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Showing 4 results for Working Length

Ar. Talaeipour , M. Shaikholeslami, N. Ramazankhani ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2001)

One of the major factors in a successful root canal therapy is the determination of root length before canal preparation. Radiography has been proved to be useful in this case, but nowadays for reducing radiation, radiovisiography has been recommended. The aim of this study was comparing conventional radiography (CR) with radiovisiography (RVG) in determination of canal length. 101 anterior and posterior extracted human teeth were selected. After mounting in unolit block, K- file (Num. 15) was placed in canal with tactile sense. Working length was measured by C.R and RVG. The results were analyzed by complete, randomized block design. RVG and CR showed shorter length than actual length. But, the measured lengths did not show significant statistical differences. As a result, considering the advantages of RVG, it is recommended in determining canal length.

M. Zarabian , M.h. Nekoofar , Bs. Marashi ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (1-2004)

 Statement of Problem:Various methods have already been suggested to measure the working length in root canal therapy among which the use of paper point, tactile sense, radiography and electronic apex finder instruments can be named. Investigations on EAL (Electronic Apex Locator) indicate that these instruments can reduce the number of required radiography to a great extent. Moreover, in special cases such as patients with high risk reflex, pregnant women, the mental disabled and handicapped and also in cases with special anatomical structures these instruments are proper substitutes for radiography.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of an Iranian made apex finder instrument with Neosono Ultima EZ and radiography.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 51 mandibular molars, devoid of calcification, internal and external resorption, severe root curve or fracture, which were extracted due to periodontal disease or severe caries. All the specimens were washed in 2.5% hypochlorite sodium and washing with water, kept in 10% formalin solution, under room temperature.
Results: The accuracy of the Iranian instrument was measured (81.8%) similar to that of radiography (81.2%). But the accuracy of Neosono Wtima EZ was (92.9%) which was higher than the two other methods.

Conclusion: No statistically significant difference was found between Neosono Ultima EZ instrument and two other groups, using SPSS 10 statistical soft ware.

M. Shahrabi , B. Seraj , Mh. Nekoofar , Sh. Moshrefian , Mj. Kharazi Fard ,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2004)

Statement of Problem: Radiography is the most common technique in working length determination, however, because of its limitations is not considered as an ideal technique. Its application, particularly for children due to radiation hazards, technical problems in young and unco-operative children and the superimposition of permanent teeth bud on primary teeth root, lead to numerous problems.
Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of an electronic apex locator (EAL) in working length determination of primary teeth.
Materials and Methods: In this in-vitro study 96 canals of the extracted primary teeth, with at least 2/3 of the root length remained, were investigated. There were no obstructed canal, previous root canal therapy and perforation of pulp chamber floor. All working lengths were also measured by radiography. The results of Raypex 4 and radiography were compared with actual root canal lengths determined by direct observation. The applied EAL, in this study was called Raypex 4, a new device belonged to the fourth generation (Ratio Type). The results were analyzed by Chi-Square and Pearson correlation statistical tests.
Results: The accuracy of Raypex and radiography were 61.5% and 63.5%, respectively. The differences between Reypex 4 root canal length measurements and those of direct observation were not significant (P=0.08), but such difference between radiography and direct observation was statistically significant (P=0.01). The diameter of the apical foramen (the site of canal opening) did not affect on Raypex 4 accuray (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Considering the acceptable safetyness, Painlessness, simple and rapid application and an accuracy comparable to that of radiography, the use of Raypex4 EAL for the measurement of primary teeth length is suggested.
F. Ezoddini Ardakani , D. Goodarzi Pour , M. Soltani Mohammadabady , ,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2005)

Background and Aim: Proper shaping and cleaning of the root canal system is one of the most important aspects of endodontic treatment. To estimate the canal length before instrumentation in endodontic treatment, traditionally, conventional radiographic techniques and recently Direct Digital Radiography (DDR) are applied. The application of computer technology to radiography has allowed less exposure time, image acquisition, manipulation, storage, retrieval, and transmission to remote sites in a digital format, elimination of wet processing and considerable reduction in the time lapse between image acquisition and display. The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of DDR versus conventional radiography in estimating endodontic file lengths of curved canals in first mandibular molars.

Materials and Methods: In this test evaluation study, fourty extracted human first mandibular molars with root curvature were selected.Samples were divided into two groups: With root curvature less than 25 and more than 25. Samples were mounted in plaster blocks and canal lengths were estimated by using DDR and conventional radiographs. Regression analysis and correlation coefficient were used to calculate statistical differences between the groups with P<0.05 as the limit of significance.

Results: Conventional radiography was more precise in canals with less than 25 degrees curvature (P=0.160). While, DDR was more precise for canals with curvature more than 25 degrees (P=0.605). However, these differences were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: The image quality of DDR system has improved to the point that it can now be used for estimating canal lengths, even for curved canals, with accuracy comparable to that of conventional radiography.

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