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J.s Tabrizi , K Gholipour , R Alipour , M Farahbakhsh , M Asghari-Jafarabadi, M Haghaei ,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Objective: This study was aimed to assess Service Quality (SQ) of maternity care from the perception of pregnant women. Methods and materials: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a sample of 185 pregnant women at the 9th month of pregnancy were selected randomly from 40 health posts and urban health centers in Tabriz, Iran. Service Quality was calculated using: SQ = 10 – (Importance × Performance) based on importance and performance of non-health aspects from the customer’ perspective. Data collection used a researcher-developed questionnaire whose validity and reliability was reviewed and confirmed. Data analyzed using SPSS-17 software. Independent sample T-test and ANOVA were used to investigate relationship between service quality dimensions and categorical variables. Results: From the customers’ perspective the average service quality score was 7.59 of 10. Service quality aspects of “confidentiality” achieved scores at the level of good quality (≥9) and “support group” (3.48) reached low service quality scores. Also, result indicate housewife assess SQ better than worker (p=0.047) and mother who's have planned pregnancy has had greater SQ score (p=0.022). Although, in the linear regression analysis, job status and planned pregnancy were significantly and independently related to SQ score. Conclusion: Findings revealed a significant room for quality improvement in most aspects of provided care, particularly support group and safety from the perception of people who received maternity care.
Dr. Khodakaram Salimifard, Leyla Keshtkar, Mohammadsadegh Moradi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Background: Emergency department performance can be evaluated in quantitative and qualitative criteria. Some quantitative criteria are considered such as length of stay, patient waiting time, the percentage of patients that treat in a specific time and etc. In this paper the performance of emergency department was evaluated in terms of these criteria. Then four scenarios by using simulations was proposed. Materials & Methods: patient flow was modeled by discrete event simulation (DES) and the simulation was done by Arena software. Data was gathered randomly and patient waiting time, length of stay and the percentage of patients by noticing 6-hour boarding limit for EDs were performance criteria. Result: The result show 70% of patients were hospitalized in ED over 6 hours and it is an important bottleneck. The fourth scenario is that best of the scenarios, that improve in waiting times for hospital admission (85%), total waiting time before hospitalization (63%) and the percentage of the beds utilization (15%). Conclusion: the findings of this paper show that the fourth scenario has greatest improve in the process. In this scenario, to reduce waiting times for patients admitted to the emergency department as well as to reduce the high percentage of occupied beds, 3 beds and 1 nurse were added.
Mohammad Khammarnia, Dr Ramin Ravangard, Mohadeseh Ghanbari Jahromi, Asra Moradi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Background: Nowadays, Medical error as a major challenge has been attention of health authorities and community. The main purpose of this study was survey of medical errors in Shiraz public hospitals. Materials & Methods: This study was a survey which conducted as analytical in 2013. Study population was Shiraz public hospitals which 10 hospitals were examined. Standard checklist was used for collecting data of medical error documentations. Data entered in SPSS software version 21 and used of descriptive, spearman and chi-square test for data analysis. Results: the number of medical errors in hospitals during the one year was 4379 recorded and the most of error was related to larger hospitals. Nurses committed wrong more than other groups and systemic error had the highest frequency. There was a significant relationship between trespassing, time and type of error, (P=0.000). Moreover, there was a significant relationship between type of error with wards and hospitals). P=0.000, P=0.011 respectively) Conclusion: The number of errors occurring in hospitals is symptoms of poor performance, therefore to prevent and reduce the medical errors and costs, managers should pay more attention to hospital performance and treatment guidelines are revised. Moreover, the hospital staff, especially nurses should pay more attention to their activities.
Reza Ahmadi Kahnali,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: The main mission of hospital is to promote care quality for patients and to meet their needs and expectations. The present study aims at identifying and prioritizing the patients’ expectations of the hospital services quality, which is considered to be the first step toward accomplishing such an important mission. Material & Methods: The present study is descriptive and applied. The data was collected through pairwise comparisons questionnaire that was distributed among 150 patients in a public hospital in Bandar Abbas, 104 patients filled out the questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by the use of AHP. Results: The results show that among the different dimensions of hospital service quality investigated in the present study, the patients listed 5 main dimensions in order of priority: accessibility (0.251), medical services(0.232), environment(0.202), administration(0.160), and relation(0.155). Among different criteria, access to medicine and blood(0.054) was the first priority and attention to the patient(0.010) was the low priority. Conclusion: Due to the key role of the patients in defining and assessment of service quality, the present study presents a framework for evaluation of hospital service quality according which the priorities of patients were determined. The managers are advised to prioritize the quality improvement practices based on the patients’ priorities in order to satisfy the patients and make the processes customer-oriented.
