusion: It is suggested that Diazepam is an effective pain reduction drug following third molar surgery.This drug has also a relative effect on temporary trismus resulting probably from muscle trauma or pain.

Shahin Shams, Alireza Sharifinejad, Ali Saleh, Pedram Mahmoodi, Abolfazl Mohammadbeigi, Mohammad Mehdizadeh,
Volume 36, Issue 0 (5-2023)

Background and Aims: Management of pain and inflammation after third molar surgery is an important challenge of this treatment. Various medications have been proposed for pain control after surgery. Comparing the effectiveness of various drugs used in this field can improve dentists' clinical decisions. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of Ketorolac and Gelofen on pain relief in patients undergoing third molar surgery.
Materials and Methods: This randomized single-blinded clinical trial was performed on 140 patients who were divided into two groups of 70 after receiving the ethical code. The first group was prescribed 400 mg Gelofen capsule for 1 week, while the second group was prescribed 30 mg ketorolac ampule for 1 week. Then, using the visual analog scale (VAS), the patient’s pain was recorded 48 hours, 1 week, and 2 weeks after surgery. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS20 software by descriptive analysis of the results. Ki-square, T-test, and variance analysis were also used for analysis of variables.
Results: The pain level in the ketorolac group after 48 hours, 1 week, and 2 weeks following surgery was significantly less than Gelofen group (P<0.01). Ketorolac effect on pain was irrelevant to the gender, age, and type of tooth variables.
Conclusion: From the results, it was concluded that Ketorolac had greater effect on pain relief after third molar surgery than Gelofen.

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