Dr. Hamid Ravaghi, Dr. Zhaleh Abdi, Dr. Ali Heyrani,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Abstract Background: Hand hygiene is the simplest and most effective preventive measures to reduce cross infection in hospitals. However, compliance with recommended instructions is commonly poor among healthcare workers. The present study aimed to explore potential behavioral determinants of hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers in intensive care units. Methods and Materials: A qualitative study was conducted, consisting of 42 semi-structures interviews with physicians (attending physicians, non-attending physicians, residents), nurses, nursing students and medical students, who worked in the intensive care units. Results: Participants mentioned self protection as the main reason for the performance of hand hygiene. According to the participants, hand hygiene was often performed after direct contacts and tasks that were perceived to be dirty. Participants were most concerned about knowledge gaps in hand hygiene practice. Most participants believed that having a good theoretical knowledge of hand hygiene guideline may strengthen healthcare workers' attitudes toward hand hygiene. Junior practitioners believed that the superiors' hand hygiene practice could influence their performance both negatively and positively. Participant also believed that the lack of formal and informal control may hinder compliance among healthcare workers. High workload, interruptions, and limited access to hand hygiene products were mentioned as primary barriers to hand hygiene. Conclusion: The findings revealed that a number of factors can influence had hygiene practice. Recommendations of the current study are of value to future researches aiming to improve compliance with hand hygiene behavior among healthcare workers.
Jafar Sadegh Tabrizi, Saeide Alidoost, Amir Bahrami, Mohamad Asghari Jafarabadi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: Given the importance of quality in health care and meeting the needs of patients, it seems important to measure the quality of services and identify the weaknesses from the patients' perspective. The purpose of this study is to assess the service quality (SQ) of care as perceived by people with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 180 people with Type 2 diabetes in diabetes clinic using convenience sampling method in Tabriz, Iran in 2012. Service quality was calculated using: SQ=10 – (Importance ×Performance) based on importance and performance of non-health aspects from the patients' perspective. Validity and reliability of questionnaire was reviewed and confirmed. Independent sample T-test and ANOVA were used to investigate relationship between service quality and categorical variables. Data analyzed bySPSS13 software. Results: The average service quality score was 8.17 of 10. From the participants' perspective, of 12 aspects of service quality, communication and prevention had the highest score for importance. Dignity had the highest score for performance. However, the highest service quality values were for continuity of care, dignity and confidentiality. Conclusion: overall service quality achieved inadequate quality and there is an opportunity to improve quality of care.
Zhila Najafpour, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Abolghasem Pourreaza,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: There is now a global concern about significant numbers of patients who are harmed or faced financial problems.Therefor, interving in organized approach to provide safe services seems necessary. This study is aimed to assess the basic indicators of patient safety in hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Science. Materials and Methods: This descriptive–analytical study was conducted in the 5 selected hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The data were collected using patient safety assessment protocol published by WHO(WORLD HEALTH ORGNAZIATION) tool.The questionnaires were filled using variety of different ways such as : interview, observation and documents investigation. The data were analyzed using SPSS software and also with descriptive and analytical tests. Results: The results showed total average of maintaining the standards was 51.1% which categorized as weak level based on the protocol . The highest and lowest rates of the domains studied were safe environment (68.8%) and continuing education (24.8%) respectively. Farabi and Rasul Akram hospitals had the best and the worst levels of maintaining indicators of patient safety standards .It is worth mentioning that the status of all the hospitals was in the same level. Statistical tests indicate that maintaining the standards does not differ significantly between participating hospitals. Conclusion: All participating hospitals has a poor performance through developing basic patient safety indicators .Managers` support and staff participation can be helpful to solve the mentioned issues. Paying attention to patient safety in managerial plans and putting equal value to various aspects of patient safety are pivotal
Dr Mohammad Arab, Farhad Habibi Nodeh, Dr Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Dr Ali Akbari Sari,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: Hospital waste need a very sensitive and cautious attention due to holding hazardous, toxic, and pathogenic factors such as infectious, pharmaceutical, pathological, chemical and radioactive left-overs. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the observance of safety measures by workers responsible for collecting hospital wastes in the public hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of medical sciences. Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional and descriptive-analytic study was conducted in 1391. Data were collected through using a questionnaire. According to the frequency distribution, total score for participants was divided into three weak (<26), average (26-30), and high (>30) categories. Data were analyzed by the SPSS 18 software using T-Test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. Findings: Based on the results, 33.3% of hospitals received suitable, 55.5% received average and the remaining (11.2%) received a weak score regarding safety measures. Moreover, there was a statistically significant correlation between cleaning staff’s characteristics (education, age, work experiences and their training) with their safety status score. Conclusion: Implementing current national principles and standards and conquering shortages, proper planning, using young workers alongside with experienced ones, more training courses and respecting and paying enough attention to cleaning staff would help to improve the safety of collecting hospital wastes.
Seyede Mahboubeh Hosseini Zare, Elham Movahed, Abolghasem Pourreza, Abbas Rahimi Foroshani,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background : Raising number of elderly people in Iran causes new concerns .One of the important issues is Social support. Social support can be critical for older adults because of their common disabilities and unavoidable dependency to maintain and improve of their health status Materials and Methods: Questionnaires which had been used for measurement of health status and elderly social support has been collected and combined through searching resources in library and web. 5 district ions of Tehran were selected randomly in order to have a efficient sample size .The questionnaires were filled by 140 elders whom were staying in residential homes and 280 above 60 years elderlies whom were living with their families. The date were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: 406 questionnaires among 420 questionnaires were filled which showed 96.6%. rate of responsibility. Data analysis showed a correlation between status of physical, mental and social health social support. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between Social support and physical ,mental, and social status of health
Farbod Ebadifard Azar, Mohammad Arab, Morteza Badloo, Ehsan Rezaei,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: New manegerial approachfor hospital administration as one of the health system reforms with several goals including increased staff motivation were enforced. However, motivation and job satisfaction are two very important factors for survival of organisation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between paying the fee for service, motivation and job satisfaction using the expectancy theory of Victor Vroom. Method: The descriptive-analytic research conducted in a public hospital of Tehran city in 2013. The sample size was estimated 209 caseswhich selected by using Stratified sampling method.Information Through a three-part questionnaire containing personal informationwith 6 questions, expectations standard questionnaire with 25 questionsand job satisfaction standard questionnaire with 13 questions were collected. SPSS18 software was used for data analysis. ResultsIn all occupational groups other than physicians, direct significant relationship was observed between the Fee for service and job motivation. In all occupational groups except paraclinic, directly significant relationship between motivation and job satisfaction was observed. Among all occupational groups only in the Administration– Finance Group Direct significant relationship was observed between the Fee for service and job satisfaction. Conclusion: In this study, hospital staff had Above-average job satisfaction and job motivation lower than average. improving skills through training opportunities, Codification of appropriate Politics and Policies of reward–function and situating favorable bonus from view of the employee (According to motivational differences) are Examples of strategies to improve motivation
Ghasem Abedi, Zeynolabedin Rahmani, Ehsan Abedini, Farideh Rostami,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: Services marketing mix (7Ps) is one of the most important concepts of management and marketing. This study has surveyed the role of services marketing mix components in patients` tendency towards the public and private hospitals in Sari. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 900 patients were selected from sari`s public and private hospitals based on non-probability quota sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire including the marketing mix components of which the validity and reliability was confirmed. The data were analyzed using the SPSS V.16 software with a multiple regression hypothesis. Results: The results showed that among the components of the services marketing mix, the price had the maximum effect (49.2%) and the physical assets had the minimum effect (14.1%) on patients` tendency to public hospitals. On the other hand, staff had the maximum effect (48.4%) and the promotion had the minimum effect (18.6%)on the patients` tendency to private hospitals. Conclusion: Price is a determining factor in patient’s tendency to refer to public hospitals compared to private hospitals because of delivering services with lower rates. On the other hand, the main reason for patient’s reference to private hospitals is their staff that could be due to their sense of responsibility, accuracy and speed in providing services to patients
Hana Hasani, Rafat Mohebifar, Amene Barikani,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Background: understanding the patient expectations and perceptions of service quality is one of the requirements for improving quality of health services. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the gap between patient’s expectations and perceptions in five dimensions of service quality in hospitals affiliated with Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.

Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 298 patients at hospitals affiliated with Qazvin University of Medical Sciences; it is designed to evaluate the quality of health services based on client’s expectations and perceptions and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of service quality. Data collection was performed by standardized SERVQUAL questionnaire  to measure quality of services . the reliability and validity of this questionnaire has previously been confirmed by studies in Iran and other countries. Data analysis was done using SPSS software was performed.

Results: The results showed that there was significant correlation between patients’ expectations and perceptions in all dimensions of quality (p<0.05). The Reliability (2.36) and Assurance (2.24) dimensions have the most and responsiveness dimension (1.98) has the lowest gap. Also (A) and (D) hospitals have the most gap and (C) hospital has the lowest.

Conclusion: The negative gap (expectations more than perceptions) in all dimensions of quality showed that it is necessary to improve service quality in all dimensions. in order to reduce the gap of all five dimensions of quality and provide desired services, it is recommended that hospital managers by planning and their optimal management take the patients’ needs into account.

Mohammad Arab, Elham Movahed Kor, Mahmood Mahmoodi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Introduction: Major consideration on hospital emergency services had been taken into account in recent years. This study is aimed to analyze contributory factors of clients' satisfaction in services provided in emergency unit of selected hospitals affiliated with Tehran and Shahid Beheshti University of  Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study. 768 clients of emergency departments of selected hospitals had been chosen during last year as  samples . 3 general and 3 specialized hospitals had been chosen randomly among total hospitals affiliated with mentioned two universities . A questionnaire consisted of  54 questions in 2 sections had been used for data collection . Reliability and validity were confirmed by professors and 50-sample pilot study respectively. The alpha-cronbach was calculated at 0.87.Responsible rate had been determined at 97.66 % . The data had been analyzed by independent sample t-test, simple linear regression and linear multi-regression.

Results: The demographic characteristics of attendants were as follows: 57.3% women, 56.8%  over  45 years old , 63.1%  social insurance coverage, 92.7% urban residents , 56%  married, 58.7%  low education ( below high school level) and 68.4%  complementary insurance coverage. Clients had to pay more  for services provided by Shahid Beheshti University. Moreover, majority of the clients paid  their  expenditures by out-of-pocket and insurance. Clients were more satisfied with admission unit ,  gaurds, physicians, nursing cadre and environment provided by hospitals of Tehran university. On the other hand , in terms of management , clients were more satisfied with management approach provided by hospitals of Shahid Beheshti university . Totally , women , elderly people , urban residents , individuals who visited physicians out of referral system and also ones who came during physician presence felt more satisfaction .Generally , patients were more satisfied with services delivered by hospital affiliated  with Tehran university .   

Conclusion: Evaluating viewpoints of patients about quality of services result in promoting current trends of providing services.

Seyed Hadi Hosseini , Siavash Fazelian , Javad Heshmati , Mahdi Sepidarkish , Reza Pakzad , Abolghasem Pourreza ,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: nutrition department is one of the most important sectors of hospital to improve the patients' health and satisfaction. Lack of standards obsevance causes nosocomial infections and develops health risks. Establishing HACCP standards, many existing shortcomings will be omitted in the hospital nutrition department. This study aimed at assessing the mentioned nutritional standards system in the hospital nutrition department.

Materials and Methods:  This cross - departmental study was conducted at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences' teaching hospitals in 2013. HACCP questionnaire was used. Data collection performed using observation, interviews and questionnaire filling in from hospitals' nutrition department.5-point likert scale used which rating scale was from 1(lowest) to 5(highest).in order to data entry and analysis SPSS software version 18 utilized using tables, graphs and Kruskal-Wallis test.

Results:  The mean score and percentage of five areas of HACCP standards were 3.58 and 70.23% respectively which were desirable in seven studied hospitals. There was no significant statistical relation between the mean scores of hospitals in the standards.

Conclusion: Although, the situation was assessed desirable, because of the importance of nutrition department, observance of optimum standards and quality improvement can prevent potential infections in food preparation and distribution and result in patients and staff satisfaction.

Mr Saied Saeed Tabatabaee, Mr Mohammad Reza Ghamari, Mrs Tahereh Sharifi, Mr Ruhola Kalhor, Mrs Mahboubeh Asadi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: Patient safety is one of main indicators in quality control of health services. The most prevalent threatening cause of patient safety is medical errors especially medication errors. This study aimed at assessing the rate and type of nurses’ medication errors.

Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive – analytical one which performed in a non-public hospital in East North Country. The studied hospital has 180 active beds in the fields such as general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, infants, cardiology, angiography, CCU, ICU, and NICU. Due to limited population, all the nurses in the hospital (97 nurses) were participated in the study. The instrument was a self-designed questionnaire which was composed of two main parts (demographic data and medication errors information). Its reliability and validity was confirmed. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 15 using t- test and ANOVA.

Results: Among the studied nurses, 76 nurses (78.3%) were female and 21 (21.7%) were male. The mean of age and work experience of participants were 29.3 and 8.7 respectively. The most frequent of medication errors included medication without prescription 136(23.7%), lack of attention to medical complications 134(23.4%), Giving the medication at the wrong time 128(22.4%). The lowest common of medication errors reported as using expired date medication4(0.7%), wrong medication 5(0.9%) and  non administered medication 6(1.1%).

Conclusion: The nursing managers should be consider more attention to reduce medication errors by implementing Training classes, improving nurse's processes and promoting attitudes towards importance of patient safety.

Sajad Shokohyar, Hassan Kavyani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: in recent decades, Medical Tourism Industry has been mentioned by local countries because of its benefits such as high profits, more jobs creation and other benefits. High medical services quality is one of the most important factors developing this industry in health care centers. Therefore, concerning this issue this study assesses the provided medical services quality to the foreign patients by Medical Tourism Centers in Tehran city.

Materials and Methods: This study was an applicable and descriptive in term of purpose and nature repectively. This study conducted to assess provided services quality by Medical Tourism Centers evaluating 154 impatient foreign patients using SERVQUAL approach in ten swlwcted hospitals during March to April in 2014. Graded Integration method and terms of fuzzy set were performed considering complexcity and ambiguity in conceptualizing and weighting dimensions and indices.

Results: there was a negative gap and dissatisfaction in all dimensions and indices among foreign patients in the significant level p<0.05 except physicions and profession medical staff.

Conclusion: Considering the moderate situation of physicians and profession medical staff, modern medical facilities and equipment and appropriate medical costs comparing to services are the main factors of Medical Tourism Industry development, it is possible to enlarge Iran’s bazar portion of Medical Tourism Industry. 

Jafar Sadegh Tabrizi, Yeganeh Partovi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: consideration of hand hygiene can reduce health care infections effectively. Prevalence of poor hand hygiene consideration will lead to enhance morbidity, mortality and costs. This study aimed at assessing hand hygiene process of nurses by clinical audit method in a selected general hospital in Tabriz.

Materials and Methods: this study was an interventional one using clinical audit method which  was conducted during seven months in surgery, internal, child and women units in a selected general hospital in Tabriz in 2013-2014. The study was carried out on nurses in all shifts (morning, evening and night). Study instrument were monitoring performance checklist and hand washing observation. Checklist was developed by WHO and Ministry of Health guideline.

Results: the total number of situation in pre-intervention was 252 which increased to 336 by the interventions implementation. The overall rate of compatibility of hand hygiene process with standards was 59.94% in pre-intervention which promoted to 80.56% after intervention implementation.

Conclusion: This study reveals using clinical audit is a method to improve quality of hand hygiene process. 

Farnaz Attar Jannesar Nobari, Taraneh Yousefinezhadi, Faranak Behzadi Goodari, Mohammad Arab,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: The goal of clinical risk management is to improve the quality of health care organization’s services and to ensure patients' safety. Thus, this study has identified and evaluated the potential failures by Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach to eliminate errors occurrence of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a hospital in Tehran city.

Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive one in which data were gathered qualitatively by direct observation, document review, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the process owners in an Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of a Tehran non-governmental hospital in 2014. According to FMEA method, quantitative data analysis was carried out based on failures’ Risk Priority Number (RPN).

Results: By FMEA, 378 potential failure modes in 180 ICU tasks were identified and evaluated. Then, with 90% confidence, 18 failure modes with RPN≥100 are identified and analyzed as non-acceptable risks totally.

Conclusion: Identifying 18 failures as non accepted risk from identified 378s, and identifying causes, analyzing and then suggesting correction actions reveals the FMEA high capability to identify, evaluate, prioritize and analyze potential failure modes in a such complex and critical hospital ward(ICU).

Ebrahim Jaafaripooyan, Zahra Madady,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background: Patient safety is one of the key principals to the trust in any health care system nowadays. Medication errors, as a key safety threatening factors, could increase patients’ length of stay and healthcare costs in hospitals and might lead into injury and finally death. Therefore, this study seeks to compare the incidence and proposed solutions of Iran and selected countries in order for preventing medication errors.

Materials and Methods: This applicable study is a review article searching in such databases as SID, IranMedex, Pubmed, and Scopus to identify and select its related papers. At last, 25 studies were considered for this study.

Results: According to the results of studies, shortage of nurses, nurses’ inexperience, job stress, physicians’ handwriting and lack of information on medications were the highly frequent incidence causes. Training courses on medicine dispensing and hands-on training were the most important solution.

Conclusion: Given the existing gap between the medication errors incidence rate of Iran and selected countries, the latter’s experiences such as transparency and responsibility and active role of hospital pharmacies could be utilized by the former.

Hossien Ansari, Mohammad Abbasi, ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background: There is close relationship between  quality of life and human health. Since, nurses as the most important health Provider group, they  should have a desirable quality of life. This study aimed  at evaluating the quality of life and related variables among nurses in Zahedan  University of Medical Sciences hospitals.

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive analytic study the Iranian version of SF-36 was utilized to assess nursing quality of life. Data analyzed using  Stata  version 12. logistic regression was used to determine quality of life predictors.

Results: Three hundred women nurses (77.9%) with mean age of 31.6 ± 6/6 years were assessed. The mean of work experience was 7.55± 6.8 years. The most quality of life score was related to Physical domain (39.6 ± 11.8) and social function had the least score(8.2±6.7). Logistic regression analysis revealed marital status, overtime work, working shift Pattern and work experience were quality of life  predictors (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Study results represented  undesirable quality of life among nurses. Low quality of life can affect services quality of nursing. Nursing administrators can  improve nursing quality of life by setting up and adjusting overtime set up and adjust overtime shift based on work experience .

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